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>> No. 7989 Anonymous
5th December 2017
Tuesday 1:49 pm
7989 spacer
Growing in the British outdoors seems like it wouldn't be worth getting your wellies wet for, but does anyone know if its possible? And if so, any particular strains / tips? Cheers.
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>> No. 7990 Anonymous
5th December 2017
Tuesday 5:43 pm
7990 spacer
I think most people do it indoors given our climate.
>> No. 7991 Anonymous
5th December 2017
Tuesday 5:45 pm
7991 spacer
From what I understand it's far easier and less risky to do it indoors. As long as you've got tin foil wallpaper you'll be alright.
>> No. 7992 Anonymous
5th December 2017
Tuesday 11:59 pm
7992 spacer
The only thing putting me off indoors is the smell. I live in a flat and it'd be pretty obvious, I think.
>> No. 7993 Anonymous
6th December 2017
Wednesday 12:14 am
7993 spacer

That's why you run a negative-pressure extraction system with carbon filters.

See UK420 for the details.
>> No. 7994 Anonymous
8th December 2017
Friday 3:44 am
7994 spacer

There was an old pensioner couple unknowingly had one growing in their back garden for years and it never budded, rozzers still took it mind. I remember reading it in the Metro.

Police Helicopter pilots are constantly on the look out for hot spots, as well. Unless it is really remote and really well insulated, someone will discover it because of the smell. It's only practical to grow in urban areas in tower blocks you control or a basement with medical R&D lab-grade air filtering equipment.

If you're only growing between 1 and 4 plants, then you can do that in a large cupboard and often the police turn a blind eye as they often have larger fish to fry.

- Wrong 'un.
>> No. 7995 Anonymous
8th December 2017
Friday 3:25 pm
7995 spacer

>Police Helicopter pilots are constantly on the look out for hot spots, as well. Unless it is really remote and really well insulated, someone will discover it because of the smell. It's only practical to grow in urban areas in tower blocks you control or a basement with medical R&D lab-grade air filtering equipment.

>If you're only growing between 1 and 4 plants, then you can do that in a large cupboard and often the police turn a blind eye as they often have larger fish to fry.

Much like the TV licence enforcement officer, contray to the properganda the police are not omnipotant, and will not always get their man. It is not that they are turning a blind eye, they haven't seen.

Like all things the larger the scale you are doing something the more obvious it is what you are up to. If you are doing things on an industrial scale and you light up the night sky like 'Saving Grace' it doesn't take much detective work to figure out you are up to something.

If you are growing just for yourself in your green house like any other plant, or somewhere out of sight, why would anyone ever notice unless you draw attention to it through your actions? If you act like you are hiding something people treat you like you are hiding something. The most sucessfull homegrowers I've seen have all been long in the tooth housewives who didn't fit the usual profile, didn't knot themselves up with teenlad anxiety and kept things to themselves because there was no paronia or ego about it.
>> No. 7996 Anonymous
9th December 2017
Saturday 5:07 pm
7996 spacer

Yeah, I can confirm this. My Mum used to grow it. However, the police knew. She was questioned about an assault that took place outside her garden and they smellled it in the house. Once they are in your house, they don't need permission if the have probable cause so they found her grow cupboard but the chap said after he found it that he wasn't there about that and that chasing people for growing 1 or 2 plants was a "waste of fucking time". I reckon if they had found more they would have done her, but that brush with the law was enough to scare her straight afterwards.
>> No. 8039 Anonymous
29th January 2018
Monday 5:30 pm
8039 spacer
I have two years experience growing outdoors
I found Frisian Dew grew well making circa £700 from three large plants sold as smalls. It was necessary to put rabbit-proof cages around the plants, to use fertilised compost, anti-fungicidal spray (sparingly) during flowering. I had concerns that it might make the weed taste bad but I couldn't tell, I think the rain washed it off before i harvested.
It was also necessary to erect a deer-proof fence at one spot, when a deer ate a plant which would have produced a decent amount but mysteriously left the other one.
Make many, small spots - clearings in brambles and nettles and hawthorne in the middle of nowhere. Use google maps and OS maps. Be aware that the prevailing wind will carry the smell, be not seen or heard -> consider working at night.
You just have to sell more weight of buds for the same amount of money to make it fair.
The stuff gets you high OK
It is better in a greenhouse apparently.
There are many strains which work OK outdoors, see uk420.org - they have a large outdoor grow section with many diaries which I used to get a buzz from reading. It's a great adventure

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