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>> No. 6643 Anonymous
23rd April 2014
Wednesday 5:36 pm
6643 spacer
Autistlad here,

When I get high I see things from peoples point of view, and I am not Autistic at all and very sociable, liked and popular at social events.

Some women even flirt with me and its got me laid several times.

This is a fucking miracle cure, fuck the police if your Autistic and get high all the time!
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>> No. 6644 Anonymous
23rd April 2014
Wednesday 5:39 pm
6644 spacer
Personally I find cocaine works much better but good for you lad.
>> No. 6645 Anonymous
24th April 2014
Thursday 12:37 pm
6645 spacer
>This is a fucking miracle cure, fuck the police if your Autistic and get high all the time!

You shouldn't rely on marijuana as a miracle cure. Use it when needed rather than wanted. Smoke responsibly and not to excess.
>> No. 6646 Anonymous
25th April 2014
Friday 1:28 am
6646 spacer
Get bent, Grandpa! We're too rad for you.
>> No. 6647 Anonymous
25th April 2014
Friday 2:14 am
6647 spacer
I become even more autistic when I smoke weed.
>> No. 6648 Anonymous
25th April 2014
Friday 3:17 am
6648 spacer
Same here. Proper rabbit in the headlights.
>> No. 6649 Anonymous
25th April 2014
Friday 3:37 am
6649 spacer

I have fits of rage and smash things whenever I breathe in weed smoke. It's like that weird synthetic Kryptonite in Superman 3.
>> No. 6710 Anonymous
2nd May 2014
Friday 8:28 pm
6710 spacer

What kind of weed are you guys smoking?


This site has a good record and feedback of different strains for medicinal and recreational purposes.
>> No. 6711 Anonymous
2nd May 2014
Friday 10:34 pm
6711 spacer
Got some Amnesia. Hope it doesn't live up to its name, got exams soon.
>> No. 6719 Anonymous
7th May 2014
Wednesday 9:32 am
6719 spacer

I know how you lads feel. Doesn't help that the only type of weed you can really get nowadays is proper strong headfuck skunk, it's rather put me off smoking weed in a social setting.

It's always the same for me. Somebody says something that takes your attention, so you listen intently, hyper aware of any possible rudeness caused by interruption, then, right where you're going to join in the conversation, somebody else starts speaking while you were still considering what to say, then you lose track and have to intently listen again for a bit, and the cycle begins again. Then you realise how quiet you are and start avoiding eye contact and just stare something out. Then by the end of the night you realise all you've said is "Cheers" whenever somebody passed you a joint or the rolling supplies, and "Inabit" when you left. You couldn't even see the TV properly but you were happy to pretend whatever was on was incredibly interesting to cover up for the fact you had essentially retreated into a world of such intense self reflection that not even the ordering of a takeaway roused you.

But anyway. Countering it by taking speedy drugs and/or being drunk helps.
>> No. 6720 Anonymous
7th May 2014
Wednesday 1:56 pm
6720 spacer
Oh Christ that sounds exactly like a lot of group social interactions for me when I'm not even high. It mystifies me how people are able to contribute so naturally to a conversation when not being directly addressed without seemingly any thinking time. For this reason I tend to avoid group conversations and focus on dealing with one person at a time.
>> No. 6912 Anonymous
3rd September 2014
Wednesday 12:18 am
6912 spacer
Board games (but for the love of fuck dodge "Diplomacy" or anything anyone describes to you as "Diplomacy-like"). Carefully regimented social interaction with strict rules to follow. Find a board gaming group near you, and all of a sudden social things are a solved problem.

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