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>> No. 7659 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 3:34 am
7659 Crack
Don't judge me. I just recently moved from one end of London to the other and didn't have any weed hookups, met this nutter outside the McDonalds and got chatting to him. Started off going with him "to get weed" and ended up smoking what I presume is quite a lot of crack (like 3 rocks shared between 2 people) at a flat somewhere that seemed quite dodgy.

I was literally about to fall into bed when I nipped out for McDonalds, I actually went because I was too tired to cook, but that was like 6 hours ago and my mind is still racing, no chance of sleeping now. Questions below:

1. Is the idea of "smoke crack once and you're already hooked" true? Because I didn't even really like it that much (felt good but not good enough to die for). Will I be waking up already needing more or is that just stupid TalkToFrank style bollocks?

2. Let's say I did want to do it again, how soon should that be to avoid developing a habit? A week? A month? A year?

3. I thought crack's high was short? I'm not buzzing or anything but I can't imagine sleeping in the next couple of hours despite having smoked my last tiny bit over an hour ago.

4. Brillo pads. Do crackheads actually use them or is that something they just pretend to use to freak out middle-class kids and make them panic slighlty less because they are obviously out of their depth slightly earlier and so are more prepared for the actual shit?
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>> No. 7660 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 3:48 am
7660 spacer
>1. Is the idea of "smoke crack once and you're already hooked" true?
No, but if you do it again the addiction will be exponentially worse.
>2. Let's say I did want to do it again, how soon should that be to avoid developing a habit? A week? A month? A year?
Just fucking don't you idiot.
I don't understand the question.
4. Brillo pads. Do crackheads actually use them or is that something they just pretend to use to freak out middle-class kids and make them panic slighlty less because they are obviously out of their depth slightly earlier and so are more prepared for the actual shit?
Does that sound like something people do? No, they mention them because they use them for a reason.
>> No. 7661 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 3:52 am
7661 spacer
Mate, don't do it again lest you want to scratch yourself with a Brillo pad.
>> No. 7662 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 3:55 am
7662 spacer
K breda. Appreciate you coming to my rescue nice and early like this. 3 was about the idea I was taught that, compared to cocaine, crack was supposed to have a short high that is pretty much worn off by the time you even notice. 4 was just about brillo pads I guess.

Won't be touching crack again.

Have a good night/day/depends when you read this.
>> No. 7663 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 4:01 am
7663 spacer
I've had a number of friends who've tried crack, a fair few tried it "once" Good luck mate. Please don't try it again. The next time you don't be so lucky.
>> No. 7664 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 7:19 am
7664 spacer

>> No. 7665 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 1:57 pm
7665 spacer
Don't do it again.
>> No. 7666 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 3:23 pm
7666 spacer

>> No. 7667 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 3:27 pm
7667 spacer

The irony behind this video was they were all fucking smashed the entire time they were filming this. One of them was coming up on something or other when they made that oath to never take drugs in America.
>> No. 7668 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 4:21 pm
7668 spacer

> 1. Is the idea of "smoke crack once and you're already hooked" true?

Yes and no (honestly). I've known people who've smoked crack daily for months, moved out of the area, and forgotten all about it. I've also known people to have a few lines of a mate's coke while on a night out and rapidly turn themselves into a total coke fiend. Do you have what might loosely be termed an "addictive personality"? Are you often hedonistic? Do you suffer from depression or other mental health issues? All of these are key indicators of addiction potential. Crack, like pretty much any highly-powerful dopaminergic stimulant is pretty much a tractor-beam, psychologically speaking, while you're around the stuff (to quote Super Hans it's a "bit moreish") but it's not physically addictive. The true likelihood of you developing a habit really comes down to your lifestyle and your use of the drug.

> 2. Let's say I did want to do it again, how soon should that be to avoid developing a habit? A week? A month? A year?

It doesn't really work like that. If you have an urge to do it again you're already suffering from the reward/reinforcement feedback loop that eventually becomes habituation (or as some might call it, addiction). Likewise, if you wait long enough for you not to have any urge to do it again you're already out of that loop, behaviorally speaking. Much like people ("chocoholics") who give up chocolate for lent and then find themselves not really caring for it any more afterwards, people who (wisely) stop doing a certain drug until the urges/cravings/desires go away often find that really they can't be bothered any more.

To answer your question a tad more succinctly, a brain depleted of dopamine by methamphetamine takes about 8-10 days to restock itself to baseline levels; while crack works in a somewhat different way I would suppose that 8-10 days would be long enough for your brain to re-achieve homeostasis and escape the reward/reinforcement feedback loop, which in turn gets rid of that hankering urge for a nice shiny rock.

> 3. I thought crack's high was short? I'm not buzzing or anything but I can't imagine sleeping in the next couple of hours despite having smoked my last tiny bit over an hour ago.

Smoked cocaine will produce an effect window of roughly 15 minutes before you start coming down, but that doesn't mean you won't have residual stimulation for a while afterwards, especially if you were a virgin user.

Add to this the fact that the active constituents of your "crack" were probably a mix bag of cocaine, caffeine, cathinones and (if you're lucky) crank-grade methamphetamine and you'll understand a bit more of what you're feeling.

> 4. Brillo pads. Do crackheads actually use them

I don't really understand what your fixation with brillo pads is about. Do you have some childhood fear of them, caused by being made to scrub one too many dirty pans or something?

That said, crack smoking methods vary from user to user and especially from country to country. Here in the UK the most common method I've encountered was to use something like a half-full plastic water bottle, cover the mouth of the bottle with pin-pricked tin foil, push a biro or other tube through the bottle above the waterline and then place cigarette ash on the foil before laying the crumbled crack on top of that.

In the US the common method appears to be to use a glass tube with some brillo pad stuffed into one end as a kind of buttress to keep your rock from flying down your gullet (think roach or cigarette filter, only on the other end of the pipe) and to simply apply a naked flame to the rock stuck in the end of the pipe. Funny bunch, those yanks.
>> No. 7669 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 6:21 pm
7669 spacer

>> No. 7670 Anonymous
21st August 2015
Friday 6:43 pm
7670 spacer

>3. I thought crack's high was short? I'm not buzzing or anything but I can't imagine sleeping in the next couple of hours despite having smoked my last tiny bit over an hour ago.

The peak from crack should last no more than a few seconds the after effects should leave well within an hour.

>4. Brillo pads

Do you mean a wire wool brush? because that makes perfect sense to me and I don't understand why you are threating. Where as a green scouring pad makes no sense to me and I would be scared too.

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