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Subject   (reply to 85447)
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EU boiz.jpg
>> No. 85447 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 4:50 am
85447 lmao brexit
Here's your future British Isles bro

(A good day to you Sir!)
Expand all images.
>> No. 85449 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 12:17 pm
85449 spacer
Do we really have to keep Wales?
>> No. 85450 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 12:30 pm
85450 spacer
Who gets the Isle of Man?
>> No. 85451 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 12:44 pm
85451 spacer


The bikers.
>> No. 85455 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 9:12 pm
85455 spacer
That's a fair point. It's a protectorate with its own currency, it isn't a member of the UK. I imagine they'd probably vote to become independent though if the pound crashed through the floor, as their interests might be better served by Holyrood or Stormont at that point. The Scots have vastly more experience at accommodating the needs of island communities, so that would be my guess.

Assuming the above is an inevitability.
>> No. 85456 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 11:24 pm
85456 spacer
Nah, that place is going to us Hindists


Bikers are allowed, but never shall his sacrifice be forgotten.
>> No. 85457 Anonymous
26th March 2019
Tuesday 11:27 pm
85457 spacer

RIP doctor Hinds. Road racing will never be the same without him.
>> No. 85728 Anonymous
20th May 2019
Monday 6:49 am
85728 spacer
I think it's down to Wales whether or not they want an independence vote.
There's still mixed views so far, the majority voted to leave the EU although there's been a growing movement for independence since the protest in Cardiff.

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