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Subject   (reply to 20688)
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>> No. 20688 Anonymous
8th May 2016
Sunday 8:28 pm
20688 Attenborough at 90
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that we almost let this one pass.

Not only did he pretty much define the natural history genre, he oversaw BBC2 from its early days through the advent of colour, and is responsible for introducing the so-called "personal view" documentary form to British television, with such series as Kenneth Clark's Civilisation, Jacob Bronowski's The Ascent of Man (the producers of which would later produce Carl Sagan's Cosmos), and his own Life on Earth.

Happy birthday, old chap.

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>> No. 20689 Anonymous
8th May 2016
Sunday 8:36 pm
20689 spacer
Did we really not have a mention of this? It's been all over the place, I just assumed it was here too.
>> No. 20690 Anonymous
8th May 2016
Sunday 9:01 pm
20690 spacer
We were just waiting for his obituary thread later in the year.
>> No. 20691 Anonymous
8th May 2016
Sunday 9:58 pm
20691 spacer
He was also a reactionary old racist.
>> No. 20692 Anonymous
8th May 2016
Sunday 10:30 pm
20692 spacer
>> No. 20693 Anonymous
9th May 2016
Monday 9:24 am
20693 spacer

>> No. 20694 Anonymous
9th May 2016
Monday 10:16 am
20694 spacer
Old people, eh?
>> No. 20695 Anonymous
9th May 2016
Monday 11:32 am
20695 spacer

He's just labouring under an obsolete theory of population dynamics. 40 years ago, it wasn't unreasonable to think that there were simply too many people in the world and that we were headed for disaster. A lot of older thinkers believed that providing long-term food aid to famine-stricken regions was essentially an act of cruelty, because you were just dragging out the inevitable.

Since then, we learned that the most effective way to control population is a) to reduce infant mortality and b) to provide education. The Ethiopian birth rate was over 7 for most of the 1970s and 1980s, but is now 4.64 and falling fast. In Addis Ababa, the rate is now below replacement at 2.1.

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