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>> No. 13168 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 8:38 pm
13168 spacer
Violent clashes have erupted between white nationalists attending a far-right march and counter-protesters in the US state of Virginia.


Expand all images.
>> No. 13169 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 8:55 pm
13169 spacer

It's a news source from the BBC

OMG far right armageddon
>> No. 13172 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 9:40 pm
13172 spacer
What seems to be the problem, lad?

If they're holding torches whilst doing Nazi salutes and chanting things like "white lives matter" and "Jew will not replace us" then it seems reasonable to label them as far right.
>> No. 13173 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 9:43 pm
13173 spacer
"Americans"? What? You seriously cannot recall any far-right marches taking place in this country?
>> No. 13174 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 9:52 pm
13174 spacer

It's the way Americans do things. It's just so... American.

At least when we have a far-right march it's proper skinheads rather than 4chan basement dwellers having a day out meme-spouting and ploughing cars into crowds of people.
>> No. 13175 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 10:02 pm
13175 spacer

>What seems to be the problem, lad?

Men with beards raping vulnerable girls where I live. Labour councils ignoring this to get votes and nothing being done.

>> No. 13176 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 10:04 pm
13176 spacer
Yeah nowadays all parties are chasing the pro-child abuse vote aren't they.
>> No. 13177 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 10:12 pm
13177 spacer
Fuck me. They really want to go back to the Klan days and lynchings. Did anyone carry a giant fire cross?
>> No. 13178 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 10:13 pm
13178 spacer
They aren't trying hard to get rid of the racist south image anymore, are they?
>> No. 13180 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 10:24 pm
13180 spacer
I don't think so, but it wouldn't surprise me. Plenty of Confederate flags.

I think it said there were around 6,000 of them last night (>>/shed/14291).
>> No. 13181 Anonymous
12th August 2017
Saturday 10:29 pm
13181 spacer
>Men with beards raping vulnerable girls where I live. Labour councils ignoring this to get votes and nothing being done.


I lived to see "white working class" become just another pity-me minority group. Identity politics poisons everything.
>> No. 13182 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 12:30 am
13182 spacer
The fucking tiki torches and everything. How do they not see how laughable this is?

Good grief.
>> No. 13185 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 1:13 am
13185 spacer

Justin Lee Collins stages a comeback.jpg
I'm glad British culture doesn't allow for this kind of political fundamentalism. Imagine if on the news we had to deal with people shouting memes at one-another because of a Cromwell statue and then someone gets run over by a neo-cavalier in a shagged out Polo.

>OMG far right armageddon

Carmageddon surely?

In fairness the reason these protests are happening in the South has to do with Confederate war monuments being removed as state demographics flip. Looking at US history you notice that when this happens it sparks instability.

So it is more like the American South is starting to get its act together and we are seeing a reaction. Incidentally the flip to Republican in the American rustbelt is commonly credited with Trump getting elected last year.
>> No. 13186 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 1:18 am
13186 spacer
Is it safe to say that the American south is as divided as Norn Iron?

Silly really - for erecting statues for the people who lost the rebellion. One can only imagine how divided Germany would be were it not for the de-Nazification policies.
>> No. 13189 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 5:09 am
13189 spacer
The only equivalence is that they both lost.
>> No. 13190 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 6:06 am
13190 spacer
>> No. 13193 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 8:46 am
13193 spacer

Oh, the driver was a 4channer alright. You can tell a mile off.

It was quite funny watching /pol/ on the other place shit themselves last night over this, using their usual tactics of spreading disinformation and then mental gymnastics to claim the driver was an antifa protestor who'd targeted the wrong crowd or panicked when they started banging on his car.
>> No. 13194 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 10:37 am
13194 spacer

I don't get it, he spends tens of thousands on the car, and then about fifteen quid on his threads? This surely should have told someone he was off his rocker?
>> No. 13197 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 10:50 am
13197 spacer

I believe they spend most of their money on shields and whatever other LARPing equipment they need.
>> No. 13201 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 12:58 pm
13201 spacer
Seems odd they'd try to blame the opposition instead of just cheering him on. Beta uprising and all that.
>> No. 13209 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 2:24 pm
13209 spacer
>The members of the "new-right" are being unfairly branded as "Nazis and fascists", she said in Charlottesville ahead of the rally. "We stand in confidence in our convictions, irrespective of what others think of that. And I absolutely believe that we have been misrepresented."
>"The heat here is nothing compared to what you're going to get in the ovens," shouted Robert Ray, a writer for the white supremacist website Daily Stormer. "It's coming," he spat.
>> No. 13210 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 2:46 pm
13210 spacer

>being unfairly branded as "Nazis and fascists"

She said, surrounded by a group of men wearing German WWII style helmets.
>> No. 13212 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 2:55 pm
13212 spacer
I wonder what it would take to fairly brand someone as a nazi?
>> No. 13213 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 3:02 pm
13213 spacer
You don't, you just stand by and let them do it for themselves.
>> No. 13215 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 3:23 pm
13215 spacer

There were Nazi flags there. You'd have thought he could have given it a quick iron first if you're trying to make an impression.

They seem to love cargo trousers and khaki shorts.
>> No. 13221 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 4:52 pm
13221 spacer

Police are searching for a spiky haired child.jpg
>Silly really - for erecting statues for the people who lost the rebellion. One can only imagine how divided Germany would be were it not for the de-Nazification policies.

It may surprise you to know that even in Germany you can find war memorials. The issue varies from case to case (some statues are new for instance) but if people, especially outsiders, started talking about tearing down our war monuments and even committing vandalism against them my piss would boil over.

The thing is the bad blood was largely forgotten by the actual veterans. The Confederates swore an oath to their state and fought for their home, the idea of evil white slave owners is a recent idea that tends to forget the line about it being a “rich man's war and poor man's fight”. It's not only an attack on history but something that is just designed to fuck people off.
>> No. 13222 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 5:21 pm
13222 spacer
Even if that's true it's irrelevant now. The post above yours is showing those marchers proudly displaying a Confederate flag alongside a Nazi one. The symbol has been intentionally appropriated in this way.
>> No. 13223 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 5:40 pm
13223 spacer
>The Confederates swore an oath to their state and fought for their home, the idea of evil white slave owners is a recent idea that tends to forget the line about it being a “rich man's war and poor man's fight”

How does it? The war can be about slavery even if it was the lower classes that were sent to the slaughter. Name me a war that could fairly be described as a "rich man's fight". (That said, if you actually read about the American Civil War, you'll learn just how many rich boys signed up to fight - see William Sprague IV.)

The war had many triggers (as do all), but the underlying source was economic: the North - and, for that matter, the world - was industrialising and making redundant a way of life the South depended on. It was essentially feudal in nature, and African slaves were the foundation of that system. So, like it or not, the Confederates were fighting to maintain slavery. Their leaders were explicit about this, and added the racial element to the mix.

>Many governments have been founded upon the principle of the subordination and serfdom of certain classes of the same race; such were and are in violation of the laws of nature. Our system commits no such violation of nature’s laws. With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place. He, by nature, or by the curse against Canaan, is fitted for that condition which he occupies in our system. The architect, in the construction of buildings, lays the foundation with the proper material-the granite; then comes the brick or the marble. The substratum of our society is made of the material fitted by nature for it, and by experience we know that it is best, not only for the superior, but for the inferior race, that it should be so. It is, indeed, in conformity with the ordinance of the Creator. It is not for us to inquire into the wisdom of His ordinances, or to question them. For His own purposes, He has made one race to differ from another, as He has made “one star to differ from another star in glory. The great objects of humanity are best attained when there is conformity to His laws and decrees, in the formation of governments as well as in all things else. Our confederacy is founded upon principles in strict conformity with these laws.
Vice President Alexander Stephens

>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.
Mississippi's Declaration of Secession

>The Confederate States may acquire new territory; and Congress shall have power to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitants of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several Sates; and may permit them, at such times, and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form States to be admitted into the Confederacy. In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States
The Constitution of the Confederate States

If you're still a partisan of the "Northern Aggression" nonsense myth, why don't you explain why the South fired the first shots?
>> No. 13225 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 5:41 pm
13225 spacer
Fuck off, Emily Thornberry. There is no intrinsic connection made between Nazi Germany and the Confederate Battle Flag until shits like you crawl out of the woodwork and starts browbeating people about it.
>> No. 13226 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 5:46 pm
13226 spacer
Calm down, you're not making sense.
>> No. 13227 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 6:00 pm
13227 spacer
The rest of your post notwithstanding, don't get hung up on who fired the first shot. In 2008 Russia were clearly the aggressors despite Georgia having technically fired first.
>> No. 13228 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 6:16 pm
13228 spacer

Möltenort U-Boat Memorial.jpg
Oh fucking hell, here we go. Imagine if you had spent a little more time analysing the point of the post instead of reflexively aping the debates you see from Americans.

>So, like it or not, the Confederates were fighting to maintain slavery.

The Confederate states fought over slavery but how about we skip the theatrics where we go back and forth quoting the likes of Robert E. Lee and get to the point: These monuments are dedicated to people who died in wartime and are owed respect like the bodies of every son and daughter - a dead body is not racist. Even the Jerries can manage this distinction.

Now with the immediate reason they sprang up established, history has moved on and the monuments have taken on a historical value that shouldn't be done away with simply because that history makes people uncomfortable. The movement to protect the monuments is not even monopolised by the Alt-Right:

>> No. 13229 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 6:40 pm
13229 spacer
>Oh fucking hell, here we go. Imagine if you had spent a little more time analysing the point of the post instead of reflexively aping the debates you see from Americans.

>>13221 included an error:
>The Confederates swore an oath to their state and fought for their home, the idea of evil white slave owners is a recent idea that tends to forget the line about it being a “rich man's war and poor man's fight”. It's not only an attack on history but something that is just designed to fuck people off.

If that poster is you (and the tetchiness suggests so), you can't retrospectively decide your "point" had nothing to do with something that makes up about half of your post.

It kind of looks like you wrote something stupid and ignorant, realised you are entirely unable to defend it, and am now trying to obfuscate.
>> No. 13231 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 6:55 pm
13231 spacer
'Shits' like him aren't the ones waving it beside the swastika though are they?
>> No. 13233 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 8:18 pm
13233 spacer

75th Reunion at Gettysburg.jpg
You seem confused lad. State =/= State in this sense, ordinary soldiers on both sides of the conflict fought under the flag of their home - bringing the pronouncements of state legislators into this is largely irrelevant because we're not discussing the politics of war but the common humanity of people who fight it.

All sides are wrong. Simple.
>> No. 13234 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 8:22 pm
13234 spacer
They can't both be wrong if they're using the same symbol to mean the same thing while communicating with each other.
>> No. 13235 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 8:41 pm
13235 spacer
You're an odd fellow.
>> No. 13236 Anonymous
13th August 2017
Sunday 8:51 pm
13236 spacer
>These monuments are dedicated to people who died in wartime
The statue at issue isn't a memorial to the Confederate war dead. It's a statue of Robert E. Lee, which forms the centrepiece of what was until recently Robert E. Lee Park. It is no more a war memorial than the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square.
>> No. 13248 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 8:06 am
13248 spacer

He has a Trump Pepe frog on his lapels.
>> No. 13249 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 10:57 am
13249 spacer
>>13248 On that subject, I would like someone to tell me about how Pepe the Frog has become a symbol of racism. Like how does a cartoon frog end up being used in such a way?
>> No. 13250 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 11:06 am
13250 spacer

Surely it's more like having a statue of Hitler in the centre of Munich?
>> No. 13251 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 11:22 am
13251 spacer
Yeah you're the only person to ever ask that question so Googling it would be useless.

But to not take the piss out of you for a second I think the basic evolution goes like: feels good man > feels bad man > general symbol of social awkwardness > general symbol of awkward white men > general symbol of alt-right.
>> No. 13253 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 12:31 pm
13253 spacer
Quite, which is why in modern times it's rather inappropriate.
>> No. 13266 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 4:38 pm
13266 spacer
Meanwhile, ARE JEZ picked up the spade and got digging.

>Corbyn: Trump comments on Charlottesville 'not enough'

>Mr Corbyn said that "any president... should be able to condemn" white supremacists.

>But on Monday he insisted "there is no equivalence between white supremacists trying to kill somebody in Charlottesville" and the situation in Venezuela.

>> No. 13281 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 7:57 pm
13281 spacer
As is often the case, Are Nige is the voice of reason.

>> No. 13282 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 8:37 pm
13282 spacer
Despite the poor wording of Trumps tweet I think he has a point that the rhetoric from both sides are exacerbating the divides American society is seeing. You can't wave a sign saying that people should be killed and even physically attack people yet still claim to be the good guys. This is all feeding the cycle of violence.

Maybe I'm just a dirty centrist though, being all reasonable.

I was clear that the cases tend to vary. The thing you need to look at is the sense of outrage in the American South that extremists have been able to tap into for their own ends.

In this way every inch can be presented as a battleground in a culture war between the traditional South and interference from the North with sides clearly drawn. It's the stereotypes at work that you saw in King of the Hill.
>> No. 13283 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 9:33 pm
13283 spacer
So, you're distancing yourself from the argument you previously threw in? >>13221 When you claimed that the "Confederates fought for slavery" narrative is both recent and bunk history?

You being a sensible centrist an' all.
>> No. 13284 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 9:37 pm
13284 spacer
The culture war is heating up. Good.

It's about time the fascists came out in the open, we can hardly shoot them deep in their lairs.
>> No. 13285 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 10:06 pm
13285 spacer
>we can hardly shoot them deep in their lairs.
Just like rabbits.
>> No. 13286 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 10:08 pm
13286 spacer

That guy going off on him is the definition of triggered.


Calm down, Quentin. Save it for your imaginary riots.
>> No. 13287 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 10:53 pm
13287 spacer
I can see nothing in that post that corroborates with your assertion.
>> No. 13288 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 10:55 pm
13288 spacer
Whose 'we'?
>> No. 13289 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 11:04 pm
13289 spacer
>The Confederates an oath to their state and fought for their home, the idea of evil white slave owners is a recent idea that tends to forget the line about it being a “rich man's war and poor man's fight”. It's not only an attack on history but something that is just designed to fuck people off.

Is my assertion corroborated?
>> No. 13290 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 11:11 pm
13290 spacer
Not at all. It ties very well into my observation that the fiasco around confederate monuments has people angry and that anger is being exploited.
>> No. 13292 Anonymous
14th August 2017
Monday 11:51 pm
13292 spacer


You're being a cock.

>the idea of evil white slave owners is a recent idea
No, it isn't. Look at Union propaganda from the time.

>that tends to forget the line about it being a “rich man's war and poor man's fight”
Again, name me a war that can be described as rich man's fight. (Nor, for that matter, do the class inequities of conscription prevent a war being about the right of some men to own other men.)

>It's not only an attack on history but something that is just designed to fuck people off.
What does this mean other than what it says? Basically, you're saying - or you've said and not realised - it's an attack on history to frame the war as one fought against "evil white slave owners"? Well, 1) as you can now see, it was framed like that at the time, and 2) slave owners are evil, there's no other way of talking about them, and 3) the Confederacy was fighting to, among other things but primarily, maintain slavery.

You're trying to pitch yourself as some stolid pillar of the centre ground, and that doesn't quite fit with the radically ahistorical bias underlying your posts.
>> No. 13294 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 12:21 am
13294 spacer
>Look at Union propaganda from the time.

Union propaganda is irrelevant to the reasons confederate soldiers fought, by definition if a propaganda cartoon makes the other side choose to fight it has failed. I'm not sure what you are stuck on here, perhaps you're just pig-ignorant of the myriad reasons someone might volunteer to fight in a war or that someone might attach another significance to their father corpse.

>Again, name me a war that can be described as rich man's fight. (Nor, for that matter, do the class inequities of conscription prevent a war being about the right of some men to own other men.)

The description “rich man's war and poor man's fight” does not necessarily entail that only rich men should fight (much as arguments are often made in this sense). It refers to the criticism that the rich can avoid fighting through their wealth as happened in the civil war.

Again though you seem stuck on the concept that political aims of the war don't translate into why people on the ground fight.
>> No. 13295 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 1:01 am
13295 spacer
Just come out and say you hate black people.
>> No. 13300 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 2:09 pm
13300 spacer
Who doesn't.
>> No. 13302 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 4:14 pm
13302 spacer
They should tear down the statues of America's founding fathers. They were also evil slave owners, after all.
>> No. 13303 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 5:00 pm
13303 spacer
Nice whataboutery there, lad.
>> No. 13304 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 5:08 pm
13304 spacer

It's just logical consistency m78.
>> No. 13305 Anonymous
15th August 2017
Tuesday 5:35 pm
13305 spacer
2/10 SEE ME
>> No. 13311 Anonymous
17th August 2017
Thursday 7:08 pm
13311 spacer
Typical bloody muslamics. They can't be out of the limelight for more than five minutes without having a hissy fit.

Someone steals their thunder by driving a vehicle into a crowd of people in America so they've got to go and do the same in Spain.


Bloody drama queens. They've got to be the centre of attention.
>> No. 13313 Anonymous
17th August 2017
Thursday 7:52 pm
13313 spacer
Savage Moors were brought over to fight in Franco's rebellion: they pillaged, tortured and murdered their way across southern Spain. There are Catalans who have vivid memories of this terrible episode (and the scars to prove it), and now they have to deal with cunts like this.
>> No. 13344 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 7:44 am
13344 spacer

Just found it floating around.jpg
Is there a chance all this angry shouting is going to cross over here?
>> No. 13345 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 8:49 am
13345 spacer
Black lives matter or white supremacists?

You've got to remember it's double standards. Trump can't pander to white movements but Obama was given a free pass to pander to the racists in Black Lives Matter and occasions like the chimp out in Ferguson after Michael Brown was shot for attacking a police officer.
>> No. 13346 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 10:15 am
13346 spacer
Alright that's it. I'm drawing a line in the sand here. I'm not going to let .gs turn into another imageboard where it's just OK to be casually white supremacist because it's funny or freeze peach or whatever. It's just not fucking cricket, OK?
>> No. 13348 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 10:39 am
13348 spacer
Is it really a white supremacist position to say that both sides are cunts, although only one really gets called out for it?
>> No. 13349 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 11:06 am
13349 spacer
Not him, but yes, it's a false equivalence.
>> No. 13350 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 11:19 am
13350 spacer
How so?
>> No. 13351 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 11:35 am
13351 spacer
Neither of them, but:
1) One side fights for equality, the other for supremacy.
2) The leadership of one deplores violence, whereas the whole point of fascism has been, and will always be, violent means toward violent ends.
3) Obama, as much as I dislike him, never "pandered" to racists - ever. Find me one example of him doing so.
4) Phrases like "chimp out" belong in the darkest recesses of the other place, and you don't get to take claim the apparently sacred (to you), sane "middle ground" if you do use such expressions.
>> No. 13352 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 11:56 am
13352 spacer
You're an actual dick. Have you ever even visited the US?
>> No. 13353 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 12:20 pm
13353 spacer
Does Disney World count?
>> No. 13354 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 12:55 pm
13354 spacer
I can agree with >>13345 getting a ban for using 'chimp out' but if you think casually censoring people for holding a radically different viewpoint is okay then maybe imageboards aren't the place for you.

What I think you're missing is that posts should be eloquent and not resort to the kinds of language you see on 4chan. That simple rule is enough to keep barbarians at bay while still allowing for discussions to run their own course. It is the simple difference between having rules in place to ensure quality and enforcing political orthodoxy. Or to continue your Sancho Panza impression 'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater'.

>>13344 here, I think it is fair to call people on both sides massive cunts (to a greater or lesser degree) and we should be honest that they both feed on one-another.

The image I posted actually shows the reality of what went on in Boston where a free speech rally unrelated to Virginia (Boston is in the North) was labelled as white supremacist by the media to whip up outrage when the reality was more generic. It says something that an Indian speaker has racist abused hurled at him by anti-racist protesters.

(his speech is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9X2ZRB9GCU)

It's really a wonder nobody has been shot so far. This is why I don't want it to cross over because it is so toxic that normal people are pushed to extremes because they find one side or another is shouting at them.
>> No. 13355 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 1:03 pm
13355 spacer
Chimp out gets infrequently used here. Maybe less so than "ape-like fists", but this place has always had an element of jovial casual racism. Bongo enricher. Spear chucker. You get the picture. Tongue in cheek stuff. Mud in their blood. Shit on their skin.

>This is why I don't want it to cross over because it is so toxic that normal people are pushed to extremes because they find one side or another is shouting at them.

I believe it's already happened. It's part of the reason why Brexit won. The likes of Britain First and Are Nige were happy to welcome with open arms, whilst dragging them further to the right by slowly drip-feeding their rhetoric to them, people who'd been branded racist by "the regressive left" for having any concerns over immigration.
>> No. 13356 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 1:28 pm
13356 spacer
My so-left-it-hurts mate is pissed off with me because I said these weren't neo nazis or white supremacists, just fat retards who took memes too seriously.

What are your thought? My mate thinks I'm trying to excuse them somehow. I find it painful to watch someone treating them like the KKK.
>> No. 13357 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 2:01 pm
13357 spacer
>a free speech rally unrelated to Virginia (Boston is in the North) was labelled as white supremacist by the media to whip up outrage
If you say so, m7.
>> No. 13358 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 2:39 pm
13358 spacer
>just fat retards who took memes too seriously

I agree with the gist of what you're saying - the problem as I see it, is that a lot of chan culture normalises extreme right wing behaviour and gives those people a home to explore those views and the arguments that go with them. It is pitiful to me that we see the same talking points and arguments rehashed over and over, particularly around SJW and BLM - there is a lot of the same old groupthink, on both sides. Some of this is because people want to belong to a tribe, and if you're a lonely fat retard sitting at home in front of a computer, who hardly leaves the house, that sense of belonging and camaraderie is very powerful. See also ISIS.

Whatever happened to people thinking independently? Where is the original thought coming from?
>> No. 13359 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 2:54 pm
13359 spacer
I don't think that means what you think it means.

>on both sides
We've been through this before, lad. Stop that.
>> No. 13360 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 3:00 pm
13360 spacer

Lad. Don't fall for fake news.

>Tens of thousands of anti-racism protesters opposed a far-right "Free Speech" rally in the US city of Boston on Saturday.


Nothing says far right extremism like an Indian bloke speaking in front of placards about education, Black Lives Matter and against Monsanto.
>> No. 13361 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 3:11 pm
13361 spacer
>Nothing says far right extremism like an Indian bloke speaking in front of placards about education, Black Lives Matter and against Monsanto.
Nothing says far right apology like appropriating a discredited Indian bloke speaking in front of placards about education, Black Lives Matter and against Monsanto as if he was a part of the same cause.
>> No. 13362 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 4:45 pm
13362 spacer
I've literally posted both pictorial and video evidence of what really went on.

>Whatever happened to people thinking independently? Where is the original thought coming from?

I think these things only come later in life when experience has given you the self-confidence and grit to hold your own views. The thing I have to remind myself when I see these activists is how young some of them really are and how the older ones are obvious losers who just never grew up.

France24 interviewed a punk who called himself 'Frosty' today and while he recited his memorised script like he was in a movie I couldn't help but be reminded of SLC Punk! It's like Momentum I suppose.

What cause would this be then you fucking idiot because it looked to me like he was talking about free speech while fronting his own (Republican supported) run for Senator. Maybe the hooded men who prowl the streets of Boston managed got a rope around this immigrant and dragged him to the podium?
>> No. 13363 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 5:12 pm
13363 spacer
>because it looked to me like he was talking about free speech while fronting his own (Republican supported) run for Senator
The US has some of the strongest protections for free speech anywhere in the world. Any protest for "free speech" in the US is almost certainly a front for something else. He looks like he's a token minority invited so the organisers can say "We're not racist, we've got a brown speaker!" particularly since his Senate bid is very obviously not going anywhere.
>> No. 13364 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 6:01 pm
13364 spacer
>this place has always had an element of jovial casual racism. Bongo enricher. Spear chucker. You get the picture. Tongue in cheek stuff. Mud in their blood. Shit on their skin.

I know, I've done that myself. But >>13345 is evidently not being tongue in cheek, or trying to take the piss out of the likes of Simon and Nige. When I read his post I felt chills. Not because it's something we haven't seen before; it's because in the context of recent events and the current climate, imageboard fascists aren't something you can take lightly anymore. He could easily have been one of those cunts marching in Virginia. Why should we allow scum like that to sully our doorstep? Why do we apply rigorous standards when it comes to grammar and reaction images, but not genuinely believing non-whites are subhuman? You genuinely wouldn't ban Hitler from posting about der Juden on 1930s .gs? There's something wrong there. Anyway I won't say more about it given the mod team is prepared to give them a platform.
>> No. 13365 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 6:07 pm
13365 spacer
Is this post serious? Is it actually serious?
>> No. 13366 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 6:31 pm
13366 spacer
I think you're overreacting to a relatively moderate post.
>> No. 13367 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 6:35 pm
13367 spacer
>The US has some of the strongest protections for free speech anywhere in the world. Any protest for "free speech" in the US is almost certainly a front for something else.

That's an awful big leap you're making there for someone not providing a shred of evidence. Maybe Americans have some of the biggest protections of free speech precisely because so many people are willing to defend it and who might even dare to want more.

What's wrong with him anyway, are you struggling to get your head around why a minority might have the autonomy to take an opposing political position, even one as apparently dangerous as the right to free speech? Maybe the real problem is people like you whose frankly childish viewpoint leads you to harassing ordinary people who want to be left alone.

>Anyway I won't say more about it given the mod team is prepared to give them a platform.

Maybe you should leave and find somewhere more accommodating to your feelings. Can't have all those mean sentences corrupting your mind can we?
>> No. 13368 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 7:16 pm
13368 spacer
>Anyway I won't say more about it given the mod team is prepared to give them a platform.

The mods aren't here to police peoples views or remove things that you might find gravely offensive. They're to remove illegal, spammy or repetitive content and stop us all getting locked up. Please don't bait them like that.
>> No. 13369 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 7:17 pm
13369 spacer
Will PREVENT stop young white men getting radicalised? It will be nice to see a white six year old being questioned by the police and MI5 for a change.
>> No. 13370 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 7:59 pm
13370 spacer
>people like you whose frankly childish viewpoint
Says Mr They-Can't-Be-Racist-Because-They-Invited-A-Brown-Guy-To-Speak.
>> No. 13372 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 9:59 pm
13372 spacer
You leave those strawmen alone. I'm sure we're all well aware that you have written him off as the Indian equivalent of an Uncle Tom but you'll have to somehow justify this attack on his character and that of the organisers with evidence.
>> No. 13373 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 10:05 pm
13373 spacer
>you'll have to somehow justify this attack on his character
I don't think so, mate. If you can't be bothered to put his name into Google, I can't be bothered to risk us getting sued for millions of dollars like anyone else that dares provide the details.
>> No. 13374 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 10:29 pm
13374 spacer
Uh-huh, so you've got nothing.
>> No. 13375 Anonymous
20th August 2017
Sunday 10:36 pm
13375 spacer
How's that googling going, lad?
>> No. 13376 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 2:29 am
13376 spacer
"I can only say that while I have considered the preservation of the constitutional power of the General Government to be the foundation of our peace and safety at home and abroad, I yet believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the states and to the people, not only essential to the adjustment and balance of the general system, but the safeguard to the continuance of a free government. I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it. I need not refer one so well acquainted as you are with American history, to the State papers of Washington and Jefferson, the representatives of the federal and democratic parties, denouncing consolidation and centralization of power, as tending to the subversion of State Governments, and to despotism.

- Bobby Lee in 1866 in response to a letter from Lord Acton

What do you lads make of this? Is there an argument to be made in support of States' Rights in spite of all the evil slave owning stuff?
>> No. 13377 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 3:45 am
13377 spacer
>They're to remove illegal content
You do realise incitement to racial hatred is indeed illegal in this country?
>> No. 13381 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 4:09 am
13381 spacer
Of course I do, more than you might realise.
>> No. 13384 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 8:32 am
13384 spacer

> Is there an argument to be made in support of States' Rights in spite of all the evil slave owning stuff?

Certainly, and we've been seeing it in action since. While I believe there's some merit to be had for federal law, the US is far too large and diverse — ethnically, politically, and otherwise — for all laws and regulations to be enforced from D.C.

While it was certainly one of the catalysts for the Confederacy to rebel against the Union, a lot of leading figures were actually neutral or unspoken on the matter of slavery (obviously not the same as being vocally pro-abolition but certainly not as dichotomous as these acrobatite armchair historians will have you believe.) Piss-poor factions of the US now stereotyped as being overly racist, uneducated, or otherwise apprehensive of "progression" would've been much better off under the proposed devolved system, not least of which the Native Americans who were and have been absolutely fucked by the Union's centralised power structure.

There's no telling for sure if a devolved system would've even survived until the present day and what the ramifications would have been on the development of a First Nation or the American empire but all evidence suggests it would've been a largely fairer system, even if slavery did last a couple more decades until international pressure forced abolition.

tl;dr: Nobody knows for sure. Fuck the "union gud, confeder8 evil" rhetoric. They're both a bunch of bastards in their own right.
>> No. 13385 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 9:03 am
13385 spacer
>Is there an argument to be made in support of States' Rights in spite of all the evil slave owning stuff?
In the historical context, not really. Anything reasonable is already guaranteed by the Constitution, and the instances where it had been asserted basically came down to slavery and discrimination. In modern discourse, it comes into play with issues such as drug policy, where you have states that are allowing cannabis to be prescribed or openly sold and the DEA going after people for it because it's still illegal under federal law.

Nice revisionism, m7.
>> No. 13386 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 9:49 am
13386 spacer
Can't believe Amerifats are still whinging about a war from 150 years ago. It's should make about as much sense as trying to start shit with a Pole because "they" were on Napoleon's side.
>> No. 13387 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 11:07 am
13387 spacer

They don't have very much history so they elevate to an absurd level the little they have to give them a sense of cultural identity. It is the same reason why Argentina is so obsessed with the Falklands.
>> No. 13389 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 11:28 am
13389 spacer

See also today's "Great American Eclipse". It's almost as if these things don't come around every few years.
>> No. 13394 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 1:56 pm
13394 spacer
The subject of Native Americans is an interesting one, with regards the Civil War. Many tribes - particularly the so-called Civilised Tribes (Cherokee, Choctaw, etc.) - in fact sided with the Confederacy. For one, they owned African slaves (although the relationship was a far more egalitarian one); and two, they feared the North, which they saw quite rightly as dangerously expansive and forceful. (It was the Union that was responsible for the Trail of Tears and Homestead Acts, after all.)

Things, as ever, are complex.
>> No. 13406 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 6:43 pm
13406 spacer
I don't think it's that silly though. Taking into account the fact it is a total eclipse, and its path is right through the middle of the continental United States, it makes it a very rare occurrence.
>> No. 13410 Anonymous
21st August 2017
Monday 6:53 pm
13410 spacer
Everything is a rare event if you qualify it enough. There's another total eclipse coming their way in 2024, and predictably the town near where the two paths intersect has already declared itself "the Eclipse Crossroads of America".
>> No. 14847 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 7:23 am
14847 spacer

Toronto attack: Facebook post may link suspect to misogynistic online subculture

Shortly before a rented van ploughed into a crowd of pedestrians in Toronto, killing 10 and wounding 14 others, a short and cryptic message was posted on the Facebook account of Alek Minassian, the man accused of carrying out the attack.

The post referred to another mass killer – Elliot Rodger, who shot dead six people and wounded 13 others in Isla Vista, California, in 2014 – and said that the “incel rebellion has already begun. We will overthrow all the Chads and the Stacys”.

Minassian’s Facebook account has since been deleted and police have yet to suggest a motive for the attack, but the post appeared to connect the alleged killer with the so-called “incel” movement, which has made collective sexual frustration the basis for a deeply misogynistic online subculture.

Incel stands for “involuntary celibate”, and the people who identify with the label are almost exclusively male. On incels.me, the subculture’s leading online forum, an incel is described as someone who “can’t have sex despite wanting to”, and is thus also denied the pleasures of relationships. (In incel lingo, sexually successful men are known as “Chads”, and attractive women are called “Stacys”).

Self-identified incels have used the internet to find anonymous support and develop an ideology whose central belief is that the modern world is unfairly stacked against awkward or unattractive heterosexual men. Incel websites argue that society is set up so that some men have numerous sexual partners, others have none and women get to take their pick in what is often described as a “sexual marketplace”.


I'm finding reality stranger by the day.
>> No. 14848 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 9:59 am
14848 spacer
Still, I bet that taught your alt-right types who were determined to label him a mujahid.
>> No. 14849 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 10:24 am
14849 spacer


I know this nutter has killed a load of people but I can't help feeling deeply sorry for all these lads who get sucked into that sort of thing. It's undeniably a symptom of modern society that they feel like outcasts, they have a point. They might go about resolving it in the wrong way, but they do have a point.

But then they just get labelled as woman haters and everything all the time, which is only going to make them worse- And that's often by the same people who are supposed to be all about solving social inequalities.

so yeah I guess what I'm trying to say is #victimblaming
>> No. 14850 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 12:37 pm
14850 spacer

They are women haters, you daft sod.
>> No. 14851 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 12:48 pm
14851 spacer
I just popped onto mumsnet for a bit of healthy lunchtime rage.
Apparently we're all woman haters, every last man (and most women, and definitely trannys). Not sure if that means we're all likely to go mowing people down in a rental van, or some of us more successfully control our hate?
Fuck's sake.
>> No. 14852 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 1:05 pm
14852 spacer

They are, but it's interesting how they get that way. They're led to believe that 'theres someone out there for everyone' or 'just be yourself' or even 'just be nice' is the solution to getting gash, and by the time they're about 25 and their dick's still dry they discover this isn't true, and they feel like they've been cheated and lied to, and of course they direct this at women, because that's what feels most comforting.

It's not really excusable, but I understand the process. It's kind of their own fault they never learned how to talk to women, I'm a horrible socially awkward nerd but even I figured it out, but they, like many others, are trapped in a prison of their own design, in their little echo chambers, and I have sympathy for that. Until they start running people over in vans, at least.
>> No. 14853 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 1:16 pm
14853 spacer

If men were targeted by women at the same rates women are targeted by men, you'd probably get a bit uppity too. Also:

You should check the DM's comments for a sensible take on Brexit next, maybe.


It's no elses fault but their own that they think "being nice" and "being yourself" means being a try hard, fawning, push over with the emotional intelligence of a shellfish. Fuck them. They aren't "echo chambers" they're just having a perpetual hissy fit and I've got no time for anyone too thick to realise it.

>> No. 14854 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 3:07 pm
14854 spacer

Posts like these is why a lot of them turn to these extreme views. Most people can't/don't/refuse to understand the problems these people have, shaming and deriding them.

It's like being in a maths class where everyone else in the class understands the problem but you, and everyone else is openly mocking you for not understanding it; the dunce in the corner is saying "if I can get it you can too", and then the only advice the maths teacher gives is to you is "be yourself".

Okay, yeah, they might not be going about it in the right way but to a lot of these people, it's like trying to speak Chinese without ever having looked at a dictionary. When all they are met with is derision any time they even *try*, it's going to fuck them up.

They become lonely and isolated, and they go online. The only people they find that understand them and don't dismiss them off hand then start feeding them these silly stories about "Chads" and "Staceys", red pill, MGTOW etc and it spirals out of control.

I think it does boil down to two categories though; I'll call them Type A and Type B.

Type A choose to blame themselves, they understand they have problems not faced by most people and although it's frustrating and at times soul-crushing, understand that typical people aren't able to empathise with their situation.

Type B are the 'incels'. They refuse to blame themselves, instead lashing out at anyone else, anyone to avoid having to accept their own fate.

I speak here from experience, and a few years ago I was heading down the Type B path, but I hope that now I fall into Type A.

It's easy to get sucked in to these things, in the same way people fall into abusive relationships, cults, religion, whatever. You find a group of people or a person that doesn't dismiss you off hand, and the base, core, thing that we as humans crave is validation. They validate you, gain your trust, and then mould you.
>> No. 14855 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 5:20 pm
14855 spacer

Didn't Mark Conditt, that bomber in Texas from the other month, post a load of warped bollocks online?

The impression I get is that this sort of thing started as a bit of a joke. If you take /pol/ on 4chan as an example then it was largely people dicking around for a laugh. However, the problem with this is:-

a) You always get people who take this seriously. They're either somewhere on the spectrum or they're the annoying neckbeard meme spouter types. A few years back they'd have been espousing the virtues of My Little Pony. Before that they'd have been wearing the mask of shame and be out protesting Scientology whilst chanting about being legion. These days they're into opposing whatever offends them; women, black people, eskimos, lefties, etc., sort of loosely tied together. I don't know if it's they want the camaraderie or what.

b) At some point it stops being a joke and you start taking it seriously, even if it's just on a subconscious level. It does seriously start clouding your judgement and the way you interpret things.

c) They're very effective at getting their claws in people. There's a not insignificant number of people on the left who try to gloss over inconvenient facts rather than addressing them and explaining how they fit into the wider picture, so those drawn to the so-called alt-right lose trust in them and become suspicious of what they have to say. The likes of /pol/ are very good at pointing out this hypocrisy and drawing people in this way.
>> No. 14856 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 9:16 pm
14856 spacer

Tangenital but since you made this claim...

>If men were targeted by women at the same rates women are targeted by men, you'd probably get a bit uppity too.

Female on Female relationships are the most likely to be physically abusive.

In female to male relationships females are more likely to be the physically abusive one.

>> No. 14858 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 9:38 pm
14858 spacer
The answer to your image is "All of them, this isn't Hollywood you muppet!"
>> No. 14859 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 10:04 pm
14859 spacer

How much bomb making/disarming experience do you have?
>> No. 14860 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 10:25 pm
14860 spacer
Probably as much as you.

Apparently the usual first assessment is if it's small enough and you can evacuate, get everyone the fuck away and let the robot blow the fucker in place.
>> No. 14863 Anonymous
25th April 2018
Wednesday 11:17 pm
14863 spacer

Yes, I know they are, but my point was more about the hypocrisy applied to them. The same people who endorse the belief that injustice to a social group disempowers them, also share the view that these guys have nobody but themselves to blame. It's clearly self contradictory.

Even regardless of that, from a view of sheer pragmatism- We need to accept that it does nobody any favours to perpetuate alienation and deepen divides. It propels a vicious cycle. It's the same with radical Eskimos, and I'm pretty confident that the underlying issues are not altogether dissimilar in the end.
>> No. 14864 Anonymous
26th April 2018
Thursday 12:05 am
14864 spacer
I suspect it has a lot to do with the "empathy gap". Some decent articles written on this: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hero/201708/young-men-and-the-empathy-gap%3famp
>> No. 14865 Anonymous
26th April 2018
Thursday 12:06 am
14865 spacer

For fuck sake, Google... https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hero/201708/young-men-and-the-empathy-gap
>> No. 14866 Anonymous
26th April 2018
Thursday 6:32 am
14866 spacer

>We need to accept that it does nobody any favours to perpetuate alienation and deepen divides. It propels a vicious cycle. It's the same with radical Eskimos, and I'm pretty confident that the underlying issues are not altogether dissimilar in the end.

Same with that Angus Deayton look-a-like who killed Jo Cox.

He was a loner with documented mental issues and he clearly fell in with the wrong crowd. If they get their claws into regular people then that's bad enough, but it's a recipe for disaster when they indoctrinate those already doolally.
>> No. 15132 Anonymous
13th May 2018
Sunday 9:24 am
15132 spacer

Toronto van attack: Inside the dark world of 'incels'

The idea that all women are money-grabbing, promiscuous and manipulative comes across strongly on incel threads, where attractive women in particular are referred to as "Stacys".

"Stacys" are objects of both desire and ridicule. In their world, incels believe "Stacys" will always choose so-called "Chads" over them. A "Chad" is a caricature of a sexually successful man. And comparisons are not just about personality or confidence. Many incels believe they are genetically inferior to "Chads".

Chad is often depicted as a successful guy with swathes of blonde hair and pulsating muscles (which he shows off in neon green trousers). He has a sports car, but more than that, he also possesses a physical attribute incels envy - a chiselled jaw line. These crude caricatures seem laughable - but they are important because they create an "us v them" mentality. Incels believe that sex, love and happiness are out of their reach, available only to others.

They're particularly drawn to the nihilistic "black pill" theory - the idea that they are the only ones who realise that the game of sex and attraction is rigged from birth.

Self-help or positivity is frowned upon on incel forums. Anyone who successfully interacts with women is instantly branded a "fakecel" - meaning "fake incel".

>> No. 15136 Anonymous
14th May 2018
Monday 10:17 am
15136 spacer

Things aren't going to improve for those incels, if they're really "a thing" to begin with, for as long as they keep engaging in what seems to be perpetual self-pitying circle jerks.

We think the way we speak. And the verbal constructs that these people think in appear to be just as bad in their own way as all the PUA rubbish.
>> No. 15145 Anonymous
14th May 2018
Monday 6:05 pm
15145 spacer

You know, if I was a tiny bit more tinfoil than I already am, I'd be starting to suspect that these incels, the alt right, the lot of them, are much like Al-Qaeda and TSCIS before them. They are pretty much a non-entity, that the media is all too eager to exaggerate and paint as a bogeyman. A corruption festering inside our society to serve as a nudge towards virtue. Angry young men have been perfectly capable of psychopathic rampages for years without the corrupting influence of some nefarious online community.
>> No. 15148 Anonymous
14th May 2018
Monday 6:15 pm
15148 spacer
I think it's largely about externalising blame. They can't face up to taking personal responsibility for their lives and find it more convenient to blame others for their shortcomings or to take the mentality that they have little control so there's no point in even trying.

Throw in a super secret club where they feel camaraderie by revelling in being rejected by society, so they'll start doing things which they think will make them more accepted by their group, and you've got a recipe for disaster.
>> No. 15153 Anonymous
14th May 2018
Monday 11:21 pm
15153 spacer

That isn't a quality unique to incels, the difference between them and most other blame cultures is that society doesn't even humour them in their percived systematic problems because they are white men, and because of that incels have doubled down on their us vs them mentality.
>> No. 15155 Anonymous
14th May 2018
Monday 11:55 pm
15155 spacer

>I think it's largely about externalising blame. They can't face up to taking personal responsibility for their lives and find it more convenient to blame others for their shortcomings or to take the mentality that they have little control so there's no point in even trying.

It's like in that stand up routine by some young nameless comedian I saw at a festival a few years ago, on the subject of self doubt during his asexual teenage years. He said something like,

"Seven billion people on the planet. That means, roughly seven billion times, somebody got laid. And I really couldn't even get laid once??".

I thought that was a fucking brilliant line.


> because they are white men

What is true enough is that white men, whether angry or old or neither, have been getting a lot of stick in our society. White men are the new unpersons, who are told to check their privileges and who serve as little more than bogeymen who allegedly try to maintain and cling to patriarchy, class systems and racial inequality.

What nobody factored in was that at some point, those disparaged white men would turn into angry white men. And angry white men who aren't angry "just because", but for legitimate reasons.

On the other hand, it's still up to you if you get your arse up in this world or if you blame your life's misfortune on fishpersons and the global diversity conspiracy for (as you see it) turning white males into the new black.

And loser subcultures like incels or any other denomination of manchild basement dwellers can really only help themselves overcome their misery. The unhealthiest thing they ever could have done was get in touch with each other online.
>> No. 15159 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 8:08 am
15159 spacer
>because they are white men

Watch out, lads. The incel sympathisers are here.
>> No. 15160 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 8:30 am
15160 spacer

I'm not going to pretend I don't see their point of view. They are obviously misguided in how their achieve their goals and in fact what their goal is, but it isn't like there is a good support network for them. I consider them a direct result of the masculinity crysis. If I could I'd sit down with them all and make them watch Clint Eastwood movies till they learned not to give a shit what others think self confidence derived from inner strenght and personal code and to be assertive as all fuck.
>> No. 15161 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 11:49 am
15161 spacer

>If I could I'd sit down with them all and make them watch Clint Eastwood movies till they learned not to give a shit what others think self confidence derived from inner strenght and personal code and to be assertive as all fuck.

It's funny, from what I've seen of Red Pill, their main, overarching goal seems to be exactly this. It's a shame it's all inextricably linked with the rest of their 'women haters club' doctrine, and their weird ideas about manipulation and psychology, as it radicalises followers and opponents alike.

If there was a forum called "be more assertive and that" it might well have been a positive force in the world.
>> No. 15162 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 1:11 pm
15162 spacer

>but it isn't like there is a good support network for them

They have each other for support though, and whine collectively every day on web forums and image boards about their pitiful existence as unfucked and unfuckable hard done by gits.

As I said yesterday, the worst thing that many of those basement dwelling manchildren could have done was get in touch with each other online. While it may occasionally help knowing that there are others out there with your kind of affliction or predicament, they really should be getting out there and taking a leaf out of the books of those who succeed in life.

It's not that complicated. I, for example, was a shy, socially awkward teenager who was struggling to get girls' attention in any way, shape, or form. That is, until I became friends with somebody at my school who even at 15 was pulling more tail than a mong at a petting zoo. He gave me countless tips on how to improve my standing with girls, and many of them worked and I pretty much became a normal teenlad who was dating girls and having sex, if still not as much as my friend.
>> No. 15163 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 1:11 pm
15163 spacer
>it isn't like there is a good support network for them.

Half agree with your post, but I think this is the most important point that you make. Things like this happen for a number of reasons, but I don't think anyone could deny it would have been totally preventable at several stages.

Imagine having so few paths to a happy, dignified life that you'd be willing to throw it all away this senselessly. Or having such a warped image of yourself and society that this is the standout option. Imagine being stuck in such a mental and emotional cul-de-sac that you think lashing out violently is the preferable course.
>> No. 15164 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 1:15 pm
15164 spacer

>He gave me countless tips on how to improve my standing with girls, and many of them worked

Which ones worked then? We need to tell the incels.
>> No. 15165 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 1:45 pm
15165 spacer

In short, incels need to stop complaining that nobody wants them. It's not the world's fault that they are going unfucked. One of your body's main purposes is to have sex with another person during sexual maturity, so it's not as if that's such an alien concept to begin with to humans. You yourself are the result of billions of years of human and pre-human life forms having had sex one generation after another. So tell me again why you find it so hard to carry on that tradition.

If they're not having any sex, then they are the ones who need to stop complaining about it and start doing something. And that will also involve leaving behind certain categories of thinking, for example that all women are money grubbing self centered bints, or that men who woo them are idiots. Yes, some women and men are that, but again, being in that frame of mind will not help you pull.

Some incels appear to be much too happy to carry on their moaning and self pity than wanting to actually get out there and get some action. And if they've tried it and it didn't work, well, then they will just have to keep trying, and keep trying to become an interesting person that women will find attractive enough to have intercourse with.

It's like being in sales and complaining that nobody wants your product. You can either keep watching your product collect dust on the shelf, or you can think about how your product needs to be changed or how it has to be advertised to become a success after all.
>> No. 15166 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 2:27 pm
15166 spacer
Not necessarily relevant to an individual today, but some historical context:
>> No. 15167 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 2:35 pm
15167 spacer
Having strayed dangerously close to the incel path, I can perhaps provide a little more insight. I'm not, by any means, defending their actions -- just trying to describe why it's not as black and white as you seem to think.

Most of people on these forums are at best socially anxious, and and worst fairly far on the spectrum. What seems like breathing to most neurotypical (aka 'normie' (fuck I hate that terminology)) people, is like hitchhiking to the moon for a lot of people in these communities.

As a result, through no fault of their own, normal people do try to give advice that they think is helpful, because as I say, to most people it is.

"Just be yourself"
"It'll come when you least expect it"
"Put yourself out there, it'll happen"
"Just be more confident" - as if you can just increase your confidence in a system that (in your mind, anyway) is completely rigged against you.
Et cetera.

As you say, the main purpose of us as humans is to bone, and while that lizard-brain boning desire is still present, in most of the people in these communities, the human aspect just isn't wired right. These people never developed the base skills for relationships, and many struggle to fundamentally understand their fellow humans.

Being a Burger myself, I know the feeling of ostracisation that happens because normal people don't really enjoy your company. Especially as a younger person or teenager, you can't understand why this is happening to you. It then snowballs because even though you need MORE time and experience to develop your social skills than more people, you actually get less.

Myself, it's a source of absolute frustration every day that I can't read people and I don't know how to initiate romantic endeavours, but I fully appreciate that I am fundamentally broken and it's not anybody else's fault. Nobody owes me sex or a relationship and I just need to find a way to square that off with my base desires as a human - i.e. it's not going to happen.

However, many of the people who reside in these communities haven't - or refuse to - accept that it is they who are the problem. Most have heard the 'advice' that others have on getting into relationships and have found that for them, it simply doesn't work. When you're that frustratingly lonely, and that down in the dumps, with no support network - where else are you going to turn?
>> No. 15168 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 2:55 pm
15168 spacer

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you rightly point out, the more you assume you're worthless, the worse you're going to do socially, and particularly sexually. But if you do truly believe nobody will ever want you, at what point do you suddenly decide to walk about acting like everyone does? Confidence is hard to project for those who have not had normal social lives, especially if they were isolated as children. They'll rightly feel like they're not quite normal, and it's not necessarily immediate obvious that you can 'learn' to be normal.

It's easy for you or I to see a very clear and obvious path that these lads can take, because we're miles up that path and far clear of the undergrowth. I suspect it's very, very similar to someone who has no experience or concept with a mental illness telling a depressed person to 'just cheer up'. It's a far deeper issue.
>> No. 15169 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 5:29 pm
15169 spacer
>So tell me again why you find it so hard to carry on that tradition.

You don't know, I don't know. I've never had a relationship or sex, and I'm reasonably well adjusted. These lads don't have a chance.
>> No. 15170 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 6:00 pm
15170 spacer
>Being a Burger myself, I know the feeling of ostracisation that happens because normal people don't really enjoy your company. Especially as a younger person or teenager, you can't understand why this is happening to you. It then snowballs because even though you need MORE time and experience to develop your social skills than more people, you actually get less.

You remind me of somebody in school who my parents said I had to be friends with because our dads were coworkers and that lad was struggling to make any friends. Back then, the concept of Asperger's was unknown, and quite likely his parents weren't even aware that he was on what would later be called "the spectrum". They just knew that he was a bit weird and a loner. But looking back, he ticked all the Aspie boxes. He had very few interests and pursuits, about which he would talk incessantly, and he would always go and complain to teachers when he did find somebody to play with and that other kid wasn't adhering to the agreed upon rules to a T. As we became teenlads, he then chose to spend most of his free time in the school library and at home playing video games or out trainspotting (one of his few and far between pursuits, about which he would talk all the time in more detail than anybody would ever care about). He never got invited to parties, he never had any dates, let alone girlfriends. When I started dating girls, he began complaining that I was spending more time chasing girls together with my other friends who were chasing girls than playing video games with him. So I said, more or less aware that it was a cruel joke, "Well get yourself a girl too then, and we'll double date". Some time later, he opened up to me and said, he just had no clue how I was doing it. How I was engaging with girls at all. How I knew (if barely) how to talk to them, spark their interest (again, just barely), and just be somebody that a handful of girls found interesting enough. He said it was as if other people were in possession of higher maths and he was stuck with simple arithmetic. Which was again kind of an Aspie way to put it, but there you go.

>It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you rightly point out, the more you assume you're worthless, the worse you're going to do socially, and particularly sexually. But if you do truly believe nobody will ever want you, at what point do you suddenly decide to walk about acting like everyone does?

By just looking around yourself. Nearly every person who thinks of themselves as the greatest thing since sliced bread is really just blagging it through their whole life. And just think back to the lads at your school who got all the girls. Were they all really such outstandingly beautiful human beings that none of the girls had a choice but to completely fall for them? Well, at my school, the lads that got the most action were very usually the biggest dickheads. They had very few redeeming qualities about them as human beings, and yet, they were pulling like mad.

Looking back, I think they were just brilliant examples of the idea that "thinking makes it so". They were sexually desirable blokes because something inside their heads had given them the unshakable conviction that they were lads that women wanted.

One way out of your vicious circle as a socially awkward incel might indeed be to just get out there and try yourself out. See if there's really no way of turning yourself into a person who will maybe not bang women left, right and centre, but who will appear interesting enough to a small but sufficient number of women. And take even the tiniest indications that there's hope for you after all as the possible beginning of a positive feedback loop that could see you make significant progress over time in that area.
>> No. 15171 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 6:02 pm
15171 spacer

The kind of 'advice' that normals give to Incels reminds me of the kind of comments you often hear from millionaires in regards to the poor, things like "If I can make money, anyone can!" "Stop watching telly, pull your socks up and put yourself out there!" ie. the kind of advice that shows a fundamental lack of empathy as it completely ignores the privileges you were born with and the circumstances you grew up in.

If you grew up in a happy, supportive household, were blessed with reasonably good looks and spent your schooldays snogging lasses behind the bike sheds, then you are never going to have much trouble attracting partners later in life, as your positive experiences in childhood have imbued you with a confidence that results in women perceiving you as attractive. I was pretty much the opposite, a full-on hand-flapping autist who grew up hiding in their bedroom listening to Mum and Dad scream at each other, who went through school being called 'freak' and 'spastic' in the playground, and was considered as 'lazy' and 'weird' by a family incapable of understanding my issues.

My utter lack of confidence due to my upbringing has profoundly affected my interactions with women throughout my twenties; I am resigned to forever ending up in the role, at best, of 'gay best friend' or 'shoulder to cry on', and that no matter how much effort I put into trying to get closer to women they are never going to see me as 'relationship material', whatever that is. Despite what the self-help industry would have you believe, confidence is not something you can attain by reading a book or attending a weekend seminar, it is a result of the accumulation of positive past experiences and interactions with people, which those in the Incel community will have had very little of.
>> No. 15172 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 6:18 pm
15172 spacer

>The kind of 'advice' that normals give to Incels reminds me of the kind of comments you often hear from millionaires in regards to the poor, things like "If I can make money, anyone can!"

That's not really comparable though, is it. Going from poverty to being a millionaire is a much harder road to take than being a bit more upbeat about yourself and just trying yourself out and gauging what you could possibly do to slightly increase your luck with the opposite sex.

Millionaires who have actually risen to wealth from humble beginnings are indeed quite rare. Going by sheer probability, it is safe to say it doesn't usually happen. But again, you can't compare the two. It's as if you are saying you are expecting incels to become womanizers that will put the likes of Brad Pitt to shame. Nobody is asking that.

What can happen though, is that somebody pulls himself from poverty and manages to lead a modest lifestyle resembling that of an average person. It will still be hard, but it can be done. Otherwise, what use would all the government programmes be which promise to help poor people do just that. And again, these programmes don't usually aim to turn you into a millionaire as such.

Which is then the equivalent of finding at least one or two members of the opposite sex that will want to spend a significant amount of time by your side.
>> No. 15173 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 6:37 pm
15173 spacer

>One way out of your vicious circle as a socially awkward incel might indeed be to just get out there and try yourself out

>Going from poverty to being a millionaire is a much harder road to take than being a bit more upbeat about yourself and just trying yourself out and gauging what you could possibly do to slightly increase your luck with the opposite sex

Not for someone with social anxiety, no.

You're still failing to see it from their perspective. It's incredibly easy to say 'fake it till you make it', and I'm well aware it works, but imagine having spent 18, 19 years with no real friends, with a fear of talking to people, and poor self confidence - every time you do try it feels like you fail and you regress further into your shell. Perhaps you have a perfectly okay interaction but because you haven't had many of them, or because your self esteem is so terrible, you assume it went awfully, and add it to your growing list of reasons why you should stop trying.

>And take even the tiniest indications that there's hope for you after all as the possible beginning of a positive feedback loop that could see you make significant progress over time in that area.

People with low self esteem or poor social skills simply don't see tiny positive indications of growth - they only see the bad. It's very hard to stop focusing on the negative in a mental state like that. Again, it sounds like you're just saying 'snap out of it', when it's far harder than that.

Most of these incel lads need professional help, to learn how to realise these little positive steps you're talking about. I feel sorry for every last one of them. That they have found other like minded people on the internet has allowed them to block out any possible thoughts of self improvement.
>> No. 15174 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 6:49 pm
15174 spacer

> That they have found other like minded people on the internet has allowed them to block out any possible thoughts of self improvement.

That was indeed one of my original points. The worst thing they could have done for themselves was get in touch with each other online.

You don't need five other people like you in that situation who are all complaining that they can't have a normal (sex) life. You need to spend time with people who have a normal life, because some of it just might rub off on you.
>> No. 15175 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 6:54 pm
15175 spacer
Another lad, but I have (had) quite a laddy, outgoing friendship group, but when it came to women I was just a spectator, the runt of the group.
>> No. 15176 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 7:09 pm
15176 spacer

>but when it came to women I was just a spectator, the runt of the group

Then what kept you from dipping your toes into it? The step from being a sociable lad with friends who have lives to being somebody who has a dating life all of his own is kind of a bit more gradual than some shut in sitting in his basement with no friends, complaining that he can't and won't get laid.
>> No. 15177 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 7:13 pm
15177 spacer

It's a pretty vicious circle because a lot, if not most of the involuntarily celibate are involuntarily friendless, so they're naturally going to gravitate toward any kind of group with which they feel a camaraderie.

t. not that guy
>> No. 15178 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 7:13 pm
15178 spacer
The Burger from above here. Through trial and error I eventually got a fairly varied set of social groups, ranging from similarly spergic engineers to outgoing media types. It doesn't simply rub off.

Exactly. I wouldn't say that normal people are 'privileged', as >>15173 says - it would imply that they are, well, above normal. His points are correct, though, and was the crux of what I was saying - the advice that normal people give out is meaningless platitudes because normal people don't need it - it's like explaining how to walk.

And I'd just as much wager that he didn't understand why nobody invited him to parties, or that blaring on about the Class 142's bus lineage garnered no interest. I think it's something in a way an issue with British culture - we're too polite to tell ANYONE what we actually feel, which when you're an asperger is absolutely awful - imagine not being able to read and understand that when someone says "oh yeah, interesting", they could mean the literal opposite of that.

I use a similar example - I imagine everyone has a textbook inside their heads of how to react to things, but in mine all the pages about relationships are missing.
>> No. 15179 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 7:27 pm
15179 spacer
>most of the involuntarily celibate are involuntarily friendless
No, they're not. They're almost certainly voluntarily friendless, but might have difficulty understanding that.
>> No. 15180 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 7:33 pm
15180 spacer

Then by the same token, they're voluntarily celibate.
>> No. 15181 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 7:53 pm
15181 spacer
Good, you're starting to get it.
>> No. 15182 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 8:15 pm
15182 spacer
By the same token, depressed people are just choosing to be sad.
>> No. 15183 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 8:23 pm
15183 spacer

> I think it's something in a way an issue with British culture - we're too polite to tell ANYONE what we actually feel, which when you're an asperger is absolutely awful

That's really a problem. British culture, more than many other cultures in Europe, relies really very greatly on unspoken messages and hidden or nonverbal cues.

You will realise that especially when you've got coworkers from other countries at your office. I worked with a German lad once for a while who had just moved to Britain, and their culture is much more direct, to the point of hurtful bluntness. Except, they don't see it that way. They don't think that being brutally honest with you is something that should offend you. If anything, they will think they're doing you a favour by not beating around the bush. They will see no point in telling you wishy washy things like "maybe you should go over your presentation one more time", as a British person more than likely would, when they really think your presentation is utter shit. Which they will then point out to you in great detail. But again, not out of malice, but simply because they think they are providing a valuable service to you. It really took me a while to get used to my German coworker's style. But he also toned down his directness a bit more, the more he noticed that people were taken aback by it.

Maybe in that respect, Germany is a better place for Aspies to live, I don't know. The few times I was there, I couldn't help feeling slightly intimidated by train staff or bank tellers, who all seemed to share that common trait of straightforward directness.
>> No. 15184 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 8:24 pm
15184 spacer
Not really, but thanks for playing.
>> No. 15188 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 9:27 pm
15188 spacer
Please, sneeringlad, enlighten me.
>> No. 15189 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 9:37 pm
15189 spacer
The key difference being that, at the risk of stating the obvious, depression is actually a real thing.
>> No. 15190 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 9:37 pm
15190 spacer
And autism isn't?
>> No. 15191 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 9:49 pm
15191 spacer
Where does autism come into believing you've been involuntarily deprived of sex?
>> No. 15192 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 10:14 pm
15192 spacer
I didn't know how.
>> No. 15193 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 10:32 pm
15193 spacer

Absolutely, the reason it's so much harder to be an autist in the UK is because of the extreme indirectness of the way people communicate in our country. While Germans and other cultures will straight-up tell you if you are being weird/insensitive/an obnoxious cunt, every interaction between Brits is shrouded in layer upon layer of fake politeness and falsity to the extent where it can be almost impossible to decipher the difference between what people are saying and what they actually mean. If you have offended someone, they are more likely to respond with subtle signals like grimaces or false smiles (which can be almost impossible for autists to read) than to tell you that you have offended them, and you only find out that you have upset them when they start ignoring you or talking about you behind your back weeks later. Every interaction becomes a minefield of mixed signals, which is probably why most of my friends are foreigners; if I've been an arsehole to them, at least they're going to tell me about it rather than mysteriously ghost me the way people from this country do when they're too polite to tell someone they have a problem with to piss off.
>> No. 15194 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 10:46 pm
15194 spacer

That's because we Brits aren't autistic, we're merely "eccentric". Downright weird and anti-social behaviour is accepted on every level of social strata from street drunks so far gone they can't even sell the Big Issue any more to the fucking Bullingdon Club.
>> No. 15195 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 10:55 pm
15195 spacer

I'm very probably not an Aspie myself, but it does irk me when I know I've wronged somebody and all they will tell me while visibly keeping their composure is something like, "No, that's fine, don't worry about it". I mean, come on, I've just stepped on your toes verbally, the least you can do is seize that moment where you have every right to be mad at me. Call me a twat or an arsehole, anything to let out your frustration with me, just don't pretend what I just did to you never happened.

Maybe I'm weird that way, who knows.

If it's any help, think of programmes like Very British Problems, where quite normal Brits reveal that even to them, British politeness is shrouded in mistery and a constant source of awkwardness.

>> No. 15197 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 11:08 pm
15197 spacer

This clip sums it up even better than the one I just posted -

>> No. 15198 Anonymous
15th May 2018
Tuesday 11:24 pm
15198 spacer

I think British culture is undergoing a gradual, creeping, insidious change, and it's making the apparent contradictions you describe become more apparent and unhelpful.

I've always thought that the thing about British mannerisms and social conventions are that they serve to create a kind of diplomatic immunity from faux pas. Those layers of abstraction, that almost competitive "No, it's quite alright!" "Oh but I insist!" "Oh, no, honestly, it's fine!" thing you get, is (or used to be) there for the express intention of rendering minor sleights and insults less meaningful.

It's a minefield because these days, we've grown up on a culture steadily drip fed with all sorts of sugary, heartwarming, honest American sincerity. The part that your average autistic lad isn't quite understanding is that it doesn't matter if you piss someone off- The Code of British Conduct is there to make sure they can't be too much of a cunt in return, they'll just "forget" to ask you next time they make everyone else a brew or some shit, and that's how you know you did something wrong.

An autist finds these things hard to reconcile. For an aspie it's nearly impossible to make the connection that you're supposed to just disregard the fact you offended them at all and simply carry on, safe in the knowledge that you will both be unfalteringly polite, British, and only mildly passive aggressive to one another, regardless. They have probably watched one too many glurgy Yank sitcoms where the nice music plays and everyone makes friends again at the end, and they've no hope of understanding why that isn't always a good thing.
>> No. 15199 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 12:14 am
15199 spacer
I can't believe there's been a whole half-thread on incels and "the masculinity crisis" without anyone referencing the rat utopia experiments; we've had whole, utterly depressing, threads on them before lads. Pull your socks up.


If anyone honestly doesn't think that the current incel/masculinity/femininity crisis and the problems with rat utopias aren't linked then I'm stumped.

Society as a whole is entering into a dance of decadence from which we will probably never recover. I know people having been predicting the end of Society since the Ancient Greeks, but what do you know, their civilization did perish, as has every great civilization before and after.

I wish I'd been around to involved in this thread all day today because I have response upon response to posts scores above this one which now seem almost pointless to make, as the original point I had to make, and the point to which I wished to respond have been lost in a sea of noise.

Anyway, read up on rat/mouse utopias and do your best to enjoy the kali yuga period of the Great Western Civilization even as it crumbles around your feet.
>> No. 15200 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 12:27 am
15200 spacer
The behavioural sink is quite interesting, but It's not an accurate model for human behaviour and they say that in the Abstract of the published paper.
>> No. 15201 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 12:28 am
15201 spacer
I've always thought this is the fundamental difference between British and American "politeness": a Brit who doesn't like you will be polite, but reserved and civil about it. An American who doesn't like you will be polite, but also effusively warm and welcoming and positive. To your face. And I just can't trust that kind of fucking insincerity.
>> No. 15202 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 12:46 am
15202 spacer

The differences between American and British politeness are indeed subtle. But quite noticeable still.

Americans will smile at you and say nice things even if they hate your guts (although their women more so than the men). Even if they have no opinion abot you one way or the other, the rule is to give you that trademark empty American smile. When a Brit strongly dislikes you, I think it's much easier to infer from body language and other nonverbal cues. For all its mysteriousness, the gamut of social interaction is much wider in Britain than in America.

Americans have always seemed a bit soulless and cold to me in that respect. Theirs is a culture that indoctrinates them from childhood to smile and be upbeat on the outside no matter what they really feel or think. And that is just something that can send quite a chill down your spine. Because nothing makes you feel more cold than a person being "American nice" to you when they really don't care for you at all.
>> No. 15203 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 12:48 am
15203 spacer
Yes thanks for just repeating what I've said back to me but with more words, it is nice when we can all agree on something isn't it*

* Which British hallmark of social interaction can YOU spot in this post? Answers to the usual address.
>> No. 15204 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 1:06 am
15204 spacer
Here's a bit of useful advice for incels on how to talk to women, albeit in the form of what not to do -


Although at the end, it really takes a hard nose dive when it turns out that the clip is really just a pitch for his snake oil seeming audio book on how to pick up women.
>> No. 15205 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 1:13 am
15205 spacer
Isn't believing PUA shit part of why incels are the way they are?
>> No. 15206 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 1:35 am
15206 spacer

The biggest problem with PUA stuff is that a lot of what they teach is more or less going to work, but the sorts of people who would be looking it up do not have nearly enough of the requisite charisma and charm for it to work. I don't think that part is something you can teach over the internet - though most PUA 'courses' focus heavily on getting yourself out there and trying the techniques they give you in real situations, so if you have the tenacity and understand it's not going to work right away, you'll slowly develop your 'game' (ugh) through a combination of rejection therapy, trial and error, and a general realisation that women are also people. But for every bloke who actually gets laid by applying PUA techniques there must be fifty who go up to one woman once, fail miserably and declare it hopeless.
>> No. 15207 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 1:45 am
15207 spacer

Before everyone was trying to sell something, back in the days of USENET, then there was a LOT of "PUA" (I don't think that was even a term then) stuff that was fantastically useful. I won't iterate them here for fear of being laughed at but for a lad who grew up with a single mother it was only through reading alt.seduction.fast that I ever managed to ever really get a handle on girls, while at the same time maintaining my steadfastness and inherent morality as a man.

In other words I learned (slowly and through practice) how to relate to women, how to make sure what I wanted was what she wanted, and from there really it's a done deal. The real trick is to do that while managing expectations and not allowing either of you to fall into a relationship that one party doesn't really want.

It might be worth pointing out at this point in time that even though I've had plenty, I still don't really believe in the concept of "casual sex" per se.

Sex is a physically, psychologically, and emotionally dangerous activity which should be treated with care and respect. Writing off the dangers with "oh it's just an abortion / week of antibiotics / broken heart" is to head into a black hole of cynicism that I would rather just not think about.
>> No. 15208 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 1:48 am
15208 spacer
That's probably quite wise advice.
>> No. 15222 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 11:02 am
15222 spacer

PUA is really just the attempt to hack the female psyche in order to get sex, and really not much more than sex. 

A lot of it works indeed, but it won't work because through self-teaching yourself pickup artistry you will suddenly have a way with women, but because everybody is a sucker for a good lie well told. PUA exploits women's weaknesses and overrides their safeguards and defence mechanisms just to get in the sack with them. 

All this has very little to do with meeting a romantic partner with whom you can build a relationship. It's probably safe to say that PUA, for all the clunge it can get you if executed well, is a big hindrance in that respect.
>> No. 15223 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 11:29 am
15223 spacer

Rules of the Game by Neil Strauss makes for fascinating reading. It's by far the biggest-selling PUA book, but it's basically a CBT and exposure course for social anxiety. I don't think that Strauss even realised what he was doing, making it a weird case of convergent evolution.
>> No. 15229 Anonymous
16th May 2018
Wednesday 2:56 pm
15229 spacer

You totally missed the point of my post and conflated pre and post "PUA" seduction material, again. The point of my post, as apparently I have to write it in Very Simple Words for the thickos among us, was that ASF on USENET used to be about a lot more than "sex, and really not much more than sex" and was actually useful in regards to "meeting a romantic partner with whom you can build a relationship".

Thanks for wasting both of our time, though. I always enjoy explaining myself twice for the benefit of the idiots in the back.
>> No. 15248 Anonymous
17th May 2018
Thursday 7:43 pm
15248 spacer
I don't want to risk turning this into one of those threads, but one thing I think gets overlooked is how much of a buyers market the world of sex, and relationships in general, is for women. It's sometimes frustrating for a good looking and confident lad, but nevermind a skinny, pasty anorak who spends most of his time on World of Warcraft.

All you have to do is visit any personals site and you'll find women who are not just ugly, but uninteresting and often downright unpleasant sounding, batting away offers from desperate men. The deck is stacked against these poor fuckers in a way that's so far beyond unfair it's not funny, but it's one of those double standards people tend not to talk about, and as blokes, tend to refuse to bring up lest we "stoop to their level" and end up sounding like a bitter Reddit emm arr ayy.

I'm not sure what my point is here but I think as we've all already agreed upon, these guys are pretty tragic. They do themselves no favours but they cannot be denied a sense of injustice, at very least.

Then again as my mum always told me when I was bothering her over something I wasn't allowed, life isn't fair now shut up and get on with your homework.
>> No. 15250 Anonymous
17th May 2018
Thursday 7:52 pm
15250 spacer

> I don't want to risk turning this into one of those threads, but one thing I think gets overlooked is how much of a buyers market the world of sex, and relationships in general, is for women.

While overlooked by the general public it is the base fact that makes up the "revelation" of the red pill; that there is a sexual marketplace, women have most of the value, and will generally only choose to shag the top 10-20% of men until they feel like they've shagged enough and want to settle down and have kids once that biological uterine alert goes off at around twenty-seven.

From my own experience I would say that all or most of this is true, I've never lived in America only visited, but even in the UK, Europe, and South America so see the same things happening maybe with just slightly different variables.

> Then again as my mum always told me when I was bothering her over something I wasn't allowed, life isn't fair now shut up and get on with your homework.

Exactly. The unhealthy part of TRP etc, in my eyes at least, is the constant rumination over something that can't be changed. Any amount of time spent thinking, talking, reading, or writing something that can't be learned from is essentially pointless and oftentimes harmful to the psyche.

When you then combine that with a self-affirming internet community the shit really hits the fan.
>> No. 15252 Anonymous
17th May 2018
Thursday 9:58 pm
15252 spacer

>constant rumination over something that can't be changed

I think this is the crux of the matter. The sensible amongst us know it's unfair, but have learned (or at least had the opportunity to learn) to overcome it. However, the same can be said about a great many things in life- Transexuals will never truly be the gender they desire to be, for instance, but a culture of acceptance and tolerance has grown up to support them.

These lads see all that, and wonder why it doesn't apply to them too. Society is a mess.
>> No. 15253 Anonymous
17th May 2018
Thursday 11:27 pm
15253 spacer

Things do change once people reach their 30s though. For women, once they've had a number of different knobs in their various body openings, time really starts ticking aroud the age 30 mark, and those who haven't played their cards right are under increasing pressure not just from their biological clock but also both from their female peers and from younger women to finally find a guy to settle down with. All the opportunity they had in their early to mid 20s will just increasingly be slipping away for them, and it really comes down to finding somebody who will be the father of your kids, and fast, because the next ten years will just zip by in a flash and every day that they'll get up, they'll be a day older and less likely to find a man to settle down with.

Whereas you often see men in their 30s who were more the geeky types in their 20s, and now they're financially stable with a decent career and salary and they're able to land spectacular girlfriends who wouldn't have given them the time of day ten years earlier.

It really sort of flip flops around the age of 30, where it's no longer a buyers' market for women, and increasingly becomes a cherry picking market for the men who are still unmarried and who have their shit together.

It doesn't come for free though just because you're a lad in your 30s who hasn't found somebody. If you have no career, no goals and no steady income, and if you maybe also look a bit shit, then there isn't much hope that you will be among that circle of early 30s eligible bachelors. You will probably be just as lonely and undesirable as you were in your 20s.
>> No. 15257 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 2:20 am
15257 spacer

> It really sort of flip flops around the age of 30, where it's no longer a buyers' market for women, and increasingly becomes a cherry picking market for the men who are still unmarried and who have their shit together.

One of the big complaints of TRP and MGTOW, though, is that they don't want the 30-somethings who've had a "a number of different knobs in their various body openings". If you've spent your twenties thanking your lucky stars if and when you ever got laid at all, do you really want to settle down in your thirties with a lass who's shagged her way into the triple digits?

Before someone cunts off at me, I'm not really arguing for or against this mode of thinking, merely pointing out that the same 80/20 rule of shagging that applied in your twenties still applies to shagging the mid-twenties girl of your dreams when you hit your thirties. It's doable, but like you say you need to have your shit together, well groomed, well dressed, a bit of cash to flash. The fact of the matter is not many men will have that, and (and here I reveal a bit of personal opinion) in fact even those that do may realize that early to mid twenties women just aren't that fucking interesting once you've fucked them a handful of times.

So, (and here I'm back to playing devil's advocate) what's a man who fucked up top shagging years to do when he hits his thirties? Settle down with either a budding mad cat lady or someone who's had so much cock up her arse she barely notices when you switch holes, or do you commit to confirmed bachelorhood and just shag your way through a bunch of maladjusted twenty year olds until you hit forty and you're fucked either way?
>> No. 15258 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 7:10 am
15258 spacer
You lads do realise that just because it's easy for a lass to get laid doesn't mean that she's been ridden more times than a Blackpool donkey, right?
>> No. 15260 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 8:07 am
15260 spacer

Even if it did, I don't really understand what's wrong with someone having slept with loads of people. Hopefully that means they're quite good at it.
>> No. 15261 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 8:33 am
15261 spacer
My worry would be that my inexperience would shine through.
>> No. 15262 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 8:40 am
15262 spacer

Perhaps, but at the same time, the more partners they've had the more likely it is they've encountered far worse shags than yourself. They'll also know what they like and will probably not be afraid to direct you in such matters. I don't see many downsides, apart from a higher statistical chance they have an STI, but that's not really how it works in real life, they're more likely to have been tested etc if they're shagging hundreds of people.

Also even a bumhole that can fit a baseball bat in it still feels tight around a knob, and there's basically no such thing as fanny slackening. The human body is wonderful.
>> No. 15267 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 11:12 am
15267 spacer

One thing that will probably always arise out of a pairing of somebody who has "been around the block" and somebody like you who has barely had enough shags to not be a functional virgin is that you will always think you can't measure up to the millions of world class shags she has probably had before she met you. If she really cares about you, it won't matter to her. She will enjoy having sex with you no matter what. But in the back of your head, there will always be the thought that she is faking it and that you can't possibly give her what she really needs.

I was in that situation once, albeit in my mid-20s, and I was dating a lass who was 21 and had had more boyfriends and shags than you'd care to know about. Her point in going out with me was to swear off her slag ways and be with somebody decent for a change, somebody who wasn't a burger flipper or an aspiring musician or a pot smoking skateboarder.

I had had sex before her, but I could never measure up to somebody like her. I confided in her once that it bothered me a great deal that she would probably always compare me to her previous shags and boyfriends and that I was worried I had nothing to really give somebody like her in bed. In the beginning, she just shrugged it off and said she was with me because she loved me as a person. Maybe I was just projecting, but the feeling that that couldn't be the whole truth slowly kept eating away at me.

We stayed together for about a year, and then for want of a better word, she reverted to her slag ways and dumped me for a leather jacket wearing lad with a motorbike. She said she had no idea how it happened, but that she just fell head over heels for that lad the minute she saw him. But I knew what the real problem was.
>> No. 15269 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 11:41 am
15269 spacer

>But I knew what the real problem was.

It was your crippling insecurity. Shagging isn't that complicated, it's mostly just mental attitude. You were too busy fretting about whether you measured up, instead of being present in the moment and focusing on creating a mutually pleasurable experience. Being with someone who is constantly seeking validation and reassurance is no fun at all.
>> No. 15270 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 11:47 am
15270 spacer

>It was your crippling insecurity.

Yes, but which I probably wouldn't have had if she hadn't had a whole world of more experience than me.

Even if you successfully shut all that out and are "in the moment", you can't ignore the elephant in the room. Not forever anyway.
>> No. 15271 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 11:49 am
15271 spacer

The problem was all between your ears m8.
>> No. 15272 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 12:00 pm
15272 spacer

I am not disagreeing with you.

It wasn't her fault that she was an experienced woman at 21 and that I had probably had less minge than her (she dropped a few hints that way once). I am not blaming her.

My whole point is, it's likely that insecurity issues will arise if you're a sexually inexperienced lad and get together with a partner who is the extreme opposite.

And unless you are just a complete git, it's likely that you being inexperienced is a direct result of you also being insecure about yourself. And that "baseline" insecurity will not help when you're with somebody like that.
>> No. 15273 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 12:00 pm
15273 spacer

I've shagged an above average number of women (I'm hoping this reads as basic fact rather than me trying to be the big man top shagger on the internet) and honestly it's pretty hard to find a 'bad' shag. Some will just lay there like a dead fish, but if you're an active participant you're almost certainly not a bad fuck. There's really only so many 'moves' in your average shag session and honestly most real life women just want cock inside them for a bit and maybe some oral.

Watch some homemade/amateur porn and you'll soon see what I mean - it's not exactly varied or interesting compared to the professionals, and nobody - and I mean nobody - can be arsed to fuck like a pornstar every single time in real life. I'd argue that some of my most 'impressive' shagging was done as an inexperienced teenlad, as I just went for it like a rabbit on speed. I'm too old for that now, despite my far greater 'knowledge' of sex.

As has been said, confidence is the special secret ingredient in all things concerning sex. Confidence attracts women, it gets them into bed, and it allows you to put on a right good shagging. It's mostly instinct, and getting in your head about it will ruin that.
>> No. 15278 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 1:52 pm
15278 spacer
For me, now a virgin in my mid-20s, I can't reconcile that with any woman respecting me. I know I don't have to tell, but I think in the incredibly unlikely situation that it did happen it would become obvious.

I can't help but think "what woman in her right mind would NOT see a problem with a man in his mid-20s who is still a virgin?"

I'm not just "inexperienced", I'm "hopelessly weird".

>> No. 15279 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 2:09 pm
15279 spacer

Then don’t tell them you’re a virgin. People can have sex and still be hopelessly weird, so it’s not like you have it written on your forehead.

Dating for introverts is a game of set ups and blind dates. You get your friends to help you out, even if they go horribly you gain experience.
>> No. 15280 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 2:15 pm
15280 spacer
As the post above, just don't let on, and they won't be able to tell. If you're asked outright, don't lie, but (again as above) exude confidence about the matter. If it seems like you don't care, neither will they.
>> No. 15281 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 2:20 pm
15281 spacer
> I know I don't have to tell, but I think in the incredibly unlikely situation that it did happen it would become obvious.

It would feel like, by not disclosing, I'm setting myself up for a more awkward situation.

>Dating for introverts is a game of set ups and blind dates. You get your friends to help you out, even if they go horribly you gain experience.

I do engineering at university. The few people I could count as my friends do not have the resources to set that up, and when when I get into work it would feel awkward asking people set me up.

I don't want to sound like I'm dismissing your points out of hand, it's just such an unlikely situation.
>> No. 15282 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 2:27 pm
15282 spacer
Speaking as someone who was a virgin until his twenties, my first girlfriend had no idea. Being cautious with a new partner appears almost identical to being cautious because you've never done it before.
>> No. 15283 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 3:26 pm
15283 spacer

It's also worth bearing in mind how awful a lot of supposedly "normal" men are. Most of my female friends have at least one horrifying one-night-stand story - guys thought that spitting and slapping would be well-received, guys who keep trying to "sneakily" go for anal, guys who take the condom off halfway through, guys who start sobbing hysterically then explode in anger because they can't get it up. A shocking number of grown men treat porn like an instruction manual.

If you're in bed with a woman for the first time, you're worried about being humiliated, but she's worried about being raped and murdered. It's a sad indictment of our gender, but you can pretty much guarantee that you won't be a woman's worst sexual experience just by not being a monstrous sexual predator. If you actually care about her pleasure, you're on the right side of average almost by default.
>> No. 15284 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 4:07 pm
15284 spacer
> They'll also know what they like and will probably not be afraid to direct you in such matters.

In my experience it's quite the opposite. People who've had sex a handful of times with a lot of different people have never learned to build the intimacy required for even such basic communication / interaction. Sex for them has never really passed the, what I shall call for lack of a better term, awkwardness line.

On the other hand, people who've had a lot of sex with only a handful of people tend to be amazing in bed; confident, communicative, open, and oftentimes able to communicate sexually on that non-verbal level of intuition which is what creates truly amazing sex.

Like I always say, a good ballroom dancer can make anyone look good, but only when they practice daily with the same person for years at a time will they start winning championships.
>> No. 15285 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 4:21 pm
15285 spacer
School shooting in Texas, fatalities confirmed.

Must be Friday.
>> No. 15286 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 4:46 pm
15286 spacer

That makes a lot of sense. Though a lot can be achieved in a weekend, even if you never see that person again.
>> No. 15287 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 4:47 pm
15287 spacer
>> No. 15288 Anonymous
18th May 2018
Friday 4:53 pm
15288 spacer

Absolutely, although in my experience that has always been through the addition of drugs and the associated lowering of learned/developed psychic defenses.
>> No. 15315 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 8:42 am
15315 spacer

Just on the topic of the whole women thing being a buyer's market, I don't necessarily think it is really the case outside of apps.

Anybody who has the vague level of confidence not to be on them (not saying that everybody using them is somehow unconfident and desperate), will probably already be shacking up.

This leaves people who are increasingly desperate and hence for men (who have huge societal pressure to do the asking in the first place) they will swipe pretty much anything that isn't hideous - whereas women can afford to be a bit more picky because they know that the chances are if they swipe they will match, and even then, the select ones they swipe will all make a huge effort with matches.

Somebody mentioned that men who are scrawny and play world of warcraft all day will struggle, but of course they probably will. It's a cruel world but realistically we take what we think we can get, but you need to at least have something to offer. The chances are somebody who hits the gym three times a week and goes out climbing mountains or sailing is going to want somebody who puts similar efforts into those areas of life. It's why outgoing attractive women, shock horror, will go for outgoing attractive men.

I had a girlfriend for years and she was quite attractive, so I just assumed all along that despite making no more than a minimal-reasonable effort I must be okay and an exception to the rule of trying hard.

She dumped me and I went through a massive teary and period of self reflection and took a real look at myself in the mirror. As a result I started going to the gym and doubled my haircut budget and got it cut properly for once instead of at the same in and out quick barbers. If somebody invited me to a social event, no matter what, I'd just say yes and pretend I was confident and nobody knew any different. The difference these little changes in my life has made is incredible, I just wish I'd started sooner.

If you want to get with attractive people or be attractive to anybody, you've got to make yourself so.
>> No. 15316 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 11:55 am
15316 spacer

While all your points are spot on and accurate from where I'm standing, none of them preclude women from still being the picky ones in real life. Even just walking down the street, many women will get offers.
>> No. 15317 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 11:58 am
15317 spacer
Yeah, sexual harassment is great.
>> No. 15318 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 12:38 pm
15318 spacer

Fucking hell. Do you just carry that soapbox around with you everywhere or what?

You're either wilfully bending my point that women get more attention than men in order to start an argument, or you're stupid enough to believe I was talking about catcalls or other forms of harrasment instead of just the observation that men approach women more often than the reverse.

Either way, fuck off
>> No. 15319 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 1:18 pm
15319 spacer
>stupid enough to believe I was talking about catcalls or other forms of harrasment
You're right. I think he just got confused by the part when you said this:
>Even just walking down the street, many women will get offers.
... which totally isn't literally what street harassment is, right?
>> No. 15322 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 1:39 pm
15322 spacer
You can spin it however you want but, at the end of the day, trying to normalise rape culture is still trying to normalise rape culture.

They're bloody asking for it, just walking down the street and being female.
>> No. 15324 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 2:51 pm
15324 spacer

Not really. It depends what you choose to define as an offer. And offer for them to suck my dick, sure, harassment. And offer for coffee sometime, not so much.

It's not good for you to jump immediately to conclusions purely so you can be angry about them. It's really no way to live, and stifles people you might otherwise have had a productive conversation with. Who really wants to talk to someone who might at any moment mistake them for a rapist?
>> No. 15326 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 2:54 pm
15326 spacer
Nice backpedaling, m7.
>> No. 15328 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 3:10 pm
15328 spacer

Just ignore him lad, he's already derailed a nice discussion.

I can't imagine what life is like being so tedious when he knows full well what you meant.
>> No. 15329 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 3:19 pm
15329 spacer

>And offer for them to suck my dick, sure, harassment. And offer for coffee sometime, not so much.

So unsolicited and unwanted attention garnered while "just walking down the street" only counts as harassment if you're propositioning them for sex? Got it.
>> No. 15330 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 3:34 pm
15330 spacer
>It's not good for you to jump immediately to conclusions purely so you can be angry about them

Do you have any idea how much sexual harassment women face?
>> No. 15334 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:05 pm
15334 spacer

I'm going to take >>15328's advice here.
>> No. 15336 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:09 pm
15336 spacer
That's fine. It's a free country, and it's your right to be wrong.
>> No. 15337 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:17 pm
15337 spacer

>It's a free country

Not for the poor women who have to endure brief social interactions in their everyday lives, apparently.
>> No. 15338 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:28 pm
15338 spacer
That's what happens when idiots like you feel entitled to just walk up to them in the street, "compliment" them on their appearance and ask them out, "for coffee".
>> No. 15339 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:29 pm
15339 spacer

It's how I met my girlfriend actually.
>> No. 15340 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:44 pm
15340 spacer

She probably figured it was the only way to shut you up.
>> No. 15341 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:46 pm
15341 spacer
>"Oh my god, ya know that Jensen guy? Like.. what a stalker. Like.. I don't like.. like him.. but he keeps calling me. Ugh. Right? And I keep answering it. And I keep going to his house and having sex with him. Oh my god, and he asked me to marry him and I said yes. Like.. seriously.. Ugh. So creepy. And we like.. got married and moved in together and now like.. he's always coming over to my house and like.. sleeping in my bed.. ew it's so gross. And we had kids and he's always trying to be around them and like.. take them places.. I think the only reason he pretends to like our kids is to be around me.. uh."

>> No. 15342 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:50 pm
15342 spacer
I've always found the line between harassment and acceptable advance by a stranger in the public consciousness is far more defined by a women’s desire to fuck said stranger/to be the centre of attention by being a victim among her friends, then the nature and crassness of the advance.

I'm not trying to compare apples to oranges here not all women are the same and have different desires in how they want to be treated, but I've seen the same women call harassment to a polite ugly stranger only to flip her position to a crass but attractive one.

I guess we are all shitty hypocrites in that respect, if the woman of my dreams walked up to me and asked me if I'd like to fuck right NOW, I would.

The Incels definitely have a point about that, and it can't be nice always being the one accused of harassment when you are quite possibly the height of good manners. What doubles down the hypocrisy of course is the femblogosphere which acts like all advances from men are unwanted and crimes against humanity, and that is demonstrably not true from observation, and I willing to believe the non-rug munchers among them met their partner because he took a risk and made an advance. Society has repeated lied to them about the rules because we are too cowardly to admit our own vanity.
>> No. 15345 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:58 pm
15345 spacer

She was the one who approached me. She said I had a nice beard, I said "thanks, you too" or something equally (not very) witty, then we chatted for a bit and she asked me what I was up to later that week.

It was all very harrowing, but once she convinced me to stop crying and blowing my rape whistle it turned out we actually had quite a lot in common.

is it okay now it's the other way around? that's not a question you need to answer here, but rather ask yourself
>> No. 15346 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 4:59 pm
15346 spacer
Texas school shooter killed girl who turned down his advances and embarrassed him in class, her mother says

One of Pagourtzis' classmates who died in the attack, Shana Fisher, "had 4 months of problems from this boy," her mother, Sadie Rodriguez, wrote in a private message to the Los Angeles Times on Facebook. "He kept making advances on her and she repeatedly told him no."

Pagourtzis continued to get more aggressive, and she finally stood up to him and embarrassed him in class, Rodriguez said. "A week later he opens fire on everyone he didn't like," she wrote. "Shana being the first one." Rodriguez didn't say how she knew her daughter was the first victim.

The gunman repeatedly taunted students during the attack, according to another harrowing account posted to Facebook by one survivor's mother. After scrambling to escape the shooter's blasts in the art room, Isabelle Van Ness, covered in dust from rounds hitting her classroom walls, could hear the shooter in a next-door classroom yelling, "Woo hoo!" while shooting, according to her mother, Deedra Van Ness.

"The gunman then comes back into their room and they hear him saying … are you dead? Then more shots are fired," Deedra Van Ness wrote. "By this time, cell phones all over the classroom are ringing and he's taunting the kids in the closet asking them … do you think it's for you? do you want to come answer it? Then he proceeds to fire more bullets into the closet and tries to get in."

>> No. 15347 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:07 pm
15347 spacer
>I've always found the line between harassment and acceptable advance by a stranger in the public consciousness is far more defined by a women’s desire to fuck said stranger/to be the centre of attention by being a victim among her friends, then the nature and crassness of the advance.

Wait, you mean whether an advance is acceptable depends on whether or not a woman wants an advance to be made? Like, as if she had agency and shit?
>> No. 15348 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:15 pm
15348 spacer

How can you know if she wanted the advance to be made if you never make the advance?
>> No. 15349 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:18 pm
15349 spacer

>> No. 15350 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:20 pm
15350 spacer

Not him but signs, signals, and intuition. Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong, but you'll usually find out which within thirty seconds to a minute.

If you were wrong just say something nice like and walk away with grace and dignity, it's not the worst thing that can happen to you in life. I've literally walked up to a girl in a bar who (I thought) had been eye fucking me for about five minutes and when I walked up and tried to talk to her she turned about 15o away from me and just stood there in silence. After half a second or so I just told her to have a good night and went back to my mates. Shit happens.
>> No. 15351 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:23 pm
15351 spacer

That's exactly my point. It's hardly harassment to do that and walk away if you've failed, as you say. But >>15347 seemed to be implying otherwise.
>> No. 15352 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:26 pm
15352 spacer
I wouldn't know. My sense of entitlement doesn't stretch that far.
>> No. 15353 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:30 pm
15353 spacer

So is the solution to never talk to anyone in case they don't want to be talked to?
>> No. 15354 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:39 pm
15354 spacer
Yes, this is the future of humanity. All face-to-face communication will need to be pre-approved by both parties in an officially sanctioned app. The app will store this in a centralised government database for the police to make use of if people violate this.
>> No. 15355 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:43 pm
15355 spacer
If you really can't figure out whether or not it's appropriate, then yes, not making a pass at sometime is probably a good start.
>> No. 15356 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:53 pm
15356 spacer

So now we've managed to step down from 'talking to women is harassment' to 'go for it if you think she looks keen'. I offer no further comment, that sounds about right.
>> No. 15357 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 5:58 pm
15357 spacer
>So now we've managed to step down from 'talking to women is harassment'
In your imagination, maybe. Nobody actually said anything remotely like that.
>> No. 15359 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 6:26 pm
15359 spacer

You appear to be conflating talking to people (>>15353) and making as pass at them (>>15355).

Trolls pretending to troll other trolls pretending to troll some trolls.
>> No. 15360 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 6:45 pm
15360 spacer
>You appear to be conflating talking to people (>>15353) and making as pass at them (>>15355).

Not him, but you might have a point if you took those posts entirely out of their context of a discussion on the nature of the "market" for sex.
>> No. 15361 Anonymous
20th May 2018
Sunday 7:06 pm
15361 spacer

>Trolls pretending to troll other trolls pretending to troll some trolls.

I fear this is altogether too accurate.

Can we go back to talking about kids getting shot please?
>> No. 15385 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 10:57 pm
15385 spacer

I think the issue isn't with women not wanting to be talked to. But it's clueless lads approaching them out of nowhere, engaging in a ham-handed attempt to start a conversation with a woman, probably dropping one of the cheesiest chat up lines in the book, and then completely ignoring the fact that she is signalling you that she isn't. fucking. interested. and just wants to be left alone. By you, that is. Maybe she will be up for a chat with another lad that evening, somebody who somehow sparks her interest, which you failed to do. That's tough luck for you, but it's what you will have to live with.

I think a lot of lads are simply oblivious to female body language. While it's much more varied and subtle than that of men, if you spend a bare minimum of time reading up on it and then observing it in the wild, if you're not a complete Aspie, you will know when a woman for some reason has a superficial interest in you that is big enough to give you a chance at her. It's really not complicated. You just have to stop thinking about the fact that you want to talk to her, and start gauging if she is actually up for it. And the signs will be there.

And if you're not sure how to read female body language, give it a few dry runs. When you're out in the pub (or club), watch how other people behave in that situation. Watch for any lad who is in the process of chatting up a lass, and then watch her reaction closely. And then check back on them a while later that night from afar to see how the whole thing turned out for them.

I think all this is what many lads get wrong. Registering which nonverbal cues are there, and which aren't. And then when somebody expresses her disinterest and the lad just won't let it go, that's when it becomes creepy. And needy. No woman owes you her time, even if you think you're coming at her with the cleverest chat up line in all human history.
>> No. 15386 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 11:09 pm
15386 spacer
gget the kids shot haharr
To be honest I think a cull is required.
>see above statement
>> No. 15387 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 11:13 pm
15387 spacer

I was just trying to help.
>> No. 15388 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 11:17 pm
15388 spacer

I don't think anyone is saying otherwise here.
>> No. 15390 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 11:21 pm
15390 spacer
Just having a laugh mate don't worry about it.
>> No. 15391 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 12:57 pm
15391 spacer


I wonder why males to not understand, it's so simple!

If you are attractive, the female will be interested in you, even if you act like a creep and talk about the industrial output of Ottoman Empire during WWI. An handsome male will get away with everything, even outright rape. I've seen it happen.

If you are unattractive, the female will be uninterested in you, even if your lines are wonderful and you have the same body language as a trained actor.
>> No. 15392 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 1:05 pm
15392 spacer

>> No. 15393 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 1:23 pm
15393 spacer

Don't confuse being unattractive with playing outside your league though.

Even a lad who doesn't fit conventional ideas of attractiveness can find true love, and a woman who will find him attractive in his own way. You probably shouldn't be aiming at the hottest women around if you're somewhat visually unattractive, but there is no reason at all to give up hope that somebody will eventually be interested in you.

Also, you don't have to have A-list actor looks or anything like that. Even as an average looking bloke, you can pull. A lot of it has to do with how you project yourself. Many women will not turn their nose up at a lad who is proper fit with broad shoulders and an athletic build, but I've seen lads who were a bit more on the pudgy side attract women that you never thought possible for them. Why? Because while mere looks can be an advantage, in the end, a woman won't talk to your biceps or pecs, she will be talking to what's in your head. And if you come across as an interesting to talk to, attractive person by way of conversation, there is much hope that she will overlook the fact that you might be two stone overweight or have a receding hairline.
>> No. 15394 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 1:30 pm
15394 spacer

While this idea is accurate, it fails to take into account the fact that attraction is quite provably subjective.

I couldn't look much further from the bloke in that picture, yet plenty of women find me attractive. I've seen even uglier and fatter blokes than me score very good looking women.

The lazy counter argument is "yeah but the ugly ones are rich" is a poor one, too, it's simply not always the case. It's entirely possible for a poor, ugly, fat bloke to be relentlessly charming. I've seen it happen plenty of times.

Using your looks, your body, your baldness, your career, or your money as reasons why no women want to fuck you is just bullshit and is hiding from the fact that self improvement and confidence are the most attractive qualities a man can have, and I can only assume the people who decry they have been robbed by the genetic lottery are just too weak willed or scared or stupid to realise this or enact these qualities.
>> No. 15395 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 1:56 pm
15395 spacer

Women just aren't that fussy about looks - they're primarily attracted to status. Ask anyone who has worked in the music industry. You can have the looks and personality of a melted traffic cone, but you'll get groupies by simple merit of being in the band. Heck, even the roadies will get a bit of attention by proxy.

Fortunately for men, status is relative and multidimensional. As long as you've got something going on in your life, some women will find that attractive. You might be ugly and boring, but a certain kind of woman will be attracted to you if you've got a good job and a flash car. You might be flat broke and living in a squat, but a certain kind of woman will be attracted to you if you're a tortured artist. As long as you've got a reasonable story to tell about who you are and where you're going, that'll be enough for someone.

A lot of young men don't have a story to tell. They're nobody and they're going nowhere. That's what women find repellent. They can smell it on you, they can see the void behind your eyes, they know instinctively that you're a lost soul looking for a woman to save them.

What are you really good at? What is your mission in life? What do you contribute to the world? Answer those questions and your problems with women will more or less fix themselves.
>> No. 15396 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 1:57 pm
15396 spacer

You will always find a lass who is up for a shag with a fit bloke. That's a given. But when it comes to really being attracted to the kind of person that somebody is, that just isn't enough.

Looks are not unimportant to a woman, but in my experience, they put more importance in that respect on a lad's personal hygiene, good grooming and possibly a bit of a sense of fashion than they do on whether you have an impressive biceps or a bit of a belly.
>> No. 15397 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 2:01 pm
15397 spacer

>But when it comes to really being attracted to the kind of person that somebody is, that just isn't enough.

Sure. >>15395 has nailed it on the head though, and said it far better than I did :

>As long as you've got a reasonable story to tell about who you are and where you're going, that'll be enough for someone.

That, is the ultimate truth, the final secret to the fairer sex. You just need to be vaguely interesting and not entirely listless. It's no coincidence that most incels are uninteresting and directionless.
>> No. 15398 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 2:07 pm
15398 spacer

>A lot of young men don't have a story to tell. They're nobody and they're going nowhere. That's what women find repellent.

Received wisdom is that women mature more quickly than lads in their younger years, but looking back now and seeing today's young women and young lads with the distance of a few years that I have on them, I'm not so sure that women really are more mature in their early 20s than most men. A lot of what I see points to women that age being really very nearly as immature as their male peers.

I think young women same as young men are looking for a sense of direction in their lives, but due to their youthful inexperience with life itself, they tend to get lost. I think that's also what attracts some young women to older men, who seem to have their act together a bit more and are a bit more sure about where they are going with their lives.

But in the end, that isn't much different from the young lad who is desperate for direction in his life but can't find it on his own. Except it's not that common for young lads to seek out older women to show them the way. Young men are left to figure it all out on their own, while young women can just let an older bloke take them under their wing.

Then again, we're back to having to have your life together. Just because you're over 30 doesn't mean you're attractive to a 22-year-old lass. You are going to have to be able to offer something that will make her forget that she is giving up the possibility of shagging fit young blokes for a lad like you who is going grey and has trouble keeping his weight down. And that's where money and status tend to really come in.
>> No. 15399 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 2:39 pm
15399 spacer

Young women don't really need to have their act together to attract men, but they're a prisoner of their looks because men are ultimately quite superficial. A woman can doll herself up with makeup and starve herself thin, but there's an upper limit on her attractiveness that only diminishes with age. Some women are just born ugly and there's fuck all they can do about it. There's no such thing as a trophy husband or a male groupie.

Men can make themselves vastly more attractive through sheer force of effort, which is a remarkable gift of fortune. It's quite common for men to become more attractive with age as they become more accomplished and confident. A fat, balding fortysomething man can suddenly become a fanny magnet through fame, wealth or talent. Women are highly receptive to a hundred different aspects of how you present yourself - your wit and wisdom, your goals and achievements, your taste and refinement, the cut of your suit, the way you walk through a door. Men have a huge amount of control over their attractiveness, which is a tremendous opportunity and a weighty responsibility.
>> No. 15400 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 2:46 pm
15400 spacer

>A lot of young men don't have a story to tell. They're nobody and they're going nowhere. That's what women find repellent. They can smell it on you, they can see the void behind your eyes, they know instinctively that you're a lost soul looking for a woman to save them.

This is absolute bullshit. My brother is the emptiest person you will ever meet in your life. All his life revolves around making money with one-off jobs (usually things like salesman, entertainer and the like), spending them on weed, mooching off my mother for money. He just does not know anything in life unless related to weed or grooming/fitness/fashion. According to your statement, he should be totally uninteresting. Instead, he is literally chased by women wanting to be shagged by him. He has several sons and daughter that he never cared about. He committed acts of molestation and rape, and was always forgiven because he was able to bullshit his way out.

Looks are EVERYTHING. Winning the genetic lottery and having good looks is like playing with cheat codes: it does not matter if you cannot do anything, you will always win.
>> No. 15401 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 2:59 pm
15401 spacer

I know that. After Stacey spent all her best years taking miles of cock every weekend, she will realise that the local studs are not attracted to her anymore. Now she's broke, with a job stacking shelves on Tesco part time. At this point, those fat, balding, 40 years old losers will become very attractive to her eyes, since they have a real job, a real house and a real car. After all, who would refuse to marry an used up slag with a dozen STDs, a crappy GCSE and three holes wide enough for three 2 liters Coca Cola bottles?

No, thanks, I am not interested.
>> No. 15402 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:07 pm
15402 spacer

So he has money and a hobby (fitness), and is an entertainer?
>> No. 15403 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:08 pm
15403 spacer

>No, thanks, I am not interested.

Neither is she lad.
>> No. 15404 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:08 pm
15404 spacer

Ask him to tell you his story. It might not be a story that you find plausible or laudable, but I guarantee that he has a story that some women want to be a part of. What's your story?
>> No. 15405 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:10 pm
15405 spacer

>What's your story?

I complain on the internet about how women like my brother more than me
>> No. 15406 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:29 pm
15406 spacer
No money at all, he spends everything in drugs as soon as he receives the money. Also, he managed to rack some massive debts that he will never repay. Yes, he's an entertainer and he spends all his free time in the gym and/or posing on social media.


I had some former slags that tried the "I am a changed woman now" story with me. I even had a former used up Stacey that tried to enrol me as a substitute father for her welfare brown sprog. No thanks!


This is complete bullshit. I've seen ladies throwing themselves at him because they were impressed by his looks. There was very little talking before or afterwards (he tends to pump and dump). Maybe the women told you that bullshit "he had an interesting story to tell" because they were too ashamed to say "I am a lurid slag and had sex with him because he was 6'2'' and ripped. I barely know his name."
>> No. 15407 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:35 pm
15407 spacer

Fuck it, I'll spell it out for you.

Your brother's story is something like this:

"Live for the moment, that's my motto. I look good, I feel good and I always get the party started. Careers, mortgages, all that boring bollocks? No thanks. I want to have a good time before I die. I never worry about money, I just live off my wits. I'll get a job if I need a bit of cash, but I'll tell them where to shove it when it gets boring. I'm a little bit cheeky, a little bit naughty, a bit of a ladies man, but things always work out for me."

Your story is something like this:

"Nothing ever goes my way. I was born unlucky. Women are all whores. They just want some swinging dick with big muscles, not a nice guy like me. If a woman does like me, there must be something terribly wrong with her. Life is just a big pile of shit for people like me."

If you were a woman, which story would you want to be a part of?
>> No. 15409 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:48 pm
15409 spacer

>had sex with him because he was 6'2'' and ripped

There's no question that this is something that is attractive to women - but the point we're trying to make is that this woman equally would have fucked a fat balding munter if he happened to be the lead singer of a band, or, in the exact circumstances as your raconteur of a brother.
>> No. 15410 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 3:54 pm
15410 spacer

Jesus Christ, you really swallowed an entire blister of bluepill...

Let me explain it in a better way:

My brother is also a violent racist involved with soccer hooligans, a serial cheater with a propensity for pump-and-dump, and half a dozen of children that he never cared about. No sane person would want to spend a moment with him. Looks trumps everything, even the worst moral failures. How can you say that it's due to my "life story", when it is clear that females do not care a bit about infidelity, drug addiction, criminal record and violence?

If our outlooks in life were reversed, female attention would not change a bit.

But please, if you want to believe that it is all the fault of my outlook in life, feel free to do so. At least, you will feel better and you will think that the world is a nicer place. Some people would die if they had to remove their rose coloured glasses!
>> No. 15412 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 4:08 pm
15412 spacer

>you really swallowed an entire blister of bluepill...

Are you serious? Everything he's said is actually fully in line with the Red Pill way of thinking. Allow me to use their terminology briefly to underline how.

Your brother 'holds frame' with his beliefs (TRP maintains that even a racist is attractive as long as he is confident about it when 'shit tested') has 'high SMV' as he's presumably got lots of friends and drugs and is up to all sorts in terms of work and fitness. He has all the makings of a 'Dark Triad' with his dodgy dealings, and if he's a serial cheater then he has 'dread game' too.

He's 100% the sort of person TRP would call Alpha. His appearance will not hinder him, but it would not much stand in his way if he were ugly (or more realistically, average looking)

On the other hand, complaining about how women only go for looks and how it's not fair they want to have sex with bad boys is prime Beta territory.

TRP will frequently talk about the reasons why otherwise normal women are so attracted to drug dealers and will write to serial killers in prison. To call any of this bluepill is hilariously misinformed.
>> No. 15413 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 4:16 pm
15413 spacer

>Jesus Christ, you really swallowed an entire blister of bluepill...

Kindly find a convenient tall thing from which to throw yourself.
>> No. 15414 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 4:20 pm
15414 spacer

> but it would not much stand in his way if he were ugly (or more realistically, average looking)

No, I have seen people trying to ape his behaviour without his natural good looks, they ended up despised by everyone and avoided by honest people. An ugly guy trying to act macho will appear either ridiculous, or threatening in a non attractive way.

Regarding the sissify idea, I am more oriented towards the MGTOW positions. Since I had understood the animal-like nature of the women, I kept myself well away from them. I swallowed the red pill, and now I see women as the revolting creature that they really are. I just do not like when somebody says that stupid shit "looks are not everything, I know an aspie neckbeard 5' tall and dirt poor that is married with a supermodel" in a male environment. This is the sort of bullshit that only a women would be interested in spewing.
>> No. 15416 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 4:30 pm
15416 spacer


>I have seen people trying to ape his behaviour

'Trying to' would be key here. You're telling me he doesn't have a rough geezer in his crew who doesn't get as much fanny as him?

>An ugly guy trying to act

Again, you're missing the point. Your brother is naturally charismatic and confident whether you acknowledge it or not. And no, not genetically charismatic or confident - he's learned it from being a social animal over the years. Can you say the same?

>looks are not everything, I know an aspie neckbeard

Once again, nobody is saying that here. We're saying you need to be interesting and compelling. Not many autist neckbeards can say that they're any of that.
>> No. 15417 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 4:32 pm
15417 spacer

Your brother might be a complete shitbag, but at least he's something. He has an identity, a sense of self, a story with a past, present and future. What are you? When you strip away the envy and the self-pity and the misogynistic rage, what's left? I'm not being rhetorical here, I want to know. What are you?
>> No. 15418 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:00 pm
15418 spacer

M8, you miss my point. As any salesman will testify, looks will give you the "hook" necessary to start the conversation. You can be the most interesting person in the world, with dozens of interests and an IQ of 190, but if you are short and bad looking the people will not listen to a single word of what you say.

A good looking person will be listened to, sometimes he will be even approached without having to say or do anything. At this point, the objective (pussy) is easy to reach, unless you act like a total aspie.

Our culture works like a real life version of Tinder, people get swept left or right at a glance. Having anything beyond your image is secondary. One of my most formative experience was in a pub, where I was discussing with my brother over the sublet of a flat. He was approached by three good looking ladies, even if he did absolutely nothing to approach them (he brushed them off rudely, we had a lot of serious talking to do). One of them had rebuffed me with a "fuck off, midget" months before, without even letting me saying anything.

But no, it's only because I am misogynistic and I have no interesting stories to tell...
>> No. 15419 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:06 pm
15419 spacer
>"fuck off, midget"
When will manlets learn their place.
>> No. 15420 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:07 pm
15420 spacer

>On the other hand, complaining about how women only go for looks and how it's not fair they want to have sex with bad boys is prime Beta territory.

Shocker. Women want the bad boys.

Then get their hearts broken, and dry their tears with a nice guy. And then before long get tired of that nice guy and go back to riding bad boy knob.

As the saying goes. Women have a soft spot for losers. But they'll cheat on them with a winner.

So either make your peace with being the go-to guy for sorrow sex, or man up and become a winner.
>> No. 15421 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:12 pm
15421 spacer

>As any salesman will testify, looks will give you the "hook" necessary to start the conversation.

Yes, but even if you didn't win the genetic lottery jackpot and don't have Hollywood A-lister looks, a lot of it is about how you present yourself. And that goes beyond obvious things like meticulous grooming and personal hygiene as well as a passing grasp on men's fashion. Confidence and positivity are things that directly influence how physically attractive women perceive you to be. And they tend to do more to win a woman over than just the fact that you may or may not have male supermodel looks. As long as you are at least an average looking bloke, that's a place to start. The rest of it really is down to self image and how self confident you appear.
>> No. 15422 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:15 pm
15422 spacer

I am having nothing of that. I said "fuck off" to the slags that tried to use me as an emotional tampon. When I really need sex, I go with a pro. They are the only honest women in this goddamn planet full of shit.


This makes sense, more than those "You cannot get laid because you are a misoginist" crap
>> No. 15424 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:18 pm
15424 spacer

>if you are short and bad looking the people will not listen to a single word of what you say.

Tell that to Churchill mate.

>This makes sense, more than those "You cannot get laid because you are a misoginist" crap

Who's saying anything like that? Certainly nobody in this thread.
>> No. 15425 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:44 pm
15425 spacer
>Who's saying anything like that? Certainly nobody in this thread
To be fair, while nobody's said it, it's probably true. If you think that you're entitled to a bit of sex and women are whores for sleeping with better looking people while you can't get any, that might come across despite your best efforts to prevent it leaking.
>> No. 15426 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:48 pm
15426 spacer

True enough. There's definitely two types of misogynists, your modern incels, (and incel adjacents) and your classic 'back when men was real men' types. I feel like the latter suffer little ill effects.
>> No. 15427 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:52 pm
15427 spacer

It's a difference in status. It's one thing to say "bitches ain't shit" if you're fighting them off with a stick, but quite another to have a teary because none of them want to go near you. The latter is quite transparent - if women are such stupid cockthirsty whores, why are none of them stupid enough to fall for your bullshit?
>> No. 15428 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:53 pm
15428 spacer

>if you are short and bad looking the people will not listen to a single word of what you say.

Have you any idea how much pussy Verne Troyer got?
>> No. 15429 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:53 pm
15429 spacer

>if women are such stupid cockthirsty whores, why are none of them stupid enough to fall for your bullshit?

That's a beautiful question. I love it.
>> No. 15430 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 5:56 pm
15430 spacer

Me: "Hi"
Her: "Fuck off, midget"

Now, try to explain what my entitled attitude and my misogyny had to do with that answer. By the way, I tried to ask my brother about fashion tips, but he told me: "Sorry, you are shorter than the average girl and your face looks like an used chewing gum. There is nothing I can do."

quit your bullshit

>We're saying you need to be interesting and compelling

It's a little difficult when you get automatically "swept left" as soon as you enter a room and you get no chance to talk.
>> No. 15431 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:00 pm
15431 spacer

How you walk into a room is perhaps the very most important and controllable thing you can do in a social interaction. If you're not willing to learn how then it's perhaps right that you chose MGTOW. Your brother sounds hilarious mind.
>> No. 15432 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:04 pm
15432 spacer

Do you suppose that if you had taken her reply in your stride, and said something vaguely witty in response, you may have done better than just slinking off?

If she had said something similar to your brother (let's pretend he's short for a minute, as a thought experiment) what do you suppose he'd have said to her? Do you think the interaction would have made any impact on him at all?

You know what Red Pill is, so you should be aware of what a shit test is.
>> No. 15433 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:14 pm
15433 spacer
>Now, try to explain what my entitled attitude and my misogyny had to do with that answer
She could probably smell it on you from half way across the room.

Have you considered that she might have just been having a bad time? Also have you considered that "midget" is an offensive term for a protected class and there might be some compo in there somewhere?
>> No. 15434 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:20 pm
15434 spacer

One woman said "fuck off, midget" to you once, ergo no woman will ever want anything to do with you because you're short.

That's what psychologists call splitting; a decent psychotherapist could fix it in about 12 sessions.

Now might be a bad time to mention that Daniel Radcliffe is 5'5". The artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince was 5'3".
>> No. 15435 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:28 pm
15435 spacer
>The artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince was 5'3".
Yeah, but he could fellate himself if he wished.
>> No. 15436 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:41 pm
15436 spacer
Most people stopped believing that after they left school.
>> No. 15437 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:48 pm
15437 spacer

I always heard it was Marilyn Manson who did the rib thing. It's one of those weird rumours that just keeps appearing across generations.

I wonder who the current set of teenagers are saying it about? Lil' Pump?
>> No. 15438 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:51 pm
15438 spacer

It was just an example, and not even the worst rebuff that I received. Being systematically rejected due to things you have no control about (height and bone structure) will really harden you.


Yeah, I am going to sue her for discrimination and get some free pussy in the bargain! Thanks!

Believe me, I am an ugly manlet and there is nothing more cringeworthy/funny than an ugly manlet that tries to compensate his shortcomings with witty dialogue. It simply does not work, unless you want to open yourself to more ridicule.

>Your brother sounds hilarious mind.

He is, at least until he steals from you or rapes your sister (and she defends him because she's fallen in love with the bastard).
>> No. 15439 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 6:56 pm
15439 spacer

>Believe me, I am an ugly manlet and there is nothing more cringeworthy/funny than an ugly manlet that tries to compensate his shortcomings with witty dialogue. It simply does not work, unless you want to open yourself to more ridicule.

Believe me, someone who used to weigh 22 stone, and could still pull with the best of them, that your sole issue is a severe lack of self esteem. Be better to yourself, mate.
>> No. 15440 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 7:02 pm
15440 spacer

Back to 4chan /pol/ + /r9k/ with your fucking Stacy bullshit lad.

This whole thread needs to be nuked from fucking orbit, it's become a trolling ground for a 4chan shit head to try to rile us up with his Stacy/Chad/Lookism/Manlet bullshit.

Posts >>15395, >>15407, and >>15412 nailed the question right in the fucking head. Everyone who posted after that was essentially playing themselves. Congrats.

This post is your advisory notice that since >>15412 this has been a troll thread and you've all been getting your crumpets rumpled for nothing.

I'd advise anyone with half a brain to hide this thread and wait for the cunt responsible to fuck back off to /r9k/, either that or bait him into calling out the mods on their bullshit, which appears to be the only banable offense around here anymore.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 15441 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 7:06 pm
15441 spacer

I have been bullied and abused to complete insanity. There is no way I can be better towards myself, or to anyone else.
>> No. 15443 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 7:18 pm
15443 spacer
Pick a goal that's not about getting laid and achieve it, even if it's just something small like "brush my teeth every day" or "learn how to do a pullup". This is the same kind of thing I say regularly to MH patients. It's all about small, incremental little tasks that are approached mindfully.

If you can't extract these activities from your thoughts of getting laid, then go have another sad wank and try again.
>> No. 15444 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 7:23 pm
15444 spacer


If you're really sure, then there's really only one thing for it.
>> No. 15445 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 7:44 pm
15445 spacer


Yeah, you first. I will follow. Honestly, I enjoy too much being a "dark manlet" to suicide.


I already achieved many goals in life, way more difficult than "learn how to do a pullup". I just managed to get an HND in routing and switching as a non native English speaker with a lot of unrelated problems in life. It did not help much, it only felt like overcompensating. I put a lot of effort in life and I got very little, while I see my retarded high school dropout brother with a criminal record and a drug addiction getting way more love, respect (and pussy) in a week than I would get in my life. Things just do not add up.
>> No. 15446 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 8:08 pm
15446 spacer

What's the maximum height to still be considered a manlet? Asking for a friend.
>> No. 15447 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 8:13 pm
15447 spacer
I'm 5'11" and I consider anyone shorter than me to be a shortarse.
>> No. 15448 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 8:38 pm
15448 spacer
Personally I'm not convinced a HND is much more difficult than learning to do a pull up and I'm confident you can write English better than some of your native coursemates, so let's not pretend you're continuing to accrue credit for overcoming a language barrier.

Why would or should having a criminal record render someone hopelessly unattractive to the entire opposite sex? You clearly don't know that between one fourth and one third of British men have criminal records. Even if this did say one thing or another about their character, you're ignoring the inevitable fact that there must be a somewhat similar number of women raised in the same environments that have compatible outlooks.

There's just so much wrong with your entire attitude and perception but I think other people have pointed much of it out and you're uninterested in having your views challenged.
>> No. 15450 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 8:39 pm
15450 spacer


I think being a manlet is more a state of mind than it is a physical build.

If you're not significantly taller than five foot and a fag, naturally that isn't ideal for a man. If you're then also kind of on the skinny side and very nearly have to shop for children's sizes, it is safe to say that you have the physical attributes of what many people would call a manlet.

But to me, a manlet is actually more somebody who is an uninteresting person all around, and who lacks the kind of backbone needed in this world to stand your ground. And you can be that kind of person at 5'11'' just the same as at 5'1''.

I'm 6'1'' myself, so I have never really had these problems. It's a quite nice height to be. You are taller than the average person, which tends to give you a certain kind of dominance just by way of your sheer physique, but it doesn't border on the freakishly tall. I've got a mate who is 6'9'', and he really has problems with it and he is quite self conscious about his height, especially when we're in a pub somewhere and he just towers over the entire crowd there. He also has trouble finding girlfriends, because while there are tall women, he is still taller than even the taller ones by a good 20 centimetres.
>> No. 15451 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 8:56 pm
15451 spacer
The one time I don't like being >6 foot is when craning my neck on the tube.
>> No. 15452 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:06 pm
15452 spacer

Tell that to the ladies that say "do not contact me if you are under 6'". Also

>a manlet is actually more somebody who is an uninteresting person all around
>I'm 6'1'' myself

That's like a rich man saying that being on JSA and surviving on food banks handouts is not so bad. Do you have any idea how stupid it is?
>> No. 15453 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:10 pm
15453 spacer

>That's like a rich man saying that being on JSA and surviving on food banks handouts is not so bad. Do you have any idea how stupid it is?

If it wins votes, it wins votes.
>> No. 15454 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:12 pm
15454 spacer

I know about the "bad boy" image, it is quite appealing to a large segment of the population, you included. However, there is a reason why people with criminal records are banned from several professions, and it is because they proved themselves to be willing to break the law. Any sane, rational (male) person understands it and bars those people from working in places that require trustworthy people. Females and other weak minded people are fascinated by the "bad boy" image and are attracted by it, but later they complain when they end up robbed/beaten/raped/scammed and so on.

Logic dictates to not trust somebody with a criminal record, but logic is the alien to the female mind.
>> No. 15455 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:22 pm
15455 spacer

I don't have that problem at 6'1'', but I can imagine it's a hassle once you get to about 6'3'' or 6'4''.

Funny story, I was once in a club and I was just completely knackered that evening, having had to work from 6 am that day. So at some point after a few beers, I just sat down on the side of the dance floor and sort of half dozed off for a minute, my head leaned against a stack of speakers. Next thing I knew, this 5-foot and a bit, chav looking manlet started pushing me in the side and saying, "What the fuck are you doing, sleeping here? Get up and dance, you can sleep at home!". I told him to fuck off and leave me alone, but that only spurred him on more. Looking at him, I knew that I was a very significant amount taller than him, so at some point I just got up, and leaned in on him and started pushing my chest in his face. And looking down on him that way, I just said, "Can we agree that you will just leave me alone from now on and not bother me anymore?". You should have seen the look on his face. He practically shat his pants right there and then, upon realising that he had totally misjudged my size while I was sitting down. He still tried to argue with me, saying something like, "Look, if you're tired, why don't you just go home". And I just said calmly, while still looking down on him from just a few centimetres away, "I am not going to ask you again. Quit bothering me, and we will have no problem with each other". He then said something unintelligible and fucked off and I never saw him again.

I guess it's one of those things that you can only pull off if you're a bit taller than most people.
>> No. 15456 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:23 pm
15456 spacer

>Any sane, rational (male) person understands it and bars those people from working in places

Any sane rational man can understand that just because you glassed someone in 1998 it doesn't mean you're going to nick everything out of my till now.
>> No. 15457 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:27 pm
15457 spacer

>That's like a rich man saying that being on JSA and surviving on food banks handouts is not so bad. Do you have any idea how stupid it is?

No; your logic is effectively saying that a rich man has no business ever talking about poor people in any way at all.

Also, I didn't say being a short lad isn't so bad. I was saying that there is more to being a manlet than just being a bit less tall than most people. So I was actually trying to give consolation to the lads on here who think they're a (physical) manlet at 5'4'' or whatever their height is.

So it's more like a rich man saying to a pauper that there is hope that that pauper will escape from his poverty.

Which really isn't that absurd. It is possible, and it does happen, or else what good would all the government schemes be that try to help people do just that. Nobody expects you to go from tower block dolescum to millionaire.
>> No. 15458 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:28 pm
15458 spacer

>I guess it's one of those things that you can only pull off if you're a bit taller than most people.

It's true. I'm 5'10" and I wouldn't really call that short, but there's some primal ape part of my brain that tells me squaring up to someone even an inch or two taller than me is a bad idea, even when I'm clearly in better condition physically than them.

Not that I'm squaring up to blokes all the time but you know what I mean.
>> No. 15459 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:29 pm
15459 spacer

Also, there is a difference between being an actual criminal and somebody who just has their way with the rules a bit, and bends them.

Not all bad boys are delinquents.
>> No. 15460 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:33 pm
15460 spacer

Left: You. Right: The lad she tells you not to worry about.

(Come on now chaps, this is getting awfully reddit-esque.)
>> No. 15461 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:40 pm
15461 spacer


>(Come on now chaps, this is getting awfully reddit-esque.)

Right... reddit keeps leaking. and that.
>> No. 15462 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 9:46 pm
15462 spacer
I've a few tall friends and they seem to get started on more often than others, which they think is down to people wanting to prove themselves.
>> No. 15463 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 10:06 pm
15463 spacer

I would agree. I guess some shorter people who start these things have a latent inferiority complex and feel they constantly have to prove that their size does not make them any less of a man.

One of my friends is 5'6'' and he told me that when you're short, you always have to put up more effort for people to notice you, and that that includes women.

When you're a bit taller, I guess you rest in yourself more. And in a way you think less about having to prove yourself. Because at 6'1'', it's not likely that somebody will doubt your physcial abilities. Or by extension, your abilities as a person. You also stick out in most crowds without really having to do much.
>> No. 15464 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 10:09 pm
15464 spacer

I guess it also depends on whether you're a lanky beanpole.
>> No. 15465 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 10:30 pm
15465 spacer


Is there a photo of Peter Crouch in existence that doesn't look crudely photoshopped?

That man is a bizarre assortment of limbs.
>> No. 15466 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 11:00 pm
15466 spacer


That man is a legend when it comes to nigh-on anatomically impossible body movements.
>> No. 15467 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 11:22 pm
15467 spacer

Fugg, I always thought that it was a photoshopped meme image.
>> No. 15468 Anonymous
22nd May 2018
Tuesday 11:56 pm
15468 spacer
Eh? Surely you're aware photoshop memes are on the whole sourced from unaltered photographs.
>> No. 15469 Anonymous
23rd May 2018
Wednesday 9:14 am
15469 spacer

>> No. 15473 Anonymous
23rd May 2018
Wednesday 2:09 pm
15473 spacer

No, I was not. Manlets have limited internet access.
>> No. 15480 Anonymous
23rd May 2018
Wednesday 7:05 pm
15480 spacer

Clearly, you are not a manlet then.
>> No. 15483 Anonymous
23rd May 2018
Wednesday 7:28 pm
15483 spacer
He's probably a lanklet.
>> No. 15487 Anonymous
25th May 2018
Friday 12:37 am
15487 spacer
He looks so skinny in that picture. Almost incredible.
>> No. 15488 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 12:20 pm
15488 spacer

Footballers are always skinny. Wonder what WAGs see in them really...

Besides the obvious big checkbook.
>> No. 15489 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 12:26 pm
15489 spacer

They're usually in incredibly good shape, on account of them being pro athletes, the ones that aren't generally don't get far.
>> No. 15490 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 2:05 pm
15490 spacer
A football pitch is only around 100m long.
>> No. 15491 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 3:35 pm
15491 spacer
Yeah, and like two thirds of that wide, and the match is roughly 45 minutes... what's you're point? You know they don't just race from one end to the other one time, right?
>> No. 15492 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 3:38 pm
15492 spacer

*per half
>> No. 15493 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 4:08 pm
15493 spacer
The objectives are at each end of the pitch, not at the sides.
>> No. 15494 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 4:35 pm
15494 spacer

Right, but it's still ground to cover, and you were the one who brought up the the size of the pitch to suggest that football players aren't fit.
>> No. 15495 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 5:08 pm
15495 spacer
No they play the match with the ground covers off.
>> No. 15496 Anonymous
26th May 2018
Saturday 5:30 pm
15496 spacer
>> No. 15497 Anonymous
29th May 2018
Tuesday 4:44 pm
15497 spacer

>> No. 15702 Anonymous
21st July 2018
Saturday 10:29 pm
15702 spacer

718Qmv 3WnL._SL1500_.jpg

>> No. 15812 Anonymous
26th August 2018
Sunday 9:41 pm
15812 spacer
The incels are at it again.

>> No. 15813 Anonymous
26th August 2018
Sunday 9:50 pm
15813 spacer

Almost seems like a hoax, but there are multiple news articles reporting the story. Bleak.
>> No. 16273 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 8:22 am
16273 spacer

Unsurprisingly the pipe bomber in America has turned out to be a bit of a fruitloop.

His van was covered in stickers with pictures of the likes of Hilary or Michael Moore with targets over their faces and ones with Trump slogans like 'drain the swamp'. His online postings that have been found show that he'd fully bought into the toxic policital discourse over there.
>> No. 16274 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 10:19 am
16274 spacer
I'm sure they will claim he is a false flag agent somehow.
>> No. 16275 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 10:54 am
16275 spacer
If it was, whoever invented this Cesar Sayoc guy deserves an Academy Award.
>> No. 16276 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 11:33 am
16276 spacer
They have. Unsurprisingly Trump has added fuel to the fire.

>Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

>> No. 16278 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 4:17 pm
16278 spacer
Yes, his van. His van is what made me stop and wonder what the fuck is going on, before that I didn't even think it might be funky.

It's just not real. It seems like it's what a computer would predict a guys van would look like when his Alt-right sentiments were set to 100%.
>> No. 16279 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 4:40 pm
16279 spacer
Septics are obsessed with car stickers.
>> No. 16280 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 4:48 pm
16280 spacer
Have a gander at alt-right Twitter, or a Breitbart comments section, or a less respectable imageboard than our own; he's exactly like those people.
>> No. 16281 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 4:54 pm
16281 spacer
I think it applies to almost any form of message board which covers current affairs. The comment section on the BBC News site in particular is an absolute shitshow.
>> No. 16282 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 5:03 pm
16282 spacer
And no one raised a flag that he was getting all this shit done at the printers? No one vandalised his van or reported it to the FBI tip off line? Septics aren't exactly know for their subtely, granted, but that goes both ways. The police will stop you in America for walking to the shop. They consider not driving half a mile to be suspicious behaviour, but this guys van got a pass? Being on the receiving end of a police stop for "walking suspiciously" and the resulting conversation where they seemed genuinely bewildered I'd "risk" walking anywhere, it makes this difficult to swallow.

It just doesn't seem real.
>> No. 16283 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 5:04 pm
16283 spacer

Oh, and some /pol/tard has gone and shot up a synagogue.

>> No. 16284 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 5:06 pm
16284 spacer
Fucking hell. Can we just nuke the US from orbit already?
>> No. 16285 Anonymous
27th October 2018
Saturday 5:16 pm
16285 spacer

This sort of thing isn't exactly uncommon over there.
>> No. 16291 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 4:44 pm
16291 spacer

Shockingly when I talk to yanks about the members of NA being on trial for terrorism allegations they all act like they're being done for "thought crime" despite them potentially being as fucked in the head as this cunt.
>> No. 16292 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 5:38 pm
16292 spacer

It IS essentially thought crime though. All they had done is start/join a political movement that had been considered dissident.
>> No. 16293 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 6:17 pm
16293 spacer
This. This isn't sport. Dissent should not be a crime. Political violence should be criminalised for its violence, not its politics.
>> No. 16294 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 7:49 pm
16294 spacer
"It's thought crime, all they did was [take physical action]"
You seem to have missed the point of thoughtcrime.
>> No. 16295 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 8:17 pm
16295 spacer
If "taking physical action" is read to include "joining an organisation and associating with its members", then evidently you're the one that's missed the point.
>> No. 16297 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 9:52 pm
16297 spacer
No, read 1984 and stop being a twat. The point of thoughtcrime in the book is that he was dead from the minute he considered keeping a diary. Not from the moment he acquired it, not from the moment he set pen to paper, his crime was to think about doing it. You completely abandon the frightening part of the idea of thoughtcrime the moment you broaden it to "taking an action", however harmless and petty that action may be, because not taking an action is trivial: Not thinking about taking an action is difficult.

Alternatively: People missing the point of books on the internet? HOW ORWELLIAN.
>> No. 16298 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 9:57 pm
16298 spacer
>stop being a twat.
Says the lad who's being deliberately obtuse.
>> No. 16299 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 10:01 pm
16299 spacer
Where are your spoiler tags, asshole?
>> No. 16300 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 10:11 pm
16300 spacer
Waheyyyy! It's cunt-off time.
>> No. 16301 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 10:14 pm
16301 spacer

Let's be honest, a cunt-off about a novel everyone quotes and nobody reads unless an English teacher browbeats them into it is by far preferable to a cunt-off about right wing politics.
>> No. 16302 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 10:44 pm
16302 spacer
The first thing I thought on finishing 1984 is that it would make a great text adventure.
>> No. 16303 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 10:50 pm
16303 spacer
You're doomed from the moment you install it.
>> No. 16304 Anonymous
28th October 2018
Sunday 11:24 pm
16304 spacer
You're so right. Wonder why it hasn't been the theme for a game before.
>> No. 16305 Anonymous
29th October 2018
Monday 1:11 am
16305 spacer

>great text adventure

What a oxymoron.
>> No. 16306 Anonymous
29th October 2018
Monday 1:15 am
16306 spacer
What a pleb.
>> No. 16307 Anonymous
29th October 2018
Monday 5:19 am
16307 spacer

>> No. 16308 Anonymous
29th October 2018
Monday 7:30 am
16308 spacer

What does a table top rpgs have to do with great text adventures? They are very different medium of games, It would be like me asking for a desert and you saying ' What about Sheppard's pie?'
>> No. 16309 Anonymous
29th October 2018
Monday 8:39 am
16309 spacer

Stick it up your arse m8.
>> No. 16310 Anonymous
29th October 2018
Monday 4:59 pm
16310 spacer

Not being funny, but if you actually set out to shout through a megaphone how much you want to gas others and imply that it's a promise, the powers that be will take you as seriously as you want. You can fuck about in court insisting "oh it was only roleplay" as much as you want (as those twats have), fact of the matter is there will be a bigger price to pay if a looney does go out and fulfil that promise of killing someone they perceive to be the enemy.
>> No. 17483 Anonymous
24th January 2019
Thursday 7:04 am
17483 spacer
A 27-year-old Denver man serving probation for stalking a woman was arrested in Utah over the weekend after police say he threatened on Facebook to kill as many women as possible because he’s a virgin who has never had a girlfriend.

Christopher Wayne Cleary was arrested at a McDonald’s restaurant in Provo, Utah, on Saturday after several women called Denver police about the Facebook post. Authorities were concerned because there were several women’s marches planned on Saturday, including one in Provo.

The post on Cleary’s Facebook page read:

“All I wanted was a girlfriend, not 1000 … not a bunch of hoes … I’ve never had a girlfriend before and I’m still a virgin, this is why I’m planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I’m ready to die and all the girls the turned me down is going to make it right by killing as many girls as I see.” Another post said, “There’s nothing more dangerous than man ready to die,” according to the police statement.


Eight Denver-area women and teens reported to police in recent years that the man now accused of threatening to “kill as many girls as I see” had harassed them when they wouldn’t date him and, in some cases, made violent threats and advertised their names on social media as prostitutes.

Court records detailing Cleary’s criminal past in Colorado show a string of convictions — and repeated sentences of probation — related to the harassment and stalking of women stretching back at least three years. And they also suggest Cleary may not have been a virgin as claimed in the Facebook post; an ex-girlfriend told police they had a sexual relationship.

>> No. 17541 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 3:32 pm
17541 spacer
> And they also suggest Cleary may not have been a virgin as claimed in the Facebook post; an ex-girlfriend told police they had a sexual relationship.
Now if he's a true incel, that's one wicked cruel trolling.
>> No. 17542 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 4:03 pm
17542 spacer
He seems like a true mentalist, so I'd imagine he's warped his mind so much in his desire to fit into whichever incel circlejerk he's made home that he's classing himself as a kissless virgin even though he's had sex.
>> No. 17550 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 7:24 pm
17550 spacer
It's funny because the FBI and CIA used to, maybe still does, target people like this because they're malleable. Now other people are doing it and setting them loose and it's a national crisis. America fucking itself again.
>> No. 17552 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 7:43 pm
17552 spacer
That seems to be increasingly common.
Men declaring themselves incels just to fit into the incel circlejerk. Circle crywank?
>> No. 17553 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 7:56 pm
17553 spacer
>Circle crywank?
Your place or mine?
>> No. 17555 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 8:41 pm
17555 spacer

It's still utterly mental, but you could certainly "become" incel even after having sex.
>> No. 17556 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 8:51 pm
17556 spacer
If you mean "become involuntarily celibate" then yes, but incel as originally defined by wizardchan and those sorts categorically excludes ever having had sex and probably kissing and hand-holding too.
These things evolve I suppose.
>> No. 17557 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 8:52 pm
17557 spacer
Incel has already lost connection with the meaning it originally had. Words do that faster than ever in the social media age. Nowadays it's just a shorthand for the kind of bloke who has, for whatever reason, ended up as a bit of an outcast and jaded woman hater. It's the male equivalent of a fat bridesmaid on her best mate's hen do.
>> No. 17558 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 8:59 pm
17558 spacer
Wizardchan bans all talk of sex, so they certainly didn't define anything. Those lads are tragic, but they weren't where the incel movement started. I browsed once and I think they just want to be left alone, poor cunts.
>> No. 17559 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 9:13 pm
17559 spacer
Actually y'know, maybe the puritan lot from the olden days were onto something. At least back in them days you didn't have blokes going mental over the fact they weren't getting laid; sex was never expected because it was shameful and tabboo in the first place. You didn't have sex blasted into your skull by every advert and song on the radio like today. Maybe we'd never have incels if people didn't feel like a pathetic failure for not having it.

Where are the Quakers when we need them.
>> No. 17561 Anonymous
25th January 2019
Friday 9:16 pm
17561 spacer

>Maybe we'd never have incels if people didn't feel like a pathetic failure for not having it

That's entirely it. Losing your virginity seems to be built up as such a big deal in our society, when really it's not. Same with women panicking about having a baby before it's too late.
>> No. 17567 Anonymous
26th January 2019
Saturday 12:21 am
17567 spacer


I think there are different kinds of incels. On the one hand, the ones that really struggle with social anxiety or other hangups and the fact that it cripples their chances of finding somebody, and that to me deserves compassion by and large because they'd really like to have it a different way but can't see how to overcome their anxieties. A lot of them are decent lads who just don't know where to start.

But then there are the overgrown entitled cry babies who have had everything handed to them in life and never learned how to fend for themselves, and so they blame others for their predicament when they realise that not everybody in the real world will automatically dote on them like their mum or dad.

If you look at people like Elliott Rodger, he had it all. Extreme example maybe in terms of his wealthy background, then again, mopey self absorbed incels like him could just as well be living in their mum's basement in North Dakota. Anyway, Elliott Rodger wasn't bad looking, he had rich upper class parents who gave him a brand new fucking BMW at the tender age of 20, and still he saw himself as the poor unfucked sod who felt that bitches had to die because they had shown him the cold shoulder. It was a false sense of entitlement, pathological narcissism, and the inability to understand that success with women isn't (always) handed to you like your brand new BMW was. And nothing is ever their own fault.

tl;dr: I can't solve your problem, Mr. Lebowski. Only you can.
>> No. 17573 Anonymous
26th January 2019
Saturday 8:45 am
17573 spacer
>I can't solve your problem, Mr. Lebowski. Only you can.

I'm guessing you've seen the teaser from Jeff Bridges, which apparently means The Dude is returning in... an advert during the Super Bowl.

>> No. 17574 Anonymous
26th January 2019
Saturday 8:56 am
17574 spacer

>The Dude is returning in... an advert during the Super Bowl

That's fucking grim.

The Coens don't even really like the original film, so I doubt they're involved. I wonder what it's for. Milk?
>> No. 17576 Anonymous
26th January 2019
Saturday 9:57 am
17576 spacer

There are obviously a million different ways that a sequel, if that is what we are in for, could end up being horribly botched. Much as I'd like to see what the Dude is up to today, I don't want a sequel that is going to bomb to ruin the cult status of the original film.

I'm sure there could be plenty of shenanigans that Walter Sobchak and the Dude could get up to nowadays, but again, get this wrong, and the damage will not be limited to a mediocre new movie.
>> No. 17596 Anonymous
28th January 2019
Monday 8:45 pm
17596 spacer
Stella. It's an advert for Stella with horse face.

>> No. 17597 Anonymous
28th January 2019
Monday 9:44 pm
17597 spacer

I knew it was going to be an advert, but I still feel a little sick.

I wonder what made him decide to do it. Usually the answer is money, but I liked to imagine him as one of them artist who was above all of that. Of course not many people are above a few million dollars for half a day's work.
>> No. 17598 Anonymous
28th January 2019
Monday 9:46 pm
17598 spacer


I was genuinely expecting to see a horse's face in the ad.

Why would you say that, while at the same time making no mention of the fact that the Dude appears in the advert?
>> No. 17599 Anonymous
28th January 2019
Monday 9:49 pm
17599 spacer
I'm guessing he didn't mention it because it was implicitly a continuation of the conversation speculating about what he was appearing in.
>> No. 17600 Anonymous
28th January 2019
Monday 10:02 pm
17600 spacer
>I wonder what made him decide to do it. Usually the answer is money, but I liked to imagine him as one of them artist who was above all of that. Of course not many people are above a few million dollars for half a day's work.

I believe it was raising awareness for charidee. For every pint of wife beater you drink they give a pint of water to a thirsty African, or something like that.
>> No. 17601 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 12:57 pm
17601 spacer
She really doesn't have a "horse face", stop parroting hack jokes.
>> No. 17602 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 1:10 pm
17602 spacer

How would you describe this face? Which animal would you most liken it to?

>> No. 17603 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 1:10 pm
17603 spacer

Alright, settle down Matthew.
>> No. 17604 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 1:20 pm
17604 spacer
She's got banging cheek bones, that's not horse-like in the slightest. It's more a problem you doing boring jokes from millenia ago anyway.

>> No. 17605 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 4:42 pm
17605 spacer
Honestly, in the current era if I saw a woman with that jawline I'd assume it was just another tranny.
>> No. 17606 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 4:47 pm
17606 spacer
That's because trannies live in your head rent free.
>> No. 17607 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 4:48 pm
17607 spacer

All the women in Wigan have massive chins. No idea why.
>> No. 17609 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 9:44 pm
17609 spacer
I was actually looking for horse-like characteristics, all that stuck out as particularly odd was her huge manjaw. Horsiness I associate more with long teeth I suppose.
>> No. 17610 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 9:45 pm
17610 spacer
>live in your head rent free.

Please don't do this.
>> No. 17611 Anonymous
29th January 2019
Tuesday 11:13 pm
17611 spacer
I have to confess, I've always really fancied her.

Sageru for hippophilia.
>> No. 17612 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 8:22 am
17612 spacer

6 Gracie Law.png
Out of the SATC actresses in their prime SJP is the least attractive of the four of them, by some distance.

I'm more of a Samantha fan.
>> No. 17613 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 10:04 am
17613 spacer

>Out of the SATC actresses in their prime

They were kind of past their prime already during Sex And The City. At least when the show was nearing its end.

Fun fact: Joshua Kadison wrote his one-hit wonder "Jessie" about his romantic relationship with Sarah Jessica Parker.

>> No. 17614 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 10:25 am
17614 spacer
They were well past it by the time of SATC; Cynthia Nixon peaked somewhere around Baby's Day Out.
>> No. 17615 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 10:38 am
17615 spacer

>They were well past it by the time of SATC

Well the whole premise of the show was that these women had kind of missed the boat, or at least the first time that that boat came around, and about coming to terms with the fact that they were early 30s single women finding their way in a big city.

I think a lot of the appeal of the show for women was the idea that you could be past the age 30 threshold and still have a satisfying shot at the casual dating market. So it offered affirmation in that respect.
>> No. 17616 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 10:47 am
17616 spacer

Totally disagree. Kim Cattrall was at the peak of her MILFy glory in SATC. Fine wine etc.
>> No. 17618 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 11:30 am
17618 spacer


If you have a thing for MILFs, then maybe.
>> No. 17619 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 4:54 pm
17619 spacer
Another fun fact: Sarah Jessica Parker made what was pretty much her acting debut in Flight of the Navigator. I remember being thrilled when I rewatched it in my twenties and saw her there.
>> No. 17620 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 5:05 pm
17620 spacer

Cattrall was at her best in Porkys and we all know it.
>> No. 17621 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 5:26 pm
17621 spacer
She was kind of past her prime in Flight of the Navigator.
>> No. 17625 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 8:13 pm
17625 spacer
>> No. 17632 Anonymous
30th January 2019
Wednesday 10:46 pm
17632 spacer

I think a little context here is that the joke perpetuates because she is a genuinely awful person.

In other news, Kim Cattrall is scouse.

Well then I call dibs on Miranda. The episode where she gets a rimjob gave me a right teenage stonk-on. Probably the moment I became a pig in bed.
>> No. 17636 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 12:15 am
17636 spacer

The tabloids worry about what porn is doing to teenage attitudes to sex, but I wonder what a steady diet of Eurotrash, The Red Shoe Diaries and Sex And The City did to millennials. That's a really weird mish-mash of wank material when you think about it.
>> No. 17637 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 6:49 am
17637 spacer

>Well then I call dibs on Miranda

I know we're on about SATC, but it took me a while to click which Miranda you meant.
>> No. 17638 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 8:32 am
17638 spacer
Every generation seems to have their own sexual tragedy or tragicomedy.
>> No. 17642 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 1:34 pm
17642 spacer

We are but genitals to the gods!
They play with us for their amusement!

>> No. 17645 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 3:32 pm
17645 spacer

I wouldn't kick her out of bed. Pheoar.
>> No. 17651 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 4:10 pm
17651 spacer

In all honesty, I'd do her. I'm only 5'7", so she could probably chuck me around like a ragdoll.
>> No. 17653 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 4:38 pm
17653 spacer
>I wouldn't kick her out of bed.
You couldn't even if you wanted to.
>> No. 17659 Anonymous
31st January 2019
Thursday 5:15 pm
17659 spacer
I once performed with Miranda at a nativity play. She was playing Mary, and I one of the three kings. I gave her my myrrh and 'er pants fell off.
>> No. 17687 Anonymous
1st February 2019
Friday 2:59 pm
17687 spacer

>I gave her my myrrh and 'er pants fell off.

I'll have to try that trick.
>> No. 17859 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 1:59 pm
17859 spacer

...In fact a Sun Online investigation has found an alarming rise in racist abuse, aimed at relationships between white women and black men.

These disgusting trolls have dubbed themselves the coal patrol because they are trying to stamp out "coal burners" - their name for white women who date black men. The term comes from the vulgar idea that a woman "uses black coal to keep her hot".

Shockingly, in an increasingly multicultural Britain, in which seven per cent of couples in England and Wales are interracial, a growing number of young women are facing such abuse.

Much of this abuse is hidden via internet message boards, but experts who have analysed the posts say the authors are white men aged 16 to 24, who "want to protect women". These white males see themselves as being "superior" to black men and believe white women are "degrading" themselves by having relationships with them.


The coal patrol. The fucking coal patrol. All this time I thought coal burner meant a white woman pregnant with a black child inside her.
>> No. 17860 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 2:40 pm
17860 spacer
It's been interesting seeing comments made by Americans online lately and talking to some chaps over there, it really seems a lot of them are noticing the racists are really coming out again, online especially.

I mean, in the past couple of weeks an actor called Jussie Smollett, who is black, got attacked in Florida and had a noose put around his neck. It's 2019 for fucks sake, we're supposed to be moving forward, not back.
>> No. 17863 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 2:57 pm
17863 spacer
>>17860 we're supposed to be moving forward, not back.

What part of Make America Great Again gave you that idea?
>> No. 17864 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 3:02 pm
17864 spacer
This didn't actually happen though.
>> No. 17867 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 4:02 pm
17867 spacer

>Much of this abuse is hidden via internet message boards

In other words it's a bunch of sadacts mouthing of on a chan. While that's still terrible it's hardly 'women facing abuse' is it? Bit of a non story. Might as well report on the insidious sexism of britfa.gs.
>> No. 17868 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 4:02 pm
17868 spacer

Says who?
>> No. 17875 Anonymous
8th February 2019
Friday 5:55 pm
17875 spacer
The women targeted in the article were all British. The internet is increasingly leading to young people becoming more Americanised, particularly with views on race; I can almost guarantee that if you go on 4chan or one of those other cesspits right now there will be British lads posting "toll paid" about Robbie from Taggart's daughter dying from an overdose at a festival whilst her black boyfriend watched on.
>> No. 18098 Anonymous
17th February 2019
Sunday 10:02 am
18098 spacer
>I mean, in the past couple of weeks an actor called Jussie Smollett, who is black, got attacked in Florida and had a noose put around his neck. It's 2019 for fucks sake, we're supposed to be moving forward, not back.

Jussie Smollett paid two brothers to stage an attack against him, directed them to buy items used in the alleged assault and actually rehearsed it with them, sources say.

Sources say at least one of the brothers bought the rope used in the incident at Smollett’s request. The sources also say the “Empire” actor paid for the rope, which was purchased at the Crafty Beaver Hardware Store in the Ravenswood neighborhood the weekend of Jan. 25. The brothers, who were questioned by police this week before being released, were paid $3,500 before leaving for Nigeria and were promised an additional $500 upon their return.


Police sources: New evidence suggests Jussie Smollett orchestrated attack


The entire thing is fishy.
>> No. 18099 Anonymous
17th February 2019
Sunday 10:31 am
18099 spacer
Very fishy indeed. I mean, if you're on a successful TV show in the US, you can do better than $3500.
>> No. 18101 Anonymous
17th February 2019
Sunday 11:05 am
18101 spacer
Perhaps that's the going rate to get a couple of Nigerian brothers to beat you up whilst wearing a red cap and hurling racist insults at you or saying things like 'this is MAGA country.'
>> No. 18102 Anonymous
17th February 2019
Sunday 11:11 am
18102 spacer
"If it seems to good to be true, it probably is." Like with the fake Tweets I've seen bandied around on The Other Place or the peculiar rash of people being incredibly homophobic to their waiters via bitchy notes left on receipts a few years ago, this statement holds as true as ever. I found it odd that this violent attack didn't leave him much more injured than someone who'd walked into a lampost, so this seems like confirmation of it's illegitimacy to me.

I hope that idiot is happy.
>> No. 18104 Anonymous
17th February 2019
Sunday 11:52 am
18104 spacer
It's like the guy had never even seen Witless.
>> No. 18106 Anonymous
17th February 2019
Sunday 12:42 pm
18106 spacer
It's one of those things that just fucks everyone off.

The people who were incensed by the 'fake news' will invariably try to rationalise it by saying it's the type of thing that Trump supporters would do or that this has started a conversation. Shit sticks and they'll still have that burning emotion of anger stored up with all the other hatred they have for the alt-right.

The alt-right wazzocks will feel vindicated that they have been wrongly accused of something, which they'll use as justification that other things they're rightly blamed for are 'fake news' and as proof that the SJWs and the mainstream media cannot be trusted.

I don't understand how he thought any good could come of this.
>> No. 18282 Anonymous
21st February 2019
Thursday 6:37 am
18282 spacer
Chicago police say that US actor Jussie Smollett has been charged with filing a false police report


What a clown.
>> No. 18293 Anonymous
21st February 2019
Thursday 9:52 pm
18293 spacer
It's a mad mad story and sadly it validates a load of nonsense that Trump says.
>> No. 18294 Anonymous
21st February 2019
Thursday 10:11 pm
18294 spacer

What if this is a double false-flag? Trump's people paid him to pay people to kick his head in, just to discredit the left. Woooooooo...
>> No. 18295 Anonymous
21st February 2019
Thursday 10:20 pm
18295 spacer

Considering he was happy to press charges when he thought the police had arrested the wrong people I think it's safe to say he's just a prize cunt.
>> No. 18561 Anonymous
10th March 2019
Sunday 7:34 pm
18561 spacer

>> No. 18598 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:50 am
18598 spacer

Forty people have been killed and more than 20 seriously wounded in shootings at two igloos in Christchurch.

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the incidents as a daft militant wog attack, and one of the country's "darkest days".

Three men and one woman are in custody, police commissioner Mike Bush said, but warned more suspects may be at large.

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison said one of those arrested was an Australian citizen. He described the suspected attacker as an "extremist right-wing violent daft militant wog".

>> No. 18599 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 7:03 am
18599 spacer

The main shooter was a 4channer. They livestreamed the entire attack. They wrote things like "kebab remover" on their weapons.

Fucking hell.
>> No. 18600 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 7:13 am
18600 spacer

This timeline, lads. This fucking timeline.
>> No. 18601 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 7:51 am
18601 spacer
The fuck is that image?
>> No. 18602 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 7:51 am
18602 spacer

The senator for Queensland is a strange perverse cruel man.
>> No. 18603 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:24 am
18603 spacer
Australian's living up to their role as the world's worst shitposters.

>> No. 18604 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:32 am
18604 spacer

I wonder what will happen if the shooters end up in NZ prison, still ranting about "invaders" in front of the Maori gangbangers.
>> No. 18605 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:05 am
18605 spacer

>Does anyone still dispute the link between eskimo immigration and violence?

Is my fravorite tweet. The logic behind it is absurd, it feels like a parody. Islamiphobic is is such a devalued term by over broad use that it feels like we need a new word to describe him
>> No. 18606 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:07 am
18606 spacer
>it feels like we need a new word to describe him

>> No. 18607 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:14 am
18607 spacer
Can I get the one where del Toro made his two Hobbit films instead? And where m00t deleted /pol/ instead of allowing it to fester into one of the biggest collectives of the far-right on the internet?
>> No. 18608 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:33 am
18608 spacer

I honestly don't see how m00t deleting POL would help. People would just be making their announcements else where. The existence of 4chan at least means that these people stand a chance of being caught by police forces. Otherwise they would probably move onto the dark web and announce on Facebook and you would never get the tip off situations you sometimes get.
>> No. 18609 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:37 am
18609 spacer

They've already put the fucking synthwave filter over it, the gormless bastards.
>> No. 18610 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:52 am
18610 spacer

4chan makes it easier to gather, and their culture of doing stuff for attention makes people like that gunman do what they do.

Nobody announces their mass shooting plans weeks or even days in advance, so I fail to see what law enforcement can do. By the time this lad posted, it was already too late.

The deep web version of /pol/ would be infintessimally smaller than the clearnet version, and would likely never be found by the types of kids who end up being indoctrinated by their rhetoric.
>> No. 18611 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 12:10 pm
18611 spacer
As >>18608 said deleting 4chan's /pol/ wouldn't help, this shooter posted on 8chan's /pol/ which is where I assume they'd all end up anyway if m00t had deleted it.
>> No. 18612 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 12:24 pm
18612 spacer
I think the issue with /pol/ is that it was created in the first place. I mean 4chan always had racism but prior to /pol/ it felt more like edgelords saying it for effect or crude humour rather than being part of a massive hivemind. The moment /pol/ was created that all changed; even the people who were joking around at first eventually get warped by it and start taking it seriously.
>> No. 18613 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 12:28 pm
18613 spacer
No, I'm sorry, but you don't understand. /pol/ fosters and encourages events like this and actively celebrates them once they occur. It is one of the largest forums for the far-right on the internet, and the fact it sits next to boards about Pokemon and sports is bonkers. /pol/ is an extremist megaphone and its continued tolerance on 4chan is utterly deranged.

I'd bet my bollocks he found his way to 8chan via 4chan's /pol/.
>> No. 18614 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 12:53 pm
18614 spacer
I don't know about that. I remember the other /pol/ in the good old days when the racism was mainly ironic. Unfortunately, the side effects of Poe's Law kicked in and it became a hive for real racists.
>> No. 18615 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 12:57 pm
18615 spacer

It was odd, I always assumed it to be ironic, and I thought the 'vote for trump' craic was ironic too, thinking it was funny to 'meme him into office' and all of that, but it seemed very rapidly to flip to full on, genuine support. I suppose the last few years have made people feel more comfortable being properly racist, instead of just pretending.
>> No. 18616 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 1:05 pm
18616 spacer
Yeah I remember thinking it was just another joke like with Ron Paul, then it started getting nasty. At some point people started taking the "internet is serious business" meme as a rule, probably due to the rise of social media and companies encouraging you to put your real life information on the net.
>> No. 18617 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 1:10 pm
18617 spacer
It's good to keep in mind that a lot of the users on 4chan are underage. Many kids below voting age support Trump because memes, then just gradually got brainwashed.
>> No. 18618 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 3:56 pm
18618 spacer
You pair are incredibly naive. It wasn't ironic on /pol/'s predecessor board /news/, it was just wasn't something the majority of posters signed up to, but to have thought it was still a goof in 2016 defies logic.
>> No. 18619 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 3:58 pm
18619 spacer
I remember the fun of the 2012 primaries. Mittens, Frothy, RuPaul and the Moon Lizard. Good times. The place really went downhill after that.
>> No. 18620 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 4:01 pm
18620 spacer
>on /pol/'s predecessor board /news/
Yeah, no. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
>> No. 18621 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 4:06 pm
18621 spacer

Just a snippet from the manifesto of this cunt.

/pol/ was clearly a replacement for that board, it was created at the same time m00t brought back /r9k/, which had been deleted along with /news/. There was clearly a link between the two and many of the early /pol/ "memes" came out of the hold out communities that had persisted elsewhere after /news/'s deletion.
>> No. 18622 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 4:19 pm
18622 spacer

>> No. 18623 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 4:27 pm
18623 spacer
You really sound about as qualified to talk about 4chan history as Michael Gove about ... well, anything.

Old /pol/ was very much ironic. They played havoc with various far-right talk shows, and caused more than one outage at Stormfront. This would be back when the news board was /n/, before that was deleted and replaced with trains. /new/ followed, and when that died one of the explicit rules at new /pol/ was "none of the bullshit that got /new/ canned please".
>> No. 18624 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 4:29 pm
18624 spacer
Oh, I do love it when internet historians bicker. I mainly used /sp/ so this all passed me by.
>> No. 18625 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 4:35 pm
18625 spacer
>and when that died one of the explicit rules at new /pol/ was "none of the bullshit that got /new/ canned please".
Right, well that worked didn't it?

There was never anything "ironic" about the racism on /pol/. If you thought otherwise you were a pigging idiot and I'm suprised you have the mental wherewithal to have turned on a computer in the first place. If you've engaged with their "ironic" brand of racism then you need to take a long, hard look at yourself
>> No. 18626 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 5:01 pm
18626 spacer
>There was never anything "ironic" about the racism on /pol/.
If you say so, babes.
>> No. 18627 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 5:02 pm
18627 spacer
I'm sorry you got duped, dickhead.
>> No. 18628 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 5:09 pm
18628 spacer
If he was posting racism ironically on /pol/ then there was ironic racism on /pol/ and you're both making the same Poe's law-related basic mistake that either of you could be certain what you were reading at the time was or wasn't ironic. It's unquantifiable. All we can say for sure is that some of it was ironic and some of it wasn't.
>> No. 18629 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 5:09 pm
18629 spacer
No, you're right. Clearly there's nothing ironic about DDoSing Stormfront. They must have been genuine neo-Nazis, who entirely logically wanted to take a neo-Nazi forum down, because that's exactly what actual neo-Nazis would do.
>> No. 18630 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 5:39 pm
18630 spacer
49 people dead. At least we're focusing on what really matters.
>> No. 18631 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 5:50 pm
18631 spacer

What do you expect us to be discussing, exactly? Couple of hundred posts about how sad it is? That's a given.
>> No. 18632 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:02 pm
18632 spacer
Shit what a horrible thing..This has weighed on me all day and I imagine it won't ease up soon. All this because of one mental cunt.
>> No. 18633 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:06 pm
18633 spacer
You've got to admit that a cunt-off about whether people were ironically being racist on 4chan and whether the troubles really began on their /new/ board is tedious even by our standards.
>> No. 18634 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:14 pm
18634 spacer


>> No. 18635 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:20 pm
18635 spacer

That 49 deaths is an absolutely inconsequential number in the scheme of things and we should be ashamed of the fact that this shooting has got more coverage in the last few hours than the Yemen conflict has over the past few year? That a mass shooting in laplanderstan or Nigeria that left 49 dead could pass without any real attention from the global media? That the undue attention paid to lone nutters only serves to perpetuate a cycle of glory-seeking violence?

>> No. 18636 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:33 pm
18636 spacer

I understand fine. What makes you think destroying a rats nest gets rid of the rats. As someone else pointed out they didn't even post on 4chan. Please stop doubling down.
>> No. 18638 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 6:48 pm
18638 spacer
Right, but the increasing militancy of the white nationalist far-right is of more relevancy to my life in the West than the violence surrounding the recent Nigerian elections or constant strife of Kashmir, and that might bother you but it's true.

This NZ attack is also very different to the all but random school and uni shootings you're talking about because it has a very clear and obvious ideology and motive, so your smug posting of a ten year old Newswipe clip really doesn't impress me very much.

Because the "rats nest" is clearly a huge point of contact for people with the far-right. It's wildly popular and as such the far-right use it as a place to induce people into extremist thought. If it wasn't there you would shut down one of the movement's largest exposure points, which means, as I said of the shooter in the earlier post, fewer people would find their way onto 8chan or elsewhere, via 4chan's /pol/.

The idea that /pol/ hasn't been a massive boon for the extremists who want a global race war is boneheaded and if you disagree you are wrong. I'm not negotiating on this, you're just wrong. /pol/ is a beneficial place for the far-right, this is a 2+2=4 level equation. It might not be the only one, but that's not a reason to tolerate its utterly bonkers ideology inbetween boards about papercraft and another about online roleplaying (/po/ and /qst/ respectively).
>> No. 18639 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 7:03 pm
18639 spacer

>Right, but the increasing militancy of the white nationalist far-right is of more relevancy to my life in the West than the violence surrounding the recent Nigerian elections or constant strife of Kashmir, and that might bother you but it's true.

Is there any evidence that white nationalist militancy is actually on the rise? I remember the likes of the NF and C88. I remember the American militia movement of the 90s and the Oklahoma City bombing. Is there really a surge of far-right violence, or is the media creating a narrative out of a handful of internet nutters and a couple of nasty incidents? Are people actually being radicalised by social media, or are angry psychopaths just using far-right ideology as a justification for their 15 minutes of grotesque fame?
>> No. 18640 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 7:09 pm
18640 spacer

>Is there really a surge of far-right violence,
>An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database by researchers at the University of Maryland published in 2017 shows a “sharp increase” in the share of attacks by right-wing extremists, from 6% in the 2000s to 35% in the 2010s. [https://www.start.umd.edu/pubs/START_IdeologicalMotivationsOfTerrorismInUS_Nov2017.pdf]
>An analysis by Quartz of the same Global Terrorism Database confirmed that the trend persisted in 2017, when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists. Out of 65 incidents last year, 37 were tied to racist, anti-eskimo, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations.

>Are people actually being radicalised by social media
yes are you blind?
>> No. 18642 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:13 pm
18642 spacer

That Quartz article seems to have an awful lot of cherry picking there, especially when you look at the underlying data. It's almost as if their starting point has been cherry picked when it goes against the long-term trend.

There have been fewer right-wing daft militant wog attacks in the 2010s than the 1970s, 1980s and the 1990s. One of the key reasons it seems proportionately higher is because the number of daft militant wog attacks due to other ideologies - black nationalism, Puerto Rican separatists, environmentalism, the Animal Liberation Front, left-wing extremism, opposition to abortion, etc. - have declined massively over the decades.

The study itself doesn't try to draw conclusions and clearly states that the data is highly sensitive to individual mass casualty attacks. That said, it's telling that the article focuses on right-wing extremism when religious extremism increased proportionately from accounting for 9% of daft militant wog attacks in the 2000s to 53% in the 2010s.
>> No. 18643 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:16 pm
18643 spacer

>One of the key reasons it seems proportionately higher is because the number of daft militant wog attacks due to other ideologies - black nationalism, Puerto Rican separatists, environmentalism, the Animal Liberation Front, left-wing extremism, opposition to abortion, etc. - have declined massively over the decades.

This still serves to highlight that the alt right is currently the bigger problem.
>> No. 18644 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:18 pm
18644 spacer

I agree with you actually - /pol/ in many places has legitimised and allowed people to roleplay behaviours that none of us would accept in person.

A bit like this guy - he isn't responsible, but is culpable.
>> No. 18645 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:22 pm
18645 spacer
They are undoubtedly one of the major internal problems America, possibly the rest of the Western world too, is facing at the moment. My issue is with questionable use of data to reach the conclusion you were looking for all along, especially if it's something I'd rather agree with so it's easier just to accept at face value.
>> No. 18646 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:26 pm
18646 spacer
... and has also surged in the past decade, despite all other motivated attacks having decreased or stayed the same. Which answers the question "is there really a surge of far-right violence".
>> No. 18647 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:42 pm
18647 spacer
>despite all other motivated attacks having decreased or stayed the same.

No. Not quite.

An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database by researchers at the University of Maryland published in 2017 shows a “sharp increase” in the share of attacks by right-wing extremists, from 6% in the 2000s to 35% in the 2010s. The share of attacks by religious extremists also increased, from 9% to 53% between the two decades.

It's funny how the original post quoting that article just happened to miss off the final sentence from that paragraph.

>Which answers the question "is there really a surge of far-right violence"

Considering the other lad was on about the NF and the Oklahoma City bombing, I'd have thought it was obvious he was on about the long-term trend.
>> No. 18648 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:44 pm
18648 spacer
>A bit like this guy - he isn't responsible, but is culpable.
Who is he, how is he culpable, and why should anyone care?
>> No. 18649 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:51 pm
18649 spacer
>The suspect also referenced a meme in the actual video. Before opening fire he shouted "subscribe to PewDiePie", a reference to a meme about keeping YouTube star PewDiePie as the most-subscribed-to channel on the platform. PewDiePie has been embroiled in a race row before, so some have speculated that the attacker knew that mentioning him would provoke a reaction online. PewDiePie later said on Twitter he was "absolutely sickened having my name uttered by this person"

>> No. 18650 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 8:56 pm
18650 spacer
So that answers the first question.
>> No. 18651 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:23 pm
18651 spacer
>I don't know what's happening, but by God are you going to know about it!
Wonderful contribution. Perhaps you should start gatecrashing your local uni's history lectures?

>Marshall Ney? Never fucking heard of him, was he a boxer? He sounds like a boxer. Not that I care.
>> No. 18652 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:28 pm
18652 spacer
>Wonderful contribution.
Someone posts a photo as if we're just expected to know the relevance and you're complaining that someone dared ask for clarification? Right back at you, m7.
>> No. 18653 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:39 pm
18653 spacer
Don't get cunty at people because you can't be arsed reverse image searching a photo of one of the most famous people to scream about Minecraft into a webcam.
>> No. 18655 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:42 pm
18655 spacer
I'll get cunty about anything I fucking well please, m9. This is .gs, it's the only pleasure we're afforded here.
>> No. 18656 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 9:44 pm
18656 spacer
Well, he was an 8channer apparently which is about twice as bad. I took a look over at 4chan's pol and they all think it's either hilarious or admirable of course. Bizarre place. I don't see how much longer they can expect to exist, unless it really is a honeypot.
>> No. 18658 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 10:18 pm
18658 spacer
>Well, he was an 8channer apparently which is about twice as bad.
Can we not just call him a massive cunt and leave it at that?
>> No. 18659 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 10:26 pm
18659 spacer

Not only is he the most well known YouTuber, the image posted of him contains his name and platform right there in the filename.

I'm sorry, but you're just simply not allowed to be angry that nobody told you who the bloke is in the picture labelled "pewdiepie-youtube.jpg", and you should be embarrassed you even asked.
>> No. 18660 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 10:32 pm
18660 spacer
>Not only is he the most well known YouTuber

Have you stopped to consider that some of the 7.1 billion people who aren't subscribed to him might not know or even care?
>> No. 18661 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 10:35 pm
18661 spacer

Did you read the rest of my post, which explored a way to identify him without knowing who he is directly?
>> No. 18662 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 10:40 pm
18662 spacer
I, for one, do not even own a PewDiePie.
>> No. 18663 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 10:51 pm
18663 spacer
Do you lads reckon something like that could happen here? I know Americans aren't the most stable lot but if it could affect the Antipodeans I don't see why it couldn't happen here.

I don't mean one of you lot livestreaming themselves driving a car full of Semtex into PC World whilst rambling about Big Appliance, name checking this place and releasing a 100 page manifesto about getting revenge for Maplin.
>> No. 18664 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:10 pm
18664 spacer

I believe it could. I do wonder if our lack of a gun culture (of any real note) is what has stopped exactly this sort of event so far, but I'd not be remotely shocked if a gammon or internet sperglord got himself worked up enough to plough his Transit into a igloo or similar.

As you say, if someone with a kiwi temperament can end up doing this I don't see why one of our lot couldn't be convinced to do the same.
>> No. 18665 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:15 pm
18665 spacer
Maplins was an absolute ripoff. I went to their closing down sale on the same day I needed a HMDI-DVI cable for immediate use. It was 35 quid and they were closing forever the next day, wouldn't even give me a discount. What a terrible cause for a jihad.

It could happen here but I doubt it would be on this scale since truly dangerous firearms are so hard to come by. And your average daft militant wog thicko is too stupid to covertly make bombs without getting caught or blowing himself up. We have a very experienced infrastructure for detecting these sorts if things in the works, I imagine.
>> No. 18666 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:16 pm
18666 spacer
He had an Aussie temperament, that's like an American wandering into Canada for his mischief.
>> No. 18667 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:19 pm
18667 spacer

>I don't mean one of you lot livestreaming themselves driving a car full of Semtex into PC World whilst rambling about Big Appliance, name checking this place and releasing a 100 page manifesto about getting revenge for Maplin.
BRB, just getting quotes for van hire.
>> No. 18668 Anonymous
15th March 2019
Friday 11:22 pm
18668 spacer

Maplins used to be good, it used to be a place on the high street you could walk into and buy electrical components, computer parts, and other such gubbins, at a reasonable price. At one point in my life, the most cost effective way to build a PC was to go to Maplins. Imagine that for a second. A brick and mortar store that was cheap for PC parts. They even sold extreme stuff like water cooking, a niche market at the time to say the least.

I don't know exactly when and why it stopped being viable for them to sell this stuff and start selling overpriced CCTV cameras, remote control cars, and other kids toys, but that's what happened. I suppose the internet just caught up with them.
>> No. 18669 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 12:13 am
18669 spacer

>They even sold extreme stuff like water cooking
Never thought I'd hear boiled eggs described as "extreme".
>> No. 18670 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 12:25 am
18670 spacer


Mirth. I re-read that before posting too, and still didn't notice that.
>> No. 18671 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 1:07 am
18671 spacer
Whataboutism gets us nowhere.
>> No. 18672 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 1:14 am
18672 spacer
The man has more subscribers than the majority of corporate channels combined, he is incredibly influential and PR departments would kill for his engagement stats.
>> No. 18673 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 1:20 am
18673 spacer
I'm not a teenlad but I remember with fondness going there back when I was a teenlad to buy electronic components for pennies when I was inbetween girlfriends. I'd heard of this magical place in America called Radio Shack and it always seemed like our equivalent. A proper nerd's shop.

I think I was more angry about my last ever memory of Maplins being tainted than I was about the overpriced cable.
>> No. 18674 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 1:26 am
18674 spacer
What boiled my piss about Maplin was their tiered pricing structure for Cat4/5/6 ethernet cables. Why is a Cat6 double the price, you cunts? They were taking the piss near the end.
>> No. 18675 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 1:27 am
18675 spacer

But we had Tandy, which was an officially-sanctioned equivalent. It even stocked Radio Shack-branded tat.
>> No. 18676 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 1:41 am
18676 spacer
Certainly highlights the greater issue about the influence and push of propaganda in the past few years. In response to this reddit has deleted subs that depict gore too, yet one of the main subs responsible for spreading these kinds of views (The_Donald) is still in the clear to carry on as normal. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if there's greater forces at play here. This is reminiscent of how ISIS targeted and recruited people to their cause.
>> No. 18677 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 2:10 am
18677 spacer
That still leaves the most important question unanswered. How is he culpable?
>> No. 18678 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 7:09 am
18678 spacer
>I think I was more angry about my last ever memory of Maplins being tainted than I was about the overpriced cable.

>What boiled my piss about Maplin

So it begins...
>> No. 18679 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:00 am
18679 spacer
For "ironically" repeating racist /pol/ memes to a wide audience.
Though despite disliking everything he stands for I can't say I'd find him personally culpable in that sense. I mean, it might be a useful device to get other people to not do the same thing, but 4chan/8chan style imageboards and everything downstream of them are designed for pure mind-rot and even his billions of dollars probably wouldn't save him from that. It didn't save the guy who made Minecraft.

The internet/imageboard angle on this interests me far more than looking at it as traditional extremism.
>> No. 18680 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:06 am
18680 spacer
You didn't get Jez doing this after he'd been egged.


You might find this article interesting:

>> No. 18681 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:18 am
18681 spacer
What about "narco-terrorism" lads? Does that not count? Or do people in the West/the media just not care about that?
>> No. 18682 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:22 am
18682 spacer

Even when he's in court he's still trying to act like an ironic memespouting shitposter.
>> No. 18683 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:22 am
18683 spacer
BBC News had him playing "a marching anthem for Serbian nationalist paramilitary units known as Chetniks"
Wondering what that actually was, I searched for that phrase. Aaaaand, rabbit hole of weirdness. Sensible 'Pedia link (Christ, that area's been kicking off forever...), and a load of news sites with bizarrely paraphrased or double-translated copies of BBC news pages.
What the hell? I assume they have adverts or malware lurking, and run the BBC's text through a mangler to stop the BBC issuing takedowns?
There's a link at the bottom of that page to an article about a Canadian politician called 'Invoice Blair'. Wondering what kind of fool calls their kid 'Invoice', I had a quick search. There are _loads_ of references to Invoice Blair - all on these weird paraphrased news sites.
Is this just three Latvian lads churning out filler for people who need such a thing, or something odder?
The web's weird - I know this. It's more that this seems so competent yet incompetent.
>> No. 18685 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:29 am
18685 spacer
>BBC News had him playing "a marching anthem for Serbian nationalist paramilitary units known as Chetniks"
>Wondering what that actually was, I searched for that phrase.

It's the remove kebab/Serbia strong song.

>> No. 18687 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:33 am
18687 spacer


The legacy of KC lives on.
>> No. 18688 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 8:34 am
18688 spacer
>>18685 Oh, FFS.
>> No. 18689 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 10:05 am
18689 spacer
Anyone got a link to the manifesto I'm tired of reading articles about it that never actually quote it and seem to contradict one another.
>> No. 18690 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 10:07 am
18690 spacer
It's just generic white pride stuff sprinkled with memes.
>> No. 18691 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 10:44 am
18691 spacer

There's a load of links in >>18599 if you can be arsed to try them. I can't imagine they've all been removed.
>> No. 18692 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 10:59 am
18692 spacer

That's nice but I'm not asking for another opinion of it, I'd like to judge for myself.
>> No. 18693 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 11:13 am
18693 spacer


(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 18694 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 11:25 am
18694 spacer

Where's the 49 for "anti islam"?
>> No. 18695 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 11:36 am
18695 spacer

Only factors in deathtolls of 50+ victims per attack.
>> No. 18696 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 11:38 am
18696 spacer

>> No. 18697 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 11:46 am
18697 spacer

Makes that disingenuous then, given that the 50+ requirement isn't expained on the chart at all. I thought I smelt bullshit when the numbers were so low for other causes.
>> No. 18698 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 12:10 pm
18698 spacer
That's a perfect example of chartjunk, you dribbling penis.

>> No. 18699 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 5:13 pm
18699 spacer

It isn't chart junk at all. It is perfectly clear. It is just lying by omission for the purpose of propaganda.
>> No. 18701 Anonymous
16th March 2019
Saturday 6:37 pm
18701 spacer
I really didn't hope you posted this as a serious thing. Hate how I have to second guess myself over whether or not people are this stupid now.
>> No. 18738 Anonymous
18th March 2019
Monday 4:30 pm
18738 spacer

I'm somewhat surprised anyone else knows of Column 88.
>> No. 18739 Anonymous
18th March 2019
Monday 5:15 pm
18739 spacer
I don't, but I did once listen to a Level 42 album.
>> No. 18740 Anonymous
18th March 2019
Monday 8:21 pm
18740 spacer
World Machine isn't half bad.
>> No. 18741 Anonymous
18th March 2019
Monday 8:31 pm
18741 spacer
That sounds like a lot of grinding.
>> No. 18758 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 9:47 pm
18758 spacer

>> No. 18759 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 9:52 pm
18759 spacer
Just think; parliament could be discussing us right now if our mods weren't such authoritarian cunts.
Speaking as a mod
>> No. 18760 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:00 pm
18760 spacer

I remember a lot of predictions that we'd end up as a Daily Mail scandal back in the early days.

We still don't even have our own Encyclopedia Dramatica page. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, mind.
>> No. 18761 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:09 pm
18761 spacer

Did AAARRRGHHH ever find out who put that "brick" through her constituency office window?
>> No. 18762 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:13 pm
18762 spacer
Was it even a constituency office window? I have a vague recollection that it turned out a window was allegedly bricked nearby but not the actual office itself.
>> No. 18763 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:20 pm
18763 spacer

The pictures showed a window for a communal stairwell; most likely broken by a clumsy contractor with a ladder, or someone lugging one of those massive projector screens that rolls up into a tube.
>> No. 18764 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:28 pm
18764 spacer

mind bleach.jpg
I could've lived without hearing Angela Eagle say sex. It's stuck in my head now.

I suppose that this site is protected by the name. It'll be a brave politician who uses a slur in Parliament.
>> No. 18765 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:30 pm
18765 spacer
I'm tempted to email Angela Eagle's office with a tip-off about this place, once I've come up with the right description about here.
>> No. 18766 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:37 pm
18766 spacer
Be sure to include all the auntie-fucking, crab-killing and attending weight watchers under false pretences. Let's spark some proper national debates.
>> No. 18767 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:38 pm
18767 spacer


Send her the manifesto, see if she'll read it in parliament.

>> No. 18768 Anonymous
19th March 2019
Tuesday 10:49 pm
18768 spacer
I put so much effort into that lawn. I miss it.
>> No. 18772 Anonymous
20th March 2019
Wednesday 7:52 pm
18772 spacer

Yeah, we even let Ambulancelad die.

>> No. 18773 Anonymous
20th March 2019
Wednesday 8:05 pm
18773 spacer
One of us will have to go to the public gallery and shout "woosh!" at her afterwards.
>> No. 18774 Anonymous
20th March 2019
Wednesday 8:13 pm
18774 spacer
IIRC ambulancelad was posting about his mate in hospital, not himself.
>> No. 18775 Anonymous
20th March 2019
Wednesday 8:30 pm
18775 spacer
Either that or a load of us go and just start a cunt-off among ourselves.
>> No. 18779 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 8:04 pm
18779 spacer

hold still m8.jpg
I'm rather fond of this image and upset that it'll always be seen as an allusion to a murderous crackpot from now on. It even feels dodgy doing a google search for it.
>> No. 18780 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 8:21 pm
18780 spacer
Shame. Glassing someone is about all VB is good for. Victoria is particularly piss-poor for booze. Paradoxically, despite being universally recognised as one of the worst drinks in Oz, VB is the country's top seller.

If you're ever down under, never order Foster's. It's the second biggest tourist giveaway after not being racist.
>> No. 18781 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 9:09 pm
18781 spacer

>If you're ever down under, never order Foster's

I'd advise not ordering a Fosters even here.
>> No. 18782 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 9:18 pm
18782 spacer
Frankly I'm insulted you're assuming I'd want to order Fosters.
>> No. 18783 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 9:44 pm
18783 spacer
I've never understood why you think every single post is personally aimed at you.
>> No. 18784 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 9:55 pm
18784 spacer
No I think it's aimed at me actually. Crying.
>> No. 18785 Anonymous
21st March 2019
Thursday 9:59 pm
18785 spacer

Crap beer, brilliantly homoerotic adverts.

>> No. 18799 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 10:00 pm
18799 spacer
>Jussie Smollett: Prosecutors drop all charges against actor

>Prosecutors have dropped all charges against US actor Jussie Smollett for allegedly staging a racist and homophobic attack. The Empire star attended a court hearing in Chicago on Tuesday, where a judge sealed the case. Mr Smollett, 36, pleaded not guilty this month to 16 counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly lying to police. The city's mayor denounced the prosecutors' decision to drop the charges as a "whitewash of justice". Mr Smollett told reporters after his court appearance: "I have been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I've been accused of."

>The office of Cook County State's Attorney Kimberly Foxx said in a statement: "After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case." It remains unclear why prosecutors dropped the charges against Mr Smollett.


I don't understand America. Smollett was willing to destroy two innocent peoples lives for a pay-rise but he gets off because he did some community volunteering? It's like the American authorities do everything possible to stir up racial hatred.
>> No. 18800 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 10:05 pm
18800 spacer
Rich people don't get sent down, anywhere, ever.
>> No. 18801 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 10:10 pm
18801 spacer
>It's like the American authorities do everything possible to stir up racial hatred.

Now you're catching on. In this instance, though, punishing him would be counter to the larger narrative at play in American society, which is that "literal" Nazis are walking the streets again. Now Trump will be calling the outcome "fake justice" or something on Twitter and stoking more fires.

The American Justice System is not about equality of outcomes, either. Something I find incredibly sad considering what it's based on.
>> No. 18802 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 1:09 am
18802 spacer
I know right? Just look at Bill Cosby.
>> No. 18803 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 1:18 am
18803 spacer
>Smollett was willing to destroy two innocent peoples lives for a pay-rise
Whose lives was he going to destroy? The "attackers" were paid off handsomely and helped to leave the country so they wouldn't get into trouble.
>> No. 18804 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 2:05 am
18804 spacer
I think he's referring to the two unrelated gentlemen who were arrested on suspicion of having committed the 'offence'.
>> No. 18805 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 10:15 am
18805 spacer
They weren't unrelated. They were the brothers he paid.
>> No. 18806 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 10:17 am
18806 spacer
He's talking about the other two that were arrested before that.
>> No. 18807 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 10:25 am
18807 spacer
That never happened. The two "innocent men" that were released were the two brothers. They were released after snitching.

>> No. 18808 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 10:47 am
18808 spacer
See >>18295.

When he thought the police had arrested two innocent men he was happy to press charges. He only changed his tune when he found out it was the brothers.
>> No. 18809 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 10:51 am
18809 spacer
I recall. Tell >>18804 and >>18806 who insist these fictitious men existed.
>> No. 18810 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 10:54 am
18810 spacer

Oh okay then
>> No. 18811 Anonymous
27th March 2019
Wednesday 5:34 pm
18811 spacer
Punctuation, you cunt.
>> No. 19122 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 10:19 am
19122 spacer

>A gunman opened fire at a synagogue in California on Saturday, killing one woman and wounding three other people, police said.

>A 19-year-old man named as John Earnest was arrested after the attack, in Poway, north of the city of San Diego. The synagogue had been hosting a Passover celebration when the gunman burst in, reports said.

>San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore told reporters that investigators were reviewing the suspect's social media activity and examining a virulently anti-Semitic "open letter" published online. In the letter, which appeared on the online forum 8chan hours before the attack, the author - who identified himself as John Earnest - said he was inspired by the attack on two Christchurch igloos last month, as well as the Pittsburgh igloo shooting. Authorities later said Mr Earnest was under investigation in connection with a fire at a igloo last month.


Here we go again.
>> No. 19123 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 10:23 am
19123 spacer
Verbs, you cunt.
>> No. 19124 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 11:06 am
19124 spacer
"It's just memes, it's just memes!", they continue to insist as they slowly shrink and transform into a spree killer.
>> No. 19125 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 11:14 am
19125 spacer

It hasn't been "just memes" for a good long while now- The problem is 4chan went mainstream. The people who started using it didn't understand that specific brand of ironic internet anti-humour, and took it all at face value. It's the same thing that causes eskimo lads from Sheffield to go and join the SCIS, but much more horrifying because it's white people.

Anyone who was still in on the joke left in disgust around about the time it became clear that people there were legitimately supporting Donald Trump. Old Anonymous would have wanted Trump to win because it's the most spectacularly disastrous outcome they could have hoped for. New Anonymous wanted him to win because they actually believed in him.
>> No. 19126 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 11:23 am
19126 spacer
>The problem is 4chan went mainstream.

I'll never forget the Pokemon forum they set up years ago purely out of a joke to troll people, then years later newer 4chan users found it and thought it was real so they started shitposting all over it and fighting each other. Always thought that was a good example.
>> No. 19127 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 11:45 am
19127 spacer
It was never just memes, you great boob. As I said about the time of the New Zeeland attacks; if you thought they were kidding you weren't in on the joke.
>> No. 19128 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 11:54 am
19128 spacer
I agree. Always a mean spirited side to the 'ironic internet anti-humour' and some unpleasant real life consequences with the raids. Something like Jessie Slaughter - basically ruining a child's life and causing her father's premature death for the lulz - was the best part of ten years ago long before the /pol/ stuff and before everyone heard of 4chan, and it came from the same destructively stupid place as the current wave of far right heroes.

Just heard myself and I sound like a fucking Daily Mail comment, r4ge.
>> No. 19129 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 12:27 pm
19129 spacer
>The problem is 4chan went mainstream

There has always been people who take 4chan far too seriously. I remember being at a house party in either 2008 or 2009 where Lord of the Rings was put on at about 4 in the morning and a bunch of cringeworthy types starting shouting "AND MY AXE!" once that scene came on, followed by loads of other insufferable memespouting.

It's always been a place for dicking around, the trouble is the content changed over what was taken super seriously. This was before /pol/ as I remember when /r9k/ turned into the so-called gangbang of whining, which definitely predated /pol/.
>> No. 19130 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 3:00 pm
19130 spacer
It was definitely around 2008 or 2009 that 4chan became mainstream. That was win people started saying things like 'epic win' on other websites and IRL.
>> No. 19131 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 4:26 pm
19131 spacer
You only have to look at the two chumps that are standing for UKIP in the Euro elections to realise how they have become the way they are - both Sargon and Dankula are prime examples of this kind of mistake in thinking; taking the internet too seriously, thinking that this kind of behaviour is now completely normal and that it's fine to spout memes in real-life. Cunts the pair of them.
>> No. 19132 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 4:41 pm
19132 spacer
>Sargon and Dankula

I don't know who these people are and I get the feeling I don't want to know who these people are. Is one of them the Nazi dog salute guy?
>> No. 19133 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 5:51 pm
19133 spacer

This man is going to one day be Prime Minister and it's going to be fucking awesome.
>> No. 19134 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 6:30 pm
19134 spacer
>> No. 19135 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 6:42 pm
19135 spacer

4chan's /b/ was originally nihilistic. It had no ideology, it had no aims, it just trolled everyone and anyone relentlessly. There was harmless fun, there were vicious harassment campaigns, there was the occasional mass murder, but all of it was as devoid of meaning as a rickroll.

I think the really dangerous rot set in when Reddit banned a lot of alt-right subreddits. Some people went over to Voat, but a lot of others went to /pol/ instead. The nihilism of /b/ combined with sincere neo-Nazi ideology to create something uglier than either. The Nazis absorbed the nihilistic rage of the trolls, and the trolls absorbed the hatred of the Nazis. The Nazis didn't realise that they were being trolled and the trolls didn't realise that they were being indoctrinated.
>> No. 19136 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 7:41 pm
19136 spacer
>I'll never forget the Pokemon forum they set up years ago purely out of a joke to troll people, then years later newer 4chan users found it and thought it was real so they started shitposting all over it and fighting each other.

Charmander is the best starter in Kanto. Fact.

Grass Pokémon are shit and there's no point getting Squirtle because Gyrados or Vaproeon can more than adequately fulfill the need for a water type.
>> No. 19137 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 7:50 pm
19137 spacer

I remember when I played Pokemon when it came out, I picked Squirtle because I wanted a Blastoise because I liked Blastoise, and that was the end of it. Now I'd want to min/max everything like you suggest, but I feel like that takes a lot of the fun out of it. It's hard to get out of, though.

It was the same with Skyrim. I really wanted to play a pure destruction mage in that game, as that's my typical RPG build, but it's just objectively worse, gameplay and stats wise than just about any other choice, and obviously stealth archer just makes everything else look weak in comparison. But as a kid I'd probably have not cared, and happily ran around as a fireball wizard. They did give magic better death animations and all that eventually, but it still feels like a less optimal choice.
>> No. 19138 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 8:36 pm
19138 spacer
Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls game, so I walked around throwing fireballs with one hand and twatting people with the Mace of Molag Bal with the other. No real plan of what I was aiming to level up to.
>> No. 19139 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 9:01 pm
19139 spacer
I preferred having Lapras to either of those. Ice attacks could come in very handy since flying types were common and dragon types were all deliberately overpowered.
>> No. 19140 Anonymous
28th April 2019
Sunday 9:01 pm
19140 spacer


I can't resist reposting this.
>> No. 19141 Anonymous
29th April 2019
Monday 12:51 am
19141 spacer
Pokemon is only fun if you run a 6 man team of the weirdest looking adorable little fuckers you can find. Basically, just using the ones that look cool. I beat the Elite 4 in Black with a team that would be laughed out of any thread on /po/.
>> No. 19142 Anonymous
29th April 2019
Monday 1:00 am
19142 spacer
This annoys me, because Valenwood betrayed the Empire and joined up with the Thalmor and I'll never forgive the Bosmer. I hope in ES6 you get to play as the Mantle of Talos and go Pelinal Whitestrake 2.0 on the whole of Merdom.
>> No. 19149 Anonymous
30th April 2019
Tuesday 7:08 pm
19149 spacer
It was Project Chanology that did it, newchap.

I actually found destruction OP once you unlock the two-handed attacks that knock people down. It's the same deal as that paralysis enchantment you can put on weapons.

This is why I prefer to play pokemon with an emulator. You can customise a team with pokemon you like and save on the grinding or messing about with eggs for the inevitable Elite Four slog.

Koffing is the best starter and I fully recommend getting a random pokemon to use as your starter. I wish they'd done something like that with the base game so all the kids at school would have some variation in the Mewtwo v Mewtwo action.
>> No. 19150 Anonymous
30th April 2019
Tuesday 8:26 pm
19150 spacer
I'm getting slightly miffed that I can't remember the six Pokémon I had in my team on the original game.


One must have been a flying Pokémon, so either Pidgeot or Aerodactyl, and the other was potentially Hitmonchan, Marowak or Electabuzz. I can remember my team from Ruby no problem, but not Red.
>> No. 19151 Anonymous
30th April 2019
Tuesday 8:31 pm
19151 spacer

If you didn't have a mewtwo, then you might have been a retard.
>> No. 19152 Anonymous
30th April 2019
Tuesday 8:42 pm
19152 spacer
I caught Mewtwo, but I don't like having legendary Pokémon in my team.
>> No. 19155 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 3:26 pm
19155 spacer
> and obviously stealth archer just makes everything else look weak in comparison.
Are you me?
I played as a stealthy archer once, it was a bloody arse-raping machine. Add a bit of Throw Voice and you have the full means to distract your marks for more effective target acquisition.
I also did play as a destruction mage and even with all the added fun of running into a dungeon, tossing fireballs and lightning bolts everywhere, the archer was just better.
Morrowind for me. Broke into a house which unfortunately had its occupants inside. After my most polite refusal to fuck off, I grabbed the biggest sledgehammer I could find and... missed about 90% of my swings before collapsing to the ground due to exhaustion.
>> No. 19156 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 3:49 pm
19156 spacer
Everyone played as a stealth archer. See >>19140
>> No. 19157 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 3:52 pm
19157 spacer
I don't think I've ever played a stealth archer because I never had a system that could run it at a stable frame rate.
>> No. 19158 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 3:56 pm
19158 spacer
Playing as a stealth archer helps there; if you pick them off one by one at a distance there's rarely lots of movement in the foreground that brings the frame rate down.
>> No. 19160 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 5:19 pm
19160 spacer
Please, when it comes to fighting at a wildly oscilating 20FPS, your best bet is a melee weapon, then AoE ranged then precision ranged. You're correct to say you'd be find when you have all the time in the world to line up shots, but once they start moving you're done for, and in Skyrim you don't always have the luxury of making the first move. Perhaps you do at max stealth skill when it's OP to the point of being broken. However, it's also no fun.

Anyway, about that Charlottesville violence...
>> No. 19161 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 6:46 pm
19161 spacer

Absolute scrubs.jpg
>Anyway, about that Charlottesville violence...

Those statues would all be long gone if protesters had only used a dedicated stealth archer build.
>> No. 19163 Anonymous
1st May 2019
Wednesday 7:20 pm
19163 spacer
The statues are gone though, aren't they? I feel vindicated in my usual choice of battlemage or nightblade.

Edit: the bard in the background is giving me some inspo, mind you.
>> No. 19178 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 6:29 pm
19178 spacer

This is a good summary.

I hadn't watched the movie Fight Club since I was a teenager, but I rewatched it recently and it felt like a punch in the gut. The meme back then was Rule 1 & 2, and look where we have ended up. It was almost prophetic.

I still can't find it in me to blame those lot. Disaffected and alienated young men turning to violence and demagoguery has happened time and again in societies throughout history. We have to ask ourselves what we've failed at to allow it to happen in the supposedly enlightened, prosperous West.
>> No. 19184 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 7:11 pm
19184 spacer
>We have to ask ourselves what we've failed at to allow it to happen in the supposedly enlightened, prosperous West.

It's mentioned earlier in the thread, but it's worth having a read of this:


Plenty of young men who are struggling need support and guidance. Instead they are ostracised and demonised with language such as male privilege and toxic masculinity, which isn't really going to fly with a young man from a council estate in Scunthorpe who can only find zero hours work in a warehouse. If they feel like society has turned its back on them then they'll turn their back on society, particularly if they get drawn into one of those alt-right communities online.
>> No. 19185 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 7:38 pm
19185 spacer

What winds me up is that no matter how spot on this is, attempting to point it out only ever gets you labelled as one of them, and starts that whole sordid cunt-off.

Modern society has just fostered a lot of people who are just incapable of empathy I think. It's perfectly fine to hate someone unconditionally, as long as they are an acceptable target according to your own subscribed ideology.
>> No. 19187 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 8:08 pm
19187 spacer
>Modern society has just fostered a lot of people who are just incapable of empathy I think. It's perfectly fine to hate someone unconditionally, as long as they are an acceptable target according to your own subscribed ideology.

Nail on the head. Perhaps I was oblivious to it when I was younger, but the internet seems to have given rise to a new and more intense form of tribalism where people are more united by their hatred of the other than whatever their tribe is supposed to stand for. I guess it ties in with the internet making it so easy to cherry pick and make reality fit into your worldview and narrative rather than letting your worldview be shaped by reality.

>> No. 19188 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 9:12 pm
19188 spacer

The Nazis massively invested in radio technology, from inventing new kinds of microphone to the dirt-cheap volksempfänger radio receiver to rugged valves that would survive in the back of a tank. Radio transmitters were the most heavily protected sites in Germany, and they were the most important target when a country was invaded. Radio brought the voice of Hitler into every home room in Germany. It allowed orders to be dispatched in near-real-time, facilitating the Blitzkrieg and breaking the deadlock of trench warfare. Their understanding of the power of radio gave them a huge tactical advantage, which the allies took years to catch up with. A new technology facilitated a new kind of indoctrination and a new kind of war.

Radio is mostly one-to-many - you need expensive equipment and a massive tower to transmit, but anyone can listen. It's the perfect technology for a dictator. The internet is one-to-one and many-to-many - any arsehole can start a YouTube channel or a blog or mouth off on Twitter. As a result, I think it's creating a kind of artisan demagoguery, a thousand little fiefdoms of leaders and followers. Any sufficiently determined nutter stands a good chance of building his own little audience of suckers, some of whom might be willing to fight or die for the cause.
>> No. 19189 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 9:31 pm
19189 spacer

>as long as they are an acceptable target according to your own subscribed ideology. 

The Nazis called it gesundes volksempfinden or the healthy will of the people. In short, it's the basic principle that when a segment of the population are classed as pariahs, it becomes every upstanding citizen's mark of moral integrity to bash that group of social outcasts.

The Jews were stylised to be the cancer of the German people, and to be a good German citizen was to agree with the idea of them being an inferior ethnic and religious minority that was at the same time a serious threat to the wellbeing and the prosperity of the German people.

It's hard to find equivalents these days though. Nothing has been quite as pernicious ever again as Nazi racial ideology. But I guess when people nowadays get xenophobic in a nasty way, it's not entirely unlike that. Like, when people say foreigners should be deported because they're all criminals anyway.
>> No. 19190 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 10:46 pm
19190 spacer
While I agree about the lack of empathy, I'm not sure if I'm fully sold on the implications. I guess because at the end of the day I'm always going to think it's more acceptable to hate landlords for being landlords than it is to hate black people for being black.
I'm not dogmatic about those two categories (I only really picked them because you can stop being a landlord, it's a choice and a legal category) and I'd accept that legitimating a lack of empathy is always playing with fire, but I've got some kind of lingering old modernist sense of progress. There's a lot of hate in history, and much of it was part of positive movements forward, even if the things done are rightly considered unpalatable by modern standards.
Part of the problem now is that much of our hate is basically a new form of entertainment. It's not really channelled into anything productive. Like >>19187 says, more unified by hate than some kind of goal. Though I'd note a lot of successful political alliances are united by what they're against, rather than what they're for.
>> No. 19193 Anonymous
9th May 2019
Thursday 11:41 pm
19193 spacer

There's an interesting argument that the problem is in fact too much empathy, or at least an excessive reliance on empathy. When we contemplate the misdeeds of others and the suffering caused by those misdeeds, we have a natural tendency towards vengeance and recrimination. We might be better off if we cultivated a cold and detached morality based on universal principles rather than appeals to emotion.

>> No. 19197 Anonymous
10th May 2019
Friday 12:36 am
19197 spacer

I'd argue that having or lacking empathy is an entirely separate issue to a bloody minded eye-for-an-eye mentality. I've never really believed in the "punishment fit the crime" concept of justice, which is why I often find myself empathising with the supposed bad guys in these types of discussion.

I remember doing a college ethics class where the topic was chemically castrating sex offenders. The very prospect left me feeling distressed. It's as though committing certain acts strips you of your status as a human, nobody considers why you might have turned out that way. You simply lose all right to be seen as a thinking, feeling individual.
>> No. 19199 Anonymous
10th May 2019
Friday 3:17 am
19199 spacer
I can't speak for others, but the fallacy I tend to see at play when I feel vengeful is taking an accountant's view of the matter, as though suffering caused can be offset by causing suffering to those who caused it until the suffering sums to zero.
Generally I don't fall to this for personal reasons, or even over heinous crimes - but when it comes to big social stuff (especially in history) I often find myself taking the view that many historical figures deserved whatever horrible fate they met. The best utilitarian counterweight I can find is that it's a massive disincentive to bad people standing down voluntarily if you let the mob loose on them for past misdeeds.
>> No. 19200 Anonymous
10th May 2019
Friday 8:52 am
19200 spacer

One of they key details in the modern ideologies is that there are no landlord targets. Class/ economic state (in my opinion the only thing that really matters in terms of privilege) doesnt matter. It is all unquantifiable concepts that really are considerably less meaningful on an individual level. Worse still I'd say by ignoring the economic mechanisms, people ignore how to fix the problems of society. What you are left with is a state where things are declared as blanket truths that are unquestionable. In short myths about villains being all powerful hiding just around the corner who never get any weaker because their power isn't actually real.
>> No. 19202 Anonymous
10th May 2019
Friday 11:54 am
19202 spacer

Well there are landlord targets, but you are only going to attack them at your own peril. You could try throwing Molotov cocktails at Number Ten, but even if you somehow by way of a small miracle make it through the police barriers, you will probably be shot dead on the ground before one of your mollies even hits the building.

>What you are left with is a state where things are declared as blanket truths that are unquestionable.

I wouldn't say that. There is enough protest against all kinds of things that are relatively abstract. Just think of the student protests against tuition fees. It's an abstract concept, albeit one that affects some people's bank account balance in a serious way, and you had plenty of people protesting in the streets.
>> No. 19209 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 12:39 am
19209 spacer

My point is not that there are no landlord targets. In reality there are lots, But that they are largely ignored for over simplistic characteristics that really have no direct relation to power or villainy.

Student tuition fee protests are a direct reflection of naked self interest not to say there wasnt a point. But even the most apolitical of characters has an interest in things that affect them adversely.
>> No. 19210 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 1:06 am
19210 spacer

>Student tuition fee protests are a direct reflection of naked self interest

Most protests are just that. An expression of self interest. People usually only take to the streets when their own core interests are threatened. All the pretend altruism, e.g. at Fridays for Future rallies, is just feel good fluff that's added to it to make people seem less like the selfish cunts they are.
>> No. 19230 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 7:23 pm
19230 spacer

It's true. Even if I was to protest about the treatment of others, it would basically only be because I'm aware that I could be next.
>> No. 19231 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 7:32 pm
19231 spacer

That wasn't always the case. Sympathy strikes used to be commonplace until they were banned - lots of trade unionists were willing to walk out of work to support someone else's strike, with no guarantee that the favour would be returned. Solidarity is strategically very effective, which is why successive governments have worked hard to undermine it.
>> No. 19232 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 7:36 pm
19232 spacer
There isn't anything inherently wrong with "self-interest", nor is it worth putting up such a great divide between things that benefit oneself and others. You can't help others if you're skint, burnt out and wearing a ragged bedsheet in lieu of clothes. I'm not Gordon Gecko or nowt, but this is why a ten quid minimum wage would be a fantastic thing. Socialists trying to act like everything's "for the greater good" have been mugging themselves off for ages, silly sods.
>> No. 19234 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 8:00 pm
19234 spacer

Yes, but if you look at history, most revolutions weren't started because somebody felt sorry for their neighbour. Usually, people were fed up with elites because it was beginning to affect their everyday lives in a way that was no longer tolerable to them. This is what brought communist regimes in Eastern Europe down eventually, and it was also what led up to the Arab Spring.

At least that's how protests start. And then when a protest movement gains a critical mass, it also starts to attract people who have always hated the elites for one reason or another, but up until that point never thought there was anything they could do about it.
>> No. 19240 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 10:08 pm
19240 spacer

>4chan's /b/ was originally nihilistic. It had no ideology, it had no aims, it just trolled everyone and anyone relentlessly. There was harmless fun, there were vicious harassment campaigns, there was the occasional mass murder, but all of it was as devoid of meaning as a rickroll.

I don't think Warwick Davis got the memo.

>> No. 19244 Anonymous
11th May 2019
Saturday 11:49 pm
19244 spacer
People are mocking him for bringing up the idea of getting lawyers involved, but 4chan has a specific report option for content that "violates US law" and threatening langauge could be considered just that, though I'm not a Seppo lawyer so SeppoLawyerLad will have to confirm or deny.

Frankly if Warrick Davis got 4chan shut down it would be the perfect way to end that shitshow of a website, it won't happen but it'd be a laugh if it did. As for /tv/ specifically, that's what happens when you don't fucking moderate a board while carpet-baggers and neo-Nazis pour in like goals at Craven Cottage. I know I'm quite literally 193 years old at this point, but "trolling" isn't, or wasn't, just threatening to smash someone's face in with a brick, and wasn't usually directed at friendly blokes who do a bit of acting like Mr Davis. Game's gone, lads.
>> No. 19245 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 1:50 am
19245 spacer
>threatening langauge could be considered just that
Apparently "'fire!' in a crowded theater" (sic) is no longer considered good law, so unless the speaker is black and the target is a copper, it's First Amendment protected expression.
>> No. 19246 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 2:01 am
19246 spacer
>All the pretend altruism, e.g. at Fridays for Future rallies, is just feel good fluff that's added to it to make people seem less like the selfish cunts they are.
Hahah yeah all those jobless, middle class, posh spongers off the state who can only afford to take the time off to protest because they make more money than everyone else, the facts they're protesting about would only be true if they were any other class of people than the ones I just listed, the fact that they're just repeating what the experts are saying is irrelevant.
>> No. 19247 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 5:25 am
19247 spacer
Honestly I'd like to see where 4chan would've gone with stronger moderation to give the whole mess more direction. People have gotten into the mindset 'free speech vs censorship'. Imageboards are assumed to lean towards being 'free speech zones' on an otherwise increasingly censored internet.
What never enters into the discussion is moderation for content quality, the idea that people who make terrible posts should be banned because their posts are uninteresting and detrimental to discussion quality, rather than over any desire to censor a given position, or certain language. It's not an easy balance to strike because you need a consistently good moderation team and most people eventually stop being good at it, but it's a much more interesting approach because people would hopefully learn how to be better posters by trial and error.
Unrestricted posting of uninteresting nonsense is the ideology of the spambot.
>> No. 19248 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 8:43 am
19248 spacer
Is this satire or are you actually like this?

I thought the First Amendment might cover it, but surely if you're saying it directly about someone that changes matters? Wouldn't it be more like saying "I'm going to set fire to this crowded theatre"?
>> No. 19249 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 12:01 pm
19249 spacer
Are you really so cynical you genuinely don't believe in empathy or altruism?
>> No. 19250 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 12:12 pm
19250 spacer

I believe that real empathy and altruism are indeed rare. Only a small minority of people will take to the streets because they don't agree with deforestation in the Amazon and the effect it has on the indigenous tribes there. I would even go so far as to say that people will only do that if they have so few problems in their own lives that they have the time to think about others. You're stuck in middle class boredom with a house in the suburbs and a double income, so you're looking for other things to get in a huff about. Why not the depletion of rain forests then. Seems like a good cause.
>> No. 19253 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 12:21 pm
19253 spacer
I have to apologise as I'd completely misunderstood your post and made a tit of myself as a result. Why this >>19250 anon has replied on my behalf is beyond me.
>> No. 19255 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 12:32 pm
19255 spacer
The real problem with most protests nowadays is that there's nobody they can actually appeal to. If you want to stop deforestation in the Amazon, who are you protesting to? The British Government? Unilever? International Logs Ltd? (I can't even find the name of a real Amazon logging company with a cursory check.) The Brazilian Government? The UN? It's all very well to have a march saying "Don't do this", but who is the request targeted at? It isn't enough to simply show opposition.

Deforestation in the Amazon perhaps isn't the simplest example, but you can loosely contrast it with something like tuition fees where it's quite clear the government are the ones being petitioned to not do something. But even then there was a sort of shift where in the public imagination the government didn't really have the choice of not raising fees, because it was inevitable anyway due to the state of the economy and the narrow role we've set out for the state in economic management. (I'm not saying it should have a greater role, just that the bigger the role of the state, the more effective protests can be at petitioning it for change.)
>> No. 19256 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 1:01 pm
19256 spacer

>Why this >>19250 anon has replied on my behalf is beyond me.

Except I didn't. I replied on my own behalf.
>> No. 19257 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 1:06 pm
19257 spacer

This is an interesting example. The problem with deforestation in the Amazon has very little to do with logging, largely because of the UN Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species. Thousands of species of trees are protected by CITES, meaning that exports in their timber are heavily controlled or banned entirely. There's very little point in illegally cutting down a load of Rosewood or Bubinga trees, because the wood is very unlikely to make it through customs.

The main driver of Amazon deforestation at the moment is clear-cutting to make way for livestock pasture. Forest just isn't economically valuable to the locals, but they can make good money from beef. It's perfectly reasonable to think that multilateral action could create an effective carrot-and-stick regime - we're going to control exports of beef from South America and require a paper trail to show where the animals were grazed, but in return we're going to offer subsidy payments to fund enforcement and to develop alternative local industries.

This approach has proved highly successful in the protection of endangered African mammals, particularly elephant and rhino species; the people who used to poach their tusks and horns are now earning salaries as wildlife rangers or safari guides instead. It wasn't easy, it took decades of lobbying and negotiation, but we've safeguarded the future of these endangered species through concerted international action.
>> No. 19258 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 1:15 pm
19258 spacer

>It's all very well to have a march saying "Don't do this", but who is the request targeted at? It isn't enough to simply show opposition.

Sometimes though, public protest can cause large private corporations to stop doing something. In the end, commercial businesses can't afford to have a bad public image. It can hurt their sales and their business in general. And good companies will always keep an eye out for zeitgeist currents and shifts in public opinion about things that affect them and their products.

Take the cosmetic industry and animal experiments, for example. Animal rights activists spent years, maybe even decades protesting animal experiments and petitioning governments to at least ban the cruelest animal experiments for cosmetic products. And many companies making cosmetics today can ill afford sticking to animal experiments, because consumers have increasingly demanded to know just how exactly the cosmetics they buy were developed.

I also think all the protests against rain forest logging have had an effect. If I'm not entirely mistaken, certain types of rain forest wood are banned in the UK, and people who spend £300 on a wooden dinner table are usually educated enough to prefer wood that is responsibly sourced.

My parents still have a mahogany bench in their back garden, which probably came from a rain forest somewhere, but it was bought 40 years ago, when all of that pretty much wasn't an issue yet. It has had impressive long-term durability though. It could probably use an oil treatment, but other than that, it still looks good as new despite having been exposed to the elements for 40 years.
>> No. 19259 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 1:58 pm
19259 spacer
Yes, it's a terribly sad state of affairs that the restrictions on the trade in wood are resulting in trees simply being burned or piled up to rot.
>> No. 19261 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 5:32 pm
19261 spacer

It's simple economics. Rain forest as it is is dead capital to land owners if they have it on their property. You can't log it and sell the wood anymore, so how do you turn a profit on it. And eco tourism alone will just not see the kind of returns on investment that you get from raising cattle on it after you've cleared the vegetation.

There's a school of thought that it's useless to protest against the ever increasing economisation of natural resources, because in the end, that is what needs to happen in order to feed the growing global population and allow them a certain standard of living. Some go as far as saying that at the end of it somewhere in the future, there won't be a single natural resource that won't be economised and utilised for profit.

Just think of crude oil. Even if everybody will drive electric cars in the future, it's naive to think that humans will eventually just stop using oil altogether and not use it up to the last drop that can be extracted from its deposits.
>> No. 19262 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 5:42 pm
19262 spacer
>the kind of returns on investment that you get from raising cattle on it after you've cleared the vegetation.

Isn't a lot of Amazon deforestation to make way for soybean farming? Fucking veggies ruining everything.
>> No. 19264 Anonymous
12th May 2019
Sunday 5:59 pm
19264 spacer

I think soybeans need high-nutrient topsoil, or at least topsoil that has been fertilised on a large scale. Tropical rainforest has a very thin natural layer of that kind of soil, and underneath it, you mostly have iron oxide clay and silt that is very low in nutrients. It may sound counterintuitive given that tropical rainforests have such lush vegetation, but they also have a very high rate of nutrient turnover, which means nutrients from dead biomatter are reconsumed very quickly by other plants and don't have time to form thick humus-rich topsoil like you seen in our temperate climate.

It's one reason why the most widely seen use of land after the rainforest has been cleared off is as grassland for grazing cattle. Many types of grass have relatively low nutritional requirements but still manage to extract a lot of nutrients from soil that can then be consumed by livestock.

Also, the very thin layer of topsoil of tropical rainforests explains why once you've destroyed a section of that rainforest, it won't just grow back if you plant a few trees here and there. These ecosystems needed millions of years to grow. Unlike in our temperate forests in the UK where you just plant a few oaks or firs and thirty years on you've got a complete new forest, the best you can hope for with that approach in the Inner Tropics is that you will end up with a few isolated trees of more resilient species and some bushland.
>> No. 19265 Anonymous
13th May 2019
Monday 9:13 am
19265 spacer
I remember a year or two ago, there was something to do with a ban on importing certain rare, endangered woods, and most of the big guitar manufacturers made a big show of switching to different woods.

A mahogany body with a Brazillian rosewood fretboard is one of the most classic and revered guitar constructions. Instead, they decided to try using some sort of weird synthetic replacement; people started to freak out that we'd seen the end of rosewood fretboards, and that you'd be stuck buying overpriced second hand instruments from back before real wood was banned. Here we are in 2019, however, and it's like those couple of years just never happened. I don't know if they use more ethically sourced wood now, or if the Donald has given Gibson a letter of marque to uproot as much of the Amazon as it likes. But it's as though that whole brief period has simply vanished into the memory hole, never to be spoken of.

I've always had a sort of contempt for the "average" environmentalist; it seems to me that they'll go on and on about how environmentally conscious they are, but it always stops as soon as it inconveniences them. With the public at large, and consumers in specific markets, this guitar incident really demonstrated that there's only a certain line people will take it up to. I'm sure a lot of guitarists are deeply concerned about the environment, but a Les Paul is made of mahogany, maple and rosewood, and that's just the end of it.
>> No. 19266 Anonymous
13th May 2019
Monday 10:24 am
19266 spacer
> it seems to me that they'll go on and on about how environmentally conscious they are, but it always stops as soon as it inconveniences them.
Taleb was pretty on point with his 'skin in the game' concept.
>> No. 19269 Anonymous
13th May 2019
Monday 1:15 pm
19269 spacer

Exports of Brazilian rosewood have been banned outright since 1992. Other species of rosewood are still legal, but since January 2017 you need export and import permits whenever it crosses an international border. The purpose isn't really to reduce the use of rosewood, but to prevent illegal logging from sensitive forest regions. This restriction caused a supply shock in the guitar industry, because a lot of manufacturers and retailers didn't have the admin capacity to do all the paperwork and some manufacturers (looking at you, Gibson) didn't ask too many questions about where their wood came from. It also poses a significant problem for international retailers like Thomann, because the paperwork costs about £100 per shipment.

Different companies have approached the issue differently. Fender have permanently switched to pau ferro over rosewood for mid-priced instruments, but still use rosewood on some American-made guitars. Ibanez have abandoned rosewood completely, switching to ebony and pau ferro on their more expensive instruments and laurel on their budget instruments. Smaller manufacturers have mostly given up on rosewood, because they can't be bothered with the faff.

The guitar industry is really just a side-effect though - the regulations were aimed at the Chinese hongmu furniture trade, which has driven a vast increase in demand for rosewood alongside China's rather dubious attitude to environmental protection and ethical sourcing.

>> No. 19279 Anonymous
13th May 2019
Monday 11:22 pm
19279 spacer

> it seems to me that they'll go on and on about how environmentally conscious they are, but it always stops as soon as it inconveniences them.

The newest fad is now flight shaming, where you go through people's Instagram profile or Twitter feed and count the number of flights they go on each year and post about. In some countries, this has led to Green Party MPs and other environmentalists having to explain themselves for preaching small carbon footprints but going on lavish holidays to New Zealand, South Africa and East Asia themselves several times a year.
>> No. 19291 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 8:11 pm
19291 spacer

The okay hand gesture being interpreted as a white supremacist symbol seems so bizarre. There was a recent incidence of it being blurred out on American TV.
>> No. 19292 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 8:31 pm
19292 spacer

I think in Italy it's considered an offensive gesture when made to a woman. Something about signalling to her that way that you think she would be a good shag.
>> No. 19293 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 8:59 pm
19293 spacer

Especially given that 4chan started the whole thing as a wind-up.
>> No. 19294 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 9:06 pm
19294 spacer

Members of a political party in Estonia have started using it, saying they're doing so to troll the media.
>> No. 19295 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 9:46 pm
19295 spacer

I'm not sure where this tangent came from but I feel the need to point out that control of the media is just as vital for toppling or preserving a regime as indoctrination. Hence why coup d'etats make such a target of them and movements such as in the Arab Spring relied upon social media to coordinate or later for Erdoğan to survive a coup with facetime.

So...When the UN talks harsh words of the role of the media in the Rwandan genocide they also allow Kagame to grip power by controlling the media.

>it was also what led up to the Arab Spring.

Is self-immolation an act of rational self-interest?

>4chan has a specific report option for content that "violates US law" and threatening langauge could be considered just that

No, America operates correctly differently. For it to be any kind of offence there it would have to cause Warwick some fear for immediate harm which mean words on an imageboard are not.

It wasn't so much a wind up as Pacha from Emperor's New Groove became a popular reaction image and then the mouth-breathers who write online media assumed it was a new symbol. In doing so making it one.

Same as Hillary and Pepe.
>> No. 19296 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 9:56 pm
19296 spacer

I assumed it was to do with this guy, but I don't really follow things closely these days.
>> No. 19297 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 11:02 pm
19297 spacer
God, you can smell him from here.
>> No. 19298 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 11:06 pm
19298 spacer
I'm not explaining to you daft sods yet again why the okay symbol is an alt-right dog whistle, for fuck sake. It's supposed to be silly and mundane, but it isn't just silly and mundane, that's just a smokescreen to hide the real crap about "great replacements" and so on.
>> No. 19299 Anonymous
15th May 2019
Wednesday 11:10 pm
19299 spacer

Lad, I think you're missing the point.
>> No. 19300 Anonymous
16th May 2019
Thursday 12:47 am
19300 spacer

You have been trolled. Hard.

>> No. 19303 Anonymous
16th May 2019
Thursday 9:41 am
19303 spacer


>> No. 19304 Anonymous
16th May 2019
Thursday 9:52 am
19304 spacer

Doesn't everyone use thumbs up in that sort of case, anyway?

The IATA marshalling hand signal for brake release looks exactly like you're doing a heil hitler if you're not fast enough.
>> No. 19305 Anonymous
16th May 2019
Thursday 12:56 pm
19305 spacer

Also, among scuba divers, the OK signal has been a sign for things being, well, ok since time immemorial.

It also means "agreed" or "understood" in diving, like, when you gesture to your diving partner that you want to get ready to surface.

Obviously communication under water is limited unless you are using a full face mask with integrated two-way radio, so hand gestures need to be clear and unequivocal because of the obvious dangers that can arise from miscommunication when you're under 50 feet of water. Changing things up just because the OK signal has now maybe, maybe not been claimed by white supremacists could be dangerous, because it's just something that is so ingrained in scuba divers. It's something you learn in your very first lesson.
>> No. 19312 Anonymous
16th May 2019
Thursday 6:25 pm
19312 spacer


Everyone knows that scuba divers are just moist racists. Aquatic pursuits are a classic alt-right dog-whistle, because of the connotations of the transatlantic slave trade and the historical legacy of segregation depriving African-Americans of the opportunity to swim. Scuba divers spend thousands of pounds on equipment and travel around the world to go to the one place that they know black people can't follow them - under the water. Every scuba tank is like a burning cross. It's despicable.
>> No. 19314 Anonymous
16th May 2019
Thursday 6:37 pm
19314 spacer


> to go to the one place that they know black people can't follow them - under the water.

Not for a lack of trying, it seems.

(although the lad in the picture could also be a Pacific Islander. Not entirely clear.)
>> No. 19357 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 7:48 am
19357 spacer

I guess you're not allowed to wear black shirts. There was a big fuss about the Proud Boys wearing Fred Perry about a year ago too.
>> No. 19358 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 7:53 am
19358 spacer

>There was a big fuss about the Proud Boys wearing Fred Perry about a year ago too.

Nothing will top Are Andy and his penchant for Lacoste.
>> No. 19360 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 2:16 pm
19360 spacer
>Over 1,351 Climate Strikes in 110 Countries Planned for Friday as Global Revolt Escalates
You going to work tomorrow? Pub after?
>> No. 19362 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 5:55 pm
19362 spacer
Weather looks pretty decent too. Could do with making the long weekend even longer.
>> No. 19363 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 6:38 pm
19363 spacer
The invitation is open https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/23/greta-thunberg-young-people-climate-strikes-20-september
>> No. 19364 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 6:47 pm
19364 spacer
How much work do they really believe they will disrupt on the Friday before a bank holiday? Do we even have a government left to protest?

Release the hounds I say.
>> No. 19365 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 6:56 pm
19365 spacer
You are an incredibly perceptive individual. Well done.
>> No. 19366 Anonymous
23rd May 2019
Thursday 11:16 pm
19366 spacer

It's only just occurred to me that these "strikes" are only made possible by the fact you can't sack a schoolkid. They don't even need to be unionised. The worst they're going to get is a detention.

There's a million things I'd go on strike about tomorrow if it were that easy.
>> No. 19367 Anonymous
24th May 2019
Friday 9:18 am
19367 spacer
Their parents can get fined and charged with things, at least here.
>> No. 19373 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 5:27 pm
19373 spacer

>It's only just occurred to me that these "strikes" are only made possible by the fact you can't sack a schoolkid. They don't even need to be unionised. The worst they're going to get is a detention. 

I've a feeling that the post-Millennial generation which is now about to leave school will be far worse than Millennials.
>> No. 19375 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 5:49 pm
19375 spacer
In what way?
>> No. 19376 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 7:58 pm
19376 spacer

How are they going to fully appreciate gainful employment if they are raised to think that playing hookey off your daily responsibilities is without consequences.
>> No. 19377 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 8:00 pm
19377 spacer
Spoken like a boomer.
>> No. 19378 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 8:08 pm
19378 spacer
>playing hookey
It's called "skiving", you bloody great ponce. And what do you think will happen to them? That they'll undergo mass unemployment on account having too many protests to go to? If anything I'd say they're well prepped for a world of insecure employment with no guarantee of how many hours they'll be working.
>> No. 19379 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 8:08 pm
19379 spacer
How are they going to fully appreciate gainful employment if they are climate refugees fighting over food dripping in glyphosate?
>> No. 19380 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 8:22 pm
19380 spacer
Here are some irrelevant, out of date and left-wing-green biased news links for people worried about how the next generation is going to hold down a steady 9-5 job with their feckless attitudes.
>> No. 19381 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 10:53 pm
19381 spacer

> if they are climate refugees fighting over food dripping in glyphosate?

That seems quite bearable as long as you've got a steady job.
>> No. 19382 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 10:56 pm
19382 spacer
Like what? Lifeguard?
>> No. 19383 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 11:33 pm
19383 spacer

It's often a good idea to make your career choices line up with what's in demand on the job market, especially in the future. So yeah. Lifeguard is a reasonable occupation. And boats will probably be big business too in the future.
>> No. 19384 Anonymous
26th May 2019
Sunday 11:39 pm
19384 spacer
Maybe something like biochemist to try and synthesise oxygen would be good too. Oh wait these are fucking stupid options how about you support the government cutting down on fossil fuels or something instead of just teaching kids how to live in Fallout 4?
>> No. 19385 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:38 am
19385 spacer
Scuba diver, to go and salvage things from coastal houses if the sea rises.
>> No. 19386 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:39 am
19386 spacer

>how about you support the government cutting down on fossil fuels or something instead of just teaching kids how to live in Fallout 4?

Realism, m4t.

>> No. 19387 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:46 am
19387 spacer
Realism. Ok. Either get in line with the hippies or wait around complaining about the inconvenience and lending more power to the inevitable ecofascists that'll arise from the Brexit parties blaming all the pollution and rising water on minorities while the country retreats slowly to the uplands.
>> No. 19388 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:48 am
19388 spacer
That sounds like a reasonable idea but asking a 14 year old picking their GCSEs to consider what the next World Wide Web or fracking is going to be is actually quite a tall order.

I was going to have a second bit where I dunked on biofuels and talked about how some industries don't take off, but I looked it up and apparently they've actually made a big impact, but I guess no one talks about them anymore because of how commonplace they are. Or maybe they do and I don't listen.
>> No. 19389 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:52 am
19389 spacer
Climate nutters just want something to get on their high horse about. If biofuels are doing well, then there's less to whinge about, so best not talk about them.
>> No. 19390 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:55 am
19390 spacer
>Climate nutters
Please demonstrate that you've read all of >>19380 and more.
>> No. 19391 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 12:56 am
19391 spacer

>a 14 year old picking their GCSEs

Tesco's is always a plan B if you get that bit wrong.
>> No. 19392 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 4:32 am
19392 spacer

Replacing our current fossil fuel use with biofuels would require two earths. Biofuel smoke is carcinogenic because of the carbonyl - we're not sure, but it's probably worse for human health than fossil diesel. Increasing use of biofuels is likely to worsen climate change due to changes in land use and insolation.
>> No. 19393 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 10:58 am
19393 spacer

The only way to satisfy our civilisation's energy needs without burning fossil fuels is really nuclear hydrogen fusion. We won't have that as an available energy source in the near future, but all the renewable energy resources will not be enough to provide electrical energy for the majority of the eight to ten billion people tat will live on this planet in just a few decades. So it's not likely that all of mankind will stop using fossil fuels before they are exhausted.

What we really need and haven't had in centuries is a natural culling event among our human population. After the various waves of the Black Death, Europe's population was reduced to about 40 percent of pre-plague numbers. It gave the natural resources like forests and agricultural land a chance to recover, and also led to a sharp increase in general prosperity among the survivors, mostly due to inheriting plenty of land and money from family members who had died.

We need a catastrophic event that will wipe out 60 percent of the global population indiscriminately. The preferred scenario would then probably be an incurable pandemic disease. Nuclear war is not a good option towards that goal, as a nuclear war on a large enough scale to wipe out four billion lives would (by way of a global nuclear winter) threaten the long-term survival of almost everyone who would survive the initial attacks.
>> No. 19394 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 11:08 am
19394 spacer
Okay, psycho.
>> No. 19395 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 11:34 am
19395 spacer

Firstly- He's not wrong, lad.

In animal populations, humans intervene when we see one species outgrowing the sustainability of its habitat. We either cull or sterilise a number of the population to stop them going past that point, for their own good. It's either that or they go extinct right?

We have never applied that process to our own population, but it's arguable that we should have started to do so around four billion people ago. We face exactly the same dilemma.

Secondly- The Sahara desert is fucking huge and there's nowt there. Why can't we just turn the cunt into one big solar panel. Has anyone ever done the maths on how much surface are we need to replace fossil fuels with the sun, or wind farms, or what have you? Because I feel like it's completely possible, we're just not looking large enough. We're looking at putting the odd few windmills on a hill where the council can get planning permission through, when we should be looking at literally replacing Ireland with wind farms.
>> No. 19396 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 11:46 am
19396 spacer
>>19395 If you cover the Sahara with solar cells, that's a lot of reflective sand replaced with effectively matt black. You're going to dump quite a lot (four times the generated electricity) of heat into the are, which could be interesting.
Dunno if the solar concentrators (mirror farms, occasional big towers) would be a better plan if you're going to mega-scale?
Of course, when Big Oil stops sitting on those 100% efficiency solar cell designs, it won't be an issue any more. The bastards.
>> No. 19397 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 11:58 am
19397 spacer

>has anyone ever done the maths on how much surface are we need to replace fossil fuels with the sun, or wind farms, or what have you?
Yes, obviously many, many people have thought about this.

>We're looking at putting the odd few windmills on a hill where the council can get planning permission through, when we should be looking at literally replacing Ireland with wind farms.
Yes, something like that.
>> No. 19398 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 1:01 pm
19398 spacer

Sorry, mates, this is just wrong for a lot of technical reasons. That's the typical good idea that won't work because it's technically unfeasible. Here's an interesting blog post about it, if you are interested in the technical details. Google translate works fine:

>> No. 19399 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 2:02 pm
19399 spacer

One of the biggest scientific and humanitarian successes of the Industrial Age was without a doubt the progress made in medicine. People in developed countries now have childhood survival rates and life expectancies that were unthinkable just 200 or 300 years ago, when the majority of people simply didn't grow very old, at least not in a healthy state. If historic accounts are to be believed, you simply did not see many old people. And "old" meaning, over about 55 to 65.

It's also why the human population in pre-Industrial times remained relatively costant for several hundred years. Out of four to six children that a married couple usually had in those days, statistically just a little over two children made it into reproductive age and adulthood. So basically just enough people grew old enough to replace their parents, who usually died much earlier than today's average UK life expectancy.

The flip side is that this has let the global human population grow beyond sustainable levels. The only way that we can feed 7.5 billion people today is that agricultural technology has largely kept up with population growth. But even that will reach its limits.

The estimate nowadays is that the human population will not grow much beyond 10 billion, because that's about the maximum number of inhabitants that we can feed and provide for with our current technology. But in terms of the use and depletion of natural resources, it's already a highly unsustainable number.
>> No. 19400 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 2:26 pm
19400 spacer
Rather than a mass human cull, maybe we could just buy less shit?
>> No. 19401 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 2:41 pm
19401 spacer
>The only way that we can feed 7.5 billion people today is that agricultural technology has largely kept up with population growth
We throw away or otherwise waste about a third of all the edible food we grow, so presumably could feed the ten billion without increasing production.

Yes only people take personal affront if you suggest being less consumerist, whereas suggesting a mass cull often doesn't phase them.
>> No. 19402 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 2:52 pm
19402 spacer

The vast majority of people live on less than one pound at day. They already buy only the strict necessary for raw subsistence. By the way, mass culling is [CENSORED]
>> No. 19403 Anonymous
27th May 2019
Monday 4:40 pm
19403 spacer


That hasn't been true for decades. There is no "first world" and "third world" any more - most people are in the global middle-class. That's a great success, but it's also a major environmental threat; as that big red blob keeps moving to the right of the graph, a lot of people are going to start eating meat with every meal, buying cars and taking foreign holidays. It's incumbent on those of us who are already on the right of the graph to curb our consumption now, otherwise we'll just be dismissed as hypocrites when China and India catch up with Europe and North America.
>> No. 19404 Anonymous
28th May 2019
Tuesday 3:31 pm
19404 spacer

>We throw away or otherwise waste about a third of all the edible food we grow, so presumably could feed the ten billion without increasing production.

If we were able to distribute food efficiently so that nobody would have to starve, we would probably already be doing it now. But efficiency as such probably isn't the biggest problem, and it's more a free markets and business thing. On a global scale, it's still cheaper to mass produce food and either destroy your overproduction or let it perish than it would be to ship it to those who have nothing to eat.

Charities like FareShare are a step in the right direction in that they collect a day's fresh vegetables and bread and give it to the poor, but that's only in Britain, and it doesn't go to people who without this charity wouldn't have anything to eat at all, but to those who struggle to afford good proper food at normal UK shop prices. It does not solve the starvation problems in the poorest regions of the world.

You are either going to have to mandate by international law that the food production surplus must go to people in poor countries, or you are going to have to accept that around 20 percent of global food production will always go to waste and not reach those who really need it. And then try to feed the global population with a food distribution system that only runs at 80 percent efficiency.
>> No. 19405 Anonymous
28th May 2019
Tuesday 3:39 pm
19405 spacer
I don't agree with your conflation of what we're "able" to do and what's "cheaper".

Places like Detroit and Cuba show that it's entirely possible to grow food locally to feed people for next to nothing, even in urban areas. The less we import, the more chances farmers in distant places have to grow their own food to subsist on instead of being stuck growing cash crops for other people.
>> No. 19406 Anonymous
28th May 2019
Tuesday 3:53 pm
19406 spacer
Growing locally is going to get you gluts of things as they come into season, and that's a good way to increase dumping. I wouldn't even call it waste, particularly. To get enough tomatoes, say, for a 6 month season, the peak months are going to be an excess, unless you're proposing every locality has its own processing facility, or a load of logistics that nobody's going to want to pay for to get the excess to a more central processor.
Having started growing things at home recently, and being surrounded by proper farms, has given me an appreciation of the effort that goes into delivering food to gobs. Also the absurdly short growing season this far north, and how decoupled we are from its effects. Hay, grain stores, cold stores full of fruit, butter, cheese - all variously tortuous ways of storing sunlight for winter time.
>> No. 19408 Anonymous
28th May 2019
Tuesday 3:59 pm
19408 spacer

>Places like Detroit and Cuba show that it's entirely possible to grow food locally to feed people for next to nothing, even in urban areas

Cuba is not a good example, as it has heavily depended on foreign food imports in the past because its poorly equipped and inefficient agricultural sector was unable to feed all their citizens. And the foods they exported, at least after the revolution, tended to be of mediocre quality as well. Cuba used to supply half the Communist Bloc with oranges, for example, but they were juice oranges, not table oranges. The difference as such is marginal, and in terms of taste, fully ripe juice oranges are actually superior to table oranges. But juice oranges usually look a bit unappealing, they tend to have green or dark spots and pockmarks on their outer skin, and they are usually noticeably smaller than table oranges. Not a problem if you turn them into juice, but for a long time, they were passed off as table oranges in countries like the German Democratic Republic or Czechoslovakia, and people used to form long queues in front of state owned grocery shops because even then they were a rare commodity.

Not sure how I got from efficient food distribution to Cuban juice oranges, but oh well.
>> No. 19409 Anonymous
28th May 2019
Tuesday 4:10 pm
19409 spacer
And I don't think Detroit's a particularly convincing argument that local people can grow (enough) food for next to nothing.
It's a fine thing that people are growing green stuff in cities, and that they're doing it for free, but the tedious gruntwork of growing grains and bulk plants is neither free nor sane on a small scale. People moved into cities away from agricultural labour because it's fucking hard work, especially if manual labour's involved, rather than running expensive machines over big fields.
Go back to manual farming, and I suspect there would be riots about food prices, and a lot less obesity. Possibly rationing. Good times!
>> No. 19410 Anonymous
28th May 2019
Tuesday 4:12 pm
19410 spacer
>It's incumbent on those of us who are already on the right of the graph to curb our consumption now

Fuck that. There's a myriad of solutions we can devise to boost productivity and, under GMO or vitro meat, even have a more environmentally friendly agricultural system. With the sheer amount of money involved our greed shall propel us toward a brighter future.

If you want to live on a loaf of bread a day then go back to Sparta.

This isn't how famine works and flooding domestic/international markets with surplus would do more than good. You can't stop a warlord blocking aid convoys with potatoes (unless you threw them at him) and you can't sort out the local farm economy by dumping food.
>> No. 19747 Anonymous
21st July 2019
Sunday 9:15 am
19747 spacer
Something went very wrong on Sunday, July 14 2019 in Utica, New York. The infamous Boilermaker race was about to start and participants were lined up ready to go. At approximately 7am, police received a call that led them to an obvious crime scene on Poe St in Utica. When Utica Police got to the scene they found a suicidal man outside an SUV that said he had killed his girlfriend and was going to harm himself with a knife.

A man named Brandon Clark posted a series of disturbing images on his Instagram account (his instagram has since been deleted). The posts seemingly depict a woman, laying dead in a vehicle. She has almost been decapitated. One photo shows her face and upper torso. Another shows a bloody arm with the caption ‘I’m sorry Bianca’. Other photos he posted on his other social media accounts include his bloody arm outstretched towards a body covered by a tarp and the same caption as above.

It’s not known how Bianca and Brandon knew each other. Some reports say they dated in 2017, others say that he was obsessed with her and was stalking her. Brandon posted on multiple social media accounts about his intent to kill himself after the murder, so by all accounts, this seems to be a premeditated crime.

Details have started to emerge about the relationship between the two. It is thought that they met a few months ago on Discord, a chat app used by gamers. After Brandon killed Bianca, he apparently logged onto Discord to post the photos and to taunt her friends.


Boy meets girl, boy assumes that means they're in a relationship and gets jealous when she goes with someone else to an event, boy tries to chop her head off and posts pictures of her corpse on Discord to taunt her 'beta orbiters', chronic masturbators celebrate. That old tale.
>> No. 19749 Anonymous
21st July 2019
Sunday 2:14 pm
19749 spacer

I've seen the pictures. He barely managed to slit her throat, nevermind behead her like some media outles are reporting it.

There's a heavy slant in most of the reports I've read towards how he was a gamer, as well as trying to tie it in with the whole "chronic masturbator" thing. As though that has any real bearing on the fact you can be a murderous psychopath, or somehow reflects on other gamers and chronic masturbators and their culture. I wish they would fuck off with that shit. It doesn't help anyone and only furthers bitterness and resentment amongst the implicated groups.

I want to use the term "media narrative" but only wankers use that term.
>> No. 19768 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 7:09 am
19768 spacer

The garlic festival shooter posted on Instagram telling people to read Might is Right and complaining about mixed race people before the attack. His name is... Santino. I've always found it weird when mixed race people themselves, it seems to most common with Hispanics, role play as white supremacists.
>> No. 19769 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 8:38 am
19769 spacer
Hispanic means 'from Spain', lad. Not 'mixed race'.
>> No. 19770 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 10:18 am
19770 spacer
Indeed. I've made posts before about how Americans have a "racial autism" whereby everyone needs to be strictly labled and that those lables don't always make sense. By any Europleb's reckoning that kid's white, but in the US there is a debate, because possibly his great-granddad bonked a native woman south of the border. I wish Columbus could have simply died of scurvy like a proper early-modern sailor.

I wonder if he really expected to die, the whole thing seems so half-arsed in comparison to other attacks.
>> No. 19771 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 11:30 am
19771 spacer

>garlic festival shooter

Now there's a name that you want to go down in history with.
>> No. 19772 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 11:35 am
19772 spacer
He should have branded himself the "Garlic Gala Gunman" beforehand, missed a trick there.
>> No. 19773 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 12:40 pm
19773 spacer

We need more alliteration. I don't think we've had anyone since the Crossbow Cannibal, depending on where you stand on Psycho Stapleton.
>> No. 19775 Anonymous
30th July 2019
Tuesday 2:45 pm
19775 spacer

Coming up with a catchy name is always an art.

>> No. 19813 Anonymous
31st July 2019
Wednesday 8:24 pm
19813 spacer

Is that Arfur Daley's 'arf bravvah?
>> No. 19838 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 12:13 am
19838 spacer

Another shooter, another manifesto.
>> No. 19839 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 12:14 am
19839 spacer


>> No. 19840 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 12:16 am
19840 spacer
Mass shooting in America? Must be Saturday.
>> No. 19841 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 1:55 am
19841 spacer

Oi m8 I hope you have a sarcasm loicence.
Watch you don't get stabbed on the way to jail if you don't you cheeky bugger.

But really the funny thing is how focused the edgy right like to be on the issues on the UK whilst the more significant problems in the US get excused for reasons. Modern propaganda is magical.
>> No. 19843 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 2:35 am
19843 spacer

Don't you know, A man in Britain was fined £800 for teaching his dog to nazi salute!
>> No. 19844 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 5:27 am
19844 spacer
The great irony is that this was in a Walmart in Texas, which almost certainly sells guns. Texas is one of the most gun-friendly states in the Union. Where was the Good Guy With A Gun?
>> No. 19845 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 7:19 am
19845 spacer

We arr rook same.
>> No. 19847 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 9:43 am
19847 spacer

>Nine people have been killed and at least 16 injured in a shooting early on Sunday in Dayton, Ohio, police have said.

>The suspected gunman is also dead, according to police.

>The injured have been taken to the local Miami Valley hospital, spokeswoman Terrea Little said. She could not confirm their conditions.

Garliclad is just a footnote now, didn't even remember him myself until I got to the bottom of this story.
>> No. 19848 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 9:47 am
19848 spacer

Sometimes these things parody themselves.
>> No. 19849 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 10:10 am
19849 spacer

briefcase wanker.jpg
>> No. 19850 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 12:40 pm
19850 spacer

>> No. 19882 Anonymous
4th August 2019
Sunday 5:33 pm
19882 spacer

>> No. 19896 Anonymous
5th August 2019
Monday 8:10 pm
19896 spacer

Imagine if someone had told you last week that Donald Trump would be proposing the death penalty for hate crimes.
>> No. 19897 Anonymous
5th August 2019
Monday 9:10 pm
19897 spacer
I'd have said "He'll want to start defining antifa as a hate group before he does that".
>> No. 19898 Anonymous
5th August 2019
Monday 9:54 pm
19898 spacer

If you had told me her wanted to deliver the death penalty decisively. I would scratch my head as to how else one would go about a death penalty.

if you told me he would want to speed up the delivery of the death penalty, that wouldn't shock me. It is the sort of popularist policies that appeals to peoples darker base instincts and a them and us attitude that make the world a bit grimmer that are his bread and butter.

If you told me he was going to do all of that for hate crimes I'd ask when is he burning down the Reichstag and blaming it on the Democrats and FBI?
>> No. 19901 Anonymous
5th August 2019
Monday 11:59 pm
19901 spacer

>shot and killed on the Fuhrer's orders

(this was actually something you could read on many official death certificates of prisoners during the Third Reich. Hitler had full legal discretion to have individuals killed without trial just as he saw fit.)
>> No. 19902 Anonymous
6th August 2019
Tuesday 1:20 am
19902 spacer
It seems like the process would be speed up for domestic daft militant wogs only, if I've understood that correctly.

The death penalty has resulted in the deaths of many innocent men and women, so death row should be a 10 year stretch under normal circumstances if they're insisting on keeping it.
>> No. 19903 Anonymous
6th August 2019
Tuesday 9:22 am
19903 spacer
They've been trying, prior to this.
>> No. 19904 Anonymous
6th August 2019
Tuesday 9:46 am
19904 spacer

>The death penalty has resulted in the deaths of many innocent men and women, so death row should be a 10 year stretch under normal circumstances

It has always been a mark of fascist regimes, or fascist ways of government thinking, to want to kill off undesirables as quickly as possible. Any kind of lengthy trial would only serve to raise doubt as to the legitimacy of a death sentence and engender resistance and opposition among the public. And fascist regimes can't have that.

I'm not entirely sure ol' Ferret Head really understands the ramifications of his demands. It would undermine even the last remaining vestiges of believable due process of law as required by the U.S. Constitution.
>> No. 19905 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 6:17 pm
19905 spacer
After El Paso and Dayton, the left needs to reach out to men, not condemn them


This might be the most reasonable opinion piece I've read on the Graun in quite some time.
>> No. 19906 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 7:25 pm
19906 spacer

It isnt bad but the line . "It’s not enough simply to call out the patriarchy, toxic masculinity or misogyny."

Means they still have completely missed the point that they are the problem.

I dont see how they can spend all day building up a lexicon of language that is an attack on the male identity, declare "men feel under attack, it must be because of their frail male identity and their polluted male thinking, we need to destroy anything remotely resembling Male power in society"
>> No. 19907 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 7:32 pm
19907 spacer

... oh and that they secretly hate women.

If there is one thing men are guilty of it is secretly hating women.
>> No. 19908 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 7:55 pm
19908 spacer

>I dont see how they can spend all day building up a lexicon of language that is an attack on the male identity

That irritates me too. You're welcome to tell me all day long that I'm a cunt, and see if I care. But they've developed a whole science with its own vocabulary and falsely trueist ideology that has but one purpose and that is to blame men for everything that they see wrong with the world.
>> No. 19909 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 7:56 pm
19909 spacer
Oh, Jordan.
>> No. 19910 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 8:38 pm
19910 spacer
>His [Peterson's] biggest critics accuse him of being a pseudo-intellectual and dismiss him as an alt-right icon. Yet few on the left offer up well-developed ideas on the crisis of masculinity and the role of men – certainly there is no one who is speaking to lost and disenfranchised males with anything like his reach. It’s not enough simply to call out the patriarchy, toxic masculinity or misogyny.

It seems an awful lot like you're having a knee-jerk reaction to seeing a word or two you don't like. TRIGGERED!
>> No. 19911 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 8:49 pm
19911 spacer
As someone who died in a mass shooting, I object to that usage.
>> No. 19912 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 8:56 pm
19912 spacer

You seem to be under the delusion that the greater context somehow makes that statement more reasonable.

They are still in favour of attacking the male identity.

The line is "It’s not enough simply attacking" not "we need to rethink attacking"
>> No. 19913 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 8:58 pm
19913 spacer
Were you dropped as a child or does it take practice to be that dense?
>> No. 19914 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 9:03 pm
19914 spacer
>Addressing the perceived lack of purpose and meaning in these people’s lives would be a first step in engaging the worrying number of disillusioned young men whose frustration, fear and anger is currently being harnessed by hardliners, be they jihadist recruiters or Trump.

>It isn’t about sympathy or excuses, it is about identifying patterns and breaking them, and offering solutions. The only way we can do that is to come off the partisan political script and ask questions about the complex issues surrounding men. Until we do that, we will be stuck in the same never-ending cycle.

That sure reads like attacking men to me.
>> No. 19915 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 9:51 pm
19915 spacer

You've missed the point I know that they believe they are saying the right thing and doing the right thing, my point is they aren't but believe they are and now so do you.

It is the equivalent of the Thomas Jefferson style 'benevolent' slave owner. He thought they were doing right by black people keeping them as slaves and being patronising. There is a fundamental Paradigm they are supporting "black people are inferior and should be slaves" that means that any of his benevolence and kindness was ultimately flawed as much as they believe they are doing right nothing Thomas Jefferson said would seem like an attack, he would believe he was being kind but he wasn't and it was an attack...

This person believes that we should be tearing down any perceived male power structures and that the male identity is toxic, and that men hate women (probably secretly even from themselves in a lot of cases (I am assuming they subscribe to the beliefs of the female eunuch)) those are truths they hold and believe.

It doesn't matter how much they want to be kind to men after they've stripped them of their identity, the point is they want to, they are part of the problem because they believe in that Paradigm. It would be like Thomas Jefferson proclaiming the reason there was a slave revolt is because people weren't being kind enough to their slaves, They are missing the core concept slaves need freedom, men need a philosophy that doesn't treat them like they are tainted as the enemy for having a Y chromosome.

There obviously is a place on the left for dealing with male identity issues but it cannot co-exist with a belief that firstly the patriarchy exists, and that the patriarchy is in all places at all times and needs to be wholly destroyed, and masculinity is a sickness. Make no mistake I believe there is a possible future of equality of the sexes, but this isn’t the rhetoric of it this is the rhetoric of taking power not sharing it.
>> No. 19916 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 10:15 pm
19916 spacer
>You've missed the point I know that they believe they are saying the right thing and doing the right thing, my point is they aren't but believe they are and now so do you.
Well that settles it, I guess. You're rignt, and they're wrong.
>> No. 19917 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 10:16 pm
19917 spacer
>It is the equivalent of the Thomas Jefferson style 'benevolent' slave owner.

Nah, though.
>> No. 19918 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 10:23 pm
19918 spacer
Looks like someone downed the entire bowl of Kool-Aid.
>> No. 19919 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 10:53 pm
19919 spacer

>>19915 is being a bit of an MRA dong, but I think there's a key word in that quote - "perceived lack of purpose and meaning". The author claims to be speaking from the left-wing, but the first impulse of any genuine lefty should be to examine the structural political and economic factors that influence people's lives.

I don't think this is fundamentally a gendered problem, but rather gendered reactions to the same set of structural problems. Young men aren't in crisis because "they don't know what it means to be a man", but because the means of becoming an adult have become far harder to obtain. Men and women react to these pressures differently, but they're facing broadly the same pressures.

If a young woman is going stir-crazy because she can't afford to pay rent and is stuck in her mum's house, she's more likely to slash her wrists than start a fight outside a pub. If a young man is despondent that his degree only got him a mind-numbing temp job in a call centre, he's more likely to develop a drink problem than an eating disorder.

Some aspects probably are gendered, specifically the transition from manufacturing to services and the increasing importance of soft skills, but I think that the problem is overwhelmingly one of old vs young and rich vs poor. A young woman who has £50,000 worth of student debt and a zero-hours contract has far more in common with her male peers than she does with a boomer woman.

Young men do mad shit like going off to war in a foreign country, they always have done and they probably always will do due to the differing rates of maturation of the prefrontal cortex - men take much longer to develop an adult sense of risk and an adult level of impulse control.
>> No. 19920 Anonymous
8th August 2019
Thursday 11:46 pm
19920 spacer

Well it is a good thing that I didn't spend the next 3 paragraphs explaining the concept of a paradigm based bias and the subtext of it and how they were falling into it otherwise you'd look like a cunt.


You don't have to be an MRA to think fisherperson theory is a bias political position that makes lots of baseless assumtions dressed up like a science. We've had it drummed so hard into us over the last 5 or so years that we've started accepting these things as truths when they aren't.

The fact that we accept all of these ideas thrown about that are essentially as fact based conspiracy theories about invisible power structures that are based solely on circular reasoning is just a sign of our weak resolve.

Looking at the world honestly you know men as a collective group aren't in charge or that systems are favouring men, even if the result sometime create false positives. It is an insulting over generalisation the same way saying black people are criminals is. So why do we accept it so readily as a truth.

You make up and distort any figure about men being paid more and people will accept it. Tell them that women earn more under the age of 30, or pay gaps being informed largely by choice and people will go out of their way to deny the point doing mental cartwheels because ultimately this isn't about a objective truth it is a faith and part of that faith is making men the bugbear.
>> No. 19921 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 12:03 am
19921 spacer
>3 paragraphs explaining the concept of a paradigm based bias and the subtext of it and how they were falling into it
You must be referring to a different post. The one I replied to contained 3 paragraphs of pseudointellectual claptrap attempting to justify "I'm right and they're wrong".
>> No. 19922 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 1:30 am
19922 spacer

Lad, I agree with you I dunno why they're calling you MRA as what you said seems reasonable enough.
I think we can see the stupid ideas they hold don't actually help in the real world, the last 5 years of constant stupidity in the press with these wacky theories and what is there to show for it? Just more extremism and more senseless violence. Their theories just don't work in real life, they don't help.
As much as I think Jordan Peterson is a meme and quite a bit cringey, at least what he does seems to help a bit.
Ultimately it's really hard to prove any of this without going through dozens of social attitude surveys. Maybe we're all just pissing in the wind on this one.
>> No. 19924 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 1:50 am
19924 spacer

>attempting to justify "I'm right and they're wrong"

The rest of us call that debate. I can see what the problem is here.
>> No. 19925 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 1:58 am
19925 spacer
>The rest of us call that debate.
Speak for yourself.
>> No. 19927 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 2:38 am
19927 spacer
Fine let’s chalk it up to one of those other great mysteries the guardian can't solve then.

Why is it when the core rhetoric of the left has been to go actively out of their way to marginalise mens power in organisation, and tell them they are spoilt and only achieve anything because they are privileged, have young men stopped being involved in left wing movements and felt isolated and turned to the right and to self empowerment instead of us.

It is a mystery, must be their toxic masculinity or misogyny and some nebulous other not left wing part of society making them feel isolated.
>> No. 19928 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 3:06 am
19928 spacer
>Why is it when the core rhetoric of the left has been to go actively out of their way to marginalise mens power in organisation
... and right away your argument falls down at the first hurdle again. I don't particularly want to resort to 2/10 MUST TRY HARDER but with the level of horseshit you're spouting it's difficult to see exactly what else is going to get through to you.
>> No. 19931 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 3:18 am
19931 spacer

Point of personal privilege!

You would believe that being a cis white man.
>> No. 19932 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 3:21 am
19932 spacer
Joke's on you. I'm a brown trans helicoper.
>> No. 19933 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 1:54 pm
19933 spacer
Hilarious, and original.
>> No. 19936 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 10:02 pm
19936 spacer

You can't even have a photo op with a recently orphaned baby without people getting all pissy.
>> No. 19937 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 11:30 pm
19937 spacer
I know, right? What's the world coming to when a man can't visit a disaster zone and tell the world how well they're tasting him while he's there?
>> No. 19938 Anonymous
9th August 2019
Friday 11:44 pm
19938 spacer
>how well they're tasting him while he's there?
I'm no fan of Trump, but you can't go around licking him for your own amusement. That's just not on.
>> No. 19939 Anonymous
10th August 2019
Saturday 12:18 am
19939 spacer
I wouldn't even with a stolen tongue.

>> No. 19940 Anonymous
10th August 2019
Saturday 12:21 am
19940 spacer
Despite my previous comments I think I actually might lick him I got the chance. I don't think it's an offence that would get me locked up, but I'd certainly make history. A minor, pathetic, slightly uncomfortable part of history, but I'd be on his Wikipedia entry forever more.
>> No. 19941 Anonymous
10th August 2019
Saturday 12:36 am
19941 spacer
>minor, pathetic, slightly uncomfortable part of history

well that's his presidency in a nutshell really isn't it.

I have often wondered how some of the more insane incompetent rulers of history managed to get into and hold onto power and now thanks to witnessing him I have an understanding of that.
>> No. 19942 Anonymous
10th August 2019
Saturday 11:46 am
19942 spacer

> I don't think it's an offence that would get me locked up

You'd still have to wrestle your way past an army of security guards and Secret Service agents, who won't go down without a fight. At the very least, they'd then be able to nick you for resisting arrest if you somehow escaped them.

Your best bet is probably to throw an egg at him from about ten feet away. It may constitute assault, but it's harmless enough that you'll probably only get a few days in jail for it. And Trump will probably get the joke and reference it in a number of his next speeches.
>> No. 19983 Anonymous
12th August 2019
Monday 7:22 pm
19983 spacer
>I'd be on his Wikipedia entry forever more
Not necessarily. You'd cause a few arguments about whether it fulfills the notability policy, though.
>> No. 19992 Anonymous
12th August 2019
Monday 11:48 pm
19992 spacer

If Gazza's cocaine fuelled antics in the Raoul Moat case were considered notable, then surely somebody licking Donald Trump is somewhere up there as well.

>> No. 20007 Anonymous
14th August 2019
Wednesday 10:37 am
20007 spacer

Okay. Without checking what is the name of the person who threw a shoe at George W? The gazza incident is remembered because gazza was already a house hold name. Moat is a footnote to him not the other way round.
>> No. 20009 Anonymous
14th August 2019
Wednesday 11:33 am
20009 spacer

I just jokingly called him "Shoeman", deleted the post because I decided it wasn't a very amusing joke after all, and then googled for his actual name only to discover that people do, in fact, call him "Shoeman".
>> No. 20011 Anonymous
14th August 2019
Wednesday 6:06 pm
20011 spacer
Michael Shoesmacker.
>> No. 20024 Anonymous
16th August 2019
Friday 1:06 pm
20024 spacer
>A knifeman who slashed a 19-year-old Bulgarian in a Tesco car park after praising the Christchurch terror attacker has admitted attempted murder.

>Before the attack, Fuller declared support for Christchurch gunman Brenton Tarrant in a Facebook post. "I am English, no matter what the government say kill all the non English and get them all out of our of England," he wrote.

>The next day, Fuller approached Mr Mihaylov's car and shouted "you are going to die" as he swiped at him through the open window, prosecutors said. His victim sustained wounds to his hands and neck.

>Before the car park stabbing, Fuller had approached the home of a neighbour - who is of south Asian descent - armed with a baseball bat. He went on to indiscriminately attack occupied vehicles, and was reportedly heard shouting "white supremacy" and "I'm going to kill eskimos".


Why are our white supremacists so shit? It's more than the lack of guns.
>> No. 20027 Anonymous
17th August 2019
Saturday 8:07 pm
20027 spacer


Right, that's what we need. Adept white supremacists.
>> No. 20028 Anonymous
17th August 2019
Saturday 8:25 pm
20028 spacer

My god look at him, his head must weigh 50 pounds on it's own.
>> No. 20029 Anonymous
17th August 2019
Saturday 8:40 pm
20029 spacer

Give him a break, the poor lad is divorced.
>> No. 20030 Anonymous
17th August 2019
Saturday 9:16 pm
20030 spacer

But with The Wife no longer around, he's free to toss his orbs about.
>> No. 20031 Anonymous
17th August 2019
Saturday 9:40 pm
20031 spacer

They always are. I wonder which comes first.
>> No. 20032 Anonymous
17th August 2019
Saturday 10:16 pm
20032 spacer
Our attacks seem to involve blokes with anger issues snapping after reading some shite. I suspect if they took the time to plan or try to recruit a mate they would calm down over a few tins before they get anywhere.

Girl falls for the bad boy, he grows up to be a disgusting slob that throws his weight around, she leaves him and our court system has to deal with their petty disputes over seeing the kids. The EDL stuff is just another symptom of being a uneducated twat.
>> No. 20033 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 2:01 am
20033 spacer
All of the above, and he can't even spell "muskrat" properly.
>> No. 20034 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 7:28 am
20034 spacer

I didn't actually realise these were based off real people, I just assumed they were completely made up due to memes evolving and grossly exaggerating what you'd jokingly expect people like that to think like.
>> No. 20035 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 7:58 am
20035 spacer
Dammit now I want a greggs for breakfast
>> No. 20036 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 12:20 pm
20036 spacer
Ate greggs
>> No. 20037 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 12:22 pm
20037 spacer

Bless your naivety for think that. You are too pure for this world.
>> No. 20039 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 6:04 pm
20039 spacer

They really are thick as pig shit though.

And that's still an understatement.

>> No. 20040 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 6:38 pm
20040 spacer

This guy was proven right though. Some time later the gangs were widely publicised.
>> No. 20041 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 6:55 pm
20041 spacer

And the ray guns thing was also common knowledge.
>> No. 20042 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 10:21 pm
20042 spacer

He isn't saying ray guns.
>> No. 20043 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 10:34 pm
20043 spacer

To play devils advocate I could probably cherry pick the incoherant member of any group and use that as a poster child for it if I wanted to discredit that group.
>> No. 20044 Anonymous
18th August 2019
Sunday 10:37 pm
20044 spacer

That may have bern the joke.
>> No. 20046 Anonymous
19th August 2019
Monday 3:41 am
20046 spacer

It isn't one that ages well potraying them as a knee jerk alarmist paranoid bigot imagining there were eskimo rape gangs.

When it turns out there was a massive police and various other state bodies cover ups because they were more afraid about bad press of being accused of being racist than being complicit in the abuse of children.

Framed in the light that there definitely were rape gangs the video now comes across as the nhilistic sneering by someone who doesn't care about morality or the truth just that they discredit their opponents by trying to make them look stupid.
>> No. 20047 Anonymous
19th August 2019
Monday 11:26 am
20047 spacer

>by trying to make them look stupid.

They are still largely doing it to themselves.
>> No. 20048 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 1:30 am
20048 spacer

I knew you would be so obnoxious to think this, but it isn't about the person who is speaking as an individual is it. It is about discrediting anyone else who shares the belief by cherry-picking the worst candidate to strawman everyone else who believes it, so their position isn't considered seriously.

I could record getting an idiot to talk about how we know the world is round, and they would probably get details wrong. If I uploaded that video every flat earther would clap their hands and bark like Seals in delight at how stupid round earthers were. In fact if you move in their circles, and watch their YouTube videos I don't doubt that they probably have memes built around just that. It wouldn't change the fact that the round earther was the one who was correct even though the rounder earthers are 'making themselves look stupid' would it.
>> No. 20049 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 1:41 am
20049 spacer
The key difference here being that the round-earther idiot takes faulty premises to come to a sound conclusion, whereas the raygun-toting idiots take sound premises to come to a faulty conclusion.

It's a subtle but important distinction.
>> No. 20050 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 3:06 am
20050 spacer
>whereas the raygun-toting idiots take sound premises to come to a faulty conclusion.

>It's a subtle but important distinction.

His position (if you filter through it’s incoherence) is the police are being complicit in rape gangs (or ray guns if you are a sneering cunt) and therefore not enforcing British law and allowing people to operate by whatever rules they impose. And he wants equal application of the law regardless of race or creed. The police were complicit, that is the correct premise and conclusion.

His conclusion is correct, you just don't like the conclusion because it turns out the people you were calling racists were right they weren't being alarmist when they were saying there were eskimo paedophile gangs and no one is stopping them. Turns out you were on the wrong side of history and you don't want to feel like you are more stupid then him.

To give context this video is from 2011 about the time Rotherham Council were trying to censor reporting of the 'honor killing' of Laura Wilson, a victim of child abuse they found stabbed 40 times floating in the canal in their greater cover up of child abuse.

You also have to presume on some level that this child abuse is only the worst case example of complicities by the state in this, (you don’t turn a blind eye to overt kiddy fiddling if it is the first instance of discord that you have found in the community) and therefore how much the state was just allowing the enforcement of Sharia Law and letting minor violations slip in these areas is something of an unknown since it isn’t a matter of public record. So how alarmist you think those sorts of claims are a question of your exposure and you own biases.
>> No. 20051 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 3:50 am
20051 spacer
>His position (if you filter through it’s incoherence) is the police are being complicit in rape gangs
Is it? Could you give a timestamp for where he says that without you filling it in with inference?

Just to be clear, here's a transcript of what he says (which is almost certainly going to trigger a filter or ten):
>I'm here to protest, right, 'cause I'm going on a march 'cause I want Britain to be about British. I want Britain to be about British. We've got interracial law, and the Muslamic infidel, they're trying to get their law over our country. And it's happening, it is happening. It's happening in other countries. Everything... it's happening in every country, it's like... every, like, you've got, you've got the Iraqi law that they've put, they've put down in, in London. Like, we're more or less near London today. But they're trying to put the Iraqi law down on, on, on London, trying to put... they're just trying to put their, their law down on us. And we, we can't stand for that.
>[Interviewer: "Which Iraqi law is that?"]
>It's the eskimo, Muslamic law. They, they've got, they've got their, they've got their law, obviously it's their law, innit? Right, there's no... we can't do anything about that, but we're just trying to stop Muslamic... you've got Muslamic rape gangs nowadays. Fucking... it's fifteen-year-olds getting raped and everything. It, it just can't happen. That's why all these people are here, all these people around us, that's why they're here.

I'm open to being corrected if I'm missing something, but I can't marry those words to your statement of his position without making some very loaded assumptions.
>> No. 20052 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 2:34 pm
20052 spacer

He was clearly the least coherent idiot they could find. Therefore on some level you have to make assumptions because he has made assumptions about what you know and he needs to tell you, and he is going to be hyperbolic and phrase things back to front that's part of him being an idiot.

Honestly the way he has phrased it makes it hard for me to pick apart the individual points and match them up

I guess the biggest assumptions I have made the conection not wanting Sharia law and Britain being british, being in a stream on continuous next to each other that he means wants the rule of english law. And I've assumed upholding liberal values and that he is concerned about the eroding of those values in Europe, based on that he sees that being replaced by Sharia law.

The second paragraph makes more 'sense' he is obviously alluding to the child abuse scandal he just has the points back to front.

The best test I could suggest is if you asked him do you think would disagree with my statement or do you think he would say. "Yeah, da's wot i men' " and I think it is the latter.

I assume there is some basis in a fact or news for his statement about Iraqi law but without knowing to what he is referring I don't have the tools to pick that apart and decipher it.
>> No. 20054 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 4:02 pm
20054 spacer

I mean, if you're not used to dealing with thick people or the working class in general, it would be easy to simply conclude he didn't mention anything specific about a police or state cover up.

However I think, if you're being.g sensible, you can piece together that that's exactly what he was trying to get at, and more articulate racists than him would have put it better.

He is a racist, but he is a racist who was dead right.
>> No. 20056 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 5:32 pm
20056 spacer
I think it's interesting to parallel the Rotherham thing with stuff like the Snowden leaks or the human rights abuses committed at various US/Coalition bases in the Middle East.

Situations where it has since been revealed that something definitely was going on, but it was so easy to discredit the people who attempted to raise concerns at the time that despite being proved right, they remain figures of mockery.

We all know for a fact, now, that the NSA literally knows everything from your online banking details to what kind of porn you watch, and has done for years. But people will still happily buy an Alexa and call you paranoid when you mention them being used to infringe privacy.
>> No. 20057 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 5:42 pm
20057 spacer


>He is a racist, but he is a racist who was dead right.

It's always an uncomfortable notion that people we dislike or despise for what they think or for who they are could have their rare moments where they're actually right, or where they aren't being the despicable human beings that they are normally known as.

It's a little known fact that Adolf Hitler was good with kids. There is plenty of footage of him at his Berghof mountain residence playing with the children of other Nazi leadership members and of his servants. Observers at the time noted that small children really enjoyed spending time with him. He was probably a paedo too
>> No. 20058 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 6:30 pm
20058 spacer
>It's a little known fact that Adolf Hitler was good with kids.

Probably because it's entirely unimportant to the larger picture. It's like finding out Stalin really enjoyed a game of Othello or Nero baked a slap up Carrot Cake.

Also Raymond Guns was clearly pissed out of his head.
>> No. 20059 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 7:26 pm
20059 spacer
>Therefore on some level you have to make assumptions because he has made assumptions about what you know and he needs to tell you, and he is going to be hyperbolic and phrase things back to front that's part of him being an idiot.
Sadly, my crystal ball is on the blink, so I can't really guess what those assumptions might be without projecting my own biases onto him.

>The best test I could suggest is if you asked him do you think would disagree with my statement or do you think he would say. "Yeah, da's wot i men' " and I think it is the latter.
That's quite literally putting words in his mouth.
>> No. 20060 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 7:28 pm
20060 spacer

Still, not many people will be ready to believe that a fascist dictator who was responsible for the biggest genocide in history, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children just like the ones he played with at Berghof, also had a gentle side.
>> No. 20061 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 7:32 pm
20061 spacer
Have a word with yourself lad.

>> No. 20062 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 7:42 pm
20062 spacer

So? Godwin's Law proven right yet again. Shocker.
>> No. 20063 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 9:36 pm
20063 spacer

>That's quite literally putting words in his mouth.

Well somebody has to because he isn't. As >>20054 says.
>> No. 20064 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 9:47 pm
20064 spacer

facebook and you.jpg

> But people will still happily buy an Alexa and call you paranoid when you mention them being used to infringe privacy.

One of my friends covered the social side of internet security at uni, and honestly this is the greatest paradox, people insist that they want privacy and not to share their data but seem not to be able to help themselves as soon as something is offered for it, they forget they shouldn't accept candy from strangers.

I remember a few years ago seeing a person just walking around a bar offering a low quality free shot to anyone who gave them their email address as a promotion, and people just fill that shit in without thinking, coz free shot!
>> No. 20066 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 11:20 pm
20066 spacer

>I remember a few years ago seeing a person just walking around a bar offering a low quality free shot to anyone who gave them their email address as a promotion, and people just fill that shit in without thinking, coz free shot!

Back in the old days when cigarette marketing wasn't quite the leper of the advertising world yet that it is now, I remember I was at a bar with a few mates one night and two lasses in Lucky Strike branded outfits came in and offered each of us a free ten pack (do those still exist? ) of Lucky Strikes if we agreed to give them our address details, it was something about the possibility of winning big prizes or something. Naturally all of us did, none of us won any prizes, but I distinctly remember an increase in spam mail (the paper kind) in the following weeks. I wasn't normally that free about givin away my address, so the bastards must have sold it to spammers. And probably got more for my data than it cost them to produce a ten pack of Lucky Strikes.
>> No. 20067 Anonymous
20th August 2019
Tuesday 11:21 pm
20067 spacer
> I remember a few years ago seeing a person just walking around a bar offering a low quality free shot to anyone who gave them their email address as a promotion, and people just fill that shit in without thinking, coz free shot!

What if they were giving him fake email addresses?
>> No. 20068 Anonymous
21st August 2019
Wednesday 2:37 am
20068 spacer

Back in the day, whenever you went to any sort of political meeting or rally, there was always someone enthusiastically collecting signatures for some or other petition. Romanian orphans, Nicaraguan political prisoners, animal cruelty in Spain, you name it, there was always something new to petition against.

You can see where this is going. It turned out that most of those enthusiastic young men were undercover rozzers of some description; those petitions were basically their way of taking the register.
>> No. 20069 Anonymous
21st August 2019
Wednesday 1:50 pm
20069 spacer
The most devilish thing about the current generation of mass surveillance is that the intrusion is pretty intangible until it's too late.
It's hard to justify the need for protection when the harm isn't being felt.
>> No. 20070 Anonymous
21st August 2019
Wednesday 2:47 pm
20070 spacer
>What if they were giving him fake email addresses?

Her, you always send a disarming naive looking girl to do your most devious work.

>fake email addresses?

I assume some of them were. But enough of them probably weren't to be worth their time. It think there was also some token competition that they wanted to contact people to let them know they won which is enough for people to give away their details.
>> No. 20330 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 5:13 pm
20330 spacer
The OK hand sign has been added to a list of hate symbols.

The finger-and-thumb gesture - which is also a popular emoji - is being used by some as a "sincere expression of white supremacy", according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL says the OK symbol has become a "popular trolling tactic" from "right-leaning individuals, who often post photos to social media of themselves posing while making the gesture".

It started out as an online joke on 4Chan - taking an innocent gesture and pretending there was a hidden meaning behind it, hoping to trick the media and left-leaning people into outrage. But the joke was so successful and widespread among the far-right, that many believe the OK sign is changing meaning.


Reality sure is weird.
>> No. 20331 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 5:42 pm
20331 spacer
Only if you think that being on the list somehow means it's definitely a hate symbol and nothing else.
>> No. 20332 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 6:00 pm
20332 spacer

I mean it started as a joke, but it was a joke successful enough that the people it was a joke about actually took it on.

Also aren't those the same lot who say the sad face frog is a hate symbol? Basically anything that would connect you to 4chan is a thoughtcrime dogwhistle these days really. Wierd considering its where most of Internet culture actually came from.
>> No. 20333 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 6:03 pm
20333 spacer
It's not about it being on the list. It's the entire fucking thing. At some point this timeline went well and truly bonkers.
>> No. 20334 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 8:00 pm
20334 spacer

> Also aren't those the same lot who say the sad face frog is a hate symbol?

Well it has been linked to the BNP.
>> No. 20335 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 8:03 pm
20335 spacer
>> No. 20336 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 9:13 pm
20336 spacer

Some of their imagery is spectacular.
>> No. 20337 Anonymous
27th September 2019
Friday 9:45 pm
20337 spacer

richard spencer.jpg

The alt-right, or whatever you call them internationally, deliberately adopt these things just so they can turn around and claim that it's ridiculous that anyone would think it. Pepe or the "ok" hand symbol or anything.
>> No. 20338 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 12:42 pm
20338 spacer

old lady yells at frogs.png
>Also aren't those the same lot who say the sad face frog is a hate symbol?

If I remember right, the ADL gave a nuanced opinion that it depends on the context even after Hillary Clinton named Pepe as the leader of the Alt-Right. I still don't think 2019 will top 2016 in that sense.

If you read otherlads article the same is true here although it does lead you to a rather fun list all the same:
>> No. 20339 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 3:16 pm
20339 spacer
This whole thing has been sensationalised. Their list is only indicators, it's not meant to be definitive. It's saying that the things on the list have been used as hate symbols, not that everyone who uses it does so.

A couple of threads popped up in another place advocating for the adoption of the ADL itself. Just another day on the crazy side of the web, I guess.
>> No. 20340 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 3:31 pm
20340 spacer
>The number 737 is a numeric symbol used by Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI), a California-based white supremacist gang present on California's streets and in its prisons. The numbers 737 correspond to the letters P, D, and S on a telephone keypad; the initials PDS stand for Peni Death Squad, another name for the group.
>> No. 20341 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 4:03 pm
20341 spacer
About that MAX 88 model ...
>> No. 20342 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 4:27 pm
20342 spacer

>> No. 20343 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 5:19 pm
20343 spacer


It's called the 737-8200 now mate, shhh don't tell anyone
>> No. 20344 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 6:00 pm
20344 spacer
>The number 82 is a numeric symbol used by Neue Sturmabteilung, a German neo-Nazi group active throughout central Europe. The numbers 82 correspond both to a second coming of Hitler (H = 8), and the letter S and A on a telephone keypad.
>> No. 20345 Anonymous
28th September 2019
Saturday 6:50 pm
20345 spacer

Ryanair's IATA code is FR, which I'm pretty sure means Fuhrer Reich.
>> No. 20356 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 7:23 am
20356 spacer

Family outraged after a Universal character made 'OK' symbol on 6-year-old's shoulder

>> No. 20357 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 8:34 am
20357 spacer

I only read the article to see if they'd mention that the kid is making the same gesture.

This whole OK thing is spectacularly insidious, though. Co-opting a harmless gesture just muddies so many waters. Are we laughing off a genuine racially motivated symbol here, or are we getting angry at a perfectly innocent person with only good intentions? Either way, every time it comes up, the debate about race is stirred up a little bit more, with everyone feeling emboldened to either attack or defend on such a ridiculous issue.

I think a psyops agent couldn't have even dreamed of coming up with such a neat and tidy way of driving a further wedge between the American voters. It's gotten so bad now it's just happening naturally.

I wonder if people over here will start seeing it as a racist thing too, because I use the gesture constantly at work, it's just as habitual as a thumbs up.
>> No. 20358 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 4:56 pm
20358 spacer

What if he was just resting his hand like that. They talk about a video but it could just as well be an awkward resting position in those gloves on a child's shoulder that got someone fired.

It also remains weird as fuck that Pacha from The Emperor's New Groove became the spiritual leader of the alt-right. I hope the history books remember to include that bit.
>> No. 20359 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 7:00 pm
20359 spacer

Sort of a weird tangent, but as a member of the furry community, I'm not at all looking forward to the drama that will ensue when all the people who have commissioned telegram stickers in the Pacha pose or just a general OK symbol start getting called out because of this.
>> No. 20360 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 7:23 pm
20360 spacer
Isn't the furry community basically just weird drama constantly anyway?
>> No. 20361 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 8:05 pm
20361 spacer

Excuse me but I think you'll find I'm the only furfag in this imageboard.

wanna yiff?


Granted. That said furries tend not to get bent about whatever nonsense 4chan is up to because there's a lot of overlap in terms of general internet culture. Plenty of them manage to be alt right at the same time as gay/trans/etc as all fuck.
>> No. 20362 Anonymous
3rd October 2019
Thursday 8:07 pm
20362 spacer
I swear you pair pick a new occupation, a hobby and a mental illness out of a hat at the beginning of each month and start role-playing each one for the next four weeks.
>> No. 20366 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 7:17 pm
20366 spacer
I've thought this too. I mean where's chef lad these days? I'm guessing someone found some real cheflad's blog, copied various entries and adapted them for posts here, then got bored after a while and took on a new role.
>> No. 20367 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 7:22 pm
20367 spacer
Joined the merchant navy.
>> No. 20368 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 8:01 pm
20368 spacer

I'm one of the cheflads, and I've taken a hard turn into a new career, which is why you might not have heard any kitchen stories in a while. I still have one foot in the business as the consultant work I was doing went far better than expected, so now it's a proper business I've gotten a few other lads involved in, so now I'm not really putting in a huge amount of time there. Since the success of the business mostly aligned with my turning 30 and the resultant existential crisis, I decided I wanted to go back to hands on work but didn't want to go back to kitchens, so I've started a new career in an entirely different industry.

My mental illnesses and hobbies remain the same, however.
>> No. 20369 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 8:23 pm
20369 spacer

Anyone remember the Cheflad who dropped vague hints about where his restaurant was and offered a free meal to any of us (literally) mad lads who managed to hunt him down and book a table? I was collecting all the clues like a little autistic Sherlock Holmes before he buggered off without a trace.
>> No. 20370 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 8:36 pm
20370 spacer

That sounds like something I'd do, though I have no recollection of it. Dont suppose you remember any hints?
>> No. 20371 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 9:00 pm
20371 spacer

How do you know it's not one lad who is very varied in his interests?

Actually we know chefs tend to be mentalists, so it's pretty likely he is also one of the resident Fetlife lot. Which is far from mutually exclusive with being a furry, in fact they go hand in hand. There's nothing to stop him playing Warhammer and collecting succulents on top of that. He probably doesn't get much time for it all, but he still squeezes a couple of trips to Gran Canaria in each year, so he must be doing alright.
>> No. 20372 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 9:14 pm
20372 spacer

I think it started off as a very broad area and then ended up being narrowed down to being a fairly posh place in Hull. For all I know it was just someone having a laugh with OCD autists like myself.
>> No. 20374 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 9:17 pm
20374 spacer

This was somewhere in the 2012-2014 zone that was basically just one big drugs haze for me, btw. So it's possible that along with being a fairly long time ago, I'm also misremembering and/or conflating some things (the Hull restaurant might be something else entirely, for example).

There were also a fair amount of Amsterdamlads, with me being one of them. I remember there were at least two of us in Amsterdam at the same time but by the time the otherlad revealed himself I was already on my way back to blighty.

I've spent altogether way too much of my life on this website.
>> No. 20375 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 9:17 pm
20375 spacer

Not me then, I only ever ran places in West Yorkshire, never the east.

I did offer someone a job once but nothing came of it.
>> No. 20376 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 9:18 pm
20376 spacer
> He probably doesn't get much time for it all, but he still squeezes a couple of trips to Gran Canaria in each year, so he must be doing alright.

>> No. 20377 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 9:46 pm
20377 spacer
I seem to recall is was Leeds or Harrogate, and his name was on the door. One time the doorman (What kind of restaurant has security?) wouldn't let him in because he was looking scruffy, and he had to go full Gordon Ramsey on him.
>> No. 20378 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 10:16 pm
20378 spacer

This does sound like me.

Doorman in this context would be more like a host, or maitre'd or even the bloke outside Harvey Nicks wot opens the door for people, rather than a bouncer. I've worked in places like that. I have also worked in a 'gastrobar' that had actual bouncers, but posh ones in suits.

I don't remember being rejected from my own establishment, nor have I ever had my name above the door, at least not in a literal sense, with a big sign or anything. Certainly if you googled my name you would find it linked to certain West Yorkshire establishments. Maybe that's what I meant, or I was just trying to impress everyone here by implying I owned the place.

I was also on a lot of drugs back then though, so it's entirely possible I've either forgotten the doorman story or made it up in a haze of coke after being turned away from a nightclub I had nothing to do with.

It does seem like it was definitely me dropping these clues though, unless there was another Leeds/Yorkshire based chef on here two or three years ago too, but I probably would have noticed that.
>> No. 20379 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 10:18 pm
20379 spacer


I do remember the doorman thing. It was the pretentious posh bar/restaurant place, and the bloke was new. He wouldn't let me in, to go to work, and I kicked off. I think I showed him my knives, which probably didn't help, upon reflection.

I was likely off my tits too, so he was doing a good job by keeping people like me out.
>> No. 20380 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 10:20 pm
20380 spacer
>I still have one foot in the business as the consultant work

Also known as putting as many black pudding towers into the Greene King menu range as possible.
>> No. 20381 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 11:54 pm
20381 spacer

This genuinely reads like one of those Viz Drunken Baker comics.
>> No. 20382 Anonymous
4th October 2019
Friday 11:56 pm
20382 spacer

What sort of consultancy?
>> No. 25160 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:18 am
25160 spacer

The Seppos are kicking off again.
>> No. 25161 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:21 am
25161 spacer
Again? They haven't let up since it began.
>> No. 25162 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:32 am
25162 spacer
Many of my more (performatively) radical friends insist that we as Brits must get completely on board with the American protesters and donate to their funds and as white people are completely banned from making Tweets on Sunday.

Yes, I agree with the protesters.

But, I guarantee you, completely, that in a situation where British police did the same thing, the Americans would not have a single flying fuck, so why should we completely absorb their fucked up politics?
>> No. 25163 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:47 am
25163 spacer
How can they only be performatively radical if they're also actively doing those things you just described?

I don't think that's true, many Yanks have taken and continue to take their cues from us in similar situations. Extinction Rebellion received hundreds of thousands of pounds from the septics, who then set up their own branches over there.
>> No. 25165 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 1:11 pm
25165 spacer

I just wish they'd get over the race dimension for once and actualise class struggle.
>> No. 25166 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 1:52 pm
25166 spacer
Good, their entire political system is FUBAR. The coppers over there are using kiddies as human shields now, it's sick.

There's plenty of white people involved, you're just talking shit, as per usual.
>> No. 25168 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 2:14 pm
25168 spacer

My post came from the knowledge that there are plenty of white people involved, but the insistence of navel gazing twitterati commentators and so on viewing it as a racially motivated movement, trying to claim it for black people, etc. Nicely playing into the media race war narrative.

You can lead a horse to water, but if it's too thick to drink...
>> No. 25169 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 2:24 pm
25169 spacer

Your post came from a meta-navel-gazing britfaggerati commentator.
>> No. 25170 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 2:47 pm
25170 spacer
The incredibly backwards American view on race relations, particularly between whites and blacks, seems to be increasingly adopted here, albeit by a vocal minority.

The problem is that economic equality won't fix their racial issues. If you look at recent events over there someone was effectively lynched and shot for the crime of jogging whilst black. The other day there was the furore over a white woman calling the police on a black birdwatcher in Central Park; she worked for an investment bank and he went to Harvard.
>> No. 25171 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 2:59 pm
25171 spacer
What's the chances of it kicking off here then lads?
>> No. 25172 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 3:04 pm
25172 spacer

If a brit gets executed by a copper here within the next couple of weeks, 100%. If not, almost certainly not. We're more likely to riot about tbe drive thru queue in maccies being too long.
>> No. 25173 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 3:07 pm
25173 spacer
Ask again once the PS5 and new Xbox are out.
>> No. 25174 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 3:25 pm
25174 spacer
I'd usually agree but it seems like unique circumstances atm. There's some protest in London tomorrow apparently. Seems like a bad idea. Hope you're right anyways.
>> No. 25175 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 3:46 pm
25175 spacer

I hope I'm wrong, frankly. Even here where racism isn't sewn into our society in the same way as america, we still see similar problems. And the police here are just as brutal, our only advantage is that not every single one of the bastards has a gun.
>> No. 25176 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 3:55 pm
25176 spacer
So you'd like to see wide scale rioting, looting and cities on fire?

Seems a bit mad.
>> No. 25179 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 4:08 pm
25179 spacer

Yes. I don't think a brutalist authority is capable of responding to much else. Peaceful protests don't work when the people you're protesting against are wearing riot armour and have hidden their badge numbers so they can fight properly.

I don't think I want to get into a debate about whether rioting is morally justified or not, we know it works, I support it and clearly you don't. It won't happen so lets move on.

If cities have to burn to stop police executions then so be it.
>> No. 25180 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 4:15 pm
25180 spacer
British cities should burn because of abhorrent American policing? Again sounds a bit fucking mad to me m8.

But yeah should probably leave the cunt off, not gonna convince each other of anything.
>> No. 25181 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 4:21 pm
25181 spacer

What? No. I'm clearly on about British policing, I said as much in my first post.
>> No. 25182 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 4:40 pm
25182 spacer

Have we had any proper police murders since Mark Duggan / Ian Tomlinson? I feel like our boys are slacking.
>> No. 25183 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 4:40 pm
25183 spacer
Alright, well I'm gonna dip out of this thread. As you say we fundamentally disagree and I don't think there's much point arguing the toss.

I'd prefer not to see mass civil unrest during a pandemic.
>> No. 25184 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 4:50 pm
25184 spacer

Agreed, we'd get nowhere by arguing about this and I'm not entirely convinced there's a 'right' answer here anyway.


There's been quite a few, we just don't hear about them that much. Usually people dying of wounds inflicted during arrest, that the media don't bother to pick up on, 'cos if you're being arrested you obviously deserved it, right?
>> No. 25190 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 7:56 pm
25190 spacer

>The problem is that economic equality won't fix their racial issues

That's probably true, America's racism is genuine and baked in. It's not just a symptom of underlying economic conditions and misplaced anger like our type of racism.

That said, I think there's a genuine argument to be made, from one of a few different angles, that solving economic inequality will go a lot further towards addressing their racial issues than just about any other possible "solution"; or that it would address more of the problem more quickly than anything else that could be done. We've talked extensively about the Democratic party and their relationship with minorities and so on.

To quote one of the people involved, they've "tried putting black people in high places for too long". It evidently hasn't worked. The only way to get the surviving racism out of American society is to get everybody used to black people being materially equal to white people; and making black people materially equal to white people necessarily also means white people realising how materially unequal they are to their betters.

Throwing out the racist pigs who keep killing black people for no good reason necessarily involves throwing out the system that protects capital in priority over human lives. People are starting to realise what the police are actually for, and that shooting more blacks than whites is a symptom, not the infection.
>> No. 25191 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 9:44 pm
25191 spacer
You know how in America black parents have "the talk" with their kids? Do you reckon lower middle class parents in this country sit down and explain to their kids about inherited wealth, privilege, the myth of the meritocracy and how they'll never have equal footing with a posh kid with loads of connections? I can picture Guardian readers doing this.
>> No. 25192 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:15 pm
25192 spacer
I'm from a council estate single parent dope family and went to Oxford, and I'm actually bloody glad nobody had that talk with me. Finding out first hand gave me a wonderfully opportunistic approach to the booze and drugs the rich kids were throwing around.
>> No. 25193 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:22 pm
25193 spacer

Just fact checking for Twitter

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 25194 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:39 pm
25194 spacer
u wot?
>> No. 25195 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:42 pm
25195 spacer
I guess there's no police brutality or racism in America then. I'll get on the blower immediately and tell them to get off home.
>> No. 25196 Anonymous
30th May 2020
Saturday 10:45 pm
25196 spacer

Oh stormfag.
>> No. 25197 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 8:46 am
25197 spacer

A woman from upstate New York who allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at an occupied police cruiser during protests in Brooklyn on Friday night has been charged with four counts of attempted murder.

Samantha Shader, 27, is accused of throwing the petrol bomb at the NYPD vehicle - which had four officers inside - in Crown Heights shortly after 10.30pm. The lit bottle did not explode, and no officers were injured.

According to a statement provided to DailyMail.com, the NYPD officers exited the cruiser and attempted to arrest Shader, who allegedly bit one of them on the leg.


>> No. 25198 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 9:02 am
25198 spacer
Woman throwing a Molotov - charged with attempted murder.

Coppers who drove straight through a group of protesters - nothing.

>> No. 25199 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 9:53 am
25199 spacer
If people blocked my car in and then started attacking it and throwing things at it then I'd probably barge through them too. Then again, I'm not a rozzer.
>> No. 25200 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 10:02 am
25200 spacer
If your car was blocked in a traffic jam due to a protest, would you get out and start firing at random people's backs with a bow and arrow?
>> No. 25201 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 10:03 am
25201 spacer
>> No. 25202 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 10:05 am
25202 spacer
He's not a rozzer either.
>> No. 25203 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 10:20 am
25203 spacer
This really does seem to be a perfect storm of legitimate protestors, white supremacists, agent provocateurs, antifa and the usual rent-a-mob types.
>> No. 25204 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 11:40 am
25204 spacer
Has anyone conclusively proved the restraint of George Floyd was a racist act?

Objectively from the footage I see a cop using a restraint technique which is dangerous and stupid. To do a 1+1=2/ white cop + black guy = racism equation is ridiculously over simplistic. For all I know the cop is a far right nutter who wouldnt use this restraint technique on a white guy but I personally haven't seen any evidence of this.
>> No. 25205 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 11:43 am
25205 spacer
>America black parents have "the talk" with their kids?
I want to stress that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, but it seems like this would be counterproductive. Couldn't you overcome such a problem within a handful of generations if you didn't teach your kids to pick up your baggage? Let everyone burry the hatchet?
>> No. 25207 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 11:45 am
25207 spacer
I would simply not drive my car into a crowd I intend to deliberately atagonise.

>"All lives matter!" *draws bow*

Well done, you've made the silliest post of 2020.
>> No. 25208 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 12:11 pm
25208 spacer

It's not really about the specific incident being a racist act, just that it happens too often. The facts and figures are out there easily enough that I don' think you need me to post them for you.

Interestingly there is some evidence that use of lethal force occurs more frequently in white people when you adjust for the actual number of police encounters in both groups, the theory being that pigs know they won't generate the same media outrage if they shoot a white guy without reason. But black people experience nearly 25% higher rates of all other forcible restraint, being cuffed when not under arrest, and so on.


In theory yes, but that would require the pigs to stop being racist too. There's no evidence they want to.

Ultimately these riots are about more than the death of one black guy. This has come about because American society was already under considerable stress as a result of the massive job losses from the pandemic, and how typically of American society, those people have been left to basically fend for themselves. We were all making fun of the Yanks with guns protesting against the lockdown, and it was easy to pick on the ones who just wanted a haircut or whatever, but ultimately they were part of the same growing resentment.

This act of police brutality is the straw that broke the camel's back.
>> No. 25209 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 12:21 pm
25209 spacer

simon says.png
I think making it into a racial thing is a very convenient way to drive a wedge between whites and blacks and to make sure nothing is fundamentally changed, because it frames the abuse of police power as a black concern.
>> No. 25211 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 12:32 pm
25211 spacer

This is America we're talking about - the wedge has been there as long as there's been white people on that continent. It might well be that this particular cop would have done the same to a white man - but nobody's rioting just because of this one single death.
>> No. 25212 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 1:15 pm
25212 spacer
It's 30 years since the episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air where Will and Carlton get arrested for the crime of driving a nice car whilst black was first broadcast. Nothing much seems to have changed since then; having black skin is enough for you to be deemed 'suspicious'. If you're a black American there is a reasonable chance you will be stopped by the police at some point in your life and considering the number of Yank cops who are trigger happy psychopathic thugs it's something you have to be prepared for.
>> No. 25213 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 3:42 pm
25213 spacer

And that's exactly the kind of rhetoric that keeps the marginalised, black or white, from unifying against their oppressors.

Even if you go back to the early days, the same stick was used to beat both sides. The wedge was slavery, which the white working poor knew they had to compete with. Even Martin Luther King was clear about this.

>One unfortunate thing about [the slogan] Black Power is that it gives priority to race precisely at a time when the impact of automation and other forces have made the economic question fundamental for blacks and whites alike. In this context a slogan ‘Power for Poor People’ would be much more appropriate than the slogan ‘Black Power.’
>> No. 25214 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 3:47 pm
25214 spacer
The BLM protest in London was quite peaceful from what I saw; only intelligence-gathering cops in light blue visible at all. I think the Met know a hell of a lot better how not to exacerbate a situation than yank cops. Or at least they prefer not to.
>> No. 25215 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 4:11 pm
25215 spacer

What's this one got on his bonce?
>> No. 25216 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 4:43 pm
25216 spacer
I don't know, I'm not personal friends with all of the thousands of people who were there.
>> No. 25217 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 5:24 pm
25217 spacer
What's the red eyed lizard on the left of that sign supposed to represent?
>> No. 25218 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 5:31 pm
25218 spacer
Obviously it's referring to the love affair between prince charles and dave cameron
>> No. 25219 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 10:11 pm
25219 spacer

backseat rioter.jpg
>> No. 25220 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 10:35 pm
25220 spacer

Liberalism is a hell of a drug.
>> No. 25221 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 11:33 pm
25221 spacer
So all these years of "I need my guns to defend myself against the government" talk was just bullshit roleplaying then.
>> No. 25222 Anonymous
31st May 2020
Sunday 11:46 pm
25222 spacer

So they'll either be massive boom in coronavirus cases in the US or we'll find out that teargas kills the virus.
>> No. 25223 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 2:44 am
25223 spacer
A friend of mine made a really informed and insightful point a couple of months ago about how the present situation in Libya was a watershed moment in the decline of US power because it's such a strategic location and yet the USA has no say in anything that's happening there, he really knew what he was talking about. Unfortunately all his hard work revealing those intricacies was wasted as the Americans are displaying to the whole world that they are incapable of managing the basic aspects of a 21st century civil society like arresting murderers and having freedom of speech.
>> No. 25224 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 8:05 am
25224 spacer
Didn't they arrest the police officer? What are you referring to?
>> No. 25225 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 8:19 am
25225 spacer

I think they arrested one. All those other officers there were complicit in the murder though. Any one of them could have stopped in in a way the general public couldn't but didn't. They knew what he was doing was wrong. They were accessories.
>> No. 25226 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 8:33 am
25226 spacer
Complicit in murder? You're taking this way too far.
Have you ever seen someone being arrested? Because sometimes the suspect will scream and shout and do a very good job of convincing everyone around that the restraints are cutting off blood supply, the hold is about to snap their wrist or they can't breathe. It's not unreasonable to suggest that the other police officers had experienced the same reaction from a hundred suspects before, it just happened that this one time the suspect actually was struggling to breathe.
>> No. 25227 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 8:51 am
25227 spacer
He was such a good actor he managed to pretend the man's knee was on his throat?
>> No. 25228 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 9:18 am
25228 spacer
Well he must have a pretty good acting job when he dressed up as a water delivery man to gain access to a woman's home so he could restrain her while his buddies robbed the place...

But no in not suggesting that the officer doing the restraining was in the right. Simply that a restrained suspect lying about struggling to breathe is not an unusual situation and and there was little reason to believe it was going to go any differently that day.
>> No. 25229 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 9:35 am
25229 spacer

I hate phone posting, I'm surprised this made as much sense as it did considering I had to type it blind and post with no chance to read it back.
Can the mods please adjust the code to make the text box appear on screen, rather than behind the keyboard or off the bottom?
>> No. 25230 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 9:38 am
25230 spacer

Police officers are trained in what to do and what not to do restrain someone you arse licker. These people all knew they weren't supposed to be doing what they did and enjoyed the power trip that no one could stop them. Even if he hadn't complained or died they would be violating procedure. There is just evidence here they can't hide.
>> No. 25231 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 9:46 am
25231 spacer
Luddite mode.
>> No. 25232 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 9:46 am
25232 spacer

If we are going to dredge up historical details the main murderer had 18 previous police complaints against him but I am guessing to you those don't count.
>> No. 25233 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:04 am
25233 spacer
Plus his wife took the opportunity to announce she was divorcing him whilst he was in custody.

>The National Center for Women and Policing cites two studies that found that "at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population".

>> No. 25234 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:29 am
25234 spacer

Seriously, get the fuck off this site.
>> No. 25235 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:30 am
25235 spacer
You do realise the bloke was mobbed by cops because he was suspected of using a fake banknote at a deli, right? This isn't some gang-banger but a grown man that tried to reason with the police and is shown on recording actually pleading for his life, such is the reputation of the police stateside.

What I don't appreciate is the more "woke" seppos turning this into a binary black-vs-white issue when 2 out of 4 arresting offers were Asian. As well, racism against Asians has perhaps been more prevalent and less well publicised over the past century or so though because it's not as "institutional" it's seen as a non-problem.

It's a whole proper mess. The US just needs a hard reboot at this point.
>> No. 25236 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:48 am
25236 spacer

That's an interesting statistic. I wonder which way the correlation goes. Does the kind of person who beats their spouse become a police officer or does being a police officer lead to that kind of behaviour.
>> No. 25237 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:55 am
25237 spacer
I'm not a fan of rushing to judgement. By waiting for facts to emerge, we now know that he beat Floyd while he was cuffed in the back of the car, and that this was at least the fourth KSI he's been implicated in.

Apparently Asian Americans also tend to be a bit racist. Less power but considerably more prejudice.
>> No. 25238 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:59 am
25238 spacer
The police force, especially in America, seems to attract headcases who get off on the power trip of bullying and abusing people with relative impunity. You've only got to look at the response to the riots and some officers using completely disproportionate uses of force or brutally attacking people when completely unprovoked; being able to do this whilst dressed up in full riot gear is a wet dream come true for these people.
>> No. 25239 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 11:13 am
25239 spacer
I always find it curious when people assume non-whites aren't racist. The biggest racist I know is Asian; he's always making remarks about Chinese and black people.
>> No. 25240 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 11:29 am
25240 spacer
They only arrested him AFTER the rioting in Minneapolis started, my man. They don't give a shit about who the coppers kill. This isn't the Deep South or the farthest reaches of the Rockies either, this place has Democrat politicians in charge all the way up until the presidency.

The "woke Seppos" of which you speak are nothing of the sort. They are "centrists" trying to divide America along racial lines to shut down legitimate dissent and sow mistrust.
>> No. 25241 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 12:57 pm
25241 spacer
Thinking back a few years to the alt-right talking about how this was going to be "the most right-wing generation ever" and smiling.
>> No. 25242 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 2:24 pm
25242 spacer

Well they are only capable in talking in extremes aren't they. It was never going to be just some, it had to be all or none.
>> No. 25243 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 2:34 pm
25243 spacer

>The "woke Seppos" of which you speak are nothing of the sort. They are "centrists" trying to divide America along racial lines to shut down legitimate dissent and sow mistrust.

I have to agree. There's more to this than race, but there's a segment of society with more than a modest stake in ensuring it is only ever seen through that lens.

I'm finding it very difficult to tolerate a lot of the places I'd normally frequent online while something like this is going on. As with anything, the Yanks have very little grasp of subtlety or nuance, and it's just intolerable seeing people who are normally about as political as a cup of Starbucks coffee deliver big preachy rants.
>> No. 25244 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 4:30 pm
25244 spacer
I am worried that right now we're in an important "moment" for the US. They appear as a deeply dyscfunctional society right now, far more than I have ever seen before, and I have been there almost 100 times (and actually really like them and the place).

Trump is losing control. This is going to get a lot worse, before it gets any better.
>> No. 25245 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 4:38 pm
25245 spacer
It's alright, he's blaming it all on antifa and getting them labelled as a daft militant wog organisation.
>> No. 25246 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 4:38 pm
25246 spacer
Why _do_ riots stop? Why did our little old London riots peter out? I think the press had it that we bussed coppers in from all over - was it true? Are the USA going to roll out the national guard if their coppers aren't brutal enough?
These are odd times, and there are lots of people without much to do. It's also bloody hot, which always shortens tempers (although, isn't September / October conventional for revolutions?)
>> No. 25247 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 4:51 pm
25247 spacer
He doesn't have the power to do that and knows it as he's tried to before, three years ago.
>> No. 25248 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 5:14 pm
25248 spacer
I don't think anything will come from this, sadly, there's no leadership and no clear aim. There's no manifesto or government in waiting or anything like that to impliment, so ultimately I think it will simply die on the vine. I have concern that I consider both minor in likelihood but potentially nightmarish if it comes to pass that Trump will utilise this to make American Democracy a completely empty shell, rather than the molasses-slow perma-failure it is now. It would be nice if someone or some organisation could come to the fore of all this, but America is so large and disparate I don't think it can be done.
>> No. 25249 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 5:20 pm
25249 spacer
America always riots in summer. It's a game at this point.

I don't think you'll see any change until the various groups of protesters dressed in all black kindly fuck off. It's too easy for this or that protest to be discredited once people start smashing windows and when that happens the political will for reform dies off.

As a foreigner, you can try and tell them that there's other ways to do policing but ultimately they have too many excuses (guns, gangs) and it's all too politicised for any progress to be made. Plus they can just scoff that British policing prioritises twitter to protecting children from abuse.


Congratulations on becoming part of the problem without even being an American.
>> No. 25250 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 6:09 pm
25250 spacer
>Congratulations on becoming part of the problem without even being an American.
Well go on, smugmeister, what did I do wrong?
>> No. 25251 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 6:21 pm
25251 spacer

I know where you're coming from, and it's a painful thing to bear witness to, but honestly I think it's kind of necessary at this stage. Their society has become increasingly ugly over the last couple of decades and I think some sort of painful, traumatic transition is the only way things are going to change for the better in the end. Whether this is really that moment remains to be seen.
>> No. 25252 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 6:57 pm
25252 spacer

The scary thing is that the people that need to change have been brainwashed into believing that they are always right and anyone or anything challenging their deep set beliefs is either literally satan, or a conspiracy. They also believe it is their duty, their birthright, to fight and die for their way of life - though I think that last bit extends to all septics, I have seen a lot of blue yanks advising people to buy a gun and get some time in at the range "just in case".

I could really see this going very, very poorly. A civil war is all well and good until your leader is the head of a cult.
>> No. 25253 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 7:19 pm
25253 spacer
Ten years ago I was listening to OFWG thinking "okay, kill people, burn shit, fuck school is fun to say but it's a little childish, Mr The Creator", but maybe Tyler had it all figured out then and there.
>> No. 25254 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 9:41 pm
25254 spacer

What makes you so sure that they're the side that needs to change?
>> No. 25255 Anonymous
1st June 2020
Monday 10:01 pm
25255 spacer
Probably all the poverty, racism, insecure work, debt, unsafe drinking water, etc. caused by decades of mainstream US Governmental policy. Probably that.
>> No. 25256 Anonymous
2nd June 2020
Tuesday 5:01 am
25256 spacer

Screenshot_2020-06-02 GameSpot.jpg
It's over, lads. The Yanks have solved racism.
>> No. 25257 Anonymous
2nd June 2020
Tuesday 5:52 am
25257 spacer
That's not clapping. How will that solve anything.
>> No. 25258 Anonymous
2nd June 2020
Tuesday 10:22 am
25258 spacer
Sony were meant to do a big PS5 reveal on Thursday, but they postponed it as they said other voices are more important to be heard. It just comes across as the shipping forecast to be honest - what's the actual benefit of moving back a video game show?
>> No. 25259 Anonymous
2nd June 2020
Tuesday 10:39 am
25259 spacer

I'm not sure of the actual benefits but it's certainly unearthing a lot of racists on Twitter.
>> No. 25260 Anonymous
2nd June 2020
Tuesday 11:23 am
25260 spacer

There are lots or reasons to move back an announcement.

I suspect though that if they aren't stalling for time. They just think this is a bad news cycle to announce as the press will be consumed covering other topics.
>> No. 25261 Anonymous
2nd June 2020
Tuesday 11:46 am
25261 spacer

They've been badly one-upped by Microsoft on having the most powerful next-gen console and they're staring down the barrel of some nasty component shortages. Sony must have at least contemplated the idea that it's better to release late than to release a more expensive and less powerful console at the same time as your main rival. Unless they're completely insane, they must remember how they murdered the Sega Saturn:

>> No. 25274 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 1:26 am
25274 spacer

Screenshot_2020-06-03 NYC IRL Personal Protest Geo.png

Some Latino guy in NYC has gone around getting people to kneel in support of Black Lives Matter and to apologise for their white privilege.
>> No. 25275 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 2:04 am
25275 spacer

I understand white privilege is a thing and people should be aware of it, but I feel like apologising for being white is sort of missing the point.
>> No. 25276 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 5:52 am
25276 spacer

White saviour narrative. America is institutionally racist, but it's also culturally narcissistic; a lot of white liberals just cannot bear the possibility that it's not all about them. That's the crux of the concept of white privilege - it allows white Americans to do the thing they love most, which is talk about themselves. I'm genuinely a bit impressed that even their anti-racists manage to totally marginalise black people.
>> No. 25277 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 8:12 am
25277 spacer
I think they expect the world to revolve around them and it does, to some extent. I know a lot of non-American people who've changed their profile pictures on social media to a black square in solidarity with BLM, or perhaps it's to raise awareness but I haven't paid too much attention because it's a fad like Kony 2012 was. Americans seem to expect the rest of the world to care about what is happening there and many people happily oblige, despite the fact many Seppos wouldn't care if it was the other way around. Of all of the people I know who've done this on social media I can't recall a single one of them making a post about, say, what's happening in Hong Kong or to the Uyghurs.
>> No. 25278 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 9:11 am
25278 spacer
You can tell this is a joke in the first 45 seconds. "Apologise for George Foreman".
>> No. 25279 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 10:57 am
25279 spacer

Absolutely this. It is because they have accepted the paradigm of racism but they have taken a helping patronising attitude which they believe makes them not racist. They don't think these people are equal or capable of achieving on their own merits as much as white people.


>I understand white privilege is a thing

Is it? Or have you just accepted the premise of the racism? Talking about white privilege in universal terms is American egotism. Go to live in rural Japan for a year and tell me how much of a thing it is there. Try running a successful business in Zimbabwe and see what happens to you.

Is it a thing in American society? Probably. But it is a thing that exists purely because people accept the premise of it and their systematic racism. A person is not universally better off for being white in every environment, I hope in most the merits of their individual character matter more. Let's not talk about it like it is universal when as a British person living in our society you definitely should know better. For example Indians and Chinese people objectively perform better in our society than the natives, there are good socioeconomic reasons for this, so clearly waving around the term white privilege like it explains greater success is flawed because it is apparent it isn't having a meaningful affect even on modern Britain.

You can say I accept white privilege is a thing... in America. But when you don't qualify it you are implying it is a global truth when it certainly is not.
>> No. 25280 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 11:13 am
25280 spacer
>For example Indians and Chinese people objectively perform better in our society than the natives, there are good socioeconomic reasons for this

Nice dogwhistle.
>> No. 25281 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 11:16 am
25281 spacer

It's not white privilege, it's black disadvantage. White Americans aren't "lucky" to have inherited privilege, they have systematically inflicted three centuries of injustice upon black people. The concept of white privilege allows white liberals to feel smug and enlightened for having "acknowledged their privilege", but absolves them of responsibility to alleviate the disadvantages created by their system.

If you talk about black disadvantage, you have to talk about black lives and listen to black voices and you have to confront obvious wrongs. If you talk about white privilege, you can pretend to be addressing racism while also totally ignoring black people and the miseries inflicted upon them by white people.

Getting a fair trial isn't a privilege, it's a human right. White Americans aren't "privileged" that they don't fear the police - white politicians, white cops and white juries are complicit in the abuse of black Americans. White Americans don't enjoy the "privilege" of living in nice neighbourhoods and sending their kids to nice schools - they used segregation and redlining to force black Americans into substandard housing and underfunded schools.
>> No. 25282 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 11:16 am
25282 spacer

I said "white privilege is a thing" and you go off on one as if I've declared it a universal constant? Fuck right off, we both know I said nothing of the sort. That's so stupid as to sound like you're being deliberately discordant to stir the pot.

>because it is apparent it isn't having a meaningful affect even on modern Britain

It is, though.
>> No. 25283 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 12:06 pm
25283 spacer

You absolutely were though because you treat American culture like it is global.

If I said 'taxi kidnappings and murderers escaping on mopeds was a serious problem' you would expect me to quality that with... in Brazil

>It is, though
No it isn't. it only exists at all here because of thickos like you import it without deconstructing the premise

As I pointed out it certainly doesn't seem to be affecting Indians and Chinese in Britain negatively they are doing better than the whites almost like there are other much more significant influences if white privilege mattered these people would not be successful, but they are. laplanderstanis on the other hand do worse than the whites and people from Bangladesh even worse. Which is more likely? That your average British person can identify if someone's family migrated north during the partition of India 70 years ago and if they headed east or west, and discriminate against them more and treat the people who stayed where they were then emigrated to Britain more favourably than themselves; or white privilege isn't a thing because it is actually the tail wagging the dog where people try to apply an oversimplified explainion of a current state of a small area of the world and export it as a global truth without looking at the circumstances that lead to that position in their own country because they have an invested interest in not blaming the factors other than racism, and actually the reason different groups do better or worse in Britain is more based on very simple and obvious generational social mobility?
>> No. 25285 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 12:39 pm
25285 spacer

>You absolutely were though because you treat American culture like it is global.


If you can't understand basic context, no wonder you don't understand how racism works.
>> No. 25286 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 12:44 pm
25286 spacer

That does not mean you have to forego your national sensibilities and behave like one of them. In other words, calm it down.

It's also reasonable to understand that a British imageboard would likely relate issues to itself in some way. Whether that's people saying it's also bad here or people saying it isn't bad here.

If you want it to be exclusively American, I'm sure Amerifa.gs would welcome you with open arms. As an extra, they probably won't notice your vulgarity and I would certainly be able to get on with my life that little bit better.
>> No. 25287 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 12:59 pm
25287 spacer

You're pretty obviously being contrarian, I don't see you posting in the North Korea thread about how a change of leadership would affect Hull's chip spice supply.

This is a thread about America, so you can expect qualified statements in it, and "x is a thing" is about the most qualified statement I could have made even outside of that context. Stop pretending otherwise, it is clearly in bad faith.
>> No. 25288 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 1:07 pm
25288 spacer
>I don't see you posting in the North Korea thread about how a change of leadership would affect Hull's chip spice supply.

Suddenly I'm invested in politics.
>> No. 25290 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 3:56 pm
25290 spacer

Well since you refused to accept the idea white privilege is a pure Americanism until it was explained to you and even then you disputed it. I think it is fair to point out that it is a pure Americanism when it is brought up otherwise people like you end up overgeneralising it. Now you are arguing it was pedantry when it is evident that you are the exact sort of person the qualifier is required for, because you really have no argument you just don't like that your Americanised world view has been undermined.
>> No. 25291 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 4:09 pm
25291 spacer
Just to be clear, your position is that white privilege exists only in the US, nowhere else, and it definitely doesn't exist in the UK, because people of Indian and Chinese ethnic backgrounds earn a slightly higher average wage than people from white backgrounds?
>> No. 25292 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 5:51 pm
25292 spacer

If BLM want to express their 1st Amendment Rights they should simply barge into their state Capitol Buildings with loaded firearms.
>> No. 25293 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 6:12 pm
25293 spacer

You still don't really understand what I'm saying, so I won't waste my time. White privilege exists in the UK, just so we're clear.
>> No. 25295 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 6:19 pm
25295 spacer
I don't feel privileged because I have white skin, I feel privileged because I come from a relatively middle-class background.

Race is a bizarre social construct when you actually think about it.
>> No. 25296 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 6:22 pm
25296 spacer


It clearly isn't much of a privilege if other people are doing better than them on a systematic level is it

My position is that there are other systems that are much more relevant to success in society. It is no coincidence that the rhetoric that talks about white privilege and intersectionality NEVER mentions class. It is isn't about making a fairer society at all. It is about getting a bunch of multiracial rich powerful cunts replacing other rich powerful cunts.

It is like how feminism mysteriously focuses on the number of female vs male CEOs clearly that is quite a irrelevant point for 99% of people who will never be CEOs but they want the plebs to support their rich cunt cause like it isn't just a selfish grab for power.

The groups who say 'hey notice how most ceos are men' seem to not really care that 95% of homeless people are men too. Because they don't care about your lives they care about the keys to power and making you feel like you should join their cause.

If you want left wing politics just to be about a co-opted changing the guard of who the powerful people by all means keep up the 'white privilege' bollocks.

If you want a proper explanation and a solution for the rest of society you need to look at social mobility.

The reasons Indians do better in Britain is because their parents were middle class, the reason black people do badly is that their parents were working class. And it's no great riddle why either. The Indians were the administrative class that came over at the end of the Rhaj. The black people were the labourers who came over with the windrush. You want to help the black people of Britain? Than do the things that help the working class. But don't decry oh why is a section of the working class is only doing as well as the working class like it is some sort of mystery fueled by cryto-racism when apparently the same crypto racism doesn't affect other groups.
>> No. 25297 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 6:26 pm
25297 spacer
In this country it's far more about having the right sort of accent, wearing the right old school tie and what your parents do rather than race. That isn't to say there aren't issues with race but it's miniscule when compared with the class struggle.

Try telling someone who grew up in Scunthorpe and has been struggling to hold down a steady job since the steelworks closed that he's very privileged because of the colour of his skin.
>> No. 25298 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 6:35 pm
25298 spacer
Think Reginald D. Hunter said it best when he said "A class system is something you use to discriminate against someone who looks like you".
>> No. 25299 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 7:06 pm
25299 spacer
I heard a woman on the radio today talking about her book, "Me and White Supremacy", if I recall correctly.

During her interview she expressed briefly the principles of white privilege and everything that we're all pretty familiar with. But she went a step further- She outlined the idea that if you're one of those white people who thinks you're not racist, because you've got black friends or you posted your black square on instagram, you're wrong. "That's called white exceptionalism now", she said. You're basically letting yourself off the hook instead of acknowledging your privilege.

That's called white exceptionalism now. It's subtle, you'd miss it if you crunched your Walkers Max a bit too eagerly. But that's the part I think is telling about that whole particular worldview.
>> No. 25300 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 7:13 pm
25300 spacer

Middle class white privilege exists, sure. But working class white people, and especially the white underclass dolescum, junkies and so on, have no privilege of any sort.

To oversimplify matters to an extent that groups all white people together and pits them against all black people, regardless of other circumstances, is overall more harmful than helpful, and you won't change my mind about that. I mean, is not grouping all white people and all black people together and judging them based on that... You know... Racist?
>> No. 25303 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 8:53 pm
25303 spacer
How do you lot explain this then?

>> No. 25305 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 9:12 pm
25305 spacer
BAME people receiving disproportionately more fines and arrests for breaking lockdown compared with population demographics could simply be because they're disproportionately breaking lockdown more.

Anecdotally speaking, before the restrictions were lifted I saw disproportionately more Asians breaking lockdown around Leeds than any other ethnic group.
>> No. 25306 Anonymous
3rd June 2020
Wednesday 10:00 pm
25306 spacer
There's a massive portion of blacks in London that are near enough fresh off the boat from Africa. They're hugely distrustful of governments and Western science. It's likely a combination of a lack of personalised outreach for this community as well as their own stubbornness that's contributed toward the death toll unfortunately.
>> No. 25307 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 12:26 am
25307 spacer

If only we had a high profile example of a white man breaking the rules - we could judge the police response to that. Shame there isn't one, really.
>> No. 25308 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 2:25 am
25308 spacer
You surely mean Cummings but the situations just aren't comparable for the reasons laid out in the police statement. That police force has not investigated reports of wrongdoing and retrospectively issued lockdown fines to anyone, black, white or otherwise. We have high profile examples of black people being outed in the papers for flagrantly breaking the rules and the police were consistent in taking no action. Cummings got special treatment from within No 10, not from the police.

To land yourself a fine, you must first get caught in the act and even then you probably have to act like an uncooperative cock to warrant enforcement action. I can see no reasons young black men might fall afoul or be judged to fall afoul of that latter criterion.
>> No. 25310 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 2:31 am
25310 spacer

>might fall afoul or be judged to fall afoul

>> No. 25311 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 2:38 am
25311 spacer
Don't worry, you can still ultimately blame whitey if they are genuinely being uncooperative cocks.
>> No. 25312 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 3:46 am
25312 spacer

It's not whites, it's coppers. Even a BAME cop is still a bastard.

>> No. 25314 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 2:02 pm
25314 spacer
This is pretty brutal, so if you're understandably squeamish about seeing a sixteen-year-old shot in the head then this isn't for you. For full context this kid was stood far back from the police, not moving, just standing. They shot him for sport.


People are talking about "looters" and "rioters" and I am amazed no one has simply lit up a line of police officers with a rifle yet. The rozzers in America should be thanking their lucky stars everytime it's just a bottle of piss being thrown and not a pipe bomb. If that was my son or my school friend or whatever, I don't know if I'd be able to contain my rage. I'm not saying this to be provocative, I just can't believe they're treating people like this.
>> No. 25315 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 2:20 pm
25315 spacer
>I am amazed no one has simply lit up a line of police officers with a rifle yet
I imagine that's what they want, and what Trump wants. They want an excuse to start openly killing people.
>> No. 25316 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 2:55 pm
25316 spacer

I just find the open barbarity of the situation a bit disturbing frankly. So there are big riots about police brutality. What shall we do? Respond with even more police brutality?

How there are still Americans who don't recognise that their country is more or less openly a fascist dystopia is beyond me. Those numbskull Yanks in political debates who go "LOL NOGUNS" every time a European weighs in with an ounce of sense.

The fuck are your guns now you dickheads. Now is the time to be using them. You live in exactly the kind of tyranny your pathetic constitution bleats on about.
>> No. 25317 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 3:12 pm
25317 spacer

It's only a tyranny if it's against oppressive against the people they perceive to be in the right.
>> No. 25318 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 3:14 pm
25318 spacer
>The fuck are your guns now you dickheads. Now is the time to be using them. You live in exactly the kind of tyranny your pathetic constitution bleats on about.

The kind of people who feel they ]need guns to protect them from government oppression support this government oppression.
>> No. 25319 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 3:27 pm
25319 spacer

While it might sound obvious that all the gun owning MUH SECOND AMENDMENT types are bible-thumping racist whites who love seeing these protesters put down, it's a massive oversimplification, and if you think about it for more than five minutes it doesn't hold up. Just think of all the Alex Jones types out there.

Gun ownership is so widespread in the States it doesn't line up with political views. Just about everyone either has one, or their dad/uncle/whoever could lend them one. The truth is just that now it's actually come to it, they lack the brass to put their money where their mouth is, and really they know they never planned to. It was just a nice sounding argument in favour of gun ownership.
>> No. 25320 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 3:32 pm
25320 spacer

Actually, now that I think about it, this is why the media is so dead set on making sure the coverage of this whole thing stays focussed on race.

Division is the most powerful weapon in the government's arsenal.
>> No. 25321 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 3:41 pm
25321 spacer

Christ. Imagine replacing the weekly clap with the weekly kneel.
>> No. 25322 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 4:08 pm
25322 spacer


>Division is the most powerful weapon in the government's arsenal.

It is, quite literally, one of the oldest tricks in the book.
>> No. 25325 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 4:35 pm
25325 spacer
Is going barefoot getting popular again?
>> No. 25326 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 4:37 pm
25326 spacer
before the queen
>> No. 25329 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 6:14 pm
25329 spacer

I think Americans are doomed though this is still where a lot of their heads are at. All the kids getting shot in the head can’t change this shit. I thought Obama himself was the only one pretending like he had spent years not fixing the same issues people are protesting right now.

Slobs, morons, wankers. Put
>> No. 25333 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 8:37 pm
25333 spacer
This is a pretty good take on the whole thing.


So naturally it's being cancelled the fuck out of on social media and what have you.

>In insisting that for all intents and purposes police violence must be seen as mainly, if not exclusively, a black thing, we cut ourselves off from the only basis for forging a political alliance that could effectively challenge it. All that could be possible as political intervention, therefore, is tinkering around with administration of neoliberal stress policing in the interest of pursuing racial parity in victimization.
>> No. 25334 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 8:55 pm
25334 spacer

The GOP's plan for their future seems to be gerrymandering via bullet.
>> No. 25337 Anonymous
4th June 2020
Thursday 9:38 pm
25337 spacer
>Zaid Jilani found, for example, that ninety-five percent of police killings occurred in neighborhoods with median family income of less than $100,00 and that the median family income in neighborhoods where police killed was $52,907

What's that in context? The median disposable household income in Britain is £29,600 which, ignoring benefits and tax credits, is the same as a couple earning £16,500 each or a sole earner on £38,200; the latter is about $48,000.
>> No. 25342 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 1:08 am
25342 spacer

Median gross US household income is around $63,000, but there's huge variation between states.
>> No. 25345 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 8:51 am
25345 spacer
To be fair to the Obama administration, they did try investigating police officers involved in killing unarmed blackmen. This was pushed back on hard by police unions who have a lot of money and power. They believe they are beyond reproach.
>> No. 25346 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 10:07 am
25346 spacer
Leigh Francis apologises for playing black characters on Bo' Selecta in Instagram video

Comedian Leigh Francis has issued a tearful apology for portraying black celebrities on sketch show Bo’ Selecta.

The comic played stars including king of pop Michael Jackson, singer Craig David and talkshow host Trisha Goddard on the show, which first aired in 2002. Francis – who is now best-known for playing Keith Lemon – used latex facemasks for his caricatures of famous faces.

Amid a renewed focus on the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd, Francis said he had “done a lot of talking and learning” and decided to apologise.

In a tearful video posted to Instagram, he said: “It’s been a weird few days, I’ve sat and thought about things and what I could post to try and help things. Back in 2002 I did a show called Bo’ Selecta, I portrayed many black people. Back then I didn’t think anything about it, people didn’t say anything, I’m not going to blame other people. Been talking to some people, I didn’t realise how offensive it was back then. I just want to apologise, I just want to say sorry for any upset I caused whether I was Michael Jackson, Craig David, Trisha Goddard, all people I’m a big fan of. I guess we’re all on a learning journey.”

In the caption, Francis, 47, apologised again and used the hashtag #blacklivesmatter.

>> No. 25347 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 10:10 am
25347 spacer
At least he hasn't gone full Glinner.
>> No. 25348 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 10:53 am
25348 spacer
This is like the direct opposite of going Glinner. No-one calling him out, but apologising anyway.
>> No. 25349 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 11:24 am
25349 spacer
I didn't think his Craig David or Mel B were too offensive, but the one whose catchphrase was "chicken and rice and pea and ting" did border on racist. It was either Trisha or one of Destiny's Child.
>> No. 25352 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 11:47 am
25352 spacer
>There is a sense that his portrayal of black characters is based not on random absurdities, but negative racial stereotypes. Jackson the jive-talking buffoon; Trisha Goddard, with her broad west Indian accent, teeth-kissing and catchphrase "rice and peas"; and, in the latest series, Oprah Winfrey, with her southern drawl and requests for fried chicken. Can he see how this could be offensive? "No. Michael Jackson isn't anything like the way I portray him in the show. Oprah Winfrey doesn't talk anything like the way I do her in the show. I don't make that connection. There are real people who do the rice-and-peas stuff and I got that from some of my black friends - that's why I do it. If there are people like that, am I not allowed to do it?"

>His intentions might not be racist, I point out, but he uses the same cliches in his portrayal of black people that openly racist people use. "Who is racist?" he asks rhetorically. "The people who are worrying about it! They're the racists! Because I don't worry about it. I'm just seeing it as giving Oprah a different voice. I don't care that she's black. I think people go around treading on eggshells and worrying, 'Ooh, is he racist?' No! You're fucking racist because you're worrying about it. I'm not worrying about it because I know I'm not racist!"

>> No. 25355 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 12:46 pm
25355 spacer
15 years ago. The voice of a younger man, innit. He's obviously learnt since then.
>> No. 25362 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 3:17 pm
25362 spacer
I am put rather in mind of the Pink Floyd song, Sheep. It is about the sheep from George Orwell's Animal Farm. So I suppose I am also put in mind of George Orwell's Animal Farm, by George Orwell. It goes:

>Hopelessly passing your time in the grassland away
>Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
>You better watch out, there may be dogs about
>I've looked over Jordan and I have seen, things are not what they seem
>What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
>Meek and obedient you follow the leader
>Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
>What a surprise, the look of terminal shock in your eyes
>Now things are really what they seem, no, this is no bad dream

In fact, I think I've been thinking a lot about George Orwell lately, come to think of it. I think the mainstream left has it all wrong when they say "Have you read any theory?" and what they mean is "Do you consider the 200 year old book by Karl Marx to be relevant in (current year)?", when really the material they should be swatting up on is all by George Orwell.

As a thinker, he was fascinatingly ahead of his time. Sure everyone knows 1984 and Animal Farm, to the point that it's a cliche, but his essays also predicted the current state of divisiveness in politics, and offered a very sensible forward looking set of ideas, which socialists in general have largely ignored; and now look where it is.
>> No. 25364 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 3:26 pm
25364 spacer

The most well-known leftwing activist I know of that continually cites Orwell is Chomsky, so you may be onto something on there.
>> No. 25366 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 3:47 pm
25366 spacer
But of course, the good socialist we should all emulate and learn from happens to be the one that compiled a list of suspected communists and handed it over to the foreign office.
>> No. 25368 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 3:57 pm
25368 spacer

Yeah, and Hitler was a vegetarian.
>> No. 25369 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 4:39 pm
25369 spacer
>Do you consider the 200 year old book by Karl Marx to be relevant in (current year)?

I've not heard someone say this for over a decade but it still boils my piss. The Communist Manifesto was written in a very specific context for a very specific audience. It was good because, despite being pseudo-scientific, it was one of the beginnings of sociology.

I must be on the spectrum for this but I enjoy reading up the background of a work. Not only because it's enjoyable but because works need to be understood in their context or things just get twisted by whatever someone is on their soapbox about. Hence why Orwell is referenced by everyone like some literary Ode to Joy. He deserves it for his advocacy of minimalism in communication.

In this context you would be better off criticising how he wrote female characters and the like. carpet-baggers must love 1984.
>> No. 25370 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 4:54 pm
25370 spacer
I'll criticise him for what I think is worth criticising, thanks. His writing of female characters is not relevant to his canonisation as the offical good and correct socialist. His being an anti-communist snitch is.
>> No. 25371 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 5:00 pm
25371 spacer
>His writing of female characters is not relevant to his canonisation as the offical good and correct socialist

Pretty debatable in a thread discussing the treatment of marginalised groups and current socialist thought. I suppose it's telling how this doesn't matter to you, mind.
>> No. 25372 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 5:27 pm
25372 spacer
I'm not one of the pricks you're arguing with, but I bet you're one of the pricks who cover up sexual harassment by their mates in left-wing groups.
>> No. 25373 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 5:27 pm
25373 spacer
I didn’t say it doesn’t matter to me, my subliterate friend, I said it’s not why he’s an acceptable leftist figure.
>> No. 25384 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 7:13 pm
25384 spacer

>Trump says he hopes George Floyd 'looking down' and seeing today’s jobs numbers as 'a great day for him'

I still find it weird that he's President of the US. It's like I'm watching a movie.
>> No. 25386 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 8:14 pm
25386 spacer

I don't understand why it causes controversy, though.

He was always pretty clearly of the belief that socialism =/= communism, and people who have a problem with him on those grounds are basically always the sort of sixth formers who think the Labour Party ought to be openly Marxist-Leninist.

Whatever you think about the man's actions in life, none of it detracts from how prescient his writings were.


Of course Marx is also important reading, but frankly I think it's a bit redundant these days, you've likely heard his ideas already elsewhere or even come up with them yourself. I'd argue it's almost more important for a "good socialist" to have read the likes of Adam Smith on the grounds that if you want to talk about changing the way the economic system works, it fucking well helps to understand said system.

Politics is too much like a religion for some people, and too often I will hear something like "Have you even read Marx?!" as though it instantly discredits that person.
>> No. 25388 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 9:06 pm
25388 spacer
Frankly if you don't understand why a self-identified leftist selling his comrades out to a capitalist imperial government as suspected commies on the grounds of their "anti-American", "anti-English", or "anti-white" views (which he ascribed to J. B Priestly, Hugh Macdiarmid, and Paul Robeson respectively) raises ire, I don't think you understand much about anything at all.

>I'd argue it's almost more important for a "good socialist" to have read the likes of Adam Smith on the grounds that if you want to talk about changing the way the economic system works, it fucking well helps to understand said system.

For example I don't think you know what Das Kapital is about. Hint: the title itself is a bit of a giveaway.
>> No. 25389 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 9:09 pm
25389 spacer

Oddly the image here >>25384 now fits a gripe of mine. Hinge has decided to let me know that they are committed to the fight against racism and to take a moment to think about all the black lives lost.

I mean, okay, but it's a bit jarring that I'm reading this on an app for people too ugly for tinder.
>> No. 25395 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 10:44 pm
25395 spacer
>an app for people too ugly for tinder.
What is that, foot in the door one toe at a time?
>> No. 25396 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 11:02 pm
25396 spacer

And if you don't understand why a) he was right and b) this is why your lot have had about as much political success as week old offal in the last half a century then... Well. I think even are Jez would have considered your take dogmatic.

You're not interested in winning any power or affecting change though are you, it's an intellectual exercise. And no, before you assume it, I'm not some sort of Blairite soc-dem centrist either.
>> No. 25398 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 11:39 pm
25398 spacer
Yes, the key to political success for the left lies in understanding that snitching on a black American socialist active in the fight against Jim Crow and McCarthyism for his anti-white bigotry was good and correct. You’re very smart.

By the way, what tendency would you say you identify with then, which is so successful as to give you the confidence to throw these stone?
>> No. 25399 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 11:56 pm
25399 spacer

I'm the only real life Strasserite m8.
>> No. 25401 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 12:53 am
25401 spacer
Maybe I'm just young, but has the world ever been this wacky?

We're told there's a deadly pandemic afoot with all evidence pointing to it being a total nothing burger. Yet our civil liberties have been forfeited.

Then some lowlife career-criminal junkie overdoses on fentanyl/heroin while being restrained and the entire world kicks off. And white people are to blame, of course, and must acquiesce the only things they have left - their dignity - to avoid being labelled a white supremacist. It seems so oddly fabricated and targeted. A double whammy shit sandwich shoved down the mouth of the common, good working man.

Rioting and looting and burning your own community down is now OK, so long as you do under the guise of progression.

What fresh hell is this?
>> No. 25406 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 1:15 am
25406 spacer
For your sake I hope you’re very young, otherwise you have no excuse for such low quality trolling.
>> No. 25407 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 1:26 am
25407 spacer
o no im 2 triggered 4 typing

Seriously though, up your game, starting a cunt-off here is hardly lighting a match underwater but what you just did was, frankly, a little bit sad.
>> No. 25409 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 1:37 am
25409 spacer
I read this, word for word, in the other place. Best fuck off back there, mate.
>> No. 25410 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 1:50 am
25410 spacer

What's with the emotional knee jerk reaction? I don't visit _the other place_ and I'm not here to start a fight. Just seems to me like we''re living out Sodom and Gomorrah. Something got to give, surely?
>> No. 25411 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 4:05 am
25411 spacer

At least 40,000 people in the UK have died due to COVID-19, despite significant efforts to control the virus; the real death toll is probably closer to 60,000 when you factor in excess deaths. 40,000 is the same number of civilian deaths during the Blitz, with 67,000 civilian deaths during the entire second world war. If we hadn't locked down, we'd expect the death toll to have reached at least 200,000 by now.

George Floyd did have drugs in his system, but they were not the cause of his death. In the most charitable possible interpretation, four police officers watched a man die due to underlying health conditions and did nothing; the far more likely explanation is that Floyd died due to mechanical asphyxiation because Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes, even after Floyd lost consciousness and one of Chauvin's colleagues was unable to find Floyd's pulse.

The public reaction to Floyd's death is nothing new, because racially-motivated police brutality in the US is nothing new. There's a very simple way to prevent the decades-long cycle of rioting after black people are murdered by police - stop murdering black people.

>> No. 25412 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 4:18 am
25412 spacer

Not him, but:

>If we hadn't locked down, we'd expect the death toll to have reached at least 200,000 by now.

Citation needed. I say this not as some sort of covid denier, but skepticism over the effectiveness of our lockdown, which was really a lockdown in name only and marked by catastrophic incompetence re: care homes etc. I think it was far less effective than we want to tell ourselves.

>There's a very simple way to prevent the decades-long cycle of rioting after black people are murdered by police - stop murdering black people.

So you're perfectly fine with every other injustice suffered by black people, and largely shared by poor white people, in America then. You replied to a shitty 4chan troll by citing a wikipdeia article, well done.
>> No. 25413 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:33 am
25413 spacer

>Citation needed.


>So you're perfectly fine with every other injustice suffered by black people

>> No. 25414 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 7:53 am
25414 spacer
>There's a very simple way to prevent the decades-long cycle of rioting after black people are murdered by police - stop murdering black people

I read somewhere that the amount of police brutality in America varies by state depending on the level of accountability they have. Let them behave like monsters if they have impunity and they will; there's a reason their rozzers have been targeting journalists.
>> No. 25415 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 8:53 am
25415 spacer

Fifty seven officers have resigned from their positions on a Buffalo police squad in support of two colleagues who were suspended after they were filmed shoving a 75-year-old peace activist to the ground, causing him to crack open his head. The two officers were suspended without pay and are now under criminal investigation after footage showed them knocking Martin Gugino to the ground and leaving him with critical injuries in front of Buffalo's City Hall in upstate New York on Thursday night prior to the city's 8pm curfew.

The Buffalo Police Benevolent Association told the Investigative Post that all members of the department's Emergency Response Team have since resigned.

'Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders,' PBA president John Evans said. The 57 officers have not resigned from the Buffalo Police Department - only the Emergency Response Team they were serving on.


"I was just following orders" sure sounds familiar.
>> No. 25416 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:00 am
25416 spacer
They are still police, so it means nothing.
>> No. 25417 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:20 am
25417 spacer
How do you figure?
>> No. 25418 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:26 am
25418 spacer

Not him but assuming -

>"The 57 officers have not resigned from the Buffalo Police Department - only the Emergency Response Team they were serving on."
>> No. 25419 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:35 am
25419 spacer

I don't understand how you can resign from one and not the other. I guess they are just on strike but the article phrases it badly.
>> No. 25420 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:41 am
25420 spacer
I don't see how that makes it meaningless. They've clearly done it in retaliation for a couple of their members being investigated for hospitalising an elderly man because they don't believe in being held responsible for your actions.
>> No. 25421 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:53 am
25421 spacer
Where's the retaliation?
>> No. 25422 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:58 am
25422 spacer
They're no longer doing emergency response duties.
>> No. 25423 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 10:55 am
25423 spacer
What's that yellow thing on his cheek?
There's talk of bloodpacks and a picture of something stuck to the back of his head before falling.
It makes enough sense that the 57 resignees would protest the decicion of their superiors despite this(and other) evidence of a stunt.

>> No. 25424 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 11:04 am
25424 spacer
Thinking about it; if it is a stunt, wouldn't the result be a rallying of factions to unison? Don't they say that humanities division is what makes it weak?
But why would it be done with deception - Surely that defeats the perpose? Unless it's means to an end, simple regime change and grasps for power.
People are fucknig sick, man. But am I any different?
>> No. 25425 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 11:11 am
25425 spacer
So it's extortion?
>> No. 25426 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 11:21 am
25426 spacer

>imperial college london

They've shown themselves to be talking out of their arse since the very start, frankly. Just saying.
>> No. 25427 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 11:28 am
25427 spacer

If you're qualified to say that the Imperial modelling team were talking out of their arse, you're more than qualified to run your own model - with an unconstrained R0 of 3 and a CFR of 0.2%, then 200,000 deaths is a very conservative estimate.
>> No. 25428 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 11:50 am
25428 spacer
If you watch the video with audio there is a very audible noise as the back of his head hits the pavement. I think you've been reading too much disinformation on /pol/.

>> No. 25429 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 11:51 am
25429 spacer

All I know is that since we started running antibody tests at work, we've had a shocking number of people come up positive, most of whom were entirely asymptomatic. The test is only supposed to be reliable for ~45 days to exposure. So that means those people must have been exposed (not necessarily the same thing as infected) after the lockdown.

I'm not saying that's exactly scientific evidence and you can assume there's a greater risk of exposure in a medical setting, but at the same time. It begs the question if more people have had it than we think, to which I'm reasonably sure the answer is yes.

I remember earlier in the year somebody making the point that it's no good trying to count up the numbers while the pandemic is still ongoing. We won't have the full information until some months afterwards. That's worth remembering too.
>> No. 25430 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 1:40 pm
25430 spacer

>ll I know is that since we started running antibody tests at work, we've had a shocking number of people come up positive, most of whom were entirely asymptomatic.

You'd expect to see that if a) there are a lot of asymptomatic carriers in the population or b) the prevalence rate is low relative to the specificity of the test. The smart money is on the latter.
>> No. 25431 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 2:03 pm
25431 spacer

That "talk" is coming from Qanon morons.
and in true Qanon style, is total nonsense if you put any thought into it whatsoever instead of just doing what the mindworms tell you to do.
>> No. 25432 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 2:04 pm
25432 spacer

There is a lot more proof it was a false flag you just need to reach deeper into your arse to pull it out.
>> No. 25433 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 4:34 pm
25433 spacer

Rate my packed lunch, lads.
>> No. 25434 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 4:52 pm
25434 spacer
This is something people still seem quite ignorant about. To state the bleeding obvious, America is a big place and even at the state level you will still see local differences in the type of policing.

I don't think American police are all trigger happy thugs, there's instead a convergence between the kind of maximum aggression that you will see from their culture and how that affects the approaches of policing. I'd like to see an experiment of British policing in America.

Fuck him, he got pushed back after approaching a wall of riot police. What did he think they would do?

I was a bit confused by the chickpeas, apple and sparkling water until I saw it was Portland. Someone should do a comparison on what gets thrown at police by area/country - I bet we dominate the world in traffic cone vandalism per capita.
>> No. 25435 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:03 pm
25435 spacer
He probably thought they'd take the riot helmet he'd picked up and was returning to them, then he could go. Instead he was put into a coma. Approaching police isn't against the law even in the US and it's certainly not an immoral act deserving of hospitalisation. So I guess fuck you?
>> No. 25436 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:16 pm
25436 spacer
>Fuck him, he got pushed back after approaching a wall of riot police. What did he think they would do?
You should fucking die, you're fucking disgrace.
>> No. 25437 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:26 pm
25437 spacer
What kind of idiot does that, they were quite clearly not in the mood for such shenanigans. It seems like risk on both sides caused an accident.

>certainly not an immoral act deserving of hospitalisation

They shoved him. They didn't physically piledrive him into the pavement.

>> No. 25438 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:44 pm
25438 spacer

those 20 cops were in real dager from that old man and no one else.
>> No. 25439 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:47 pm
25439 spacer


yes you can clearly see why they percived him as a threat.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 25440 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:48 pm
25440 spacer
There have been a ton of posts trying to justify actions of US police lately, like yours. You realise the protests are about police brutality, right? Seriously m8 tongue those boots harder.
>> No. 25441 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 5:50 pm
25441 spacer
clearly didnt go up hyde park
packed any day there was a hint of sun

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 25444 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 6:02 pm
25444 spacer
It doesn't matter if you think he's thick, that's not a reason to hospitalise him.
>They shoved him. They didn't physically piledrive him into the pavement.
Maybe you'd have something approaching a point there if he wasn't clearly old and frail. There's such a thing as proportionality.
>> No. 25445 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 6:05 pm
25445 spacer
Where's the argument? If he didn't land on his head nobody would care. The video even shows him being told multiple times to get back.
>> No. 25446 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 6:18 pm
25446 spacer

The police are not above the law. Was it reasonable, proportionate and necessary to forcefully push an elderly man backwards for failing to comply with an order? You could possibly argue the case for one or two of those criteria, but a defence in law requires all three.
>> No. 25447 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 6:42 pm
25447 spacer
Seems like we're seeing a rise of "Just following orders" again.
>> No. 25449 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 7:38 pm
25449 spacer


>> No. 25450 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 7:56 pm
25450 spacer
A few shout warnings and then in the space of a couple of seconds multiple heavily armed and armoured police charge into him at speed.
The absolute most physical force that you could argue the toss over would be the one policeman closest to the old man giving him an open palmed shove on the shoulder.

However you look at it what we've seen is a bunch of thugs fuelled by adrenaline, not a team of well trained law enforcement offices.

It's said that the bulk of many states police are made up of people who tried to get into the army but failed the IQ tests.
>> No. 25452 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 8:12 pm
25452 spacer

It goes deeper. If you score too high on iq tests you are actually disqualified from joining the police in some states

>> No. 25453 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 8:14 pm
25453 spacer

On top of that, they aren't taught to de-escalate at all, they'll ramp up the situation until they can use force to get rid of it.
>> No. 25455 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:03 pm
25455 spacer
>a bunch of thugs fuelled by adrenaline
They've all been pulling multiple long shifts with leave cancelled so a lot of them will be taking modafinil to keep going. Our cops use it too. Like all stimulants it tends to make people twitchy and aggressive, especially when they're sleep deprived.
>> No. 25456 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:14 pm
25456 spacer

It's almost like we shouldn't make them do that, really.
>> No. 25460 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 9:49 pm
25460 spacer
They aren’t “race riots” and they clearly aren’t enough. Not watching kys fatso.
>> No. 25461 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 10:28 pm
25461 spacer

Ignorance IS strength
>> No. 25462 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 10:35 pm
25462 spacer

- Look, there's the African continent

. Yeah. beautiful

- Still full of slaves

. Roger that. Check boosters.
>> No. 25463 Anonymous
6th June 2020
Saturday 10:52 pm
25463 spacer

They're obeying their bosses orders out of their own free will. If you're worried about them finding new jobs, blame their bosses.
>> No. 25464 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:17 am
25464 spacer

29308866-8395227-image-a-36_1591477783847 (1).jpg
Anyone throwing shit at a horse is a prize cunt, in my book.
>> No. 25465 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:29 am
25465 spacer

>> No. 25467 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:36 am
25467 spacer
You take that back.
>> No. 25469 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:43 am
25469 spacer

All Horses Are Beautiful
>> No. 25473 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 2:41 am
25473 spacer
Look, I like horses too. Wee ones, big ones, ones that are apeshit and ones that don't even blink until you shake a feed bucket at them. However, if someone's going to try to stampede over me or my pals like they're a Winged Hussar then I'm forced to put aside my horse appreciation and perceive it as a threat. Though I would advise future protesters to start carrying Polo mints, carrots and apples or pikes if they want rid of the cavalry. It's also worth noting that the only harm that came to those officers was when one of them tried to headbutt a lamppost at a canter, showing in a very British fashion we're even uniquely crap at brutal police repression.
>> No. 25474 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:39 am
25474 spacer
It was completely unnecessary to throw the bike at the horse, the protestors had already dispersed. The horse bolted because it was hit by a missile and it seems the reason they moved in was because members of the crowd were chucking flares and other items over the gates of Downing Street, one of the most sensitive locations in the country.

I was watching the stream and also saw several instances of protestors lobbing flares over police as well and i saw at least one horse get hit by a flare and panic, I'm sure there were others off stream.
>> No. 25475 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 8:11 am
25475 spacer
Yes, how cruel of the protesters to react poorly to someone deliberately trying to intimidate them with the large, inadequately trained animal.
>> No. 25476 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 8:15 am
25476 spacer
Just because they feel intimidated doesn't give them the right to hurt police, members of the public or police animals.

The police used a well recognised crowd control tactic (which, by the way worked as everybody gets up and moves) to stop certain protestors using it to cause a problem. They maintained the security of Downing Street where the PM, like it or not, lives.

Some cunt then, when it was all done, rammed a bike into a horse. I really struggle to see how there's any sympathy there.

Not going to respond past this, but if you think lobbing bikes at police horses that are not even interested in you then you need to have a think.
>> No. 25477 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 8:47 am
25477 spacer
Riding a group of horses into a crowd isn't just intimidation, it can cause physical harm and death. You absolutely have the right to defend yourself against that. The crowds seen in the videos right before the charge are subdued relative to earlier when the flares were being thrown, you can see even the smoke has dispersed.

Some cunts then, when it was all done, rode horses into a crowd. I really struggle to see how there's any sympathy there.

Not going to respond past this, but if you think riding police horses that are not even properly trained then you need to have a think. Mainly about how to construct sentences.
>> No. 25478 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 9:49 am
25478 spacer
If riding a horse is all it takes for you cunts to start bootlicking, perhaps the police are shrewder tacticians than I thought.
>> No. 25479 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 9:56 am
25479 spacer
How long before they realise that all of this is just making people more racist?
>> No. 25480 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 9:58 am
25480 spacer
Hang on, I thought all you lefties hated animal cruelty? Oh, wait, if it's poor oppressed ickle blacks doing it then it's OK then, they can't be held responsible for their actions cos that's waycist, innit.
>> No. 25481 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:03 am
25481 spacer
It's curious. Plenty of lefties I know, the ones who fully drunk the Corbyn kool-aid, are celebrating that the officer and the horse were hurt. It seems their main concern is claims by right-wingers that the protestors spooked the horse and caused it to bolt, which they're responding to with cherry picked footage to make out like they're blameless and the officer decided to just pelt it for no reason.

In other words, both sides are twats who will use disinformation to win what they perceive as the argument as that's more important than what actually happened.
>> No. 25482 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:18 am
25482 spacer

It reminds me of when I was living in Chile last year during the widespread social unrest that began in October. At the time, social media was flooded with videos of alleged "police brutality", many of which lasted for only a few seconds and showed isolated incidents of police striking protesters without any indication of what had happened to provoke the attack, usually with hundreds of comments calling the cops "fascist". I remember one video that showed a mob of about 15-20 people kicking the ever-loving shit of a cop curled up on the ground in a foetal position, yet instead of outrage the comments from Chileans were all saying that it was "staged" or "state propaganda to discredit our cause".

We are living in a post-truth age now, social media can be manipulated in such a way that the facts of what happened in any given situation can be ignored or altered to fit any given narrative.
>> No. 25483 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:46 am
25483 spacer
>We are living in a post-truth age now, social media can be manipulated in such a way that the facts of what happened in any given situation can be ignored or altered to fit any given narrative.

I'm so tired of these dystopian hot takes. The onus is ultimately on the individual for what they believe and whether they're too thick or caught up in their own echo chamber to think critically.

If we're living in a post-truth age now then we have been since the advent of literally any communication medium.
>> No. 25484 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:50 am
25484 spacer

>they're too thick or caught up in their own echo chamber to think critically

That's exactly the problem though innit.
>> No. 25485 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:28 am
25485 spacer
Yes mate, using horses as weapons is animal cruelty. Even the training they put them through is cruel. Riding them around busy roads is cruel and dangerous, even when there's no protest going on. But it's good to know a bolting horse is what you think is what matters here, not the human deaths at the hands of police. Always on the look-out for an angle to dismiss dissent.
>> No. 25486 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:30 am
25486 spacer
>The onus is ultimately on the individual for what they believe and whether they're too thick or caught up in their own echo chamber to think critically.

How far do you go with this? How far should you delve into every piece of information presented to you to determine its veracity? It sounds extremely labour intensive for little actual gain.
>> No. 25487 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:42 am
25487 spacer

I was objecting to thugs throwing a bike at a horse, although I suppose in this day and age objecting to such a thing makes me a "fascist". "Violence is only okay when we do it!" might as well be the mantra of the modern Left.
>> No. 25488 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:52 am
25488 spacer
If you don't want horses getting injured so badly then petition the police to stop using them. If you knew a thing about horses you'd know it's perfectly common for them to do silly shit at the slightest perceived provocation, so riding them into crowds of angry protesters is quite probably going to end in tears. The police chose to endanger themselves and their animals by performing a cavalry charge for no good reason, and as someone who's been knocked on their arse a couple of times by horses just acting overexcited I can quite understand how quickly ones love for animals might evaporate in an instant if one was about to be rode over you.

Racist idiot.

Talking to a racist idiot like he wasn't.

"If it's too good to be true, it usually is". If you see something that confirms every single bias you ever had about anything it's probably BS.
>> No. 25489 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:53 am
25489 spacer
At least insofar as acknowledging biases of individual media outlets. Even if I come across an independent commentator, I'll give their Twitter or FB a cursory glance to make sure they're not a complete reactionary.
>> No. 25490 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:53 am
25490 spacer

"Thugs" nice dogwhistle. Yes, objecting to people defending themselves from state violence is a fascist thing to do. You can keep on pretending this is all because you care about horses when it's plainly obvious you're just using it as a convenient excuse to bash "lefties". Keep up the performative Mr. Hands-wringing, I'm off to do arrestee support.
>> No. 25491 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:57 am
25491 spacer
So it's "racist" to think that throwing bikes at horses is bad, gotcha. Keep screaming "WAYCCCIST!" at anyone who disagrees with you because you're incapable of forming an argument, it worked so well for you lot in the Brexit referendum and the elections.
>> No. 25492 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:03 pm
25492 spacer
>"Thugs" nice dogwhistle. Yes, objecting to people defending themselves from state violence is a fascist thing to do

The people who broke a horse's nose with a brick were thugs. The people who were pushing bikes into the horses were thugs.

Protests tend to attract rent-a-mobs and those eager to vandalise and act aggressive. They tend to be in the minority and they detract from the overall message, but you shouldn't be afraid to call them out just because you believe them to be on your side.
>> No. 25493 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:07 pm
25493 spacer

The horse shouldn't have been hurt, but it was not the protesters that put the horse in the line of fire.
>> No. 25494 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:13 pm
25494 spacer

No, it's racist to patronisingly call people "'ickle blacks". Also what's with the pretend lisp and babyspeak, very noncy?

Pic related. The horse is fine.
>> No. 25495 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:17 pm
25495 spacer
It was on rudgwicksteamshow.co.uk that another horse had its nose broken.
>> No. 25496 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:20 pm
25496 spacer

>> very carpet-baggery

I find Rotherham rape gangs to be "very carpet-baggery" to be honest, but you lot decided it's "racist" to oppose them as well. Carry on defending criminals just because they have darker skin colour and posting your trendy #BLM selfies on Instagram, if that's your thing.
>> No. 25497 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:25 pm
25497 spacer
I can't quite tell if you're making fun.

Literally never did, the selfies or standing up for carpet-baggers, but okay. Also what criminals? The ones who reacted negatively to being charged by horses? That's not criminal that's entirely sensible.

See, if I started throwing punches at you, not hitting you though, you'd quite reasonably see that as a threat and probably land an actual punch on me. Now, if I charged at you on horseback... well you see what I'm getting at, yeah? You'd probably find it at least equally as provocative as the punches.
>> No. 25498 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:30 pm
25498 spacer

So if police shouldn't use horses to manage public disorder, and they can't use tear gas or water cannon like the vast majority of other police forces worldwide, what are they supposed to do? Give up and get on their knees in "solidarity" while the mob pelts them with bricks?
>> No. 25499 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:47 pm
25499 spacer


These are the people you lefty tossers are defending. Please, enlighten me about how they are "good boys who dindu nuffin fighting racism maan".
>> No. 25500 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:49 pm
25500 spacer
>So if police shouldn't use horses to manage public disorder, and they can't use tear gas or water cannon like the vast majority of other police forces worldwide, what are they supposed to do?
Geez, I dunno. Maybe just watch and see if the protest actually turns violent first?
>> No. 25502 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 12:58 pm
25502 spacer

>Maybe just watch and see if the protest actually turns violent first?

They did earlier in the week, so when there's more people at the weekend it tends to make sense to take greater precautions.
>> No. 25503 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 1:02 pm
25503 spacer
The horses were used minutes after they started chucking flares over the gates of Downing Street. I presume that's why they moved in. The rest of the group were then allowed to stay once they had been moved back a little.
>> No. 25504 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 1:04 pm
25504 spacer

>what are they supposed to do?

Use the kind of intelligence-led, de-escalatory tactics that have been so successful in recent decades in preventing protests from becoming riots. Use the minimum level of force necessary, use the rapid deployment of barriers and shield walls to contain protesters to relatively safe areas and prevent them from becoming constricted in flashpoints, use kettling where absolutely necessary to take the heat out of a situation, use FITs and snatch squads to identify and arrest the instigators of violence.

These protests are being policed relatively poorly, almost entirely because of a decade of cuts - there just aren't enough wellies in the mud to manage public order incidents safely and effectively. The scenes outside Downing Street show this very clearly. There were large gaps in the cordon, there wasn't a second line of officers to provide support and mounted officers were being used inappropriately to make up the numbers.
>> No. 25505 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 1:05 pm
25505 spacer

>wellies in the mud

I haven't seen that one in a while.
>> No. 25506 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 2:59 pm
25506 spacer

They could stop being a problem that warrants protesting, just a thought.
>> No. 25507 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:07 pm
25507 spacer
It's the British police's fault that an American police officer knelt on a black man's neck until he died?
>> No. 25508 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:08 pm
25508 spacer
Oh no, some justifiably angry people threw flares onto an empty street that's gated off, whatever shall we do?
>> No. 25509 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:09 pm
25509 spacer
Imagine thinking that these protests were just about one black man in America.
>> No. 25511 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:17 pm
25511 spacer
What are the protests in London about then? There's not exactly been a clear or coherent message from the protestors.
>> No. 25512 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:18 pm
25512 spacer

The protests aren't about anything other than hoardes of criminal scumbags running riot while using the death of a black man in the US as an excuse, while student union leftists gleefully cheer them on. All the same bullshit bleeding heart apologist excuses that were used to defend to defend the 2011 rioters are being wheeled out here. The thugs are attacking the police (who are hippies compared to their US counterparts, they don't even carry guns for fucks sake) because they know they are untouchable and that they will face zero negative consequences for their actions.
>> No. 25513 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:29 pm
25513 spacer
You appear to have mistaken this site for the comments section of MailOnline.
>> No. 25514 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:34 pm
25514 spacer

Sorry about that Mr. Woke, shouldn't you be out taking a knee at the protests, spreading Corona and lobbing stones at police because it's obviously their fault that a black bloke in America got killed?
>> No. 25515 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 3:44 pm
25515 spacer
The majority of the protesting has been peaceful. It's primarily been the ones who've stayed behind after the main crowds have dispersed that are spoiling for a fight with the rozzers, which was their aim all along.

The BLM movement in this country is lacking direction, is beset by infighting, has no clear message, is trying to transfer issues in America that don't apply here and is lacking a real figurehead. The protest was more an outpouring of frustration and white guilt than anything.
>> No. 25516 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 4:22 pm
25516 spacer

Importing the American issues here is daft. We don't have that strong background of segregation and we're a lot more dynamic than the yanks. Not that we don't have our own problems, but this importing is quite crass. Largely because seeing the far-left flock to it and bend it to their narrative, alongside those inciting violence, will just piss people off and stoke more tensions.
>> No. 25517 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 4:37 pm
25517 spacer

All the same things can be said of the American BLM group. As a political movement, it's a bit of a shitshow. But when you think about it, it's hard for them to try and forge a different direction instead of ending up like the Black Panthers or something.


Crass is probably a good word. If I were a black Brit I'd be pretty annoyed by all the middle class white people patting themselves on the back for waking up to American race issues while paying no attention at all to ones that might affect people here.

I'm reminded of that time a Yank reporter was interviewing a British athlete and kept calling him African American.
>> No. 25518 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 5:38 pm
25518 spacer
If you were a black Brit you'd be pretty annoyed by all the middle class white people going around saying "well it's not as bad here as it is there". Like on .gs.
>> No. 25519 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 6:38 pm
25519 spacer
If I were a man with two dicks and 4 balls I'd probably have trouble sitting down.
>> No. 25520 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 6:55 pm
25520 spacer

As a Brit, I am pretty annoyed by middle class people.
>> No. 25521 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:00 pm
25521 spacer

Annotation 2020-06-07 185549.png
Death to the slave trader statues or death to what they stand for (which is either dead and buried or irredeemably ingrained in the case of, you know, entire cities being built off the back of it.) Where do the empty gestures end? Do we raze the city to the ground and start anew?
>> No. 25522 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:06 pm
25522 spacer

Of course, because you understand black people and they all think the same.

It's not as bad here as it is there. There are problems and they are quite tentatively placed. Like I said, we don't have the history of strict segregation and we don't have a separate black middle class. Also, our police aren't very heavily armed.

Someone posted about a Somalian girl that was drowned by her classmates in the UK. They contrasted that with Madeline McCann as evidence of systematic racism. It's not though, most people can't understand the sheer volume of effort and money spend on this one girl that's gone missing, while hundreds others go unnoticed. On the other hand, you have vile Asian grooming gangs that the police are terrified to do anything about for fear of being called racist. I understand I've conflated a lot of things here, but we're not arresting for fear of being racist while being (or being told) we're racist— that truly is a bind that needs discussion and isn't helped by either side adding drama.

It's patronising to cast them as perpetual victims. Of course, if you're on the left you need to cling onto them for dear life, so you'll keep telling them how bad they have it, and how free broadband will fix it all. It's like a bad therapist, constantly justifying your misery rather than focusing on actually getting anywhere.


A chilling parallel to people deleting tweets from 2012.
>> No. 25523 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:21 pm
25523 spacer

>Someone posted about a Somalian girl that was drowned by her classmates in the UK. They contrasted that with Madeline McCann as evidence of systematic racism. It's not though, most people can't understand the sheer volume of effort and money spend on this one girl that's gone missing, while hundreds others go unnoticed.

It's going to be interesting how the media will cover the new developments in the Maddie case, if it really turns out that she was killed by a white German paedo who was already a convicted felon at the time.
>> No. 25524 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:28 pm
25524 spacer

Imagine having your child savagely murdered and then her image plastered everywhere by people who wish to simultaneously have a pop at immigrants and denigrate the struggle for racial equality. I can see why Lee Rigby's family keep telling EDL sympathisers to pack it in.
>> No. 25525 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:32 pm
25525 spacer

That's fucking disgusting.

But when does that kind of thing not get instrumentalised.
>> No. 25526 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:37 pm
25526 spacer

Some might say statues are symbolic.
>> No. 25527 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 7:56 pm
25527 spacer
I don't mind hummus at all as part of a spread. The problem with nachos is you get three basic types of dip and usually end up having to use the salsa up just to get rid of it.

Say what you want about the middle class but they know their way around nibbles. Aside from the olives but I'm sure they're just put out for show so you can feel okay with eating copious amounts of Brie and Camembert.

Ironically I think it's the Islamic world who tends to have the best approach to statues. If nobody is worshipping this or that then why bother? The reason swivel eyed loons attack historic landmarks in Syria, Mali etc. is because nobody in the west cares about people dying.

So yeah, I don't like this because it's attacking history for its own sake. The toppling of some confederate monuments in the states at least has the justification that they were explicitly commissioned many years after the civil war to intimidate the black community and glorify slavery. However, the people of Bristol, to the best of my knowledge, do not support the slave trade and merely have a history that shouldn't be hidden from view.
>> No. 25528 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 8:12 pm
25528 spacer

>Of course, if you're on the left you need to cling onto them for dear life, so you'll keep telling them how bad they have it, and how free broadband will fix it all

There's only one thing you're getting mixed up- That's not the left. It's a crowd of middlewit liberals who like to posture as the left because liberal is a bit of a dirty word nowadays.

There are plenty of legitimate left wing thinkers and politicians who utterly reject the basis of this brand of identity politics. They are, in turn, often shouted down and labeled "class reductionists" or what have you. The primary focus of this brand of politics is to supplicate blacks, gays, women, etc as a kind of martyr class, in order to maintain their own position of relative privilege within the existing working/middle/upper class hierarchy.

Think of it another way. Why do you think the Labour party's traditional support base strongly leaned towards Brexit? It's not because they've been conservatives the whole time and only just realised it. It's because the party that is meant to represent them instead chose to represent people who should be voting LibDem.

Look, I can't be bothered typing any more, just read this and get back to me.

>> No. 25529 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 8:14 pm
25529 spacer

I don't know about Bristol, but the physical legacy of the slave trade in Liverpool serves a useful purpose. We have a slavery museum and you can take a slavery walking tour; as a result, a lot of Scousers know who Parr Street, Roscoe Street and Earle Street are named after.

I have to question the logic of destroying monuments to slavery rather than using them as a learning opportunity. In Liverpool, rather than renaming those streets, we're putting up plaques explaining who those people were and what they did. Destroying the evidence doesn't undo the legacy of slavery.
>> No. 25530 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 8:39 pm
25530 spacer
>Destroying the evidence doesn't undo the legacy of slavery.

It makes the people doing it feel good and right on, which is what matters.

I grew up in Hull, which doesn't have strong connections to the slave trade but every child there grows up learning about it in school thanks to William Wilberforce.
>> No. 25531 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:19 pm
25531 spacer
Yoots burning the flag on The Cenotaph:


Remember the media storm when Charlie Gilmour swung from that same flag and got done for 16 months?

Media actively covering earlier vandalism up:


Makes you think.
>> No. 25532 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:21 pm
25532 spacer

Go has removed all uses of blacklist/whitelist and master/slave.
>> No. 25533 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:22 pm
25533 spacer


>The M6 in the Midlands was closed this evening as Black Lives Matter protesters walked down the carriageway.

>A video posted on social media showed crowds of people covering the motorway at the Exhall interchange near Coventry as traffic remained stationary on the other side.

>One eyewitness said there were around 100 people taking part and that they were chanting 'Black Lives Matter' over and over again.
>> No. 25534 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:27 pm
25534 spacer

Amazing foresight of "the media" to cover up the story three days before it happened.
>> No. 25535 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:29 pm
25535 spacer


>Media actively covering earlier vandalism up:
>earlier vandalism

>> No. 25536 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:34 pm
25536 spacer
Well presumably someone cleaned it off before Reuters got their man down there?
>> No. 25537 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:35 pm
25537 spacer
It's all so tiresome.
>> No. 25538 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 10:39 pm
25538 spacer

>> No. 25539 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:11 pm
25539 spacer


That nasty bullying cunt is probably fantasising about those lads getting shamed on social media or getting beaten up by her "bredren". We are now at the point where cleaning up vandalism is considered "racist". Jesus Christ.
>> No. 25540 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:23 pm
25540 spacer

>> No. 25541 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:28 pm
25541 spacer
The twats got (rightly) savaged on social media for this. They must've thought people would hail them as heroes for harassing squaddies cleaning a memorial. Anyway, I feel the need to point out that's not the Cenotaph.
>> No. 25542 Anonymous
7th June 2020
Sunday 11:57 pm
25542 spacer

Even a literal AI agrees with you.

>I'm sorry but I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about how racism is a white-centric issue. It is, especially since white people are the only ones being racist. The only people doing this are white.

>Why is it that I'm being called a racist? Well, it's obviously because I'm saying that my experiences have to do more with my ethnicity than the color of my skin. I'm not saying that every racist is racist because of their race, but it does happen that I'm called racist because I'm saying that my experiences have to do more with my ethnicity than the color of my skin. You can't say that every racist is racist because of their race, but you can say that every racist is racist because of their ethnicity.

>So, if an African American is racist because he's racist because of his race, why can't I be racist because I'm racist because of my ethnicity?

>I'm tired of seeing the same articles all over the internet and even on rudgwicksteamshow.co.uk saying that racism is a white-centric issue. I'm tired of seeing the same videos and articles on YouTube videos being constantly posted. I'm tired of seeing a lot of people claiming that racism is a racist issue.

>So, here's my rant: it's not just white people that are racists.

>Edit: spelling
>> No. 25543 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 12:08 am
25543 spacer
Saw a post on twitter about it amazing it was to watch Edward Colston's statue being thrown into "the very waters his slave ships used to sail up carrying their gruesome cargo".

I can only assume that the global adoption of the US historical narrative has somehow lead people to believe that the UK had an active slave population.
>> No. 25544 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 2:34 am
25544 spacer

Yes, you're right; ships generally went from Bristol to Africa then directly to the US, mainly just bringing goods grown in the US back to Bristol. As always, good to see you focusing on the really important thing.
>> No. 25545 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 2:43 am
25545 spacer
I'm concerned you've internalised the modern media trend for focusing on random Tweets rather than things that matter.
>> No. 25546 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 9:13 am
25546 spacer
Say it loud, I'm a pedant and proud.
>> No. 25547 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 9:40 am
25547 spacer
Pedantry is supposed to be put to use correcting grammar and scientific facts, not defending slavery.
>> No. 25548 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 9:47 am
25548 spacer
The ships were carrying slave produced commodities like sugar. If you don’t think that’s gruesome, I suggest you look into the production process.
>> No. 25549 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 10:46 am
25549 spacer

I don't doubt for a second that black and other non-white people still encounter plenty of racism in today's world. And I am all for protests against racism.

What I have an issue with is protest tourism. People who have made up their mind that they are very generally anti-everything, and now there's yet another chance for them to be in a rally against something. But for people like that, it's not about ending racism, it's about channelling their anger at the world over this, that, and the other. As someone who was a bit like that in his youth, I can only say it's not a good place in the long run. Stand by your convictions, have an opinion on things, even a strong one. But you'll never find happiness if your bottom line is that it's always you against the rest of the world.

Also, how does a statue of Edward Colston, who many people have still probably never heard of in their lives, now suddenly make life difficult for black people, in Bristol or elsewhere. That statue has stood there for ages, while politics in Britain has changed very dramatically towards non-racism. If we set out to eliminate anybody from British history who's ever been involved in things that today rightly seem horribly wrong to us, our history books would be quite thin indeed. What we need to do is teach people historical context, and perspective. And not pretend that certain things never happened, or certain people never existed.

The Atlantic slave trade was one of the darkest and grimmest chapters of human history, that's a given. But it ended some 200 years ago.
>> No. 25550 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 10:49 am
25550 spacer
Christ this website is so fucking white.
>> No. 25551 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 10:54 am
25551 spacer

>who many people have still probably never heard of in their lives

And now more people are aware of our role in the slave trade.

Also, protesting against a bad thing that happens in the world because you're angry at the world isn't tourism, it's fucking protesting.
>> No. 25552 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:13 am
25552 spacer

>protesting against a bad thing that happens in the world because you're angry at the world isn't tourism

That's exactly the definition of tourism though.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 25553 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:43 am
25553 spacer

What I meant to say was, you're not protesting against racism as such. Which in itself would never be a bad thing. But joining an anti-racism protest ist yet another chance for you to get even with the world. And that's tourism. You're not in it for the cause of fighting racism.
>> No. 25554 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:46 am
25554 spacer

Please link to your imaginary dictionary that defines tourism in that way.
>> No. 25555 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:48 am
25555 spacer

If my house is on fire and someone starts spraying water on it because they're angry at combustion, rather than my house being on fire specifically, I'm still not going to fucking stop them.
>> No. 25556 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:50 am
25556 spacer

That is most certainly not the definition of tourism.

I really don't see an issue with protesting bad things because you're angry, but we're sort of missing the point that you are speaking for the intentions of thousands of people you've never met, in bad faith.
>> No. 25557 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:52 am
25557 spacer
Oh damn I already got my arbitrary-limit-of-things-to-object-to card fully stamped for the year, guess I can't have any more opinions until next January you complete mug.
>> No. 25558 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 11:57 am
25558 spacer
I think you're misunderstanding me.

Do take an interest in politics, social problems, and all sorts of other issues where you spot injustice. And racism is a prime example of still-prevailing injustice in our modern world.

But don't treat it as just another chance to show your middle finger to the system. Because if you go at it from that angle, the actual cause you will be protesting for or against becomes secondary. And that's not a good thing.
>> No. 25559 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 12:05 pm
25559 spacer

If you believe the system is the root of them problem, then why the fuck would you not protest any issue brought about by the system?

I don't really see how protesting the system is in any way taking something from the cause of being against systemic racism - the clue's in the name.

And again, standing in a crowd, holding a placard and joining in cannot in any way be construed as unhelpful to the cause, even if the person doing those things is a secret racist. Your point makes no sense, you just seem to be saying it's morally objectionable to be against a broader system over a specific issue within that system. Why?
>> No. 25560 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 12:05 pm
25560 spacer
I'm still not following your point. You appear to be arguing that any protest on a single issue can be dismissed as people who are actually misdirecting their anger at "the system" (whatever that means).
>> No. 25561 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 12:11 pm
25561 spacer

Also, I met plenty of people during my student politics days who were only in it because hey, fuck the system, man, and that. Oh, there's another protest on for X or Y? Brilliant! Let me get my coat.

It's not a baseless accusation, but at the same time also not an attempt to paint everybody with a broad brush. I have no doubt that plenty of people have joined the current anti-racism protests because it's an issue that they are directly affected by, or which is otherwise close to their heart. But just from my own experience, there are others.
>> No. 25562 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 12:16 pm
25562 spacer

You have yet to explain what harm these people are doing, if we do you the courtesy of accepting they exist at all - what are they doing that is harmful to the cause?
>> No. 25563 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 12:19 pm
25563 spacer

I think he just doesn't like that they strengthen a cause he's not a fan of, so he's gatekeeping or no-true-scotsmanning them. "They haven't been directly affected by racism so their opinions don't count".
>> No. 25564 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 1:15 pm
25564 spacer
Farage must be rubbing his hands with glee, it's Christmas come early for him. UKIP 3.0 on its way lads.
>> No. 25565 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 2:14 pm
25565 spacer

In terms of increasing the head count at rallies, no, they do no harm. It also does no harm being against racism when you're that white middle class person with a token black friend.

But the tourists weaken the cause. And right-wingers, many of whom are much less strongly opposed to racism, spot that. And then call into question a protest's entire validity.

I know I've been playing devil's advocate here, but not because I'm right wing myself. I can assure you I am not. I'm just saying, the tourists don't help any cause quite as much as they like to believe. If at all.

My opinion may be a bit niche, but I don't see it being particularly offensive.
>> No. 25566 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 2:41 pm
25566 spacer

>But the tourists weaken the cause.

Again, how?

What do they do that weakens the cause? You keep telling us they weaken it, but have not yet explained how.
>> No. 25567 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 3:14 pm
25567 spacer


>> No. 25568 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 4:13 pm
25568 spacer
> The Atlantic slave trade was one of the darkest and grimmest chapters of human history, that's a given. But it ended some 200 years ago.

Mildly interesting factoid: There are more people in slavery today than the sum total of slaves transported during the transatlantic slave trade.
>> No. 25569 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 4:29 pm
25569 spacer

Realistically what does this actually look like?
>> No. 25570 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 4:40 pm
25570 spacer

It's not quite as bonkers as it sounds. A big chunk of America's policing problems are caused by the police unions, who close ranks whenever an officer is facing disciplinary action. By disbanding the police force, you invalidate the existing union contracts and can start afresh, re-hiring only the officers you actually want and bringing in new leadership that isn't tainted by corruption and cronyism. Camden, NJ did it in 2013 and by all accounts it has been a roaring success.

>> No. 25571 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 4:41 pm
25571 spacer
I would have to say "I don't really know", because that is the truth. However, it is not as though things that have looked utterly unlikely have come to pass. No one thought the USA was going to exist in 1770, so replacing a city police force is more than possible for a people who blundered their way into nationhood.
>> No. 25572 Anonymous
8th June 2020
Monday 6:15 pm
25572 spacer
One hope, one quest!

Fumbling it horribly and accidentally creating a cyberpunk dystopia run by private security.
Ushering in a utopia where unsafely parking your car gets you free counselling.

Expectations seem to be all over the place.
>> No. 25586 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 3:47 pm
25586 spacer

I'm surprised there hasn't been more geopolitical shit stirring. Gaddafi during the London riots was hilarious.
>> No. 25587 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 3:56 pm
25587 spacer

Putin orchestrated the whole thing.


>> No. 25589 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 4:06 pm
25589 spacer
I did read something that said Russia are meddling behind the scenes because Trump tends to be in his element when he's able to shift focus into divisive culture wars, but if this backfires for them then he'll become even more unpredictable once his polling figures start to drop.

I also read China are meddling behind the scenes because the longer the civil unrest goes on the stronger their argument becomes for telling America to stay out of how it deals with domestic issues such as Hong Kong.

I don't want clandestine machinations. I want Xi Jinping to publicly call Donald Trump a twat.
>> No. 25590 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 4:09 pm
25590 spacer

That isn't surprising. Most people know that the Russians paid for facebook ads during the 2016 US election what most people don't know is a lot of those ads were for black lives matters groups.

I managed to find at one point have a source list of the Ads they had paid for unfortunately I dam to lazy to look for the list again.

The goal in these tactics is to destabilise foreign powers rather than actually promoting the cause, if the US is wrapped up in their own shit then they aren't paying attention to Russia’s shit the logic follows.

If you want to get really tin foil about it you can say it is no coincidence BLM only rises into the public consciousness in election years.
>> No. 25591 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:08 pm
25591 spacer
I too remember when that Russian Spetsnaz operative knelt Floyd's neck.

In all seriousness, if you think the deep rooted issues in the US needed Russia's help to start boiling over you're being wilfully ignorant of just how FUBAR that country is.
>> No. 25592 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:10 pm
25592 spacer

Were here were keir.png
Took me quite a while to understand what was actually written.
>> No. 25593 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:16 pm
25593 spacer

The only strange thing is just how bad the West seems to be doing at this game. How hard is it to make a Putin meme or compare Xi Jinping to a pooh bear?
>> No. 25594 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:18 pm
25594 spacer
He looks like he just kicked the shit out of me and is kneeling down to tell me I better have [his] fucking money by tomorrow.

This kneeling shit though, Christ, it got out of hand fast.
>> No. 25595 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:20 pm
25595 spacer
Must be shitting himself from all that business following the death of Ian Tomlinson.
>> No. 25597 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:44 pm
25597 spacer

America is fucked, which is sort of the point - a black person gets murdered by a police officer most weeks, often on video. Why did this one start a massive shitfit? Well, a lot of people would like a huge, headline-grabbing distraction from how dismally both the US and Russia are handling Coronavirus. The 2020 Presidential elections could easily have been dominated by Trump's failure to manage COVID, but they're now looking certain to be dominated by race and the broader culture war. Whatever the outcome, the post-election political culture will be far more acrimonious and far more divisive.


>anti-Black racism

>> No. 25598 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:50 pm
25598 spacer
Sorry not following, what's the issue with what was written?
>> No. 25599 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:52 pm
25599 spacer
>Why did this one start a massive shitfit?
>> No. 25600 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 5:54 pm
25600 spacer
Likewise. Clicked on the tweet and most of the responses are from salty Corbyn fans.
>> No. 25601 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 6:08 pm
25601 spacer

Are Andrew is spreading fake news. I thought better of him than that.
>> No. 25603 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 6:36 pm
25603 spacer

Russia has tried and failed to do this lots of times, why has it happened now?
>> No. 25604 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 6:42 pm
25604 spacer

Because the lockdown has been like a pressure cooker. You're not going to find people more frustrated and ready to fight for something than right now.
>> No. 25605 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 7:22 pm
25605 spacer

Russia knocked this one for six, but they've had a lot of smaller successes over the years.


>> No. 25606 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 7:37 pm
25606 spacer
They're like the bloody Romulans.
>> No. 25607 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 8:04 pm
25607 spacer

They're just trying to make us understand, so that their influence may spread across the land.
>> No. 25608 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 8:17 pm
25608 spacer
The Russia connection is suspicious.

It's an election year, massive coverage of these protests and the social media narrative, the support for the right skyrockets. Very conveniant.
>> No. 25609 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 9:29 pm
25609 spacer
That's been my feeling. I thought our lads at the doughnut were meant to be good at this sort of thing and the alphabet lads over the pond as well.

We're getting absolutely thrashed online. My only other inkling is that it's out own chaps who are stoking this as well. Fuck knows at this point. Shit's fucked either way, don't see how this leads anywhere good.

Sage for boo.
>> No. 25610 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 9:39 pm
25610 spacer
I'm sorry, but thinking Russia is behind this uprising is Qanon for people who don't like Donald Trump.
>> No. 25612 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 9:47 pm
25612 spacer
In good faith, does this honestly feel like an organic movement to you?
>> No. 25613 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:02 pm
25613 spacer

Not him, but it actually does to me. People are out there variously protesting for justice for George Floyd, justice for black people murdered by police in general, for black rights in general, against Nazis, against fascism, against capitalism, against monuments or slavers and slave owners, and against Jews (viz some of the extreme elements of the black power movement). Basically everyone's having a terribly shit year and are out there having a good old "down with this sort of thing" protest about whatever they happen to be against.

If someone's orchestrated this then they've done a wonderful job of making it look and sound like an utter cacophony.
>> No. 25614 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:04 pm
25614 spacer

Oh and the trannies and the SURFs are at each others throat again because they never miss an opportunity to expose their bullshit drama to the world.

All we need to complete the clusSURFuck is St Greta popping back up with Fridays for Freedom or some other such bollocks.
>> No. 25615 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:06 pm
25615 spacer

There's no FfF as the schools are closed.
>> No. 25616 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:08 pm
25616 spacer

Yeah but that doesn't stop her protesting against the atmospheric damage being caused by all that CS gas being chucked about.
>> No. 25617 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:10 pm
25617 spacer

Facebook accounts identified by Facebook as being operated by Russian disinformation operatives have organised dozens of BLM-related protests. On several occasions, they have organised protests with contrary goals in the same place on the same day. 32 Russian nationals are awaiting trial for charges related to inSURFerence with the 2016 Presidential election.

We can't yet prove the involvement of the Russians in the current protests, but it's exactly their modus operandi and they have obvious means, motive and opportunity. Many of the current protests were organised by "groups" that didn't exist before the death of Floyd and operate solely on social media.

This isn't tinfoil hat stuff, it's the conventional wisdom.



>> No. 25618 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:13 pm
25618 spacer
I chat to a few people on Twitter every now and again and one of them's especially annoyed it's taken another murder in the US to make people in the UK to consider that institutionalised racism's a thing. There are a fair few well documented, high profile cases in the UK of the police really screwing up on the whole equality of the law and due process thing if you're darker than slight tan.
There's definitely resentment and anger there at the lack of historic justice.
The big bad Vlad argument doesn't work if you consider we aren't in an election year, why else bother with the UK, unless you're saying he knows something we don't regarding the next election, or you're saying solidifying the base of useful idiots around this absolutely atrocious government would be in his interest. He'd be more focused on Germany if all that were true, considering our energy security isn't quite so closely tied up with Russia's production as Germany's is.
>> No. 25619 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:17 pm
25619 spacer

>If someone's orchestrated this then they've done a wonderful job of making it look and sound like an utter cacophony.

That is very much Russia's gameplan.


>> No. 25620 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:26 pm
25620 spacer
What if it backfires? All these grand geopolitical games that people are supposedly orchestrating all need to have some kind of failsafe. The complete state of disarray the world has apparently been in since 2008 has shown there aren't lizardy overlords in charge of the planet, unless they're doing a bang up shit job of it.
>> No. 25621 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:28 pm
25621 spacer
Yes, in what way doesn't it? Very real individuals have inspired it, very real individuals are leading it and very real individuals are promoting it online. Whilst Russian skullduggery is no doubt taking place, it is clearly not a sizable, or even minor in my opinion, contributor to the upheaval. I think hundreds of years of racism, decades of economic slowdown and hundreds of inept politicians are plenty enough to get anyone's blood up.

Frankly, I think Zuckerberg's statements are just PR. He doesn't give any figures and the article points out he also denies Russian inSURFerence factored into 2016, so which is it? He can't have it both ways. I feel much the same way about the DNI press release.

As for the Wiki article the statement "The Internet Research Agency also sought to 'provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States'", is hardly conslusive. Seeking to do something and actually doing something are very different things, and the suggestion social discord in the US is something new is absurd. Did the Russians leak the Rodney King beating tape? Did the GRU start up BLM in 2013? If you can't see how people, all of them, might be fed up with the status quo in the US you're an idiot, and I feel no remorse telling you so.

Good God, every protest since the anti-Chief Grug march of 42,000BCE has had a pantheon of different hangers on.
>> No. 25622 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:35 pm
25622 spacer

>The big bad Vlad argument doesn't work if you consider we aren't in an election year, why else bother with the UK

Nobody is arguing that the whole thing is phoney, just that the reason it's all kicking off is agitation by Russian disinformation agents. The Russian strategy is all about provoking discord and sowing the seeds of chaos - they don't have any objective other than causing the maximum amount of disruption to the West at the minimum cost. They'll pretend to be Black Lives Matter or the Ku Klux Klan, they'll pretend to be evangelical Christians or pansexual anarchists, they don't care as long as they can start a cunt-off. It's pure trolling, in the original sense of the word.

The UK isn't in an election year, but we are very close to the final Brexit deadline and we know that Russia were heavily involved in the Brexit campaign. Whether or not the UK was specifically targeted, it would be very useful for the Russians if we had a summer of riots and a second COVID spike in time for the winter flu season, pushing us towards a chaotic Brexit with either no deal or a hastily negotiated deal that is likely to fall apart.
>> No. 25623 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:40 pm
25623 spacer
That's a lot of >in general's
I mean maybe it is organic, we're gonna fundamentally disagree I think. I would say that talking about various sis involvement doesn't necessarily negate legitimate grievances, but I would say that it's in the interest of other powers to hammer a wedge into those cracks.

>If someone's orchestrated this then they've done a wonderful job of making it look and sound like an utter cacophony.

Would the majority of the western world being subsumed in a cacophony not be beneficial to other state actors?

Why not destabilise it all? There are protests in Germany as well.

What if it backfires? All these grand geopolitical games that people are supposedly orchestrating all need to have some kind of failsafe.

In what way would a destabilised and internally/eternally bickering west backfire on countries like Russia or China?

>Yes, in what way doesn't it?

There is horrific injustice and nightmarish horror ongoing in the world always. It feels odd to me that this particular case has managed to spark unrest and riots outside of the US. I'm still unsure of what the UK BLM's demands are? Less racism? Less racist statues?

How do these protests in the UK do anything other than push a majority of the voting public toward the right?

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 25624 Anonymous
9th June 2020
Tuesday 10:43 pm
25624 spacer

>If you can't see how people, all of them, might be fed up with the status quo in the US you're an idiot

The Russians obviously didn't invent racism, but they've used it as a stick to beat America with for over a century. As has been previously mentioned in this thread, black Americans are killed by police alarmingly often, but most of those deaths don't provoke national protests; the common factor in those that do is Russian involvement.

>> No. 25626 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 12:21 am
25626 spacer
>they don't have any objective other than causing the maximum amount of disruption to the West at the minimum cost

Also worth pointing out that Putin's regime needs the West to look like shit to prop up the regime. Stability is what Putin has always sold and the (now postponed) constitutional referendum could make this a shaky time for United Russia generally and in particular Putin's goal of ensuring that whoever comes after him will remain in his shadow.

Russia itself is not at all coping with the coronavirus and instead authorities have reverted to silencing medical professionals and pumping out dodgy statistics. More so than the international norm, anyway. Coupled with the falling price of petroleum and it could be a perfect storm.
>> No. 25627 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 2:02 am
25627 spacer

>Fumbling it horribly and accidentally creating a cyberpunk dystopia run by private security.

Another lad (I don't even know which thread it was in the way this site is these days) suggested the idea that's the actual goal of all this, rather than an accidental outcome, and I think he might have a point.

I've been enjoying myself on r/conspiracy today. That place is fascinating. They're actually very aware of all the real life corruption and injustices of the world, they've had some surprisingly good takes on things like the destabilisation of Libya and Syria etc. And do you know what? Even they don't buy the Russia/QAnon thing, seeing it as obvious misdirection disinfo.

If only they didn't think it was all the Jews, they'd be spot on the money a lot of the time.
>> No. 25630 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 9:55 am
25630 spacer

Netflix have removed The League of Gentlemen due to Papa Lazarou.
>> No. 25631 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:05 am
25631 spacer
Just a matter of time till Tropic Thunder becomes restricted media.
>> No. 25633 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:08 am
25633 spacer

There's some argument on twitter that 'White Chicks' should/shouldn't be banned.
>> No. 25634 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:13 am
25634 spacer
Aw no. Couldn't give a toss about Little Britain where the jokes seemed to be 'haha gays, haha trannies, haha mongs', but League is actually funny rather than wilfully offensive.

Point being that Lazarou is a character in blackface, not an actor in blackface.
>> No. 25635 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:13 am
25635 spacer

He's only in four episodes.
>> No. 25636 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:26 am
25636 spacer
>Point being that Lazarou is a character in blackface, not an actor in blackface.

I think it's the other way round, if I remember correctly. His natural skin colour is black/clown face and he'll apply make-up to disguise himself as a white person.
>> No. 25638 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:27 am
25638 spacer


I was shocked that Little Britain and Come Fly with Me were about 30% black or brownface even at the time, and I don't think I'm particularly woke. Removing programmes that contain this stuff, I really don't know where I stand there - I'm not one for censorship for the sake of being offended but also I see why people would be upset if they did nothing about it.

Perhaps the Warner Brothers approach is enough, perhaps it isn't. It's hard to say as a white bloke, not that I'm particularly interested in shows full of racist caricatures, but I'm never going to really be affected by them either.
>> No. 25640 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:54 am
25640 Watch me get banned for telling the truth
Hundreds of thousands more Europeans were taken as slaves from their homeland, than African slaves shipped to America.
The first man in America who had his right to own slaves recognised by the state, was himself black.
More slaves walked on the trail of tears than their Native American owners.
At the peak of slavery less than one percent of white Americans owned a slave.
One other demographic group had slave ownership at around fifty percent at the same time, and owned to majority of the ships that were used to bring them. But I'd like this post to stay up so I won't point out who.
>> No. 25641 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:18 am
25641 spacer
The truth, is it?
>> No. 25642 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:23 am
25642 spacer

They've recently announced that Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam will no longer use guns in Looney Tunes. Sharp weapons and explosives are fine, mind.

I work with someone who regularly says things like they've banned kids from watching old cartoons of Tom & Jerry because they're too violent and not PC any more. That and things like you can't say blackboard in schools or sing Baa Baa Black Sheep.
>> No. 25643 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:34 am
25643 spacer

What I find dangerous is that a lot of what has happened recently really justfies their beliefs, which in turn opens them up to much more sinister opinions allowing them to be taken advantage of by some rather unpleasant people.

This whole things is going to backfire a great deal, it isnt changing people's opinions, it's just entrenching them further.
>> No. 25645 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:35 am
25645 spacer
Not only is your link arguing against a viral post from years ago which doesn't claim the same things I did, but it uses bizzare logic where people who may not even know each other are classed in the same "family" of slave owners to vastly inflate the number, possibly by an order of magnitude.
>> No. 25647 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:46 am
25647 spacer
Wha? As though Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam are being interpreted to represent responsible or effective gun users?
>> No. 25648 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 12:07 pm
25648 spacer
We have no idea primarily because we're not there. Is the Chinese internet full of conspiracy theories about what the NSA is doing to them? Are there widespread rumours of dissent spread by GCHQ in Russia? I have no idea as I'm not in either country's internet and don't speak the language. If there isn't, that last part is probably why. Many of them speak English so they can spread shot here; relatively none of us speak Russian or Chinese.
>> No. 25649 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 12:11 pm
25649 spacer
The League had a whole thing in the very last episode about how they feel differently about their old material and wouldn't do it again now.

You're not "telling the truth" though, you're just intentionally doing racist shitstirring.
>> No. 25650 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 12:12 pm
25650 spacer
It's apparently because other forms of violence allow them to be more creative and cartoony. Seems daft to me to have a game hunter and a cowboy without guns.

>> No. 25651 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 12:32 pm
25651 spacer

Personally, his facts are a bit off. But they're probably also influenced by people jumping to call him racist. He may well turn out to be the biggest racist going, but he hasn't said or done anything racist yet.

The other reply to him was quite nice to challenge him with a link, though I don't think it really influenced him, it made me rethink it a tad. There is a wider narrative of slavery that is not simply, if you'll pardon the pun, black and white. Denying that serves only to aggravate.
>> No. 25653 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 1:58 pm
25653 spacer

Apparently some anarchists have formed and "Autonomous Zone" in Seattle. It's basically a big play fort with most people going home each night and no means of self-sufficiency.

Predictably, their leader (a white middle class trans lesbian) was immediately denounced on Twitter as all her exes came out and started accusing her of abuse, to which she responded by saying she was going to kill herself.

You could solve the global energy crisis using the sheer torque with which Karl Marx is turning in his grave right now.
>> No. 25654 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 2:17 pm
25654 spacer
>You could solve the global energy crisis using the sheer torque with which Karl Marx is turning in his grave right now.
Audible mirth.

Did she really get talked into agreeing she was abusive? I feel as though if you can be talked into that, you probably don't have it in you to be abusive. But then some of these lot are so wet what even is "abusive"? Fucking Americans.
>> No. 25655 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 2:36 pm
25655 spacer


>> No. 25656 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 2:52 pm
25656 spacer
This made me laugh out loud, not his response, but whoever Scott is. His original tweet directed at the guitarist for RATM has to be satire.
>> No. 25657 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 3:21 pm
25657 spacer

I imagine that the rhetoric in these groups is such that even defending yourself from false accusations is considered rape culture.
>> No. 25658 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 3:31 pm
25658 spacer

This happens too often with Tom Morello for me to think it's not a joke. He can and will lose his rag every time someone on the right expresses an appreciation of his music - his tantrum over Paul Ryan felt especially desperate.

It's something that has never sat well with me after that Christmas when everyone decided to make RATM Christmas number one. He's a multi-millionaire with a Sony record deal. I'm not saying that every critic should opt out of the system but it reeks of that controlled opposition feel you get from 90s bands.
>> No. 25659 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 3:35 pm
25659 spacer
I don't know, you would be surprised how close people can be to self awareness but not quite get it. He was probably listening along to the lyrics "Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses" thinking "Hey, that's me! This guy gets me."
>> No. 25660 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 3:43 pm
25660 spacer
You'd have to be actively projecting to read his response as anything more than joining in with the ribbing Scott was getting on twitter.
>> No. 25663 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 4:40 pm
25663 spacer

Yes I find these things annoying and predictable too.

That said, in an ideal world we'd all like to sit around all day, getting the food we want, the gadgets we want and not working for The Man, but what is the alternative?

People always retort 'but there's enough food to go around isn't there and more??'. Yes but what happens if large swathes of us decide to stop contributing. It's such juvenile nonsense.

Great band though.
>> No. 25665 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 4:55 pm
25665 spacer

I've said it before recently on here, but I disagree with the idea that making loads of money from capitalism precludes you from being staunchly against capatalism.

I do well out of capitalism, but I still think it's absolutely shit, and my relatively uncommon success just highlights that. But at the same time, I'd just be silly to reject the financial security I get from navigating the system.
>> No. 25666 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 5:04 pm
25666 spacer
Aye, this. You can do well in a system you don't agree with. It doesn't mean you can't want something else in its place.
>> No. 25667 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 5:16 pm
25667 spacer
It's the coronavirus news megathread. The previous two (>>21042 and >>23627) are locked.

We're in silly season now because it's less interesting.
>> No. 25668 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 5:17 pm
25668 spacer

The thing then is what do you do with the shitload of money you made from capitalism? I don't know what Tom Morello does with his, but I'd certainly say that unless he donates a considerable sum of it to various political causes in line with his ideology, he is at the least a bit of a hypocrite.

I mean let's be realistic, there's doing well, there's sorting yourself out so you don't have to work again, and then putting a bit away for your family. And then there's being a multi-millionaire. After a certain point it's just plain opulence and that can't be denied.
>> No. 25670 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 5:47 pm
25670 spacer

>After a certain point it's just plain opulence and that can't be denied.

I'm sure you're right, but I also don't think sacrificing your earnings is a way to be morally "even" if your ultimate belief is that money is the root of the problem anyway. I donate to charities myself, but if I think about to too hard, I just get fucking angry that I live in a world where we even have to ask for cash to feed children or give people shelter - Morello could give every penny he's ever earned to a charity, but nothing really will have changed.

I'm not sure I'm eloquent enough to explain what I'm trying to say, but I just don't think raging against the machine from your mansion is inherently immoral or hypocritical, and the machine itself is exponentially bigger than you no matter how big your mansion is. If RATM sell tshirts made by bangladeshi kids in sweatshops, then he's 100% a hypocrite - I feel like that's different.
>> No. 25671 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 5:52 pm
25671 spacer

>I'd just be silly to reject the financial security I get from navigating the system.

I believe the term you're looking for is sold-out.
>> No. 25673 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 5:59 pm
25673 spacer

Call me what you want, I know where I stand. I could sell my house and give the money to a food bank, but then I'm just living in a tent while our system of government continues, unchanged, and ensures that the food bank will still need my money for years to come.

Also my car cost a thousand pounds, if that changes anything.
>> No. 25677 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 7:44 pm
25677 spacer
Buy me a fully fitted Napoleonic Hussard's uniform and then I'll have your back in this fight.

In all seriousness what are you supposed to do other than "your best" in the current system? You can either be a poor tool of the machine or a wealthy one and I know which I'd sooner be.
>> No. 25678 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 7:55 pm
25678 spacer

How much is one of those and can I have a wank while you stand on my chest wearing it?
>> No. 25679 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 8:06 pm
25679 spacer

I don't know if this changes anything but Morello definitely donated all his profits from the Christmas number one to charity.
>> No. 25680 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 8:23 pm
25680 spacer

I think you're taking it a bit personally m8, I don't know how loaded you are but I'm willing to bet you're no Alan Sugar. You're probably not what most people mean when they talk about people who are properly rich.

I think my only real problem with personal wealth is that hoarding it just stops it being distributed. It accumulates in the hands of the wealthy, and that's not just a problem for ideological reasons, it's a logistical, systemic, mechanical problem that slowly chokes the economy. A capitalist system is capable of working perfectly well for everybody involved, as long as the money is flowing, and that's the problem. As the old saying goes, you don't get rich by spending money.

Imagine a system where you were allowed, let's say, ten million. That's your lifetime wealth allowance, and anything after that, you have to spend. Nobody can complain it punishes them, because still more money than you'd need to live happily for a lifetime, and up to that limit you'd be allowed to keep it in a high interest account or tie it up in stocks or whatever. But any penny over that, you have to spend. And I don't mean the government taxes you, I mean if you've got a spare million left over, you are legally required to go spunk it on a Lamborghini or yacht or whatever.

That way, the economy would keep moving, and money would change hands often enough that at some stage, everybody would have their slice of the pie. I have thought about this a lot over the years and I can't really think of many issues with it.
>> No. 25684 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 9:16 pm
25684 spacer

Rich people don't have money, they own bits of companies. Jeff Bezos doesn't have $150bn sitting in his current account, he owns a chunk of Amazon that the market reckons would be hypothetically worth $150bn. He could only spend that money if he sold his shares in Amazon to someone else. He doesn't want to do that, because selling his shares would mean losing his voting rights and his control over the business. In your scenario, nobody would be allowed to own a business of any real size.
>> No. 25686 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 9:22 pm
25686 spacer
>In your scenario, nobody would be allowed to own a business of any real size.
>> No. 25687 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 9:32 pm
25687 spacer

>Jeff Bezos doesn't have $150bn sitting in his current account

Maybe not, but I bet he keeps ten million about in case he needs to nip down the shops or something.
>> No. 25688 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 9:35 pm
25688 spacer


Are you proposing nationalising everything? Because a few countries have tried that and it didn't go brilliantly.
>> No. 25689 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 9:47 pm
25689 spacer

Given that nobody would be rich enough to own a majority share, businesses would have to operate democratically.
>> No. 25691 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:13 pm
25691 spacer
Let's just start cutting off heads and see what happens.
>> No. 25692 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 10:16 pm
25692 spacer
>In your scenario, nobody would be allowed to own a business of any real size.
Alone. Nobody would be allowed to own a business of any real size alone.
>> No. 25693 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:09 pm
25693 spacer

No, I was just saying "So?". I'm not sure how you managed to misunderstand, it's quite clear.
>> No. 25694 Anonymous
10th June 2020
Wednesday 11:21 pm
25694 spacer
More skulls for Khorne.
>> No. 25696 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:11 am
25696 spacer

Thank you for your informative and insightful contribution.
>> No. 25697 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:54 am
25697 spacer
It's a question, not a contribution. How are you this bad at talking?
>> No. 25698 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:11 am
25698 spacer

Mighty Boosh down now. Wonder what will be next.
>> No. 25700 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 11:13 am
25700 spacer

My mate has got really pissed off after this. It seems silly but I think the last couple of days have really changed public opinion. People certainly aren't becoming more tolerant.
>> No. 25701 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 11:34 am
25701 spacer
>People certainly aren't becoming more tolerant.

Seems like a predictable result to me. Don't see it getting any better after a load of "footy lads" go into London on Saturday either. I personally couldn't give a shit about statues being torn down, I also don't really care about certain comedy programs being (for all intents and purposes) erased from the internet.

The problem is, lots of people do. I don't see how this doesn't just result in more entrenched positions on either side and further polarisation. How does this not lead to a massive rightward swing among little englanders outside of the major urban centres?

The only flipside of that I can see is that if another alternative shows it's head on the right (bxp?) then that might split the tory vote. I find it very hard to see labour winning back seats they've lost though.

Obviously we're still a ways out from a general election and as this year has proved anything can happen between now and then.

I just don't see how the removal of statues or silly comedy shows really does anything apart from enflame tension. It doesn't actually tackle the root causes of inequality in this country. In my useless opinion it's because it's actually a class issue here, not to discount or undermine legitimate grievances that many minorities have at all, but they all exist within an entrenched and hard to shift class system.

I'm rambling on and not quite sure what my point is really other than the current events and the methods being used don't seem to really address or alleviate the problems that are being brought to light. And if anything maybe just make them worse.

Anyone care to offer any hope?
>> No. 25702 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 11:36 am
25702 spacer
Also apologies if this isn't the right thread, this conversation seems to be spread over a few. I'm talking specifically about the UK.

Maybe it's worth starting a thread about the UK stuff?
>> No. 25703 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 11:40 am
25703 spacer

There isn't any sadly. I hate to be all "blackpill" but ultimately the forces at work here don't care about wealth inequality at all. Labour, or any leftist party, being in power is irrelevant, they don't mind Tory economics as long as there's a feel good social movement to make them feel like things are getting better in some nebulous and unquantifiable manner.

There's a hint of growing class consciousness in the Floyd protests, and it's good to see people like Cornell West on mainstream news. But ultimately I think that's going to be snuffed out by a much simpler and easier to digest WHITEY BAD, BROWNS GOOD message.

As I've said before about the progressive liberal crown in general, nobody is interested in seriously altering capitalism. They need their Apple products and Netflix. They just want to tinker with the demographics.
>> No. 25704 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 12:07 pm
25704 spacer

Like everywhere, the people at the top would prefer The Poors to spend their time shouting at each other about what you can and can't say on telly these days, rather than think too hard about their situation and who is actually oppressing them.

I do not fault people for being angry about racists, it's a long time coming, and I wish I could believe that real change could happen from the back of it - this certainly feels significant, moreso than anything I've seen in my lifetime, but logically, you can't just shout at someone until hate goes away, and you can't just ban racists either, as like you say, it will only make it worse and entrench views further.

I'm not sure class is the root of racism in this country as much as tribalism is, but I suppose the argument is that one follows the other.

I have no hope for you, sorry.
>> No. 25705 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 12:08 pm
25705 spacer
>There isn't any sadly.

That feels like a limiting perspective. As you say there is a hint of class consciousness bubbling up, is there no way this could be leveraged?

And I don't mean starting a shitty unsustainable commune in the middle of a city as in the states.

>They need their Apple products and Netflix.

Well obviously when every major international corporation is giving the thumbs up you can be pretty sure it's no threat to their power.
>> No. 25706 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 12:13 pm
25706 spacer
>I'm not sure class is the root of racism in this country as much as tribalism is,

I would say the reason black kids on sinkhole estates in London and white kids on sinkhole estates in forgotten northern towns face a lot (not all) of the same issues it that these issues are baked into the class system. Poverty, lack of opportunities, lack of hope and all the various degradations and injustices that arise from that. I guess inherent biases and tribalism play a role but I think this would be massively alleviated if inequality in general were seriously tackled.
>> No. 25707 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 12:14 pm
25707 spacer
Echoing some of the recent posts; pulling down statues is cathartic but effects no real change.
It's intended to (and seems to be working to) placate the riots in the US and presumably potential riots here.

I reckon it'll subside then kick off again late in the year when food prices start to rise.
>> No. 25708 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 12:34 pm
25708 spacer
>I think the last couple of days have really changed public opinion

Has it though? I don't think I've seen anyone give a damn about Mighty Boosh or Little Britain's use of blackface. This brings me to another point:

>I work with someone who regularly says things like they've banned kids from watching old cartoons of Tom & Jerry because they're too violent and not PC any more. That and things like you can't say blackboard in schools or sing Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Rainbow sheep is a classic example of where the public and politicians didn't care. You don't say Black Sheep anymore (regardless of the quantity of bags) because nurseries copied one-another in a risk mitigation approach that their customers demand. Similarly, media automatically sides on the 'woke' side of anything because they don't want to be on the wrong side of history and their awards take it into account.

Looney Tunes teaching children the fun of scythes instead of a hunter having a rifle is absurd but that's the world we live in. Netflix could easily drop its PC nonsense but why would it take the risk?
>> No. 25709 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 1:36 pm
25709 spacer

>this certainly feels significant, moreso than anything I've seen in my lifetime

It does right now, but the thing is, everyone was saying the same thing about Greta and the XR movement last year. Who even remembers all that now? People have very short attention spans nowadays, and the news media is all too happy to play along with it. Look how quickly coronavirus has just been dropped, and another big zeitgeist taken its place, right as businesses start feeling the pain and demanding we restart the economy.


>As you say there is a hint of class consciousness bubbling up, is there no way this could be leveraged?

I wish it could, don't get me wrong, but I think it's all too easily just misdirected and manipulated. All the young and passionate student sorts we make fun of for being obsessed with pronouns will mature and settle into more grounded viewpoints, but by then there will already be a new generation pushing vegan trans-humanists AI rights, calling us all bigots because we don't recognise our biological organism privilege.

I mean. What exactly are the aims of this movement? What exactly are they proposing to change beyond the vague idea of pigs murdering less black folks? There's a guy on the radio right now saying how this is a revolution on par with the abolition of slavery, but I honestly struggle to see what exactly has meaningfully changed. No reforms have been made to any governmental systems, we've just had a few companies tweet and a couple of TV shows blocked.
>> No. 25711 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 1:45 pm
25711 spacer

>There's a guy on the radio right now saying how this is a revolution on par with the abolition of slavery, but I honestly struggle to see what exactly has meaningfully changed.

The abolition of slavery very directly turned former slaves into free citizens, at first still not with all the same rights as white folk, but it was definitely a step that was more fundamental than today's protest against police violence.

Slavery was legal; one person could legally buy and sell and claim ownership of another person. Police violence is illegal today under U.S. and UK law. The cop who caused the death of George Floyd has been arrested and is awaiting trial. A slave owner giving one of his property ten whiplashes on the back had no prosecution whatsoever to fear.

That said, if this incident fundamentally changes the way that non-white people are treated with equal respect, then in that sense it's still going to be a significant departure from the way things still are today.
>> No. 25712 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 1:51 pm
25712 spacer

And can you imagine the deepening resentment, division and bitterness it's going to cause amongst black communities when it turns out the white people haven't actually just turned racism off overnight thanks to a few weeks of fervour in a particularly boring June?

This is my worry. The more you pretend to change something without enacting meaningful structural reform, the worse the fallout will be when people realise they've been conned. Again.
>> No. 25713 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:00 pm
25713 spacer

Agreed - I think a lot of people involved in this are young enough and hopeful enough (and perhaps desperate enough) to believe that when politicians, councils, Netflix and PG Tips or whatever the fuck talk about changing for the better, that it's actually going to last or bring about anything meaningful. Similarly with the white folk pledging to support them and be better and stand up for them forever - I'm old enough to know 'forever' is about three months.
>> No. 25714 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:10 pm
25714 spacer

I still think this is going to have a lasting impact on racially motivated police brutality, or even just attitudes of law enforcement towards race. This case isn't something that is just going to be forgotten again.

But there is that danger, I agree with you. Also, it's kind of disturbing when you hear about opinion pieces and tweets by the alt right along the lines of, "He was a criminal, and that's what happens to criminals". George Floyd may not have been a model citizen, he had a bit of a criminal record mostly with minor offences, but if you think that criminals have no right to live, then that only points to much deeper problems with your general view on things.
>> No. 25715 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:15 pm
25715 spacer
>I would say the reason black kids on sinkhole estates in London and white kids on sinkhole estates in forgotten northern towns face a lot (not all) of the same issues it that these issues are baked into the class system.

In my experience, it's those in the sinkhole estates who are all too happy to perpetuate the class system with their crab bucket mentality. People from certain ethnic backgrounds, such as the Chinese and Nigerians, tend to do well because they don't subscribe to the class system and push their children to succeed. It's an entire mindset you've got to change. Parents. Teachers. The lot.

>Has it though? I don't think I've seen anyone give a damn about Mighty Boosh or Little Britain's use of blackface.

I know plenty of who aren't happy at the way the removal of statues has been carried out and their plans to target the likes of Churchill.

As long as the BBC don't follow Netflix's lead and remove the Legaue of Gentlemen I'm happy for now.
>> No. 25716 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:19 pm
25716 spacer

>As long as the BBC don't follow Netflix's lead and remove the Legaue of Gentlemen I'm happy for now.

You can probably ban and take down an endless number of programmes that in some way vaguely could be construed by some as racially insensitive or whatever you want to call it. The question is, will it really be conducive towards more respect for non-white people.
>> No. 25717 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 2:49 pm
25717 spacer
>The question is, will it really be conducive towards more respect for non-white people.

I doubt it. There needs to be more of an effort to educate, NB: I don't think the onus should be on black people here.

Growing up it was normal to say you were going to the Päki shop. In Hull about 20 years ago almost every immigrant was referred to as a "fucking Kosovan" despite the fact that they were quite clearly Kurdish refugees. I still know plenty of people who don't see the issue with the word Päki because they don't see it as any different to using the word Brit. There's a lot of ignorance around, products of their environment.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 25718 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 3:00 pm
25718 spacer
>it's those in the sinkhole estates who are all too happy to perpetuate the class system with their crab bucket mentality.

That seems like an incredibly lazy dismissal of the material conditions that create cycles of generational poverty. Not everyone is able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. If there aren't legitimate opportunities to change your circumstance or have any sort of social mobility then I think it's, well to be honest, a callous and dangerous mind set to blame the poor and disadvantaged for being poor and disadvantaged.
>> No. 25719 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 3:07 pm
25719 spacer
I bet Morello wouldn't be happy to learn how popular RATM are in the defence industry. Or maybe he'd get a kick out of it, who knows.
>> No. 25720 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 4:18 pm
25720 spacer
>blame the poor and disadvantaged for being poor and disadvantaged.

I don't blame them for being poor and disadvantaged but I sure as shit know that if you try and improve your lot you will face ostracism. You'll be discouraged from doing well in school. You'll be told to know your place and not to get ideas above your station. You'll be told to remember where you're from. Teachers will tell you that top universities aren't for our sort. Inverse snobbery and anti-intellectualism are revered.

The class system may keep them down, but a not insignificant part of this is them keeping themselves down and revelling in it.
>> No. 25721 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 4:25 pm
25721 spacer
Oh look, crab bucket lad's back again with his Oh so authentic wisdom about how working class people judt don't want to escape their own nightmarish existence. Because of course, this crustacean pot mindset you always bang on about is so different from the way middle class people gossip and snipe and compete to have the nicest conservatory or whatever it is they do.

I think you're just misinterpreting plain old jealousy as some profound systemic affliction of the working class. Or maybe you're just a fucking bell end, and bettering yourself has nothing to do with why your old council estate mates like you any more.
>> No. 25722 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 4:28 pm
25722 spacer
>I know plenty of who aren't happy at the way the removal of statues has been carried out and their plans to target the likes of Churchill.

That's certainly a shitstorm brewing if Khan has the bollocks for it. My immediate thought is the Gandhi statue will be counterattacked as example of racism still being tolerated, that will create a diplomatic incident with India whose BJP propaganda has fed criticism of Churchill.

Nelson Mandela will also get flack from certain circles but honestly I've never liked how they placed that statue in the corner like an afterthought.

>"fucking Kosovan"

Bloody hell that takes me back. What ever happened to them anyway?
>> No. 25723 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 4:31 pm
25723 spacer
Sounds like you have a shovel to sharpen m8
>> No. 25724 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 4:32 pm
25724 spacer

>You'll be told to know your place and not to get ideas above your station. You'll be told to remember where you're from. Teachers will tell you that top universities aren't for our sort.

Dies it occur to you that that's exactly what people mean by the class system keeping them down? If people internalise something that's been beaten into them since they were schoolkids you can hardly call it THEIR fault.

Regarding statues: The trouble is you'd be hard pressed to find a single historical figure who doesn't have something wrong with them. I bet even the people who were instrumental in dismantling the slave trade were massive homophobes and sexist. The standards were different back then, it's all that business about judging history by modern standards.

We may as well never put up another statue ever again, because in a hundred year's time invariably there will be something horribly bigoted about their views or actions in the primitive early years of the 21st century.
>> No. 25725 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 5:18 pm
25725 spacer
>What ever happened to them anyway?

Spring Bank? Think last one I saw was on Sutton House Road, with whispers that they'd been eyeing up schoolgirls.
>> No. 25726 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 5:48 pm
25726 spacer
Majid Nawaz has said that criticism of figures like Churchill, Gandhi, MLK etc is all part of an operation from Russia and Communist China to destabilise the liberal West and foster the exact sort of conflict we're seeing regarding the removal of phlegmatic statues. Really makes you think.
>> No. 25727 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 6:29 pm
25727 spacer

The liberal West has been in terminal decline for the last twenty years, and frankly good fucking riddance. Part of the problem is we still cling to the idea that we're somehow the good guys in all of this.

How far back does it go though? Is it really the "cultural marxism" of conspiracy theories and 4chan shitposting? Have they been cooking this up since the Cold War? Would we be better off in a timeline where Hitler won?
>> No. 25728 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 6:30 pm
25728 spacer
They might not have started it but fuelling such movements is certainly their MO, for Russia at least. They'll support anything that increases social tension.

Fascinating to see Labour councils meanwhile doing everything they can to alienate the white working class vote even without Jezza's help.
>> No. 25729 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 6:35 pm
25729 spacer
What I've found astonishing is that Labour MPs are managing to make Priti Patel look like a voice of reason. Priti Patel.
>> No. 25730 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 7:11 pm
25730 spacer

I was saying this constantly last year and none of you would have it. It was never Corbyn's fault that Labour are unappealing to voters, they've been digging that hole for years and the centrists are fare worse for it than the hard left. The centrists just want performances to get them juicy urban black and eskimo votes, identity politics is all a completely cynical game for them. The hard left has sincerity in what it sees as genuine issues.
>> No. 25731 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 7:48 pm
25731 spacer
>Fascinating to see Labour councils meanwhile doing everything they can to alienate the white working class vote even without Jezza's help.
If denouncing slavery and making the bold claim that black people are people are alienating to white working class voters, then I don't think there's anything anyone can do to help them.
>> No. 25732 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:01 pm
25732 spacer

And here we see a classic example of the wooly liberal metropolitan elite hipster Graun reading vegan bicycle commuting hummus munching Stewart Lee stereotype's inability to comprehend the problem.

The working class KNOW slavery was bad and the black people are people. That's why it was abolished two centuries ago, and chances are they interact with more black people on a daily basis than you. They don't appreciate constantly being beaten over the head with things that happened hundreds of years ago and would have been out of their control either way.

As far as the working class are concerned, this country turned over a new leaf after the war. The modern Britain began in 1945 after we beat the fascists, began decolonising, and embraced socialism. They don't see any problem being proud of THAT Britain, and they see self flagellating antics like what's going on right now as utterly contemptible.
>> No. 25733 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:10 pm
25733 spacer

Are you saying you think black people are treated equally then?
>> No. 25734 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:18 pm
25734 spacer

>In Hull about 20 years ago almost every immigrant was referred to as a "fucking Kosovan"

If you travel back in time far enough, you will inevitably find yourself in a time where calling someone a darkie was perfectly acceptable and raised nobody's eyebrows. Probably not even those of the "darkie" you were talking to.

That doesn't mean we should want those times back, or even that they serve as a good frame of reference for political correctness allegedly gone mad. Have an actual word with yourself during your ban, lad.
>> No. 25735 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:20 pm
25735 spacer

No. I'm saying white working class people don't like being treated as though they're personally responsible for it by patronising politicians and the managerial class; because they are most definitely not. They're down there alongside the minorities.

What a weaselly attempt at misdirection.
>> No. 25736 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:21 pm
25736 spacer
You're doing that thing where you frame your questions as though you were responding to something the previous person didn't actually say. I'd expect it from a teenlad on his first day at propagandist school, but not here.

And Labour councils did not 'denounce slavery' any more or less than the ruling government has. What they have done is announce their plan to vet every statue in their towns to see if any of the depicted people ever said or did anything that wasn't very nice, and to tear them down accordingly. Ripping down historical landmarks because they're incompatible with the new wave of 21st century #wokeism may fill you with glee but it doesn't for most people. If you can't figure out why, just shrug and say "cos they're racist", which you'll probably do anyway.
>> No. 25737 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:38 pm
25737 spacer

I was literally just asking a question because I didn't really understand what you were getting at, why so sensitive?
>> No. 25738 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:44 pm
25738 spacer
So you're saying we should remove the statue of Winston Churchill outside the Houses of Parliament?
>> No. 25739 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 8:55 pm
25739 spacer
>That doesn't mean we should want those times back, or even that they serve as a good frame of reference for political correctness allegedly gone mad. Have an actual word with yourself during your ban, lad.

I have genuinely no idea how you inferred any of this from my post, unless you had a massive knee-jerk reaction.

I was quite clearly using it as examples of how people can be very ignorant about race because they grow up not knowing any better. I don't understand how saying there needs to be more of an effort to educate people on racism can be interpreted as yearning for the good old days before PC ruined everything and you could call a black man chalkie to his face.
>> No. 25740 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 9:07 pm
25740 spacer
>because they are most definitely not
When a white working class person tells a black person "go back to Africa" or an Asian person "go back to India", they absolutely fucking well are responsible for it.
>> No. 25741 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 9:10 pm
25741 spacer

>people can be very ignorant about race because they grow up not knowing any better

You might want to check the letter that a group of BAME labour MPs just sent to Priti Patel. It's not stupid poor people being fed lies, we're all equally likely to be subject to this ignorance.
>> No. 25742 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 9:16 pm
25742 spacer

Yes, how did you know?
>> No. 25743 Anonymous
11th June 2020
Thursday 9:27 pm
25743 spacer
I never said it was anything to do with wealth. Growing up in Hull the main reason for ignorance was the fact that the city was about 99% white until 20 years ago, when the "fucking Kosovans" started arriving.
>> No. 25750 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 10:53 am
25750 spacer

Granted. What does that have to do with the working class as a whole? The "working class people are racist" trope is old and well worn at this point, but if you're only going to use EDL members and the Facebook Britain First membership as a reference point it's no more rational than saying "muslamics are all pesos innit".

If I wanted to go a little deeper, I'd say that particular stereotype is, if anything, a projection of middle class guilt. Working class people are far more exposed to BAME people, they live in the same communities and grow up in the same classrooms. You have pop culture reflections of this in the likes of Northern soul, two tone ska, and even modern grime and dubstep. By contrast people who grew up affluent and sheltered from all of this, whose only real knowledge of BAME people cones from the papers and Facebook, tend to fetishise people of other ethnicities and overcompensate; "Oh aren't the immigrant communities just so vibrant, and their food is so exotic!", not realising that what they do is sometimes altogether more insidiously racist than Baz from Doncaster who calls his local takeaway the "chinky".

Let's not forget. It most certainly wasn't Baz from Doncaster's ancestors who built, participated in and benefitted from the slave trade. They were busy down the pit and on the factory floor. So why should the blame land at his feet?
>> No. 25752 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 11:37 am
25752 spacer
They're after Gladstone of all people now.

This madness needs to end.
>> No. 25753 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 11:49 am
25753 spacer
>Gladstone spoke out against abolition in Parliament because his father John owned plantations in the Caribbean that used slave labour.

>However, Gladstone's Library said: "By 1850, he was a changed man. He cited the abolition of slavery as one of the great political issues in which the masses had been right and the classes had been wrong."

>...he would later call slavery the "foulest crime" in UK history.

It's good to know that, in the eyes of these people, changing your mind doesn't even matter; have the wrong opinion at one point in your life and you'll be eternally judged for it.
>> No. 25754 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 11:54 am
25754 spacer
"these people"
>> No. 25755 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 11:58 am
25755 spacer
Well I was going to call them assorted twats but I thought I'd be a bit more civil.
>> No. 25756 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 12:07 pm
25756 spacer

Fuck me you're boring.
>> No. 25757 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 12:09 pm
25757 spacer
No u.
>> No. 25762 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 4:42 pm
25762 spacer

have another teary mate.png

I found another statue removal for you to be upset about.
>> No. 25763 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 4:44 pm
25763 spacer
>> No. 25764 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 4:46 pm
25764 spacer

go on.png

It's good to know that, in the eyes of these people, changing your mind doesn't even matter; have the wrong opinion at one point in your life and you'll be eternally judged for it.
>> No. 25765 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 4:46 pm
25765 spacer
>> No. 25766 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 5:16 pm
25766 spacer
> have the wrong opinion at one point in your life

So you're suggesting that Jimmy's noncing was just a passing phase in his life, and we shouldn't judge him at all for the fact he liked fiddling with kids and dead bodies?
>> No. 25768 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 6:41 pm
25768 spacer

He didn't carpet-bagger on any children while on his death bed, clearly this is just hypersensitives eternally damning him for his past crimes.
>> No. 25769 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 6:45 pm
25769 spacer

Aren't we looking at politics and corporations as the source of the racism? Baz is still a racist, but a harmless one compared to an all white boardroom.
>> No. 25770 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 6:57 pm
25770 spacer


Wood for the trees. An all black boardroom would be just as much a part of the problem, the only difference is its face would be chocolate coloured. Black rich people don't care any more about the conditions their underlings endure than white ones.

Remember that big US military contractor being celebrated as a victory for fisherpeople when it got its first female CEO? I doubt the people getting bombed by their drones find much solace in that.

The only constant in all of this is that it's okay to hate poor people, if you are above them, they are objectively inferior to you, no matter who you are. The only thing that has any meaning about your human existence is your financial worth.
>> No. 25771 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 7:00 pm
25771 spacer

Gladstone was almost certainly in a position to do more. On a personal level, his family wealth came from slavery and he spoke in support of the Confederate States of America in a time when abolitionism was obviously strong. You're right though that he grew up and even passionately spoke in Parliament against even the importation of slave-produced products. Even on issues of empire he was cold at best.

I bet the ghost of Benjamin Disraeli over there is secretly a carpet-bagger himself. How else could he project himself over time and space if not with the dark art of carpet-baggerry?
>> No. 25772 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 8:43 pm
25772 spacer

Should we be putting racists in spliffs?
>> No. 25773 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 8:47 pm
25773 spacer
I guess it's meant to imply 'racists get smoked'?
>> No. 25774 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 10:08 pm
25774 spacer

>John Cleese has laid into the "cowardly and gutless and contemptible" BBC after an episode of Fawlty Towers was removed from a BBC-owned streaming platform.

>A 1975 episode titled The Germans was taken off UKTV's streaming service because it contains "racial slurs".

The past truly is a different country.
>> No. 25775 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 10:12 pm
25775 spacer
They've reinstated it.


I can't see the UKTV audience being offended by the use of words like wogs.
>> No. 25776 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 10:13 pm
25776 spacer

People were going mental on social media because they thought it was taken down because it was racist against Germans, rather than the Major's story about nig nogs or whatever it was.

I still think it's fucking daft, it's innefectual, performative action, but it's still fucking funny how many racists are wound up about how you can't say nufink no more.

I also noticed people were complaining the Inbetweeners had been banned too, though actually I think C4 just happened to take the series off Youtube and move it to their VOD platform.
>> No. 25777 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 10:47 pm
25777 spacer
>My immediate thought is the Gandhi statue will be counterattacked as example of racism still being tolerated

Oh no, Gandhi is already under threat in fucking Leicester

I wish that coward Sadiq Kahn hadn't boxed up the Cenotaph. If the police can't protect these vandals then I see no great loss.
>> No. 25778 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 11:15 pm
25778 spacer

>He's a fallible man as all men are

That's an interesting euphemism for "carpet-bagger".
>> No. 25779 Anonymous
12th June 2020
Friday 11:49 pm
25779 spacer
Well in that case what do we do about Mohammed worship and igloos as he was a known carpet-bagger and slave owner?
>> No. 25780 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 12:01 am
25780 spacer

We could rip down all the Mohammed statues?
>> No. 25781 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 12:44 am
25781 spacer
I think that and renaming establishments in his name may Gina long way in appeasement so BAME's and young victims of sexual exploitation wouldn't have to suffer the constant daily reminders of historical repression of such an unethical being on their ancestors.
>> No. 25785 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 1:28 pm
25785 spacer
It's a psy op lads.

>> No. 25786 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 2:05 pm
25786 spacer
Why are the BLM movement in this country so eager to make Mark Duggan into a posterchild? I get that not many people are killed by the police over here and that BLM in America has had a fair few questionable posterchild, but there must be someone better rather than this terrible IRL meme forcing.
>> No. 25787 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 2:28 pm
25787 spacer

No idea. You'd think that Smiley Culture would make a better symbol.
>> No. 25788 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 3:03 pm
25788 spacer
Because our coppers (or 'feds' if you're young and black) don't run around killing ethnic minorities at the pace of our American cousins. Hence why they have to drag up the decade-old lawful killing of a known criminal who could reasonably be suspected of being armed.

The immediate organisation of all these protests surprises me. Have there been tens of thousands of people on protest standby just waiting for something bad to happen to black people in America? Or has lockdown just made people so stir-crazy they're happy for any reason to congregate?
>> No. 25789 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 3:09 pm
25789 spacer

>has lockdown just made people so stir-crazy they're happy for any reason to congregate

A bit of that, a bit of Putin.
>> No. 25790 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 3:55 pm
25790 spacer
I cycled past where everyone was protesting today and a lot of people looked to be having a great time. What could be a better recipe for a nice summer's day out than enjoying a few pints and being patriotic with your m8s?
>> No. 25792 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 4:23 pm
25792 spacer
I don't understand why they were kicking off today or even what the coppers were getting in the way of. The reactionaries like the statues, but are dead pissed off because the police are stopping them from getting, err, close enough to really like the statues? Or if the police left they would be fine because they'd know the statues are still there. Or... if they calmed down they could go to the statues?

Whatever, give Simcoe a statue already, he was an abolitionist AND he killed Yanks, he ought to have a "The Motherland Calls" sized tribute.
>> No. 25793 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:04 pm
25793 spacer
I'm a little peeved the British empire never got round to doing the same with Britannia. Surely it would've been perfect looking out over Dover?
>> No. 25794 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:23 pm
25794 spacer
It was like that last week but got nastier in the evening, I only missed getting horse'd because I couldn't be arsed going out in the rain. They should create an administrative capital somewhere else so I don't have to hear police helicopters all weekend.
>> No. 25795 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:26 pm
25795 spacer
I'm pretty sure Simcoe wanted to crush the Haitian rebels and re-institute slavery on the island.
>> No. 25796 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:40 pm
25796 spacer
Why isn't the poster who's usually frothing at the mouth about protests being "violent" getting mad about the EDL-footie lads attacking the police?
>> No. 25797 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:49 pm
25797 spacer
Nobody frothed at the mouth. They just don't like people attacking horses.
>> No. 25798 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:50 pm
25798 spacer

There seems to be a lot of brave lads spending this weekend protecting war memorials that weren't at threat from anything.
>> No. 25799 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:51 pm
25799 spacer

I noticed this on my social media. Not that I really needed the confirmation, but the people complaining about thugs and irresponsible gatherings last week, are silent today. Fuck them, their time is over.
>> No. 25800 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:55 pm
25800 spacer
Eh, Britannia's not real. Plus during peak Empire we were trying to make nice with the French and putting a giant statue that basically says "actually we want Calais back" is a bit insane.

I find it hard to believe since he ended slavery in Upper Canada that he would have allowed things to return to the status quo in Haiti.

Makes you think, eh?
>> No. 25801 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 5:57 pm
25801 spacer
So what exactly are these twats getting angry about?
>> No. 25802 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 6:03 pm
25802 spacer
-- there isn't even anyone there? Just a line of standing police. I know this EDL lot aren't the brightest bunch, but fuck me they don't half know how to score own goals.
>> No. 25803 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 6:09 pm
25803 spacer
BLM want to pull down the statue of Churchill and replace it with one of Lenny Henry.
>> No. 25804 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 6:23 pm
25804 spacer
It isn't that hard to do a rudimentary Google search to find out how badly he wanted to enslave the Haitians again, lad.
>> No. 25805 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 6:38 pm
25805 spacer

That's Wakey innit? There's not much risk of a BLM protest there, nor a EDL reaction. It's a Polish town.
>> No. 25806 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 6:42 pm
25806 spacer
Some black lad got killed by the police in America. Last week some freaks and bored youths decided to breach quarantine to protest and later cause trouble by attacking memorials and statues. This pissed off various groups including an alliance of football fans who turned up to defend memorials. Some of the previous freaks also still went out even though the events were all cancelled.

Being football fans they got drunk and did various acts of hooliganism. Seems like all sides packed it in by 5 so they could go have their tea which is why the trouble seems to now be at Waterloo.
>> No. 25807 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 7:01 pm
25807 spacer

Yeah, but there's people posturing like this in front of memorials up and down the land.

Hoddesdon war memorial is safe, but for how long?
>> No. 25808 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 8:05 pm
25808 spacer
That's a lovely fairytale you've spun there.
>> No. 25809 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 8:54 pm
25809 spacer

And there we have it, failure to engage. Marxistlad wins the cunt off by default.

I have to say, Marxistlad, you've been on fire the last couple of weeks. Nearly four cunt-offs undefeated by my reckoning. Do you have anything you want to say for the cameras?
>> No. 25810 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 8:57 pm
25810 spacer

Eat the rich, spice their meat with the blood of their bootlickers.
>> No. 25811 Anonymous
13th June 2020
Saturday 9:03 pm
25811 spacer
>And there we have it, failure to engage.
And exactly what of your nonsensical bollocks would you like someone to engage you on?
>> No. 25812 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:15 am
25812 spacer
I find it quite ironic that racists say that black people all look alike.
>> No. 25813 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:47 am
25813 spacer
I don't think I've ever encountered a racist online or in real life who has ever said this about black people. The Chinese however...
>> No. 25815 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 9:24 am
25815 spacer
...are quite racist, generally, and do think that all Black people look the same.
>> No. 25816 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 9:24 am
25816 spacer

What's an antiantifascist?
>> No. 25817 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 10:42 am
25817 spacer

People who aren't necessarily fascists who oppose the actions of 'antifa' style groups.
>> No. 25818 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 11:10 am
25818 spacer

>People who aren't necessarily fascists

They're described as the far right in the same article, I doubt they're trying to make such a distinction.
>> No. 25819 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 11:39 am
25819 spacer
Well, if memory serves, when you subtract a negative from a negative you get a positive...
>> No. 25820 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 11:45 am
25820 spacer

I don't particularly agree with the Antifa, in fact I think they are mostly a bunch of misguided militant cry babies, but I would not consider myself far right in any way. My political views are middle of the road, give or take. In any case, I can't see myself siding with extremists. Either on the far right or the far left.
>> No. 25821 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 11:48 am
25821 spacer
Wow, no one care, Lib Dem.
>> No. 25822 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:09 pm
25822 spacer
The trouble is labelling people who disagree with statues being torn down or vandalised as far-right fascists is it causes the kind of backlash that contributes to things like Brexit.
>> No. 25823 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:19 pm
25823 spacer


It may be a factor, and I've argued before that the patronisation of Brexit supporters actively strengthened its support.

Even so, the right don't need us to say a damn thing to live in a fantasy world of their own masochistic creation.
>> No. 25825 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:27 pm
25825 spacer

You're right, it's hard to tell if those EDL skinheads were fascists or not.
>> No. 25826 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:36 pm
25826 spacer
I think we need to press the reset button. Everything seems beyond redemption at this point.

Let's go back to 2000 or whenever it was that things were normal.
>> No. 25827 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:44 pm
25827 spacer

You're right, I sincerely doubt they could tell you about the finer points of Hegel or discuss the interaction between private and state authority. They're not much more than footy hooligans.

Stop pushing things to extremes, it makes an incredibly weak argument that discredits the rest of what you say by proximity. My girlfriend does this annoying thing where she jumps straight to the assertion that the mean old right wing people are bad because they literally want gays and minorities killed, and all it does is make her sound hysterical.
>> No. 25828 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:45 pm
25828 spacer
Why weren't you saying the equivalent about the violence that happened at the BLM protest? Why are the people in the wrong the BLM protesters that time and anyone who disagrees with the EDL in the wrong this time? There's some weird double-standard going on there in the name of "centrism".
>> No. 25829 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 12:56 pm
25829 spacer

Lad you have more dichotomy than a light switch.
>> No. 25830 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:04 pm
25830 spacer

I'm sure you'll blame that on "lefties" too.
>> No. 25831 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:09 pm
25831 spacer

I wouldn't because I can handle more than 2 concepts. I'd ask you to look up black-and-white thinking but you probably the name is racist.
>> No. 25832 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:40 pm
25832 spacer
That was such a shitty line. Not funny at all, no imagination, not even that other cunt you're arguing with, but I feel the need to point how lackluster that post was. Do better.
>> No. 25833 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:45 pm
25833 spacer

No no it's fine, I get it: you and I are the only two people with agency in the world.
>> No. 25834 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 1:49 pm
25834 spacer
I'd like to lock Peter Hitchens and Laurie Penny in a room together. Nothing would happen but they'd enjoy getting into hysterics about it and we could see how long it would take them to sync-up.

If you think that only 'EDL skinheads' care about the Cenotaph then you're in for a rude awakening. Notice how the debate of BLM has now shifted topic even with the entire media and corporate machine behind it.

Not him and no it wasn't. Did you get sacked from your till job because the bar-codes were too confusing?
>> No. 25835 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:01 pm
25835 spacer
DM pandering to the lowest common denominator again.


>Save Sir Winston! Sign the Mail petition urging Boris Johnson to publicly promise that Churchill's statue will NEVER be torn down
>> No. 25836 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:01 pm
25836 spacer
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
>> No. 25837 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:16 pm
25837 spacer
>If you think that only 'EDL skinheads' care about the Cenotaph then you're in for a rude awakening.
They were the only ones who cared enough to get out and "protect" it.
>> No. 25839 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:21 pm
25839 spacer
>we could see how long it would take them to sync-up.

I watched something a while back with Hitch, Shami and some other talking head about state surveillance. Hitch and Shami both agreed with one another, whereas the other person kept using the whole "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" bollocks.

People on the left and right tend to have a lot more common ground and similar concerns than they realise; they differ in how they should be addressed. It's the filthy centrists, the ones who trust the state and have no qualms handing over their sensitive data, we need to watch out for.

BLM have been calling for statues of Churchill to be removed and placed in museums. It's pandering but it's not entirely unfounded.
>> No. 25840 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:26 pm
25840 spacer


Just look at what the left have forced these poor centrists to do!
Thank god these reasonable centrists were there to prevent property damage.
>> No. 25841 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:35 pm
25841 spacer

Attempting to shame people for prioritising solutions to their own problems above those of others only feeds into this apathy.
>> No. 25842 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:37 pm
25842 spacer

Oh yes I forgot nobody else has agency. How silly of me.
>> No. 25843 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:42 pm
25843 spacer

Haha yes, bring back conscription, but for social causes only. That'll teach people for having busy lives!
>> No. 25844 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 2:44 pm
25844 spacer

If they're too busy to do anything then it's irrelevant how apathetic they are. Only you already stated it's a question of priorities. Make up your mind, pick one excuse and stick to it.
>> No. 25845 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:04 pm
25845 spacer


>People on the left and right tend to have a lot more common ground and similar concerns than they realise; they differ in how they should be addressed. It's the filthy centrists, the ones who trust the state and have no qualms handing over their sensitive data, we need to watch out for.

Indeed. It's what some people like to call "horseshoe theory", but really it's more like pic related.
>> No. 25846 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:12 pm
25846 spacer
Nah fuck that, it's the disappearance of the centre that has got us into this mess. The whole attack on the centre reeks of demanding people pick a side which are both authoritarian in their own way - 'The Left' and free speech for example.

In the interest of balance, 'The Right' will also leap up to defend historical identity but they only do so to further their own illiberal ambitions.
>> No. 25847 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:21 pm
25847 spacer

Are we honestly assuming now that centrist views are a bad thing?

How many centrists have started racist genocides or global wars. How many centrists have put half the globe under communist rule.
>> No. 25848 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:24 pm
25848 spacer

The liberal centre is merely corporate authoritarianism. Liberalism was all well and good at the turn of the century but I can only see it as outdated for present day society. It is a combination of a naive assumption that people are fundamentally good, and the belief that freedom for the individual scales up and has the same value/meaning as freedom for capital and business.

No major ideology is without its flaws, but I think liberalism is the most hollow and cynical of them all, in the face of the past twenty to thirty years of history.

I think the most ideologically optimistic position for the present day is somewhere between anarcho-commie and libertarian leftie. Checks, balances, and restrictions on what businesses can do, protections on the freedom of what an individual can do, and a strong social safety net that provides a baseline good standard of living for all citizens as a right. Neither "seize the means of production!" nor " leave it to the invisible hand of the free market" work, but the wishy washy opportunism of the centrist offers no alternative.

I watched Adam Curtis' Century of the Self last night, for the first time since I was a teenlad. It really does make modern liberalism, as practised by the likes of Clinton, Blair, Cameron and Obama etc look utterly shallow and cynical. I'm going to watch some of his other films over the course of the week to refresh my memory, I suspect there will be a lot of stuff I understand now, in the context of current events, that totally went over my head when I was younger.
>> No. 25849 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:29 pm
25849 spacer

>and the belief that freedom for the individual scales up and has the same value/meaning as freedom for capital and business.

That's economic liberalism though, not liberal centrism.

And economic liberalism has a much longer tradition among the Right and the Conservatives than among Lib Dems. What you're saying is a page out of the Thatcher government's playbook, if anything.
>> No. 25850 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:29 pm
25850 spacer
We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil.
>> No. 25851 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:35 pm
25851 spacer

>What you're saying is a page out of the Thatcher government's playbook, if anything

Well, yes. Because that's pretty much what it is today. Thatcher and Reagan were pretty poorly regarded by the traditionalists in their party at the time too.
>> No. 25852 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:35 pm
25852 spacer

I'll take my chances anyway.
>> No. 25853 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:37 pm
25853 spacer

Veterans mostly went to protect monuments out of a sense of civic duty, they're understandably upset being labelled as far-right thugs. Their stance was very clear; protest all you want, they're just going to guard the monuments (which the police did not do, had the BLM protests been policed no action would be needed). Wonderful for you to do your research.

The EDL-types turned up because a lot of people are really pissed off. The BLM protest was allowed to do whatever it wanted, with weak policing that failed to remain neutral. It got violent, with police officers and public property damaged, but the attitude has been pathetic— "well, racism is so bad that we have to ignore COVID and protest, we can't police it because we'll look racist, and we can't stop anyone from damaging anything".

No one in the BLM protest thought about that, and that's a pretty big thing to miss. The worst case scenario is that it could easily stoke racial tensions further, and it looks like it's doing that very well. BLM had the world on its side, but its agenda has become blatant. If the original protests had been policed well and/or had not gotten violent, then there would have been no EDL-types out this weekend. One of the EDL-types had his throat slashed and has apparently died.


It's telling that you don't post any of the videos of single white men being chased and beaten, or 'nigga Judas' for that matter. You also didn't post Anthony Joshua's speech about boycotting white businesses, where he's next to Gary McFarlane, someone with extremely far-left opinion.


That's bollocks and it's unhelpful. All you will ever do is replace it with a system that is unjust in a different way.
>> No. 25854 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 3:45 pm
25854 spacer

> Thatcher and Reagan were pretty poorly regarded by the traditionalists in their party at the time too

I don't think many people hold them in high regard even nowadays, lad.

What they truly pioneered in post-postwar Britain and America was the belief that everything is up for grabs if the money is right. And that government institutions that do more than provide ground-level market infrastructure hinder the free flow of capital and economic activity.

The fact that several economic crises since have shown us that that simply isn't the case hasn't kept capitalism from continuedly pretending otherwise. But just think if governments in the 2007/2008 Financial Crisis had simply said, "No, not our job, capital must flow freely" when it came to bailing out banks and partly nationalising entire industries.

Much of capitalism today is like a headstrong teenager who thinks he doesn't need his parents anymore, except to provide a roof over his head, but then when the shit hits the fan and he fucks up, he expects Mommy and Daddy to get him out of trouble so he can escape unscathed.
>> No. 25855 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 4:32 pm
25855 spacer
>they're understandably upset being labelled as far-right thugs
Don't march with other far-right thugs then. While wearing matching black leather jackets.
>they're just going to guard the monuments (which the police did not do
>had the BLM protests been policed
Like they were in your next paragraph?
>The EDL-types turned up because a lot of people are really pissed off.
About anti-racism marches? About statues of people they've never heard of before? You seem to be implying it's also about them disregarding social distancing which completely ignores the fact that everyone else did it first.
>BLM had the world on its side, but its agenda has become blatant.
There's that same blame-shifting bullshit again. "I wasn't racist but you made me racist by being anti-racist".
Also seems to be untrue:
>One of the EDL-types had his throat slashed and has apparently died.
Congratulations on uncritically believing and perpetuating hysterical twitter rumours!

>It's telling that you don't post any of the videos of single white men being chased and beaten, or 'nigga Judas' for that matter.
Why would I do that when they were irrelevant to the context of the cunt-off at the time? We were talking about peaceful centrists there to protect their monuments from the police "thugs".
>> No. 25856 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 4:37 pm
25856 spacer
>Only you already stated it's a question of priorities

That's because it clearly never factored into your own thinking.
>> No. 25857 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 4:55 pm
25857 spacer
He's wrong but it would be a crime if we didn't acknowledge the role of the liberal Gladstone in this thread. It was Thatcher herself who saw it that she was following the classical liberalism of Gladstone when she enacted her privatisation platform. This despite leading the party of his nemesis Disraeli.

The Liberal Party moved away from Gladstonian liberalism by the end of the 19th Century towards a social-liberalism. The People's Budget (championed by Churchill) being the ultimate expression of this as one of the cornerstones of the modern British constitution in the dominance of HoC and state welfare.

I'm not getting into the argument of you two but do learn to post properly. Point-by-point rebuttals quickly become an unreadable mess which I'm sure become equally exhausting for the participants to keep track of.

Focus on some lovely paragraphs that return to refuting the central point. That way you might not only convince outside readers but also, perhaps, make a friend. And we can do something proper like trying to find if there's any pictures of naked protesters.
>> No. 25858 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 4:59 pm
25858 spacer
>trying to find if there's any pictures of naked protesters
From yesterday? Ta but no ta.
>> No. 25859 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 5:53 pm
25859 spacer

What about sexy police women? They can choke me any-day IYKWIM.
>> No. 25860 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 6:00 pm
25860 spacer

>But just think if governments in the 2007/2008 Financial Crisis had simply said, "No, not our job, capital must flow freely" when it came to bailing out banks and partly nationalising entire industries.

There are many people who believe that's exactly what they should have done; on the left because they see it as a disgrace that the government will give billion pound bailouts to companies but won't give a disabled man £100 a week to live on, and on the right because they see it as economic interventionism that allows weak, poorly managed businesses to limp on instead of the Darwinism of the market running its course.

Which return to the central point that people further out on the left and the right of the spectrum agree on a surprising amount of things, and in common they have a disdain for the worst-of-both-worlds the centre offers.


>That's economic liberalism though, not liberal centrism

I wanted to just tell you to fuck off because I really hate this kind of hair-splitting, but on second thought you might have a good point. So, and I assure you I'm asking in good faith, what's the difference?
>> No. 25861 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 6:47 pm
25861 spacer

>So, and I assure you I'm asking in good faith, what's the difference?

Economic liberalism, albeit mainly taken to extremes in the U.S. and not quite as much in Britain, is the idea that you have to fend for yourself if you want to make something of yourself, and that the government shouldn't tax the rich, some believe not at all, and give to the poor who need help getting on their own feet. You touched a bit on Darwinism in your post, well, economic liberalism is somewhat intertwined with right-wing social Darwinism, in that economic liberalism also believes in the survival of the fittest, i.e. the most economically viable, and that those who aren't economically viable are deadweight unless they pull themselves together on their own. And why should the rich who have made it pay the way for somebody who isn't pulling their own weight. Just their existence, as they like to think, is proof that you can make it to the top through your own hands' work. The argument then goes that if you let the rich, especially entrepreneurs and investors, enjoy tax cuts and other financial benefits, they will have more money to pay their employees. Supply-side economics, and that. Except, you only have to ask a few middle class people if that money then actually trickles down to them as promised. Especially in today's (pre-Corona) job market and economic climate.

Liberal centrism, on the other hand, tends to not focus exclusively on the economy. It's part of its agenda, although it's my own perception that it doesn't quite lean towards social Darwinism. But liberal centrism also takes to-each-their-own stances on personal freedoms and civil liberties. Which can be under threat from liberal-economics Big Business. While it's true that there are many wannabe industrialists entrepreneurs among the Lib Dems, some of them also lean a bit to the left and are open to social programmes that give incentives to people without means.

>on the left because they see it as a disgrace that the government will give billion pound bailouts to companies but won't give a disabled man £100 a week to live on

Well, that is a disgrace. On the other hand, if governments hadn't stepped in, our entire economic system would have collapsed and there would have been even less of a chance that that disabled man would've got his 100 quid a week.

I think governments need to take a strong stance when things go wrong, I believe they are our last hope when big business has been playing too much silly buggers for too long again and yet another crisis unfolds. Boom and bust is a defining characteristic of market economies, but we need to come to an understanding that governments cannot be expected to do that everytime the economy tanks, and that that is the go-to fallback for the private sector. And in that sense, by contrast, it really isn't the worst thing in the world when a few companies are allowed to fail financially before governments sink taxpayer money into a bottomless pit. There is no point keeping companies on life support that are going to die with or without government help.
>> No. 25864 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 9:06 pm
25864 spacer
>Economic liberalism

I think you mean market liberalism rather than the teary about right-libertarian thought you just wrote. It means minimal state intervention where necessary to deliver essential public goods because excessive state regulation/hand-outs typically benefits big business and is wasteful. It's an ideology of how society should be organised that emerged in response mercantilism (esp. the Corn Laws) and therefore seeks to remove barriers to trade, internal and external. Market Liberalism may still entail varying degrees of welfare provision as a public good and anyone who wants it all gone is obviously an extremist.

The 'liberal centrism' you describe is social liberalism and the norm for the majority of Europe. It accepts the efficiency of market liberalism but believes the state should intervene to ensure market stability and to maximise personal freedom. William Beveridge and Keynes are classic examples of social liberals, Ordoliberalism is also a common example.

If you don't fit on the spectrum between these two then I don't even know what to say.
>> No. 25865 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 9:13 pm
25865 spacer

Netflix have now pulled the Lethal Weapon 5 episode of It's Always Sunny over blackface.
>> No. 25868 Anonymous
14th June 2020
Sunday 9:55 pm
25868 spacer

I had forgotten about that.

I don't know what I think about all of this, other than being certain that the companies aren't actually pulling these episodes for moral reasons, just to maintain good will.

You can argue that blackface is blackface, regardless of intent, in Always Sunny's case they're not making any broader point about racism, but the characters are supposed to be scumbags so it's not like they're saying it's good. I'm quite sure the characters themselves comment on that themselves. Contrast to something like Little Britain where they're just doing it for the sake of doing a funny black accent.

More interesting will be if they remove The Gang Turns Black, which is full of racist stereotyping (I think also blackface? I can't remember) but is much more clearly making a broader point about racism.

Same with Tropic Thunder.
>> No. 25877 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 5:56 am
25877 spacer


Rather than taking down "phlegmatic" content, we'd be better off if they heavily promoted Spike Lee's Bamboozled. Coonery and minstrelsy is endemic in the American media; white actors playing black roles really isn't the big issue, but it's convenient to pretend that it is.
>> No. 25907 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 6:25 pm
25907 spacer
You mean Walts.

>> No. 25908 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 6:47 pm
25908 spacer

I can understand someone pretending, say, that they can play a musical instrument or similar. It's rare you'll be called out on it. But who the fuck lies about something as drastic about having been in the army? Surely just anyone with a vague acquaintance to any of your family or friends would know you're a bullshitter? And meeting any ACTUAL current/former servicemen is going to put you in a hole of shit so deep you wouldn't be able to dig yourself out with a JCB.

I really don't understand people sometimes.
>> No. 25910 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 7:27 pm
25910 spacer

I used to do work with a company where the owner got caught out pretending to be a naval captain and a Falklands veteran; he was a tugboat engineer. He even duped whatshisface into unveiling something. The business imploded overnight when the news broke.
>> No. 25911 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 7:37 pm
25911 spacer
>tugboat engineer
>> No. 25912 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 8:03 pm
25912 spacer
I'm not posting this here to say this is at all representative of black people, or protestors, or Black Lives Matter, or that the world has gone mad or any bullshit like that - only because it's too hilarious not to share.

That former Labour MP who got done for lying about speeding appears to think it is racist not for chocolate-flavoured children's cereal to have a black person as a mascot.

>> No. 25913 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 8:59 pm
25913 spacer
I'd like to know if this is a long-running fued she has or if she recently had a very unsettling breakfast.
>> No. 25914 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 9:08 pm
25914 spacer

> appears to think it is racist not for chocolate-flavoured children's cereal to have a black person as a mascot.

Maybe I ended up on the wrong tweet but as far I can tell she's complaining that having a monkey on the coco-pops box is racialist.
>> No. 25915 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 9:40 pm
25915 spacer

There's always a line where parts of a campaign or a protest movement veer too far off course and into the bizarre, even if at its heart that protest is absolutely legitimate.

If you think monkeys advertising coco pops has anything to do with police carelessly killing a black person, then it's not a bad idea to have a word with yourself. Because then what's next. Is it racist to say a black cat crossing your way is bad luck? Are you biased if you prefer white chocolate?
>> No. 25916 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 9:56 pm
25916 spacer

Fiona Onasanya is a full blown mentalist.
>> No. 25917 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 10:03 pm
25917 spacer

The brilliant part about modern identity politics is that it has already crossed the Rubicon of self parody several times over and seems no worse the wear for it.

I think it's heartening that no matter where on the spectrum between "it's a disgrace that they've banned the coco pop monkey!" and "white privilege is being able to eat coco pops without being reminded of the cultural memory of slavery" you stand, most people seem to be able to discard the chaff and only really remember the important bits.

Still doubt this really is the big one like some idiots are saying though. It's already become a PR exercise for woke capitalism, and if the capitalists are on your side, then guess what. You're not rebelling, you're part of the game.
>> No. 25918 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 10:26 pm
25918 spacer
>It's already become a PR exercise for woke capitalism, and if the capitalists are on your side, then guess what. You're not rebelling, you're part of the game.
This is like saying the BLM protests that are still ongoing are just part of the Mayor of Washington's game as she's co-opted their name as part of a PR exercise for "woke" politics by repainting a road. They're not; her goals are not their goals. That a corporation or politician is trying to placate you using token gestures doesn't mean you're not rebelling against them.
>> No. 25919 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 10:53 pm
25919 spacer

For a politician, your argument is perfectly valid.

But the corporations are not trying to placate anyone. Their endorsement is an outright and explicit indication that this movement is of no threat to them, no matter what happens. The worst case scenario is that they have to replace a few broken windows.

In their case it's not such a harmless attemp to supplicate the masses, it's a more worrying case of pulling on a fetching lamb skin suit.
>> No. 25920 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 11:11 pm
25920 spacer

>white privilege is being able to eat coco pops without being reminded of the cultural memory of slavery

In fact, don't eat sugar. Not only is sugar white because people for some reason see the need to purify brown (cane) sugar, but if there is anything that should be a symbol of slavery, it's sugar in itself, for which slaves at sugar plantations were exploited so that - white - people in Europe could sweeten their tea. What does it matter that our sugar in Britain today comes almost exclusively from British sugar beet.
>> No. 25921 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 11:17 pm
25921 spacer
Why the fuck would anyone imagine themselves when they see a picture of a monkey?
>> No. 25923 Anonymous
15th June 2020
Monday 11:36 pm
25923 spacer

In all fairness, comparing black people to monkeys is one of the oldest racist tropes.

The irony of course being that biologically, every single human alive today is an ape-descended primate.

The genetic variance between different human races skin colours is less than that between many breeds of dog. In other words, a white European is more closely related to a black African than a poodle to a German shepherd.
>> No. 25924 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 12:03 am
25924 spacer
> If you think monkeys advertising coco pops has anything to do with police carelessly killing a black person, then it's not a bad idea to have a word with yourself. Because then what's next. Is it racist to say a black cat crossing your way is bad luck? Are you biased if you prefer white chocolate?

We're pretty much already there. The tech world is currently eating itself over terms like whitelist/blacklist and master/slave. One stupid bint on one of my social medias posted some drivel that calling films like Dr Strangelove or Withnail and I black comedies was racist; I couldn't actually follow her reasoning but she seemed to do some mental gymnastics akin to black comedy = low comedy therefore black people = low people.

Basically we've leapt the rational shark entirely quite some time back.
>> No. 25925 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 12:23 am
25925 spacer
>But the corporations are not trying to placate anyone.
Nonsense. They're trying to placate them and they're trying to get their money. This is why oil companies performatively greenwash while paying for cyberattacks against ecological groups as well as funding climate denialism here and death squads in the countries they're taking resources from. It's why tobacco companies tried to pretend their products were healthy. "9 out of 10 doctors recommend..." in ad copy doesn't mean the doctors aren't a threat to them, quite the opposite. It's not that they don't think they're a threat, it's part of a multi-pronged attack and simultaneous bilking.
>> No. 25926 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 12:35 am
25926 spacer


>> No. 25927 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 1:27 am
25927 spacer
>while paying for cyberattacks against ecological groups

>> No. 25928 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 8:58 am
25928 spacer

>as well as funding climate denialism here and death squads in the countries they're taking resources from. It's why tobacco companies tried to pretend their products were healthy.

That tactic still works, as we can see.
>> No. 25929 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 10:42 am
25929 spacer

Yes. What the other lad was saying just smacks of crypto alt-right "we're punk now!" bullshit.
>> No. 25930 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 11:29 am
25930 spacer

>crypto alt-right "we're punk now!" bullshit

Very well said.

Much of the problem with the alt right is that they see themselves on a crusade as the true defenders of freedom and liberty. It's them against Big Government. And socialism. And men, women, and transpeople marrying their dogs.

Aside from a few figureheads, you kind of have to have a very basic lack of fundamental education to believe their nonsense.

Which kind of neatly explains why Trump still has such a strong alt-right following. Never underestimate the dumb vote. You sometimes wonder if "one person, one vote" was such a brilliant idea.
>> No. 25933 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 11:51 am
25933 spacer
I've noticed that a lot of Trump supporters use similar language to him, such as talking about the "great" job he's doing. They seem to only be able to use relatively simple words and can't articulate specifically what he's doing that is so great.

IIRC Trump's reading level is so low that when Jim Mattis' denounced him a few weeks back he didn't actually realise he was being criticised until someone pointed it out to him.
>> No. 25936 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 12:14 pm
25936 spacer

If you'd read my second paragraph you'd see that that was basically my point, but saying they're just trying to placate people makes it seem like something far more innocuous than it is. They're actively part, in fact more than just a part, they're the biggest part of the problem.

And all they have to do is to tweet something vaguely sombre and people think "Wow. They do care!"
>> No. 25937 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 12:20 pm
25937 spacer

Their endorsement just means that they think that's the best thing to do at the time for their revenue stream.
>They're actively part, in fact more than just a part, they're the biggest part of the problem.
The corporations are, absolutely, but you were talking about the people who consider themselves to be "rebelling". You've just switched the subject of your statements in a way that makes no sense. See here:
>It's already become a PR exercise for woke capitalism, and if the capitalists are on your side, then guess what. You're not rebelling, you're part of the game.
If the corporations are on your side then yes, you're part of the problem. But the corporations paying lip service to you to make a quick buck or to avoid negative publicity does not mean they're on your side or you theirs.
>> No. 25938 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 12:38 pm
25938 spacer
Are you two doing that thing where you're bickering whilst agreeing with one another?
>> No. 25939 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 1:13 pm
25939 spacer

I like that when I posted that Coco Pops tweet I explicitly said I didn't think it at all representative of BLM or that the world's gone mad, and then everyone immediately went on to draw links between it and George Floyd, 'the tech world' and 'corporations'.

And by comparing it to the white people representing Rice Krispies, the logical conclusion is that a black person would have been acceptable, isn't?
>> No. 25940 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 1:34 pm
25940 spacer
Mostly, yes.
>> No. 25941 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 1:40 pm
25941 spacer

No monkeys, no cocoa trees.
>> No. 25943 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 2:17 pm
25943 spacer

It seems we mostly agree. All I meant by my original statement that if the corps sponsor your cause you're "part of the game" is that your movement can and potentially will be used as a pawn for the interests of private capital; interests which for obvious reasons are very unlikely to align with those of the protestors themselves. I didn't meant it to imply that the protestors themselves or the movement are somehow pro-corporatist in nature.


An age old .gs tradition.
>> No. 25944 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 2:22 pm
25944 spacer

It did seem like you were fairly explicitly saying that, not just implying it. But yes, other than that we're in agreement.
>> No. 25945 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 3:31 pm
25945 spacer


>And by comparing it to the white people representing Rice Krispies, the logical conclusion is that a black person would have been acceptable, isn't?

Why not complain about white dominance while you're at it and have Asians represent Rice Krispies. They're the ones that grow the stuff, so why should white people get to promote it on the box. Then again, some people see Asians advertising rice products as yet another racist stereotype.

Being petty about contemporary cereal advertising is wasted energy. There are much more legitimate issues to attack in terms of racial inequality.

Just to be clear, we're not talking about a black person stereotypically advertising watermelons or chicken. Or soap ads like the one I've posted here (the latter were actually disturbingly common in their time). It's about a chocolate flavoured, nutritionally questionable kids cereal with a cartoon monkey on the box.

The advertising industry really has come a long way in recent decades, and actual racism in advertising is rare enough now that it still occurs, but is far from endemic. Most of the time, it's just the result of ad creators being completely oblivious that their ads contain racist or sexist tones. But even those slip ups tend to be far less outrageous than the systemic racist and sexist advertising around the mid-20th century and before.
>> No. 25946 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 3:34 pm
25946 spacer

And to be clear again, I do not condone racism in advertising, or racism otherwise. The picture I posted is for illustration purposes only, and to corroborate my point about old-time racist advertising.
>> No. 25947 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 3:44 pm
25947 spacer

>nutritionally questionable

Look at all them 100% figures. Cereals are fortified with so much shit they're the most nutritional meal of the day.
>> No. 25949 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 4:08 pm
25949 spacer

Synthetic vitamins are often not as effective as their natural counterparts that occur in fresh, non-processed foods. So again, nutritionally questionable. Just like your cheap multi-vitamin fizz tablets from Boots.

And if the carbohydrates in your cereal are almost 40 percent sugar, that's also telling. And have you actually ever measured a 30g serving of cereal. It's a tiny amount. If you really tuck in at breakfast, it's much more likely that you will eat three times that, so that's over 500 calories just with your cereal. Cereal with skim milk also tastes a bit shit, most people will eat it with 3-percent fat whole milk. If you're having a Full English on top of that, you will have consumed almost your entire daily allowance of calories, as well as salt and unsaturated fats, before you're even out the door in the morning.
>> No. 25951 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 4:10 pm
25951 spacer
>If you're having a Full English on top of that

I refuse to believe that anyone has a bowl of cereal and decides to follow that up with a Full English.
>> No. 25954 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 4:23 pm
25954 spacer
I'll do it every-time I get a hotel breakfast.
Will have the French pastries too even if it's a small hotel business, fuck 'em.
>> No. 25956 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 4:29 pm
25956 spacer

What do you think where fat people come from.

>I'll do it every-time I get a hotel breakfast.

I try to resist temptation, even if it's on an all-inclusive package holiday. Which I also try not to do anymore.
>> No. 25957 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 5:22 pm
25957 spacer

Breakfast cereals and white bread are really useful foods for vegetarians and vegans because they're such a good source of B vitamins. A lot of people who eat a "healthy" diet consisting wholly of fresh fruit and vegetables end up with severe B vitamin deficiency.
>> No. 25960 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 7:33 pm
25960 spacer
Comrade Rashford will be announcing the formation of the Manchester Soviet any day now.
>> No. 25961 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 7:51 pm
25961 spacer

>A lot of people who eat a "healthy" diet consisting wholly of fresh fruit and vegetables end up with severe B vitamin deficiency

I was going to say that this is mainly because of cheaply grown, mass produced vegetables in greenhouses, but apparently that isn't necessarily so:

>Mean fruit K, P, and Mg concentrations in greenhouse-grown bell pepper, cucumber, and tomato were greater than expected levels. Mean fruit K concentrations in greenhouse-grown bell pepper, cucumber, and tomato were lower than that in field-grown vegetables. Greenhouse-grown vegetables accumulated greater amounts of P in fruit compared to field-grown vegetables. More than 48%, 38%, 30%, and 54% of greenhouse vegetables were Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn deficient, respectively. Field-grown vegetables had lower contents of Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, and ascorbic acid compared to greenhouse-grown vegetables.

>> No. 25963 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 7:53 pm
25963 spacer

Christ you just can't win can you. Fresh fruit and veg leaves you deficient in vitamin B, fresh meat gives you too much cholesterol, processed food contains too much additives, bottled water gives you cancer.

Is there such a thing as a diet that isn't unhealthy somehow? Can you blame me for fucking it all off and just slurping down Are Sarah's fanny custard all day?
>> No. 25964 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 8:01 pm
25964 spacer

Virtually everything concerning your health choices (or anything you want to improve) is a trade-off. We can only pur prioritise pur efforts based on the available evidence, but don't just throw your hands up and eat doughnuts every meal.
>> No. 25965 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 8:04 pm
25965 spacer

Some things never change.
>> No. 25966 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 8:12 pm
25966 spacer

>I try to resist temptation, even if it's on an all-inclusive package holiday.

Wasting your money if you do. Those fat-cats in big hotel must see a mug every time you walk in the door.

What would happen if a white person used this stuff, would we go see-through?
>> No. 25967 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 8:37 pm
25967 spacer

Just eat sensibly. The confusion comes from people who a) want to eat total shit and somehow get away with it or b) think that if they eat exactly the right foods they'll live forever in perfect health.

As long as you're not obese and not suffering from a severe nutritional deficiency due to a very restrictive diet, any differences in health outcomes are usually insignificant. You already know what you're supposed to eat and you know that it's quite boring common sense - don't eat too much meat, eat sweets as an occasional treat, don't eat giant portions, eat plenty of fruit and veg but not only fruit and veg.


There just aren't many good plant-based sources of B vitamins, especially vitamin B12. The fortification of processed grains was a wartime measure to make up for the meagre meat ration, so it's not surprising that fortified grains are a useful addition to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Overall vegetarian or near-vegetarian diets tend to be healthier (as we saw during rationing), although it's still perfectly possible to eat like shit without eating meat.

>> No. 25968 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 8:44 pm
25968 spacer

I do the exact same thing in hotels it has developed in to a fixed routine of a full 3-4 course meal of cereal followed by the fried course (largely the beans and scrambled eggs and sausages as most of the rest reduces in quality in the heating pan), followed by the dessert of either Pain au chocolats, or the croissants based on which is the softest. All washed down with the fruit juice.

Sometimes there is a course of boiled eggs or meats and cheeses thrown in there but more oftenn seconds on the scrambled eggs and beans.
Chances are I won't eat properly the rest of the day and do a lot of walking. I am a health bmi if anyone is wondering.
>> No. 25969 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 9:03 pm
25969 spacer

A balanced diet. All those things you listed are only a problem if you exclusively eat just one of them.
>> No. 25970 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 9:15 pm
25970 spacer
>largely the beans and scrambled eggs and sausages as most of the rest reduces in quality in the heating pan

Dry hashbrown dipped in poached egg is quite the travel delicacy (in addition to the rest) if you ask me. Shit and flavourless but in a nice way.
>> No. 25971 Anonymous
16th June 2020
Tuesday 9:15 pm
25971 spacer

This is exactly why I have stopped booking all-inclusive holidays. You involuntarily shovel everything you can in your face every day at breakfast and dinner, because hey, it's free. And then you go home weighing half a stone more.

I was at an all-inclusive hotel in Corfu with my ex two years ago, and we pretty much never stopped eating the whole ten days. Even chips and other poolside snacks during the day rarely cost more than a quid or two. The food was decent quality for a three-star hotel, only the instant coffee from the many push-button machines that were dotted across the hotel was complete shite. But hey, it was free.

>What would happen if a white person used this stuff

Did they ever really find out if Michael Jackson really had vitiligo, or if he was just a heavy user of skin bleaching treatments?
>> No. 25972 Anonymous
17th June 2020
Wednesday 12:20 am
25972 spacer

moonless night dark as pitch.jpg

> You involuntarily shovel everything you can in your face every day at breakfast and dinner, because hey, it's free. And then you go home weighing half a stone more.

I would say I shovel with purpose myself. I either mountaineer on my holidays and loading up on calories when you can is a great way to not feel shitty later, Or I go to conventions in hotels where the breakfast is included but the rest of the food and the room cost is for the most part unreasonable, so I feel I've paid for my right to shovel food, if anything I hope they make a net loss on me.
>> No. 25973 Anonymous
17th June 2020
Wednesday 1:18 am
25973 spacer

>Did they ever really find out if Michael Jackson really had vitiligo, or if he was just a heavy user of skin bleaching treatments?

Both. His autopsy confirmed that he had vitiligo; he used bleaching creams and make-up to conceal the blotches of remaining dark skin.

>> No. 25981 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:18 pm
25981 spacer

Uncle Ben's is the latest casualty of the culture war.
>> No. 25982 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:25 pm
25982 spacer

So... black people are fine to promote coco pops, but not rice?
>> No. 25983 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:28 pm
25983 spacer
Kill yourself, fatty.
>> No. 25984 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:30 pm
25984 spacer
Just call him Mr. Ben, like he always should have been.

Not to be confused with a certain dimension-travelling costume shop aficionado.
>> No. 25985 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:30 pm
25985 spacer

I don't eat coco pops.
>> No. 25986 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:53 pm
25986 spacer

Replacing Uncle Ben with a white guy would be the most hilarious outcome of this. So then it's not appropriation.

Idpol libs sliding further and further into a perverse mirror flipped form of fascism by the week.
>> No. 25987 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:54 pm
25987 spacer
Help me out, what is wrong with Uncle Ben?

The logo looks like a nice welcoming guy you can imagine trusting to give you good food, I genuinely am not sure about the problem.
>> No. 25988 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 5:58 pm
25988 spacer
Obviously it's promoting the unhealthy stereotype that black people are particularly suited to unskilled professions like rice farming.

Uncle Ben could easily have been a quantum physicist or a captain of a nuclear submarine if the white man weren't keeping him down.
>> No. 25989 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 6:04 pm
25989 spacer
Interesting how things can be interpreted differently, I only had positive associations with that logo.
>> No. 25990 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 6:16 pm
25990 spacer

The problem is the word Uncle. It has heavy tones of slavery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Tom
>> No. 25991 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 6:19 pm
25991 spacer
Apparently in the American South you would call an elderly black slave 'Uncle' rather than Mr.

How exactly this will help them sell microwave rice in future is anyone's guess but pack your rice now because the packaging might be worth a fortune in 40 years time. I for one won't be buying Uncle Ben's in future out of spite and also because I refuse to own a microwave and it's much too expensive.
>> No. 25993 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 7:42 pm
25993 spacer
>Replacing Uncle Ben with a white guy would be the most hilarious outcome of this.

Only if they rename the brand to something like "Cracka Joe's". You'll go crackers for Cracka's.
>> No. 25996 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 8:29 pm
25996 spacer

81j p6 uroL._AC_SL1500_.jpg

Assumedly, Aunt Jemima's syrup will be next then.
>> No. 25997 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 8:34 pm
25997 spacer

Eaw5L8RX0AAeQha copy.jpg
Keep up lad.
>> No. 25998 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 8:41 pm
25998 spacer

So what do black people in the American south call their mum or dad's brothers?
>> No. 25999 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 8:43 pm
25999 spacer

Honestly I'm just impressed you managed to be "dunked on" (as they say) by people sixteen hours in the past.
>> No. 26001 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 8:59 pm
26001 spacer
So then what is the IP-correct, non-racist way to have a black person promote a product... any product...
>> No. 26002 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 9:06 pm
26002 spacer
Easy, just hand a big wad of cash to Geroge Foreman or Ainsley Harriet.

All the big food brands probably had plans to retire all their old mascots ready and waiting for a long time, they've just been waiting for an opportune moment like this so they can get the most free publicity out of it.
>> No. 26004 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 9:33 pm
26004 spacer

Probably the same thing as normal it is in the public context that it is apparent that it is a slave thing.

Kind of like how in priviate it is acceptable to call your girlfriend a cum slut but when I call her it in public she is worried you'll find out about us.
>> No. 26005 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 9:41 pm
26005 spacer
Not using slave terminology is a good start.
>> No. 26006 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 10:45 pm
26006 spacer
Next you'll be telling me I can't even tell someone to "wait a cotton picking minute" anymore.
>> No. 26007 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 11:02 pm
26007 spacer
We started changing the names of our GIT branches today. I thought the argument silly when I first heard it, master/slave etc in software, but I have changed my mind on it.
>> No. 26008 Anonymous
18th June 2020
Thursday 11:42 pm
26008 spacer
I don't. Yeah when I think of Colin Kaepernick and the thousands of peole marching for Black Lives Matter movement I think yes, what they really want to see is changes to obscure names for software architecture. Fucksake no, it wasn't 'master/slave' on Github that made cops murder black people and erect statues of slave owners. Slavery as a concept both predates and postdates the transatlantic trade, of course our language has references to it.
>> No. 26010 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 12:41 am
26010 spacer
It's just a name. It's not a big deal. Git doesn't assign any special meaning to the default branch, so it's a low-effort change. It's not much, but it's a small step in the right direction.

Also, in before "it didn't even mean that in context" because it's been found lately that it did.
>> No. 26011 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 12:45 am
26011 spacer
We still have a few "master" branches, but most of the repos already ditched it in favour of "prod", "stg", "dev" to gate releases. It feels a bit iffy to ditch "master" in this context, I'm not smart enough to decide if it's perfectly reasonable or entirely double plus ungood or somewhere inbetween; natural language is imprecise and trying to fix that ends in Lojban. And nobody wants that.
>> No. 26013 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 2:57 am
26013 spacer

Oh dear.
>> No. 26015 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 7:25 am
26015 spacer

Have you informed them that prod is offensive?
>> No. 26016 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 11:29 am
26016 spacer

♫ Onward Christian soldiers
Doing silly walks ♫
>> No. 26017 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 12:40 pm
26017 spacer
Apparently, "woman" is the new N word now.

>> No. 26018 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 12:52 pm
26018 spacer

We've had an entire thread about it lad, let's not labour the point.
>> No. 26019 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 12:58 pm
26019 spacer

I was not aware of that. I am sorry.
>> No. 26022 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 5:53 pm
26022 spacer
Does this mean they'll be changing the name of male and female couplings in electronics, wiring or whatever it is?
>> No. 26023 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 6:21 pm
26023 spacer

Probably. I already use "innie" and "outie" because it mildly amuses me.
>> No. 26024 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 6:23 pm
26024 spacer
They already have non-laymen nomenclature, the only oppression Olympics debate there is whether male should stay A and female B.
>> No. 26025 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 6:27 pm
26025 spacer

You don't want to know the mnemonic for resistor colour codes. We all know it, we all use it, but every couple of years someone gets sacked for mentioning it.
>> No. 26026 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 6:44 pm
26026 spacer

I was taught it in school in the 00's - but slightly modified - Bad Boys instead of Black. Still kept the rape in there, though.
>> No. 26027 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 7:23 pm
26027 spacer

It has to be black boys, otherwise you risk get black and brown muddled up. Violet is a right slag.
>> No. 26030 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 8:16 pm
26030 spacer

Bad for black, boys for brown. It still works, though really if you're still going this road you might as well keep race in it as well.

have never met a violet, despite being implored by the extended mnemonic to Get Some Now.
>> No. 26031 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 9:19 pm
26031 spacer

Not even a shrinking one?
>> No. 26032 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 9:23 pm
26032 spacer

I live in Newcastle so definitely not.
>> No. 26033 Anonymous
19th June 2020
Friday 10:28 pm
26033 spacer

>It still works, though really if you're still going this road you might as well keep race in it as well.

You're getting sacked either way, so in for a penny and all that.
>> No. 26038 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 1:24 am
26038 spacer

establishment truly fears.jpg

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 26039 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 2:06 am
26039 spacer

Dumb memes like this are a welcome break from the current shit show. I enjoy it.
>> No. 26040 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 1:36 pm
26040 spacer

I strongly suspect this is deliberately ironic, with the intention of undermining something that is genuinely true: that racial solidarity, especially if it's based on class, would be an absolute nightmare for corporate America.

An amount of money -- that is literally immeasurable due to closed accounting books -- has been spent in trying to convince Americans that the only issues are race, gender, and sexuality, and that material inequalities all stem from that, never the other way around.
>> No. 26041 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 1:45 pm
26041 spacer

Yes. It's weird how much effort has been put into it.
>> No. 26043 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 2:18 pm
26043 spacer

4chan leaking again?
>> No. 26047 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 5:05 pm
26047 spacer

likely story.jpg
There are even weirder things floating around DeviantArt.
>> No. 26049 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 5:20 pm
26049 spacer

Better than what you find on Facey.
>> No. 26053 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 8:04 pm
26053 spacer
The argument that is made against that is that it's class reductionism, and that you need to recognise intersectional idpol in order to combat it (capitalism?) on all fronts.

This is not my own opinion. I'd definitely be classed as a class reductionist as I tend to think that all those issues are subsumed by the overarching inequalities that are very much class based.

But if any of you lads have a good counter to that sort of argument I'd like to hear it as it's something I've been mulling over recently and seems to be a conversation that is imo quite important.
>> No. 26054 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 8:30 pm
26054 spacer

Is it ok to do edgy memes now. My girlfriend thinks her dog is cute but to make her cutey dog into the worst thing ever I've trained it to be a communist.
>> No. 26055 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 8:43 pm
26055 spacer
I guess it depends on your friends list, but I know plenty of 'normal' people who've posted edgy jokes and the type of thing you'd see on sickipedia for years. People love an off colour joke.
>> No. 26057 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 8:56 pm
26057 spacer

>> No. 26058 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 9:16 pm
26058 spacer

The whole intersectionality argument you always see wheeled out is nothing more than a barely disguised sleight of hand, a poor attempt at misdirection. When they say "you can talk about more than one thing at once!" what they really mean is "let's talk about anything other than class!"

I haven't thought of a truly effective rebuttal to it yet. Part of the problem is that the argument is made in bad faith in the first place, so it's difficult to counter.

I think the most reliable strategy is to expose the misdirection- If they're dead set on intersectionality being the answer, then why does talking about class automatically provoke the the class reductionist ad hominem in response? Is it possibly because, as a member of the modern liberal middle classes, an earnest discussion of the way class relates to these social issues would prove counter to their own interests and expose a few uncomfortable truths?

Again though it's hard to get to grips with though, because the whole purpose of the intersectionality play is to shift the goalposts. I think you have to try and sidestep it and just keep hammering the class message wherever and whenever you can. Don't actively try and shut down the identity politics, just do what they do and slide your agenda in alongside it.
>> No. 26059 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 9:26 pm
26059 spacer


Decent read ladm7
>> No. 26060 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 9:39 pm
26060 spacer

>> No. 26061 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 9:53 pm
26061 spacer
Multiple stabbings have been reported in Reading, a helicopter's been flying overhead for a couple of hours now. Apparently the victims were largely white BLM activists and the perpetrators were Asian. This year keeps getting more bizarre.
>> No. 26062 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 9:57 pm
26062 spacer

>Jordan Peterson

Ahh, let's not. He gives me a lot of the same vibes as that Stefan Molyneux fella. Bit cult-ish.

Here's some good critical reading material on identity politics, PC culture, and how it relates to the present day left. I've posted some of them before.





Some of Slavoj Zizek's recent stuff has focussed heavily on the subject too, but I can't personally stand to hear the man's voice and his writing is hardly what you could call succinct. I'd recommend his books, though.

And as always, Adam Curtis' Century of the Self is a fantastic examination about how we found ourselves here.
>> No. 26063 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 10:38 pm
26063 spacer
I usually ask how correcting racial privilege in Grimsby is really going to turn things around for a poor black person in the town. As this debates centres in London, where inequality between areas has a visible racial correlation, it seems to catch them on the back foot.

At work I lead on an initiative that significantly removed unnecessary entry barriers for poor folk in the industry. Mostly just because I come from a poor background myself and it pissed me off. This helped BAMEs more than the bollocks internships they offer for only the most privileged and gives me the leeway to expand the issues of race outside of feel-good corporate bullshit. Actually doing things always trumps bogus and worrying promises to put more people of a given colour in senior leadership positions.
>> No. 26066 Anonymous
20th June 2020
Saturday 11:23 pm
26066 spacer

>Jordan Peterson

I agree with Slavoj Zizek and his take on identity politics. I don't agree with his Marxist beliefs but he has the right to have them such as mine.
>> No. 26067 Anonymous
21st June 2020
Sunday 7:55 am
26067 spacer
My take on Jordan Peterson is that he is remarkably intelligent, and is right about most of the stuff he talks about, but he is somehow ignorant of the far-right cult that has built up around him which is twisting his teachings into something ugly.
>> No. 26068 Anonymous
21st June 2020
Sunday 8:47 am
26068 spacer
...in the 1960s the wild Left were still the outsiders, the weird nuisances with their funny ideas and their long hair, shouting their radical slogans. I remember it well. Now they have come into their own. Then, they wanted to communicate their ideas to those on the pavement as they passed. Now they get angry if anyone on the street does not assent to their views. Then they regarded the police with something close to hostility. Now they see them as their protectors. (On Tuesday, I watched them actually ask the police to ‘keep an eye’ on a drunk who had been following the protest and annoying people.)

So I am not here writing about my martyrdom, or claiming to have been the victim of an intimidating mob. I have seen more intimidating hamsters. But this is for certain: for a moment or two, my living figure was far more objectionable to them than Cecil Rhodes’s stone effigy. They wished that they were powerful, as they had claimed to be a few minutes earlier.

They had absolutely no desire to influence me or debate with me. I was an enemy, not an opponent, and so I should not have dared to be there. My actual existence infuriated them, and possibly so did my refusal to be scared of them. They would have liked it if I could have been made to disappear or, as they put it, ‘cancelled’. The marcher who posted the video of the event on Twitter thought (and presumably hoped) it would in some way diminish me.

Who doesn’t think black lives matter? Who doesn’t value the NHS? But that is not what these displays mean. They are about particular ways of holding those views, ways which lead relentlessly to intolerance of dissent, to the enforcement – by threats to the livelihoods of dissenters – of a single set of acceptable opinions. And, as I found last Tuesday, it is not enough to keep quiet. If you are suspected of thinking the wrong thing, they will come and cancel you anyway.

>> No. 26069 Anonymous
21st June 2020
Sunday 9:33 am
26069 spacer
>Then they regarded the police with something close to hostility. Now they see them as their protectors. (On Tuesday, I watched them actually ask the police to ‘keep an eye’ on a drunk who had been following the protest and annoying people.)

There is an element the unibomber describes in his manifesto that is largely disregarded in dramatisation because it hits too close to home. He called it 'oversocilisation'. Essentially what it is is an expectation on the system to protect you and to defend your individual choices to have an expectation that your personal stances may never be violated. That if you are uncomfortable you can expect the system to handle that situation for you.

Make no mistake these are the people who will give the system the power to be invasive and controlling in the first place.
>> No. 26070 Anonymous
21st June 2020
Sunday 10:46 am
26070 spacer

I usually describe myself as a socialist but are Ted is remarkably on point about some things in his manifesto. I suppose that means I'm some sort of anarcho-commie.

I blame listening to Rage Against the Machine and watching Fight Club as a teenlad. It's turned me into a cliché.
>> No. 26086 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 8:29 am
26086 spacer

I know everything is topsy-turvy these days, but people seem more outraged over a plane flying over a football game with a White Lives Matter banner than they do about an actual terror attack where three people died.
>> No. 26087 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 8:47 am
26087 spacer

The Libyan bloke killed three gay men, but they're ugly old middle-aged gay men so they don't count.
>> No. 26088 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 9:06 am
26088 spacer
As a bi-guy it's always irked me how a blind eye gets turned to homophobia if it's by people from other ethnicities.
>> No. 26089 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 9:27 am
26089 spacer
It's really odd to think that 'White lives don't matter' would have been less controversial, at least to a lot of the media.

Imagine growing up in one of England's many post-industrial working-class sinkholes, seeing nothing on TV but BLACK LIVES MATTER for weeks because some American criminal got killed, and knowing that nobody and nothing in the British establishment is looking out for you. Imagine going to the polls and reaching the conclusion that every other political party values you and your kind so little that the Tories strike you as the most attractive option.
>> No. 26090 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 10:17 am
26090 spacer
All this BLM and statue stuff is just furthering the divide.
>> No. 26091 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 10:43 am
26091 spacer

And you don't think that's precisely the point? The people on the ground don't think that's the point, they genuinely want an end to racism. Their intentions are good but they don't realise they're being played.

The higher powers stirring it up and dictating the narrative, on the other hand, they have absolutely nothing to lose from symbolic race appeasement gestures, and everything to gain from further suppressing class consciousness and materialist politics.

In a more amusing and ironic news, the CHAZ has seen its second shooting in as many weeks.


Reportedly, the "security personnel" inside the zone have been confiscating phones to make sure videos don't get out. So in under a fortnight, the anarchists who set up a commune in response to America's untrained, unqualified police oppressing citizens, have already come around full circle to having untrained, unqualified police oppressing citizens.
>> No. 26092 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 10:55 am
26092 spacer

>> No. 26093 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 3:24 pm
26093 spacer

Exactly. A lot of people who were maybe not the most PC bunch but were still fairly well mannered are seeing all of this as a reason to be actively racist, and the more tolerant are at least comfortable with slurs now. People are going to capitalise on this. By the next election we will see a fringe party promoting repatriation, mark my words. The next few years are going to be very unpleasant.
>> No. 26094 Anonymous
23rd June 2020
Tuesday 3:32 pm
26094 spacer

Mate, the person who organised it is a member of the EDL. That means he's far, far worse than an Arab who murdered several people for being gay. Look how white and working class he is, for Christ's sake!
>> No. 26108 Anonymous
24th June 2020
Wednesday 9:38 pm
26108 spacer

Black Lives Matter: Blackburn school 'sorry' for using Shrek as teaching aid

A Church of England school has apologised after using the film character Shrek to teach pupils about Black Lives Matter.

The cartoon ogre appeared in a St Matthew’s Primary School newsletter as an "assembly resource" to help teach about the movement's "empathy, diversity and collective value". Head teacher Julian Rogers said he was "truly sorry" if it "caused offence".


Really struggling to see why this is a story.
>> No. 26109 Anonymous
24th June 2020
Wednesday 9:43 pm
26109 spacer


Bit of a racist name for a city too, isn't it.
>> No. 26110 Anonymous
24th June 2020
Wednesday 9:51 pm
26110 spacer
>The Blackburn school said it had received no complaints from parents.

So who complained?
>> No. 26113 Anonymous
24th June 2020
Wednesday 11:37 pm
26113 spacer
You know what, I've just sussed it.

America's fucked up because they never had the masSURFul deconstruction of interracial relations we had, in the form of Ali G Indahouse, and its catch phrase, "is it coz I is black".

Makes perfect sense when you think about it.
>> No. 26118 Anonymous
25th June 2020
Thursday 9:04 am
26118 spacer
I think your point is that Americans lack a sense of humour; they badly need a laugh right now.
>> No. 26136 Anonymous
25th June 2020
Thursday 9:02 pm
26136 spacer

>The movement to confront racism in the United States has reached a wildly popular trading card game, Magic: The Gathering, which said earlier this month it had pulled seven cards with racist names and imagery from its game.

>Playing one card, named Cleanse, causes “all black creatures in play” to be “destroyed.” Another, called Crusade, provides gains to “all white creatures.”

>The racist imagery of the Invoke Prejudice card is especially obvious. Beyond the card’s name, its photo depicts figures in pointed hoods resembling those of the Ku Klux Klan.

Really, this never occurred to anybody until now?
>> No. 26139 Anonymous
25th June 2020
Thursday 10:09 pm
26139 spacer

Cleanse and Invoke Prejudice have been out of print for over 20 years. Crusade was reprinted in 2010, but the artwork on the reprint was considerably less on-the-nose.

There have been more than 20,000 different MtG cards in the game's history, so to be honest I'm surprised that there were only seven dodgy ones.
>> No. 26140 Anonymous
25th June 2020
Thursday 11:58 pm
26140 spacer

>Really, this never occurred to anybody until now?

They are fantasy cards in a fantasy environment. By and large throughout their history people haven't been concerned with what they portray because they consider it divorced from reality.

There are cards called small pox and pox, if the cultural winds had blown differently, or possibly they will blow that way because of covid, that might be considered too insensitive. Believe it or not in the 90s they had a block on creating creatures that were daemons because the satanic panic in America and the idea that the game might be promoting witchcraft. You might think that ridiculous now and what you are outraged with now is obviously offensive because you are caught up in the righteousness of it but no it is much closer than you would like to pretend.

One of the colours in magic is Black and that is the colour of evil. Obviously there is a historical reasons for that to do with black magic, but let the crypto-racism hysteria boil for another 10 years and people will be calling for that changed because 'when black children see black portrayed as bad it internalises self-loathing' or some other pseudo-scientific cultural bollocks, I am willing to believe that there is someone somewhere arguing that right now.
>> No. 26145 Anonymous
26th June 2020
Friday 9:30 pm
26145 spacer

Screenshot_2020-06-26 Mark Braithwaite ( MarkBrait.png
Alright, Mark.
>> No. 26146 Anonymous
26th June 2020
Friday 9:39 pm
26146 spacer
It was the only video of the full interview on YouTube. I couldn't work out if he's got a point or he's an example of the institutional racism within the Met.
>> No. 26147 Anonymous
26th June 2020
Friday 9:42 pm
26147 spacer
I haven't paid much attention to this whole debacle so I don't know if it's the same but
>22 police officers were injured after violence erupted after police tried to encourage people to leave
sounds a hell of a lot like the same line the US police have been feeding the media, blaming protests for being "violent" when there's video after video after video that show their cops attacking peaceful protesters to instigate the violence.
>> No. 26148 Anonymous
26th June 2020
Friday 9:44 pm
26148 spacer
Actually, that's a fucking weird channel.

>> No. 26149 Anonymous
26th June 2020
Friday 9:45 pm
26149 spacer
From what I've seen of the footage in Brixton they're absolutely nothing alike.
>> No. 26150 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 12:08 am
26150 spacer
>Family Guy voiceover actor Mike Henry quits as Cleveland so role can go to ‘person of colour’

I had always assumed Cleveland was played by a black voice actor.
>> No. 26151 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 7:03 am
26151 spacer

They got are Linny!
>> No. 26152 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 10:13 am
26152 spacer
They've now got white chefs appropriating foreign cuisine within their crosshairs.

>> No. 26153 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 10:14 am
26153 spacer
Regardless of him being right or wrong, his twitter use was definitely unhealthy. He needs professional help.
>> No. 26154 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 10:48 am
26154 spacer

Given the depths of his addiction, I can only imagine he is now scribbling transphobic messages on post-it notes and sticking them up on the wall in a vertical line.
>> No. 26155 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 11:10 am
26155 spacer

Yeah, I felt a bit sorry for him honestly. He got sucked down into a rabbit hole he would otherwise never have even known about. It's wrecked his reputation and his career. There are not altogether unreasonable parallels to be made to the onset of addiction to intravenous opiate drug use.
>> No. 26156 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 11:28 am
26156 spacer
In his struggle to keep "men" out of women's spaces, he's taken to invading a women's space.
>> No. 26157 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 12:23 pm
26157 spacer
Christ, 24 pages of people replying and a lot of that was at 3/4 in the morning.
>> No. 26158 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 1:51 pm
26158 spacer
Being a mum is a full-time job x
>> No. 26159 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 4:04 pm
26159 spacer

In the case of Bon Appetit, the main thrust of people's issue with them is that they have a history of rejecting ethnic cuisine articles and recipes pitched by ethnic people, but publishing similarly ethnic-oriented features from their white editors. They also only offered 'shows' (with pay bonuses included) on their successful Youtube channel to white editors, while pushing their non-white editors and staff to be in videos for no extra pay.

I can't read the full article, but it seems like for the BBC Good Food side of things, they're trying to remove stuff like "asian salad" which is fair enough - I wouldn't necessarily have thought of that as insensitive, but I get why people would feel it was, it's pretty lazy.

The issue of cultural appropriation in food has existed for a long time, but it has really only been an actual issue in TV/media chefs and brands - stuff like Jamie Oliver's "rice and peas" dish being actually rice and garden peas is a good example, but in restaurants, I don't think it's ever been an issue - being a successful restaurant chef is a genuine meritocracy, and any recipe thought up by even a white chef will almost certainly have been developed with a knowledge and reverence of the source material - that's just part of how you become a good chef, cynically ripping off an african dish and saying you thought of it just doesn't work.
>> No. 26160 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 7:58 pm
26160 spacer

3 in the morning, mumsnet open in one tab, fabswingers open in the next tab, cradling a glass of rosé...
>> No. 26161 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 9:45 pm
26161 spacer
Not even Jesus is safe.

>> No. 26162 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 10:05 pm
26162 spacer
I'm sure their 12 active parishioners may or may not have something to say about this.
>> No. 26163 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 10:09 pm
26163 spacer


Science's best guess is indeed that if the historical Jesus of Nazareth existed (most experts on Mideastern history believe he did), then he was nothing like the Aryan poster child that many European churches have portrayed him to be throughout the centuries. He was very probably a quite typical Mideasterner very similar to people who live in the region today. So why not be historically accurate.


What's really interesting though is that the historical Jesus was probably just one of a number of different lay preachers that travelled the Eastern Mediterranean at the time, and some even had a similar following as him. It could just be somewhat of a coincidence that we remember him the most today and that the others are almost completely forgotten.
>> No. 26164 Anonymous
27th June 2020
Saturday 10:28 pm
26164 spacer
All of the early depictions of Jesus reflected the culture of the people making them. It's thanks to the Roman Empire we have the image of Jesus we know these days.

Besides, I'm pretty sure it's one of the Ten Commandments that artwork of Jesus is a sin. Similar to Islam and Muhammad/Allah.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

— Exodus 20:4-6
>> No. 26165 Anonymous
28th June 2020
Sunday 1:21 am
26165 spacer
> What's really interesting though is that the historical Jesus was probably just one of a number of different lay preachers that travelled the Eastern Mediterranean at the time, and some even had a similar following as him.

He certainly wasn't the first or last self-declared Messiah of that period, but he was the one who Constantine heard about, and getting that kind of sponsorship is a guaranteed ticket to the big leagues.


Theologically speaking the old covenant(s) were replaced by the new covenant of Christ - (which, ironically, much like the very first covenant is once again a covenant with all mankind). Even if one were inclined to pay any attention to Exodus, even the Christian denominations that believe in the holy trinity recognise a difference between Christ the man and Christ the son (as it were).

There are plenty of icons and images of Christ in both the Catholic and Greek Orthodox alters at Calvary in the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and if anyone's an authority on these things it's probably those buggers.

>> No. 26166 Anonymous
28th June 2020
Sunday 1:52 am
26166 spacer
>Byzantine representations of Jesus were symbolic - they were all about meaning, not historical accuracy.

Imagine if the CoE came out with this level of maturity, just telling everyone that it doesn't matter rather than setting up a committee. I'm sure the Guardian would be apoplectic.
>> No. 26167 Anonymous
28th June 2020
Sunday 4:58 pm
26167 spacer

>He certainly wasn't the first or last self-declared Messiah of that period, but he was the one who Constantine heard about, and getting that kind of sponsorship is a guaranteed ticket to the big leagues.

Maybe just all a coincidence then that Jesus of Nazareth was the one that stuck, or maybe he really was kind of a gifted speaker and philosopher.

His ideas of compassion and forgiveness for your fellow man were certainly revolutionary in a time where the Romans had all other Mediterranean peoples under ruthless subjection, and where the Old Testament Jewish god still promoted "an eye for an eye".
>> No. 26168 Anonymous
28th June 2020
Sunday 6:47 pm
26168 spacer
>His ideas of compassion and forgiveness for your fellow man were certainly revolutionary in a time where the Romans had all other Mediterranean peoples under ruthless subjection, and where the Old Testament Jewish god still promoted "an eye for an eye".

Not really, no. It borrows heavily from the philosophy of the period and his ideas where continually refined through interaction with rival faiths (particularly Manacheism and Sol Invictus) as well as Medieval theology. An eye for an eye has been horribly mischaracterized when it really means that the punishment should fit the crime rather than lead to excesses and it's thought the Sermon on the Mount was correcting what had evolved into an excuse for vigilantism. The term literally comes from the first book of law we have and has been corrupted by mistranslation.

Religion was undergoing massive upheavals throughout classical antiquity, originally with local cults adapting or dying to growing cosmopolitanism of trade and empire but then merging into a melting pot of competing ideas between East and West from about the time of Abraham to Mohammad. Buddha even ended up as not one but two christian saints. The main point of contention between Abrahamic faith and Rome was that the former is completely intolerant of rival Gods while Rome would just incorporate or ignore local deities. The end of the period that saw the birth of the world's major faiths was repression as we can see happened as soon as Theodosius I made Christianity the Roman state religion. Similarly Roman subjugation is a complex subject but generally less 'hands-off' than the Belgians in the Congo and would vary by period and your level of Romanisation.

tl;dr Rebecca Long-Bailey was right, feed the children of Abraham to the lions.

Imagine exploring the world during Classical Antiquity to see traditions and festivals in your travels that developed over centuries of isolation. Each one unique to a town or area. You'd see the full range of human experience and belief enhanced with psychotropics and all sorts in a few weeks of hiking. Globalisation is probably good but it does make the world a whole lot less interesting.
>> No. 26169 Anonymous
28th June 2020
Sunday 7:07 pm
26169 spacer
> Not really, no. It borrows heavily from the philosophy of the period

Not really. Jesus' teachings were incredibly different to the second-temple period beliefs of the Pharisees and Sadducees. While it can be argued that early[ish] Christianity was influenced by neo-Platonism due to increasing Hellenisation of the area, it's equally arguable that the same teachings stems from the oral traditions of the First Temple period and were handing down through the ministry of John The Baptist. A reading of the gospel of John with a keen eye out for such allusions is definitely an interesting read for those of us (like myself) who want to believe that Christianity is primarily a Hellenistic religion.
>> No. 26170 Anonymous
28th June 2020
Sunday 7:41 pm
26170 spacer

>tl;dr Rebecca Long-Bailey was right, feed the children of Abraham to the lions.

She's a Catholic isn't she?
>> No. 26196 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 1:36 pm
26196 spacer
Who knew that .gs has so many experts on ancient theology.
>> No. 26197 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 2:18 pm
26197 spacer
Ancient theology, trannies, Mazda MX-5s, computers and Blairites. The Britfa top five topics.
>> No. 26198 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 2:39 pm
26198 spacer

>> No. 26199 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 3:01 pm
26199 spacer
Forget blackface, now there's blackvoice.


>The Simpsons is ending the use of white actors to voice characters of colour, the show’s producers have said.

>“Moving forward, ‘The Simpsons’ will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters,” they said in a statement on Friday.

Do I still get to use my comedic Jahmecan accent that took me years to perfect mun?
>> No. 26202 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 3:32 pm
26202 spacer
Nobody actually asked for this, it's a bit weird.
>> No. 26203 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 4:31 pm
26203 spacer
So what's going to happen to all the anime dubs? You can't have white actors voicing East Asian characters surely?
>> No. 26204 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 4:52 pm
26204 spacer

How I live.png
Well, at least nobody watches new Simpsons. It'll be weird watching Lenny without Carl.
>> No. 26206 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 4:55 pm
26206 spacer

I get it though, when I think about it - maybe not so much in the simpsons, other than Apu, but something like Cleveland you've basically had a white bloke putting on a black voice and making black jokes as that character all this time. Even if it's coming from a good place, satirising racism and so on, it kind of defeats the point if you can't even bring yourself to hire a voice actor that is from the culture you're trying to represent or lampoon.

All these changes seem performative to me, though, so I suppose it's moot.
>> No. 26211 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 5:42 pm
26211 spacer
Hulu have taken down, at the request of Disney, an episode of Golden Girls where they have mud masks on over fears about blackface.
>> No. 26213 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 6:23 pm
26213 spacer
It's a sad kind of funny that all these things are happening in response to the protests instead of, you know, what's actually being asked for. I wouldn't be happy either, protesting for more police accountability and justice and instead having companies going out of their way to try and make me feel better about giving them my money.
>> No. 26214 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 6:30 pm
26214 spacer

It's a sad kind of funny, you're right, but it also gives me hope.

I hope that the younger generation are learning that symbolic gestures don't mean anything. I hope they are learning how misguided they have been, following this ideology that thinks saying nicer words and posting nice pictures online can meaningfully impact anything. I hope many Americans are realising by now that they had the chance to elect a candidate who WOULD have delivered real change- but they played the game, they listened to the mind games, and fucked it right up to leave themselves with the same old choice between two utterly risible pricks.

I sense the mood is changing and people are fed up of just saying womyxn instead of woman and POC instead of black, because it does fuck all. That can only be a good thing.
>> No. 26215 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 6:42 pm
26215 spacer
Can you imagine being someone employed by a television network being tasked to go through their entire back catalogue for anything remotely related to race and eighty-six it?
>> No. 26217 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 7:18 pm
26217 spacer
Should The Big Bang Theory be thrown into the dustbin of history for having a neurotypical actor play a character who exists as a caricature of autistic people? As an autist, I get compared to Sheldon Cooper a lot by normies, and it is offensive that instead of getting an autistic actor to play an autistic person, they have a neurotypical actor playing disability black face. I know ableism isn't as hot a topic as racism, but Glee was criticised for having a physically able actor play a paraplegic yet I don't see much criticism towards TBBT.
>> No. 26218 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 7:24 pm
26218 spacer

I would be inclined to agree, though if they never explicitly described him in the show as autistic, then I suppose it's not as black and white, if you pardon the term.
>> No. 26219 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 7:27 pm
26219 spacer

>Should The Big Bang Theory be thrown into the dustbin of history

>> No. 26220 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 8:31 pm
26220 spacer

It is turtles all the way down mate. If you follow this logic no one is allowed to perform as anyone else because no one lives the excact life of their characters and the people who are closest are probably shit actors.
>> No. 26221 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 8:37 pm
26221 spacer

Strange, because most aspies don't seem to mind that a neurotypical person like Jim Parsons was playing a sperg. I read an opinion piece by a diagnosed aspie a few years ago that he was glad that a character in a TV series got to highlight the struggles of being like that, without going below the belt. No mention of feeling offended by Jim Parsons not being an actual aspie.

I think this whole identity politics thing had gotten to people's heads a bit too much. We're not really talking about the implications of police causing the wrongful death of a black lad in the U.S. by kneeling on the back of his neck anymore. That was atrocious and a tragedy any way you look at it, but I fail to understand how we got from racist cops all the way to aspies no longer being happy with Sheldon Cooper.
>> No. 26222 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 8:46 pm
26222 spacer

I've never liked TBBT for reasons somewhat adjacent to your own. I don't think of myself as an autist but I'm definitely on the "a bit weird" side of normal and almost certainly part of the crowd that show is meant to lampoon.

The trouble is, it's always felt mean spirited. It's definitely laughing at the groups in question; it's not a clever affectionate subversion of the trope. If we are to run with the racial sensitivity thing and follow the logic along to other things, TBBT is definitely more like one of those old stand ups where the racial humour was played straight and on the nose; not a modern one where it's self-aware and self deprecating.

I don't think the problem is having a neurotypical actor play a non-neurotypical character, but it's not without faults. I find the whole thing with actors a bit daft frankly. The whole purpose of actors is to portray characters, and things like that are parts of a character. Back in Shakespeare's day you didn't even need to be the right sex.
>> No. 26224 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 9:15 pm
26224 spacer

>The whole purpose of actors is to portray characters, and things like that are parts of a character.

Exactly. What's the point of training as an actor if you then don't get licence to play a range of characters that aren't necessarily your ethnicity, nationality, or even your own gender.

Up to a point though. Blackface is rightly unacceptable today because white actors really willingly propagated the worst of black stereotypes in the early 20th century. But not every portrayal of a person of minority X or Y by a white European nowadays is in any way quite that bad.
>> No. 26225 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 9:18 pm
26225 spacer
Do you think this will spread to books? As in, straight white men will only be able to write stories where all of the characters are straight white men.
>> No. 26226 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 9:33 pm
26226 spacer
If so, can she ask the Pope to give the Jews their candlestick back?
>> No. 26227 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 9:47 pm
26227 spacer

That's already been underway for a long while mate, sadly. Books, being so close to academia, are where this shit took hold probably first of all. There's been all sorts of non-controversies I've heard about on Radio 4, about men writing women, women appropriating the voice of coloured women, and so on.

It's too easy to suggest it's because women gravitate towards easy jobs, and then instead of bettering themselves at their craft, they piss and moan until they get what they want. But in literature, it looks for all the world as though that's exactly has happened.

Then again, nobody reads literary fiction. It's a big made up circle jerk of an industry anyway. All the money is in pulp shite like fantasy, and that's still largely male dominated to the extent many women use pseudonyms.
>> No. 26228 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 10:00 pm
26228 spacer

BLM UK are calling for the police force in this country to be defunded. Their GoFundMe page originally stated that they wanted the police to be abolished but they've since removed that part. They've also got it in for capitalism.
>> No. 26229 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 10:31 pm
26229 spacer

>They've also got it in for capitalism

If they had any sense that would be the start, end, and main point of their movement.
>> No. 26231 Anonymous
29th June 2020
Monday 11:14 pm
26231 spacer
>Cop in an expensive suit

I hate that nuance no longer exists in our society.
>> No. 26232 Anonymous
30th June 2020
Tuesday 12:08 am
26232 spacer
It's almost like accumulated capital and the protection of the police are related in some way.
>> No. 26247 Anonymous
30th June 2020
Tuesday 10:38 am
26247 spacer
In your mind, is police oppression something that only happens in capitalist countries? Are the Venezuelan coppers a lovely and incorruptible bunch compared to their brutal counterparts in Switzerland?
>> No. 26250 Anonymous
30th June 2020
Tuesday 11:09 am
26250 spacer

I'm pretty sure the Venezuelan police are there to protect capital too.
>> No. 26282 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 9:40 am
26282 spacer
Premier League: Support for Black Lives Matter is 'not political'


Sky Sports pundits Jamie Redknapp and Patrice Evra ditch badges for Black Lives Matter as football captains consider making public statement over links to organisation and Premier League distances themselves following group's extreme statements


BLM UK trying to politicise the movement seems to be backfiring.
>> No. 26283 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 10:02 am
26283 spacer

"Trying to politicise BLM" might be the stupidest fucking thing I've heard this year. What the fuck else is a movement against systemic racism going to be?
>> No. 26284 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 10:15 am
26284 spacer
People agree with the notion that black lives matter. People don't agree with BLM UK hijacking the movement to talk about overthrowing capitalism or Israel and are starting to distance themselves from the movement.

Almost everything I've seen from the actual BLM organisation has been a massive clusSURFuck. There's a large disconnect between them and the actual movement, which is starting to feel that it doesn't speak for them. It's reminding me of when you used to get self appointed spokespeople for Anonymous.
>> No. 26285 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 10:55 am
26285 spacer

BLM (and especially the UK s) have been badly organised and irrelevant spectators the whole time, merely trying to ride the coat tails of a spontaneous and headless wave of public unrest. It's a bit like how every time some nutter goes on a killing spree, ISIS pop up to "claim credit" for it, and everyone rolls their eyes.

What is interesting, and somewhat cathartic, is seeing them get the tactical anti-semite treatment. It was all well and good until it started looking like they wanted more than just Nike and Starbucks posting platitudes on Twitter; at which point I imagine some executive lobbyist somewhere spitting out his tea like the Englishman from that one Simpsons episode.
>> No. 26286 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 11:04 am
26286 spacer
I recall someone from my teenlad days calling me disgusting for "politicising" hunger and famine in Africa. He was a fat fuck too, so he didn't have a clue what he was on about.
>> No. 26290 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 11:51 am
26290 spacer
Why are the left so obsessed with Israel? Of all the injustices in the world this one gets a disproportionate amount of attention.
>> No. 26292 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 12:09 pm
26292 spacer

Because it's one of the few instances where abuse of human rights by a state actor is not just turned a blind eye, but actively downplayed. The hypocrisy with which it's out there in plain sight, and yet politically untouchable, is what makes it so deeply polarising.
>> No. 26294 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 1:36 pm
26294 spacer
Isn't what the Chinks are doing to the Uyghurs far, far worse?
>> No. 26295 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 1:44 pm
26295 spacer

That's not being downplayed is it? It's being rightly condemned. Nobody is defending the actions of the Chinese government.

(It also does us no good to compare whose suffering is "worse".)
>> No. 26296 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 1:51 pm
26296 spacer
>It's being rightly condemned

Has a single prominent world leader condemned it or done anything meaningful about it?
>> No. 26297 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 2:20 pm
26297 spacer
Precisely, the focus of coverage on China seems to be limited these days to CV-19, Hong Kong (the laws have been passed) and whenever things flare up in the South China Sea. A couple of letters have gone to the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights, for whatever use that really is.
Blind eyes seem to be given largely because of the global supply chain of things and China being the biggest exporter by a mile.
>> No. 26298 Anonymous
1st July 2020
Wednesday 2:40 pm
26298 spacer

Indeed, but the point made in >>26292 is that the abuses endured by Palestinians are more than just "turned a blind eye".

The realpolitik of China's economic position might go a long way to explaining that, and at a guess I'd say it's simply Israel's position as a middle eastern ally giving them the same benefit; but they certainly seem to be more pro-actively shielded from criticism, not simply have criticism brushed off.

Perhaps more to the point, though, nobody's going to try and conflate criticism of the Chinese government over their treatment of Uyghurs with hatred of an entire ethnic group and paranoid conspiracism.
>> No. 26769 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 9:35 pm
26769 spacer

Does anyone else find it a bit cringy when people in this country LARP as Black Panthers?

I really wish people would stop adopting American culture because they're pretending we don't have our own in this country.
>> No. 26770 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 10:41 pm
26770 spacer

I find all importing of American social issues a problem. One of us needs to change our language.
>> No. 26771 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 10:41 pm
26771 spacer
I'd rather import Black Panther culture than chlorinated chicken but we all have our priorities.
>> No. 26772 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 10:52 pm
26772 spacer

I know what you mean in general, but I think this specific idea is deliberately evocative of the american movement for obvious reasons. Much like how our homegrown racists LARP as german national socialists, they are adopting the symbology for a reason beyond aesthetics or trend.
>> No. 26773 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 11:11 pm
26773 spacer
Just look at the state of them boots and that helicopter landing pad the "soul sister#1" calls a beret. I frankly expected more from a parade of ninja sergeants.

>because they're pretending we don't have our own in this country.

In fairness it's just another bunch of weirdos in London. Give it a few weeks and I'm sure they'll find another hobby to base their entire personality around.
>> No. 26774 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 11:14 pm
26774 spacer


Reminds me of those clowns who turned up in Airsoft gear to the protests in Atlanta, proclaiming to be the "Revolutionary Black Panthers - Atlanta Chapter", an organisation that didn't really exist. A couple of days later, after all the right-wing fear and outrage, it turns out they're basically all on IMDb and available as bit-part actors.

Anyway, they made sure they got some good photos for Instagram looking all powerful and radical, then took selfies with the cops and basically tried to hijack the occasion and even tried to get people to simmer down on behalf of the police.

It doesn't make me less sympathetic to the overall movement; but if anything these showings of freshly unpacked berets and military surplus detract from them, because it goes from something organic to a group of attention seekers looking for their "Flower Power" moment.
>> No. 26775 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 11:17 pm
26775 spacer

Speaking as the token northern irish guy seeing people playing army dress up just makes me roll my eyes. There's a been a place for it, in the violent overthrowing of an imperialist power and to do away with the worst of the very real segregation in the North, but what the fuck are these lot playing at? Who are they organising against? The worst biases of the police force?
They just remind me of the profusion of paramilitary flag waving types that jumped on the bandwagon over here ( and whose current cause is, generally, sell a bunch of drugs).

There's plenty of nice things about NI but by god people have a persecution complex - on both sides of the community.

Am I saying that lot have also have a persecution complex? Yes. I don't give a toss about the colour of their skin, that's just antagonistic showmanship.
>> No. 26776 Anonymous
3rd August 2020
Monday 11:39 pm
26776 spacer

>> No. 26777 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 10:42 am
26777 spacer

It really is fucking annoying. Not just because it's taking over "our" culture or whatever, British culture has been on the downward slope since the end of the 80s and the Internet only heralded its death knell.

But rather because it's importing social grievances, and then getting upset about not having them addressed. It's really bizarre. It's like if you've ever had a girl accuse you of cheating on her, when you haven't, and there's nothing on God's green earth you can do to prove you didn't, because that's not how the concept of proof works. There's nothing you can do about the imaginary crime you didn't commit, and you have to serve your time for it regardless.

These people are convinced the UK has the same history of racial tension as the US because they don't know history in the first place, and if they do they will claim it's been whitewashed. How are we supposed to respond to them?
>> No. 26778 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 10:43 am
26778 spacer
I know it's the Mail but I don't quite understand the mountain of alt-right comments underneath that appear to be claiming this 'exposes the lies' of BLM? Was I supposed to feel sympathetic towards the police after watching this?
>> No. 26779 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 10:49 am
26779 spacer
"If he didn't resist he wouldn't have died. You should respect authority."
>> No. 26780 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 12:32 pm
26780 spacer
>These people are convinced the UK has the same history of racial tension as the US because they don't know history in the first place, and if they do they will claim it's been whitewashed.
We might not have our police killing minorities in similar percentages but are you seriously suggesting this country doesn't have a history of colonialism and exploitation?
>> No. 26781 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 12:52 pm
26781 spacer
They're mentalists. American's genuinely don't seem to see this video as evidence of bad policing. The general sentiment seems to be >>26779 it's absolutely nuts.
>> No. 26782 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 1:11 pm
26782 spacer
I wouldn't say they're greatly comparable.

Historically there hasn't been many slaves within Britain because we've tended to do our oppression of people in other countries. America, on the other hand, has had a sizeable population of either slaves or the descendants of slaves for centuries; the last slaves supposedly died in the 1970s and the Jim Crow laws were in place until 1965.

We may be a bit funny to brown people within this country but there's no deeply ingrained history of it happening here. I'd wager that someone who, say, lives in India and is still feeling the after effects of the Raj would have more of a grievance about colonialism than a third generation British Indian living in Wolverhampton.
>> No. 26783 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 1:34 pm
26783 spacer
From what I can tell "Forever Family", AKA the Lidl-brand Black Panthers, are just posers. Their demands are so nebulous and unambitious they're either in it for the clout or a deeply insidious cult who daren't show the outside world even a little bit of what's behind the curtain lest the SBS get sent round for a cuppa and a chat. However, I find the latter option far less likely.

I don't think anyone claimed that. I don't want to pretend even for a moment that racism is some of the most awful shite, or that I understand how awfully shite it is, given that I'm white, and while poor and working class I've got basically no accent (sorry UKCultureisdeadLad) so no one would think it, but I don't understand how incensed you can be about those kinds of historical wrongs while you're just going about your day. There are plenty of situations that occured domestically that I find reprehensible, but I'm not going to protest the working conditions of mill workers.

That's not to say I don't think anti-racism protests are a good thing, just that the kind of historical grievence you mentioned is an act of futility. There's absolutely shit-tons of casual racism in the UK and plenty of folk still will whip out racial slurs so fast you'd think you'd rocked up at a NF rally by mistake. I think a good example of this is the amount of ominous claims online that "the BLM protests have stoked racial tension!". If all it took was a handful of protests, likely hundreds of miles from where you live, to have you chanting "there ain't no black in the Union Jack" then I'm skeptical of your colour credentials.

Not sure why I said "SBS" earlier in the post, but I'm keeping it even if SAS would work better.
>> No. 26784 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 1:37 pm
26784 spacer
*skeptical of your colourblind credentials.
>> No. 26785 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 1:51 pm
26785 spacer

>If all it took was a handful of protests, likely hundreds of miles from where you live, to have you chanting "there ain't no black in the Union Jack" then I'm

Jayda from Britain First has set up a new organisation, the British Freedom Party. I don't think their "don't unpack you're going back" slogan is very catchy.

How come you don't hear much about the SBS? Do the SAS steal all of their thunder?
>> No. 26786 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 2:31 pm
26786 spacer
Oh, come on, they must be taking the mick? Writing "ASYLUM" on the Union Flag like that makes it look like the country itself is a loony bin. Combine it with the slogan and it sounds like it's where the rest of the planet keeps their nutters because we're too weird to live amongst anyone else.

As for the SBS thing I reckon it's just boats being less cool than planes. I do wonder if this bothers SBS lads or if they prefer it that way, personally I doubt special forces types get especially insecure about that kind of thing.
>> No. 26787 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 2:34 pm
26787 spacer
>"don't unpack you're going back"

Haven't we pretty much turned everybody away now? Who's left to send packing?
>> No. 26788 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 2:48 pm
26788 spacer
British shores are being INVADED on a daily basis by hordes of opportunists claiming to be 'Asylum Seekers'.

Most of these are FIGHTING FIT MEN who have travelled through countless countries to get to 'SOFT TOUCH BRITAIN'.

Well we have a message for them: "DON'T UNPACK, YOU'RE GOING BACK" - Get your FREE Pin Badge today, all you pay is the P+P


They also do flags and lapel badges. Hordes, lads, hordes!

God I wish I didn't want to hatefuck Jayda so bad.
>> No. 26789 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 3:23 pm
26789 spacer
For a second I thought you'd posted a link to an Express article.
>> No. 26791 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 5:46 pm
26791 spacer
>Historically there hasn't been many slaves within Britain because we've tended to do our oppression of people in other countries
>I'd wager that someone who, say, lives in India and is still feeling the after effects of the Raj would have more of a grievance about colonialism than a third generation British Indian living in Wolverhampton.
Granted, but a lot of the people present there weren't third generation immigrants. They still have family in the places we've exploited (the ones that don't, don't have much of a family tree to speak of and that's... those are the ones you're admitting do have something to be angry about) and still want justice for people we've exploited even if they're not directly personally affected by them. England doesn't exist in a vacuum. Even if it did, there's still plenty of injustice sent their way, https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/163408/ethnic-minorities-deprived-communities-hardest-pollution/ as an example off the top of my head. Yes, it says ethnic and deprived but if you ask me that's just a reason for class solidarity rather than crab-bucketing.

Three paragraphs to my one sentence and I'm the one that's incensed? Ok.
>> No. 26792 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 5:54 pm
26792 spacer
I can only fathom that their goal is to have nobody come to the UK ever, but how do they see this working long term?
>> No. 26793 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 5:59 pm
26793 spacer
Let's be honest, strategic thinking isn't their strong point.
>> No. 26794 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 6:44 pm
26794 spacer
It genuinely wouldn't surprise me if these sort of people don't believe most of what they're saying, but they know it's quite lucrative for them so they keep doing it.
>> No. 26795 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 6:57 pm
26795 spacer
What? No, I meant the people who bring up historical events are "incensed" and I didn't mean it in an especially pejoritive way.

Also we don't have character limits so what's your point exactly?
>> No. 26796 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 6:58 pm
26796 spacer
What do character limits have to do with it?
>> No. 26797 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 7:03 pm
26797 spacer
>England doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Watch out, lads. The SNP have shown up.

>I can only fathom that their goal is to have nobody come to the UK ever, but how do they see this working long term?

Isn't that how things have mostly worked for centuries?
>> No. 26799 Anonymous
4th August 2020
Tuesday 8:47 pm
26799 spacer

If there was any honesty in the world this wouldn't be controversial in the slightest.
Of course BLM is an inherently political movement, and I don't mean it in the dumbass "everything is political way", they specifically advocate and do state-defined political actions with the express purpose of achieving political change.

There's no way that this should be in the Premier League or any other place of business, as it is breaching the laws regarding political advocacy at work.

Genuinely worried that my work will ask me to wear a political lanyard soon. I've nothing against BLM and I actually agree with them on many points but just on principle alone I'm not going to fucking hop on to my company's political pet project.
>> No. 26801 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 12:31 am
26801 spacer
In other news, languages are racist.


>Black Lives Matter activists are demanding the name of a new build street in Barry is changed saying it honours a well-known Welsh slave owner.

>Vale of Glamorgan council leader Neil Moore said a review of street names is being carried out but that this particular street was named after the Welsh for “peninsular” and not after any individual.
>Lawyer and black rights activist Hillary Brown, who is leading the protest, said that is not good enough.
>> No. 26802 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 12:33 am
26802 spacer
You appeared to chastise me for my post's length, I didn't understand why and still don't.

>Genuinely worried that my work will ask me to wear a political lanyard soon.
Don't be so bloody soft.
>> No. 26803 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 12:50 am
26803 spacer
It's fair to be sensitive to this stuff- you wouldn't name a street after Hitler no matter what his name meant in any language - but I don't think she has a case here.
>> No. 26804 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:07 am
26804 spacer
>Genuinely worried that my work will ask me to wear a political lanyard soon. I've nothing against BLM and I actually agree with them on many points but just on principle alone I'm not going to fucking hop on to my company's political pet project.

What I always hate about this is when you have those long meetings on racism that are essentially corporate bullshit. Meetings that feel oppressive and stilted because everyone has other things to be doing and it's all about the right noises. It manages to feel worse than nothing, like how a 'well-done' from a boss feels better without a £20 voucher for M&S.

I hope if I ever climb higher on the greasy pole I don't turn into a complete wanker. Although that's probably something everyone has said before.
>> No. 26805 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:07 am
26805 spacer
If she thinks that's bad, wait until she finds out the Philippines named an island "Negros".
>> No. 26806 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:14 am
26806 spacer

>> No. 26807 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:17 am
26807 spacer
Nobody can argue that isn't deeply offensive though.
>> No. 26808 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:40 am
26808 spacer
But it's been used as a word for that shade of brown for decades.
>> No. 26809 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:41 am
26809 spacer
Probably centuries I'm just not bothering to fact check that far back.
>> No. 26814 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:58 am
26814 spacer
Doesn't make it any less offensive.
>> No. 26816 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 2:06 am
26816 spacer
Yes that was the point I was making.
>> No. 26819 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 8:25 am
26819 spacer
The thing is it only takes one person to get their knickers in a twist and it's national news.

Lucy Worsley has recently apologised for directly quoting John Wilkes Booth's response to Abraham Lincoln saying black people should get the vote during a documentary from last year that was repeated again this week.

>‘He said, and his words carry a health warning, “that means n****r citizenship. By God, that’s the last speech he will ever make”.’


Don't read the replies.

If we're reaching the stage where a historian can't directly quote from history because people get offended then we're in trouble, particularly as it's often said many people do not learn enough about Britain's brutal history.
>> No. 26821 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 11:04 am
26821 spacer

The outrage comes from a cargo cult morality, from understanding something is wrong without understanding why. An understanding of events and actions without any understanding of intent or the concepts behind it. Effectively only understanding the symptoms and not the cause.

You can do and say truly horrific things but as long as there isn't an obvious historical precedent people won't care, in fact you can be as bigoted as you like, society might even frame it as a positive. And you can have a situation like this where someone is actually highlighting the ugliness of the past deconstructing it and helping to understand it and people with boo it for illustrating their point with the forbidden word. If there is a time where such words are necessary and appropriate, this is certainly it.
>> No. 26822 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 12:48 pm
26822 spacer
I think the big irony is that it was during a series called American History's Biggest Fibs, with that episode about the myths around the American Civil War. They also seem very offended by Lucy's enthusiastic demeanour and her habit of dressing up.

I think part of the outrage is again the Americanisation of this country as, for obvious reasons, the n-word is far more offensive and unacceptable over there. Seppos don't seem to grasp that people around the world don't look and think about issues the same way they do, but there certainly are people here who are all too keen to transfer American social issues over here in the way they think.
>> No. 26824 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 1:24 pm
26824 spacer
Imagine jumping into someone's replies just to shout at them for saying a naughty word.
>> No. 26828 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 2:29 pm
26828 spacer
Your criteria for what's important enough to reply to someone with on twitter is far too high.
>> No. 26829 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 3:36 pm
26829 spacer
What a hateful bunch. This tactic is particularly disgusting, because it only works to bully people who aren't actually racist.
>> No. 26830 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 3:43 pm
26830 spacer
Her mistake was in apologising to them. This still isn't enough for the angry Twitter mob who are hungry for vengeance.
>> No. 26831 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 3:54 pm
26831 spacer
My issue isn't with the fact that she told her off, it's that she jumped into a completely unrelated thread to do it like a pound shop Kanye West.
>> No. 26832 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 4:28 pm
26832 spacer
Yes that's twitter.
>> No. 26835 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 5:09 pm
26835 spacer
God, who the fuck gives a shite? No one, no one worth thinking about. Fuck me, Twitter is a bottomless pit of triviality. Before you cunts brought this up there was an actual discussion ITT and now it's just bollocks.
>> No. 26836 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 5:19 pm
26836 spacer

Agreed. I, for one, don't even have a Twiter account.
>> No. 26837 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 5:55 pm
26837 spacer

>Before you cunts brought this up there was an actual discussion ITT and now it's just bollocks.

You could learn a thing or two from ARE LUCY about viewing history with rose-coloured glasses.
>> No. 26838 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 7:39 pm
26838 spacer


Go on lad, you know you want to smash Lucy's back door in
>> No. 26839 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 7:43 pm
26839 spacer
Take your filth where it belongs.

>> No. 26841 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 10:41 pm
26841 spacer
Honestly where do these people find the energy? I can only assume their lives are boringly empty. Then again I'm not even sure I put as much energy as them into things I even like.
>> No. 26842 Anonymous
5th August 2020
Wednesday 11:11 pm
26842 spacer
Many of them are new to the internet - for them, trolling some wanker celebrity on Twitter is where many of us were about 15 years ago.
>> No. 26844 Anonymous
6th August 2020
Thursday 12:13 am
26844 spacer

Very good point. A lot of them are either very young or middle aged and only just discovering the internet.

I got into using the Steam Show website for a bit, but my interest tapered off quickly when I realised the reason behind a lot of the more idiotic "takes" was that the poster in question was probably about 17. At that age, I was only just waking up to the idea that TV licenses are a bit of a rip off- Imagine if I'd had all this to contend with.

The woke lot have their hearts in the right place but they're mostly young, suburban, middle class Americans, and what they don't realise yet is that a lot of their concepts and the paradigm through which they interpret politics, racial interactions, etc etc is mostly a function of their own specific demographic circumstances. Their idea of white privilege is just their own specific kind of suburban, affluent American privilege, that it doesn't occur to them not everybody shares. Their internet vitriol and twitter zealotry is a symptom of gradually realising their place in things.

Reassuringly, class based politics seems to be resurfacing among people who realise there's something not quite right about it all. The twitter hate mob haven't done themselves any favours by attempting to hypocritically cancel several high profile black people who have spoken out without sticking to the established narrative.

>> No. 26875 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 9:45 am
26875 spacer
>Their demands are so nebulous and unambitious they're either in it for the clout or a deeply insidious cult who daren't show the outside world even a little bit of what's behind the curtain lest the SBS get sent round for a cuppa and a chat. However, I find the latter option far less likely.

The Mail have been doing some digging into the social media of the leader of Foever Family Force, Khari McKenzie who goes by the rap name Raspect.

They've found anti-semitic posts, which seems to be increasingly common amongst rappers at the minute, anti-trans posts and anti-vaccination ones too.

I've seen a few posts suggesting the march was primarily a marketing exercise to funnel money into the company through PayPal donations, which apparently is to loan money and rent out office space to black businesses.
>> No. 26881 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 12:05 pm
26881 spacer


It's an ancient conflict cycling back around on us for the modern age. If you buy into the whole historical whitewashing shtick and you think modern black people really wuz kangz n shiyet, which a lot of the most vocal groups seem to, then it's really no surprise they detest and see themselves as superior to the filthy Canaanites.

It's all incredibly daft. It's a lot like those pasty white lads who think they're the descendants of Vikings, as if the passing of over a thousand years of history doesn't render any tenuous link utterly irrelevant under hundreds of other factors over the years.
>> No. 26883 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 12:51 pm
26883 spacer
I think in America a lot of it is related to Nation of Islam and its offshoots. They have a long history of blaming the struggles of black Americans on Jews.
>> No. 26884 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 1:00 pm
26884 spacer

I've said it before, but Pete Steele was right.

>> No. 26887 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 1:39 pm
26887 spacer
It seems like there might be an obvious reason for that, some sort of historical precedence that still has relevance today. Could be. I'm sure it's not though, just hilarity all round.
>> No. 26888 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 1:57 pm
26888 spacer
Okay, retard.
>> No. 26892 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:16 pm
26892 spacer

BLM have held a rally in London to mark the anniversary of Mark Duggan's death.

I don't understand why they're calling for the police to be defunded. I get it in America but in this country the rozzers haven't been spared from austerity.
>> No. 26893 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:27 pm
26893 spacer
Most folk in this country are happy to pretend to be Yanks, fight over Yank problems and generally pay no more attention to UK politics than calling Johnson a "prick". Actually they probably say "asshole" or "douchebag" now. I'm not against anti-racism protests, but "defund the police" is clearly the answer to America's problem of ultra-violent coppers who seem to have a force running every other street corner. I'm not going to sing the praises of this country's coppers, but to transplant Seppo problems directly onto our own is no way to solve anything.

I hate this country. It's just racists, pretend Americans, shit food and mishapen bits of tarmac in various stages of decay.
>> No. 26894 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:28 pm
26894 spacer
Off you pop then.
>> No. 26895 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:34 pm
26895 spacer

Not sure what your issue with the Carnivore track is. It's one of those that only a mouth breather takes at face value, which is of course part of the point.

Didn't see the other post since it's been deleted.
>> No. 26896 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:37 pm
26896 spacer
Sorry, I didn't realise the UK itself was ITT, didn't mean to be impolite it's just that you're full of subnormal, non-people who'd be better off as fertiliser.
>> No. 26897 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:38 pm
26897 spacer
Don't let the door hit you on the way out m7.
>> No. 26898 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:39 pm
26898 spacer


Just imagine, if there was any intellectual honesty at all in this whole debate we'd have to start praising David Cameron and George Osbourne as socially progressive heroes.

I think I'd rather be shot by a policeman.
>> No. 26899 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 6:46 pm
26899 spacer
What exactly upsets you so about what I said?
>> No. 26903 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 7:14 pm
26903 spacer
Last night the police raided the premises of a, primarily black, youth anti-knife crime charity, on the grounds that they were going to take part in that rally. They arrested two youth workers for obstruction or something and a 14 year old on the grounds that they thought he smelled of weed.

This video gives you some idea of the work that charity does.

Here's an article with more information on what I'm on about:

It's probably quite easy to sit behind a keyboard and declare that it's just BLM are pretending to be Americans, and "our cops aren't racist see" but police actions like this are not all that different to Yank ones.
>> No. 26904 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 7:19 pm
26904 spacer
Mate, I said in my post that I'm all for anti-racism protests. You won't hear me bellyaching about EPL players taking a knee or expressions of cross border solidarity. However, many people in this country are just as, if not more, invested in goings on in the US that problems that are facing the UK itself.
>> No. 26906 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 7:25 pm
26906 spacer
Oh okay never mind then.
>> No. 26910 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 8:05 pm
26910 spacer
What you've said happened and what the article says happened are different things.
>> No. 26912 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 8:12 pm
26912 spacer
The order of some of the things has been garbled due to word of mouth but there's nothing in there that makes it less of a problem.
>> No. 26913 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 8:16 pm
26913 spacer
>The order of some of the things has been garbled due to word of mouth

Oh, Anarchylad.
>> No. 26914 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 8:19 pm
26914 spacer
Talking to people is anarchy? Does that make reading articles authoritarianism?
>> No. 26915 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 8:21 pm
26915 spacer
According to the article the boy was arrested because he smelled of cannabis and they'd found drugs had been thrown nearby. The officers' vehicle was blockaded by people unhappy with what had happened so the police had to call in for reinforcements.

In your version there was a raid because of the Mark Duggan protest today and they arrested people for seemingly no reason.

I know there's issues with the Met, but your post is reminding me exactly of my work colleague who supports Tommy Robinson and spouts half-truths and absolute bollocks.
>> No. 26916 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 8:24 pm
26916 spacer
That's fair. I was wrong and shouldn't have taken the hearsay I was told at face value.
>> No. 26920 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 10:40 pm
26920 spacer

>The BBC has received more than 18,000 complaints from the public after it broadcast a racial slur, amid growing internal staff discontent at the decision.

>A television news report on a racially aggravated hit-and-run attack on an NHS worker in Bristol featured a BBC journalist repeating the racist language allegedly shouted at the victim.

>“Just to warn you you’re about to hear highly offensive language,” said the reporter, before quoting the alleged attacker’s use of the N-word as they fled the scene. The report originally aired on the regional Points West bulletin, before being repeated on the national BBC News channel the following day.

>The BBC has defended its broadcast, saying the decision to report the racist language allegedly used in the attack was made following discussions with the victim and his family, who wanted viewers to appreciate the severity of the incident.


There seems to be more outrage over a BBC journalist repeating what was said during a racist attack than the actual racist attack itself.
>> No. 26923 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 10:57 pm
26923 spacer

While I get the point, I also don't really see why the decision was made to have a reporter repeat it. Typically news reports just say "the N word" - is that not enough?
>> No. 26924 Anonymous
8th August 2020
Saturday 11:08 pm
26924 spacer
Apparently the victim and family were determined that it should be used to let the public know the severity of the attack as it was initially reported as a hit and run without any racial motivation.

I can't ever recall the BBC quoting racial slurs during a news broadcast though.
>> No. 26937 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 3:56 pm
26937 spacer
Yet the BBC also reported that the decision by senior staff to broadcast it did not include the family's wishes as a factor. Which means the BBC are only bringing it up as a cowardly excuse, it seems.
>> No. 26938 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 5:00 pm
26938 spacer
Are you that thick-lad from yesterday?

>The BBC has defended its broadcast, saying the decision to report the racist language allegedly used in the attack was made following discussions with the victim and his family, who wanted viewers to appreciate the severity of the incident.

>“Notwithstanding the family’s wishes, we independently considered whether the use of the word was editorially justified given the context,” it said. “The word is used on air rarely, and in this case, as with all cases, the decision to use it in full was made by a team of people including a number of senior editorial figures.”

That means a two-stage test took place:
1. A subjective assessment from BBC staff and the family
2. An objective test from independent people - likely a panel of experts - on editorial justification

Have a word with yourself, n-word (nincompoop).
>> No. 26939 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 5:28 pm
26939 spacer
The BBC have now apologised, although it largely seems to be an admission that they didn't realise people would get so uppity and offended by the utterance of the word by a white person.
>> No. 26940 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 6:52 pm
26940 spacer
How many people saw the broadcast and were offended? Vs how many people read about the broadcast later on twitter and decided they were offended?
>> No. 26941 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 7:06 pm
26941 spacer
>the decision to use it in full was made by a team of people including a number of senior editorial figures.

It would be fascinating to hear what goes on in these meetings.
>> No. 26942 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 7:41 pm
26942 spacer

>> No. 26943 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 7:54 pm
26943 spacer
"Where do we stand on 'sambo' being used? "

What has surprised me is that the general consensus on rudgwicksteamshow.co.uk is that the BBC were right to broadcast it; it was used in a factual context, there was a warning that they weren't going to be censoring offensive language during the report and it's better to put their audience in a fully informed position where they know what happened rather than sugar coating it and adding ambiguity - people, particularly those going about their lives completely sheltered from this sort of thing, need to be confronted with the shocking and disgusting reality of what happened and not a sanitised version.
>> No. 26944 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 8:35 pm
26944 spacer

cheating's me.jpg
Why do you keep mentioning this particular site?

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 26945 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 8:37 pm
26945 spacer
Haven't you ever visited r/Britfa before?
>> No. 26946 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 8:44 pm
26946 spacer
If the attacker had said "I'm going to rape your arsehole with a spike, motherfucker", would the BBC have also broadcast it in full, judging that people need to be confronted and informed with the disgusting reality etc.?
>> No. 26947 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 8:53 pm
26947 spacer
Context is everything. The racist abuse is how we know it was a racially motivated attack.
>> No. 26948 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 8:53 pm
26948 spacer
Interesting fact; black gangs in London now engage in a practice called 'bagging' where the victim, having been knocked to the floor, is assaulted rectally using a sharp object like a bike wheel spoke or kebab skewer. The objective is to shred the intestinal lining in a way that can't be repaired surgically so the humiliated victim is forced to use a colostomy bag for the rest of their life.
>> No. 26949 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 9:10 pm
26949 spacer
It's a wordfilter for something else.
>> No. 26950 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 9:13 pm
26950 spacer

This is the worst gay racist propaganda I've ever read on this site the most obvious part is the weasel words.
>black gangs in London now engage
That means if it isn't completely made up it probably happened once.

>the objective is to shred the intestinal lining in a way that can't be repaired surgically so the humiliated victim is forced to use a colostomy bag for the rest of their life.

So we have to watch out for packs of rogue BAME Doctors now the same way that cows have to look out for your friend of a friend who definitely does cow tipping and killed one once eh?
>> No. 26951 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 9:18 pm
26951 spacer
My apologies, I'm sure it's limited to those notorious white gangs in London.

>> No. 26952 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 9:21 pm
26952 spacer
Can you come up with any other evidence than the Times article you originally quoted almost word for word and doesn't cite any examples? Or maybe it does beyond its paywall?
>> No. 26953 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 9:46 pm
26953 spacer
Not that lad, but the Times article is based off something in GQ magazine.

When I remarked that must have been some knife, Metcalf shrugged: “Sometimes they use a kebab skewer.”

The scan showed two major concerns. The first was the patient’s colon, which had been perforated and would require surgery. He would likely require a colostomy bag, at least in the short term. Yet, among gangs, Metcalf told me, stabbing victims in the bowel is increasingly common and done on purpose to humiliate their victim.

“If you stab someone in the guts and you perforate the bowel, as a surgeon you just can’t close it up. Because it’s contaminated with faeces, there is a risk of getting infected. Therefore you have a colostomy bag, so your bowel is brought out into a bag, at least temporarily. It may be joined at a future stage when the bowels are all sterilised and clean.” It even has a name: it’s called bagging. “So they will aim to try and not just kill someone, but permanently disable them.”

>> No. 26954 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 10:01 pm
26954 spacer
So that's one?
>> No. 26957 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 11:26 pm
26957 spacer

How much evidence do you really expect to find for a recently developed street gang practice? It's not like they have a wiki.

(I'm not the lad you were replying to, lest this assumption cause a cuntoff)
>> No. 26958 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 11:29 pm
26958 spacer
>So they will aim to try and not just kill someone, but permanently disable them.
>> No. 26959 Anonymous
9th August 2020
Sunday 11:36 pm
26959 spacer
As much evidence as for anything else we're saying is fact.

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