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Subject   (reply to 438019)
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>> No. 438019 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 3:52 pm
438019 spacer
What are some fun games to play with a pen and paper other than dots and lines?
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>> No. 438026 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 8:11 pm
438026 spacer
I like drawing cubes.
>> No. 438027 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 8:15 pm
438027 spacer
(Advanced) Dungeons and Dragons, except 4, which was horrible.
>> No. 438029 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 9:22 pm
438029 spacer
tick tac toe

in grade school we also played a came where one would draw a wierd shape and the other would try to make something out of it
>> No. 438032 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 9:44 pm
438032 spacer
I reckon you could play Go on paper if you wanted.
>> No. 438034 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 10:29 pm
438034 spacer
>> No. 438035 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 10:46 pm
438035 spacer
Exquisite corpse.
>> No. 438036 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 11:32 pm
438036 spacer
4 is an excellent miniature tactics game, if you treat it on its own terms it is quite wonderful.

3/3.5 are the most untested, rules bloated shit I've ever played.
>> No. 438037 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 12:52 am
438037 spacer
This is the grammar school name. The colloquial name is Consequences. I'm sure in my family we called it something else but I can't remember now. Like ching chang chong for rock paper scissors. Are there any other names for it?
>> No. 438038 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 1:10 am
438038 spacer
Consequences is the older version that's a narrative instead of a drawing. Exquisite corpse is the version the surrealists came up with, drawings.
>> No. 438041 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 7:47 am
438041 spacer
And also those variants of Noughts and Crosses which use a grid larger than 3x3, because once you've worked out a technique for the 3x3 version it's easy enough to just consistently force a draw.
>> No. 438042 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 10:32 am
438042 spacer

pen paper.jpg
So I don't know the English name for this game and the wiki page doesn't have an English version it seems: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stadt,_Land,_Fluss

Basically you write down categories, some things like name-city-animal are pretty standard but you can other categories to your groups liking and tune it for your specific autism. Then someone picks a letter or you randomize it somehow and for that letter everyone privately writes down things of that category starting with that letter.

Empty box or invalid thing (i.e. not an animal in an animal box): 0 pts
Box with something valid: 10 pts, except
Someone else wrote the EXACT same thing: 5 pts
If no one else managed to fill that box, you get 20 pts

Was part of family fun growing up for me and recently played it with the missus and it was still fun
>> No. 438047 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 4:00 pm
438047 spacer
I've heard this simply called "categories", perhaps with a randomly chosen keyword that selects the initial letter for each row.
This is actually the game I had in mind for this thread but couldn't myself remember what it was called or how to search for it until seeing your post!

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