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daily mail hurrah for the blackshirts.jpg
>> No. 32614 Anonymous
24th March 2021
Wednesday 1:06 am
32614 Media bias - is there any?
Do you believe the UK media is politically biased?

I get nearly all my news from the BBC. And the BBC is, officially, legally required to be politically impartial. And yet the new head of the BBC since last year, Tim Davie, is a full-blown Conservative politician who has taken several steps to stop the BBC being so critical of the government:


I'm no fan of sanctimonious wokeness, but I do believe the media has an obligation to challenge the government, which effectively makes it the voice of the opposition. So for as long as we regularly get 15+-year periods of uninterrupted Conservative government, yes, I do want the BBC to criticise the Conservatives, simply because they're the ones in power. If Jeremy Corbyn was Prime Minister, I would expect them to turn on him immediately, but it's hardly the BBC's fault nobody voted for him.

Lately, I've noticed that the BBC tends to get Conservative politicians on to interview them extremely frequently. If you watch the news at precisely 07:30 on a Friday, there's a different blue-ribbon bootlicker every week. And they do the rounds of every news organisation, also having Zoom conversations with ITV News and Sky News, while opposition politicians never get a look in. Is this deliberate? Are Labour MPs just refusing to get up that early, because they are lazy and poor and hungover from smoking crack all night? I know the TV presenters try to take Our Glorious Overlords to task during the weekly brown-nosing, but they never succeed. The Conservatives are just getting free advertising in the end. But for all I know, maybe that's because newsreaders are incompetent rather than some gigantic overarching national conspiracy to fellate God Emperor Boris at every opportunity.

I think we can all accept that tabloid newspapers are openly right-wing, but at the same time, social media is predominantly left-wing, and pretty unabashedly so. Does this cancel out? Is the media all right on the whole? I sometimes watch Russia Today, universally acknowledged as propaganda, just to see what propaganda looks like. They never lie, but every single story is just, "You can't trust the mainstream media, so watch RT instead for your brave daily dose of red pills." The fact that none of the news is actually completely fabricated, not even when it's made by literal foreign agents trying to undermine the fabric of Her Majesty's Great British Society, makes me feel confident that TV news reporting must be pretty tightly regulated. Newspapers, of course, are bollocks and must be ignored.

What do YOU think?
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>> No. 33643 Anonymous
21st May 2021
Friday 9:04 pm
33643 spacer
Sponge Bob?
>> No. 33644 Anonymous
21st May 2021
Friday 9:17 pm
33644 spacer
He's clearly going to silence bumb them. It's the most insidious form of bumming.
>> No. 33656 Anonymous
23rd May 2021
Sunday 5:48 pm
33656 spacer

>> No. 33660 Anonymous
24th May 2021
Monday 7:51 am
33660 spacer
If history teaches us anything is that history teaches us nothing.
>> No. 33665 Anonymous
25th May 2021
Tuesday 2:34 pm
33665 spacer

Never cared much for Hegel.

>> No. 33519 Anonymous
6th May 2021
Thursday 10:46 am
33519 IT'S WAR
Come on then you Frenchie fuckers, let's fight!
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>> No. 33535 Anonymous
6th May 2021
Thursday 8:28 pm
33535 spacer

A dozen bootnecks in a paddle boat would be a better navy than Iceland's, I wish people wouldn't talk about the Cod Wars like they were an actual military conflict.
>> No. 33536 Anonymous
6th May 2021
Thursday 9:59 pm
33536 spacer

Never forget the Fourth Cod War.
>> No. 33537 Anonymous
6th May 2021
Thursday 11:21 pm
33537 spacer
We have so few ships to operate in support of HMS Queen Elizabeth that if the French fishing fleet were retooled as fast attack boats they could probably sink the damned thing.
>> No. 33538 Anonymous
6th May 2021
Thursday 11:23 pm
33538 spacer

The planes'd sort it.
>> No. 33539 Anonymous
6th May 2021
Thursday 11:45 pm
33539 spacer

Indeed remember that time that we just decided it was too important for us to not to control Iceland and we just took it over in a morning, and by the evening the Icelandic government had just accepted British rule.

>> No. 29291 Anonymous
11th December 2020
Friday 7:21 am
29291 spacer
>Lloyds Banking Group has revealed that its black staff are being paid nearly 20% less than their colleagues, as it became the first major UK bank to disclose its black pay gap.

>Britain’s biggest high street lender said the earnings gap was due to a lack of black staff in senior positions that come with larger salaries and bigger bonuses. Figures released as part of its wider race action plan showed the median pay gap between black staff and their colleagues was 19.7%, while the bonus gap stood at 37.6%.

>Black employees make up 1.5% of Lloyds staff, but only hold 0.6% of the top jobs at Lloyds. The bank pledged in July to increase the number of black staff in senior roles to 3% by 2024 – bringing it in line with the black population in England and Wales – in response to Black Lives Matter protests this summer.


I guess we've moved on from the gender pay gap to the black pay gap now?
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>> No. 32911 Anonymous
31st March 2021
Wednesday 3:53 pm
32911 spacer
Why can't I delete my own post? I feel embarrassed.
>> No. 32912 Anonymous
31st March 2021
Wednesday 5:21 pm
32912 spacer
IIRC it's a browser-specific problem. It works in the browser purple uses so he can't be bothered to fix it for other browsers.
>> No. 32913 Anonymous
31st March 2021
Wednesday 5:48 pm
32913 spacer
How does one download PurpScape then?
>> No. 32914 Anonymous
31st March 2021
Wednesday 5:48 pm
32914 spacer

I think it works in Chrome.
>> No. 32915 Anonymous
31st March 2021
Wednesday 5:49 pm
32915 spacer
Nope, it does not.

>> No. 31703 Anonymous
10th March 2021
Wednesday 11:49 pm
31703 Paris teenagers arrested after body of girl, 14, found in Seine

>Two teenagers have been arrested near Paris after the body of a 14-year-old girl was found in the Seine river.

>The girl was found on Monday at about 20:30 local time (19:30 GMT), and the arrests were made in the Argenteuil suburb about five hours later.

>The mother of the girl, who has not been named, told French media on Tuesday that her daughter had frequently been a victim of bullying.

>The teenagers were arrested after one of their mothers called the police.

Canal pusher lad, was that you?
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>> No. 31936 Anonymous
14th March 2021
Sunday 11:30 am
31936 spacer

>Falling through ice is much more survivable than falling into cold water

It all depends on the circumstances. If you break through the ice in chest deep water, arguably you have a good chance of survival. But what frequently happens when people break through in deep water is that they get trapped under the ice sheet beyond the opening that they fell through, and then they panic, lose orientation, and drown very quickly. It's also why scuba diving under ice is so dangerous and can only be done with a rope or tether and somebody above the ice assisting you.
>> No. 31947 Anonymous
14th March 2021
Sunday 2:39 pm
31947 spacer
If you wanted to push someone in the canal from Ossett you're only a few minutes away from the Calder.
>> No. 31965 Anonymous
14th March 2021
Sunday 4:43 pm
31965 spacer
> You want Venice for that, not Amsterdam.

I'm just happy someone got my reference. I thought that'd be a bit obscure but trust Britfa not to disappoint.

> Much like in Manchester, most of those deaths will be late at night and involve lone men who have been drinking.

You're right, I suppose. If you'd been drinking enough and you managed to steer your bike into a relatively uninhabited part of the canal at say 3am then I could see things going wrong. Eighty-eight people doing that is a lot though. Personally I blame them hipsters on the bikes with no breaks; get too pissed to remember to peddle backwards to stop and you're fucked.

Looking at that map, if you wanted to see total despair up close why bother going all the way to Manchster to kill someone? Just spend half an hour walking around Huddersfield.
>> No. 31966 Anonymous
14th March 2021
Sunday 5:20 pm
31966 spacer
Dewsbury would be even nearer, but most people pretend that it doesn't exist.
>> No. 32787 Anonymous
27th March 2021
Saturday 8:01 pm
32787 spacer
Didn't that guy off Eggheads kill someone by pushing him into a canal in Amsterdam?

>> No. 32174 Anonymous
16th March 2021
Tuesday 8:41 pm
32174 Thread to celebrate our impending safety
If you are deemed to be a serious annoyance, you deserve what's coming to you.



>This week’s policing bill adds a further justification for the restrictions: noise. If the noise of the protest “may result in serious disruption to the activities of an organisation” – for instance by distracting employees in a nearby office, then the police can impose restrictions. It goes without saying that this applies to almost any protest at all around parliament, the whole purpose of which is to get the attention of politicians. It can therefore cause “serious disruption” of an organisation.

>It also applies to passers-by. If the noise of the protest could have “a relevant impact on persons in the vicinity of the procession”, the police can impose restrictions. The standard for this threshold is very low indeed: If the police believe that just one person nearby could be caused “serious unease, alarm or distress”, they can impose restrictions.


>Police chiefs will be able to put more conditions on static protests.

>They will be able to:
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>> No. 32279 Anonymous
17th March 2021
Wednesday 7:35 pm
32279 spacer
Phone their office. It's the one thing they can't ignore and can't issue mealy-mouthed form-letter replies to.
>> No. 32294 Anonymous
18th March 2021
Thursday 10:43 am
32294 spacer
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/police-bill-academics-letter-priti-patel-b1818695.html article outlining that 700 legal academics have signed a letter speaking out against this. What's really remarkable about this isn't the number because other petitions get many more, but how quickly they've signed it. That's some real shock motivation there.
>> No. 32313 Anonymous
18th March 2021
Thursday 9:10 pm
32313 spacer

>It’s been confirmed that the oppressive and authoritarian #PoliceCrackdownBill has been delayed until ‘later in the year’ by
> MP.

>It’s an incredible victory for
> and everyone who turned up to the protests, made noise about it and contacted MPs

at least that's what this tweet https://twitter.com/g__ferris/status/1372653028210278401 says
what it actually entails, I'm less certain.
>> No. 32318 Anonymous
18th March 2021
Thursday 10:53 pm
32318 spacer
>what it actually entails, I'm less certain.

Kick it down the road and hope things die down and people stop making a fuss/get distracted once things open up then pass it anyway. I would assume.
>> No. 32790 Anonymous
27th March 2021
Saturday 8:41 pm
32790 spacer
>Here's a list of everyone who is a Conservative MP
Votes like this are always done along party lines.

>> No. 31885 Anonymous
13th March 2021
Saturday 6:43 pm
31885 1923–2021
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>> No. 31896 Anonymous
13th March 2021
Saturday 9:33 pm
31896 spacer

I loved the Toca games.
>> No. 31897 Anonymous
13th March 2021
Saturday 9:34 pm
31897 spacer
Oddly I never realised just how old he was. I say oddly because he was of a grandfatherly vintage twenty years ago, but at the time I was too young to know how long he'd been at the commentary game. A tank commander at the Battle of Reichswald in the Second World War too, Christ.
>> No. 32278 Anonymous
17th March 2021
Wednesday 7:27 pm
32278 spacer
Strange that you chose BTCC as the thing he was famous for, rather than F1.
>> No. 32280 Anonymous
17th March 2021
Wednesday 8:24 pm
32280 spacer
BTCC was actually fun. There's just something about chucking a Ford Mondeo around Brands Hatch that F1 just can't quite match.

Also, John Cleland "going for first" was a classic Murray moment.
>> No. 32281 Anonymous
17th March 2021
Wednesday 9:01 pm
32281 spacer
I think this was at a time when F1 wasn't the only game in town as far as motorsport was concerned for most people. It was definitely the most popular, but less so than today. BTCC still goes out on TV, only it's on ITV4 or ITV1, but in a total graveyard slot.

>> No. 32057 Anonymous
15th March 2021
Monday 4:43 pm
32057 spacer
'I have done nothing wrong' says owner of Otley Burger Company after promoting Mother's day with Karen Matthews picture

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>> No. 32095 Anonymous
15th March 2021
Monday 10:51 pm
32095 spacer

You have no way of proving that.
>> No. 32096 Anonymous
15th March 2021
Monday 11:00 pm
32096 spacer
That's a genuinely great response.
>> No. 32099 Anonymous
15th March 2021
Monday 11:56 pm
32099 spacer
People on the internet aren't always acting in good faith. Maybe they can fake a bit of rage just to get retweeted and get a little bit of dopamine flowing.
>> No. 32100 Anonymous
16th March 2021
Tuesday 12:19 am
32100 spacer
I'd go even further, nobody is quite sure how many twitter accounts are fake but the site itself seems to shut down millions whenever the heat rises on them. This combined with that fact that we've seen numbers like 10% of users producing 80% of the tweets and it becomes a dreary picture of how much focus twitter storms gets in the public discourse (i.e. lazy journalism).

The latter isn't really too distinct from the typical situation within any democratic debate but I think we can all recognise that internet people are not normal. We're weird quasi-humans more similar to hobgoblins where humanity would collapse if everyone was like us.
>> No. 32101 Anonymous
16th March 2021
Tuesday 12:24 am
32101 spacer
I'd go even further, nobody is quite sure how many twitter accounts are fake but the site itself seems capable of shutting down millions whenever the heat rises on them. This combined with that fact that we've seen numbers in the US of 10% of users producing 80% of the tweets and it becomes a very dreary picture in how much influence twitter storms have on the public discourse (i.e. lazy journalism).

The latter isn't really too distinct from the typical situation within any democratic debate with extremists but I think we can all recognise that internet people are not normal. We're weird quasi-humans more similar to hobgoblins where humanity would collapse if everyone was like us. Not least as we're unable to communicate properly without a delete function.

>> No. 19750 Anonymous
27th July 2019
Saturday 2:09 pm
19750 spacer
What's all this about Hong Kong then? I've started seeing ads asking me to pressure my MP and defend the joint-declaration.

I assume you lads will have an opinion as blocking as the roads and discouraging air-travel will no doubt reduce carbon emissions.
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>> No. 31494 Anonymous
26th February 2021
Friday 7:14 pm
31494 spacer
Use the report function then.
>> No. 31495 Anonymous
26th February 2021
Friday 7:21 pm
31495 spacer
Sometimes when you report people the mods ban you, with the message that you should be calling people out for shitposting/poor spelling and grammar rather than solely relying on them.
>> No. 31496 Anonymous
26th February 2021
Friday 7:30 pm
31496 spacer
The report function isn't for reporting posts you disagree with.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 31497 Anonymous
26th February 2021
Friday 7:43 pm
31497 spacer
We'll see about that...
>> No. 31504 Anonymous
27th February 2021
Saturday 2:20 am
31504 spacer

>Sometimes when you report people the mods ban you, with the message that you should be calling people out for shitposting/poor spelling and grammar rather than solely relying on them.

Good idea, we shoud have a role on this website to performs this task.

>> No. 29826 Anonymous
6th January 2021
Wednesday 11:25 pm
29826 spacer
So what's all this about Americans rioting then? How come there's no American SWP representatives hanging around?
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>> No. 31334 Anonymous
18th February 2021
Thursday 8:14 pm
31334 spacer
>just paranoid delusion

Sort yourself out mate.
>> No. 31335 Anonymous
18th February 2021
Thursday 11:41 pm
31335 spacer


>Has he gone off his rocker?

Joe Biden has always been kind of the uncrowned king of legendary gaffes. It's almost odd that he hasn't had any noteworthy ones in the last couple of months.
>> No. 31336 Anonymous
18th February 2021
Thursday 11:45 pm
31336 spacer
I think the one telling the American people that a 2k cheque is in the mail is still paying dividends.
>> No. 31346 Anonymous
19th February 2021
Friday 5:18 pm
31346 spacer

He's not exactly been super visible this past year.

I for one can't wait for his Fireside Chats which will almost certainly be Cassetteboy remixes produced at gunpoint.
>> No. 31347 Anonymous
20th February 2021
Saturday 12:09 am
31347 spacer

>Though there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud, Republicans nationally have made election law changes a priority this year.

>Overall, lawmakers in 33 states have proposed more than 165 bills that would restrict voting, according to an updated analysis of election bills by the Brennan Center for Justice. That's more than four times as many bills of this kind that had been introduced at this point last year.

>Meanwhile, Democrats responded on Wednesday by criticizing the commission as a coordinated effort of "voter suppression."

>"Republicans are using the lies they told about election integrity to launch a coordinated effort to roll back voting rights nationwide," said Jessica Post, president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, in a news release.

As predictable as this was, the mind still boggles.

>> No. 31004 Anonymous
8th February 2021
Monday 7:35 pm
31004 spacer
YouTube robbery 'prank' ends in fatal shooting

A 20-year-old has been shot dead allegedly taking part in a "prank" robbery being filmed for YouTube.

Witnesses told police Timothy Wilks and a friend had approached a group of people outside a family trampoline park in Nashville, holding large knives. Mr Wilks was then shot by a 23-year-old, who told police he had had no idea it had been a "prank" and had been acting in self-defence.

Mr Wilks's friend told officers the "prank" had been for a YouTube video.

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>> No. 31083 Anonymous
9th February 2021
Tuesday 10:20 pm
31083 spacer

It was one of the flight attendants, who was one of few people who weren't buckled up in their seat at that moment.


The flight was between two islands in Hawaii, where that plane was in daily operation. There was a documentary about it on TV once, and they said that because the plane was serving those short-distance routes several times a day, it did many more takeoffs and landings than other planes, and that therefore the structural wear and tear was much greater than anybody had considered.
>> No. 31086 Anonymous
9th February 2021
Tuesday 10:41 pm
31086 spacer


It was specifically corrosion in the epoxy seal on the fuselage that caused the initial failure. Stress was put into the rivets instead, which caused microcracks in the fuselage. This was missed due to hurried and lax safety checks by the airline.

The FAA concluded it was just that which caused the explosion, but I still favour the fluid hammer theory.
>> No. 31091 Anonymous
10th February 2021
Wednesday 12:45 am
31091 spacer

How fast would that music be if this clip was played at regular speed? Crikey.
>> No. 31093 Anonymous
10th February 2021
Wednesday 2:01 am
31093 spacer

Five million BPM.

If the whole ten minute video was played back at actual speed, it'd be over in 0.015 seconds. If you played it on a loop, you'd miss at least twenty repeats every time you blinked.
>> No. 31120 Anonymous
10th February 2021
Wednesday 8:26 pm
31120 spacer


Music to do cake to.

>> No. 21381 Anonymous
23rd February 2020
Sunday 3:04 pm
21381 spacer
Young, Welsh and Pretty Minted: The 20-year-old online trader who makes up to £200,000 a year


So the BBC are promoting 'Wolves of Instagram' forex trading bullshit merchants now.
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>> No. 30937 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 6:49 pm
30937 spacer
>What also happens frequently is that they deposit the cash into some offshore account in a country with lax money laundering laws, and then wire it to your bank account in Britain.

A few years back the government decided to overhaul companies, making it cheap and easy to set up your own company, in the name of Mrs Stalin Knobhole of Turkmenistan and keep all your money laundering in the good old British Isles.

>> No. 30938 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 9:39 pm
30938 spacer

Why do you think so many Russian oligarchs or their family members have moved to Britain.

>> No. 30939 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 10:04 pm
30939 spacer
It says lots have but doesn't give any examples.
>> No. 30940 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 12:43 pm
30940 spacer

They haven't but London property is the best investment tool around. Gives out much better rates than any other and is considered quite secure thanks to the aiding and abetting of the fucked housing situation by central government and the boomers.
>> No. 30943 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 11:02 pm
30943 spacer

The London property market is absolutely bonkers these days. Your only way to profit from it as an average person who isn't minted is if you or your parents bought a house in Croydon in the 90s and you now sell it to move out to the country. Depending on your expectations, you could have over £250K left over in cash after you've bought your new place.

Screenshot 2021-01-31 201650.jpg
>> No. 30841 Anonymous
31st January 2021
Sunday 8:17 pm
30841 spacer
It's kicking off in Russia.

The video that started it is a really good watch (English subs available):

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>> No. 30883 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 12:02 am
30883 spacer

I think he was saying, in a roundabout way, "I know we are, but what are you?"
>> No. 30884 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 12:49 am
30884 spacer
It seems like someone doing a bad impression of how a "slav" would speak, but typing it out. It makes no sense so I'm just gonna assume it's some lad taking the piss.
>> No. 30885 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 1:58 am
30885 spacer
It's some Scottish lad trying to false flag by pretending to be Russian. I don't know what he seeks to gain from LARPing as a pro-indy Ruskie, but it's all rather sad.
>> No. 30919 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 6:28 pm
30919 spacer

2 years and 8 month in prison. Will he ever leave?
>> No. 30930 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 10:48 pm
30930 spacer


Best for him to avoid getting anywhere near a window on one of the upper floors of that prison.


Those Russian windows are dangerous, I tell you.

>> No. 29239 Anonymous
6th December 2020
Sunday 8:12 pm
29239 spacer
>'On a knife edge': Britain and EU in last-ditch trade talks

>Britain and the European Union will make a last-ditch attempt to strike a post-Brexit trade deal this week, with probably just days left for negotiators to avert a chaotic parting of ways at the end of the year. Ireland’s prime minister, whose country would face more economic pain than any of the other 26 EU member states in the case of a “no deal”, cautioned against over-optimism, putting the chances of an agreement at only 50-50.

>British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke over the weekend to get their teams back to the negotiating table after talks stalled on three thorny issues. They are due to hold another call on Monday evening in the hope that, by then, stubborn differences over fishing rights in UK waters, fair competition - referred to as the level playing field - and ways to solve future disputes will have narrowed.

>“This is the final throw of the dice,” said a British source close to the talks before they resumed in Brussels on Sunday.

So what is the current status of your rice and do you reckon there will be a last minute deal?
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>> No. 29640 Anonymous
30th December 2020
Wednesday 5:29 pm
29640 spacer

Her husband is proper posh.

>> No. 29641 Anonymous
30th December 2020
Wednesday 5:50 pm
29641 spacer
Not sure but it's just German for "of" or "from".
>> No. 29643 Anonymous
30th December 2020
Wednesday 5:56 pm
29643 spacer

How about this https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/uk-eu-agreement-parliament/

How about that N. Ireland is in the single market and the rest of the UK isn't? This threatens the break up of the union, with Scotland asking why it can't be part of the single market too.

How about the fact the 80% of the UK economy is services and it is not covered under this deal?

How about the fact that wasn't Brexit meant to be about cutting "red tape" but this deal has instead created a bunch? Notably in trading certain goods (which need certificates), travel of pets, driving abroad etc
>> No. 29646 Anonymous
30th December 2020
Wednesday 7:19 pm
29646 spacer
It did and they did, but you still see it in surnames from time to time.
>> No. 29648 Anonymous
30th December 2020
Wednesday 7:46 pm
29648 spacer

I just read up on it. Both Germany and Austria lost their distinct social class of nobility when their respective emperors abdicated after WWI, but Germans were allowed to keep their surnames and titles. Austria went a step further and by law stripped people's surnames of anything indicating nobility. In Austria, a former Count of XYZ was thereafter only Mr. XYZ.

But apparently, that loss of class status mainly hit insignificant noble families, who weren't wealthy or influential and had little more than their surname itself to distinguish themselves from the rest of the general population. Whereas the household names of Austrian higher nobility largely continued their lifestyle, even though they lost their class privileges on paper, and still form a tightly knit group today.

>> No. 29287 Anonymous
10th December 2020
Thursday 1:03 am
29287 Airline boss ‘sacked’ after plane traces giant penis in the sky

A Russian airline boss has reportedly been sacked after a plane traced a giant penis in the sky. Aeroflot’s low-cost airline Pobeda came under scrutiny when a flight from Moscow veered from its path last month for ‘irregular manoeuvres’ with 102 passengers on board.

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