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>> No. 5882 Anonymous
9th July 2013
Tuesday 10:06 am
5882 spacer
Lads I need to know how long it would be before I can drink. I had 250 mg tramadol at 3am and then 2 30/500 codeine pills at 9 am. It is of utmost importance, a girl has just asked me out and I don't want to fall asleep during drinks. Eating would help right? What other things can I do. Meeting arlt 5 so probably drinking at 6. Is it safe?
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>> No. 5883 Anonymous
9th July 2013
Tuesday 11:30 am
5883 spacer
I'd be more worried about how much sleep you can get in that time, if you didn't sleep last night. Make sure you don't drink on an empty stomach, that way lies a messy evening.
>> No. 5884 Anonymous
9th July 2013
Tuesday 2:28 pm
5884 spacer
Might it not be better to avoid drinking? Perhaps you two can go and get food together instead?

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