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>> No. 8233 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 6:19 pm
8233 spacer
I'm right in thinking I shouldn't do acid if I'm not in the right state of mind or feeling very sad emotionally, aren't I? Can't really see the appeal of being on something within what's basically the same week of a loved pet dying.

I know this post sounds like total bollocks but I just need some reassurance, I am very convinced I don't want to be on anything like acid right after experiencing this.
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>> No. 8234 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 6:22 pm
8234 spacer
Most people don't really have to worry about accidentally taking acid, but yes don't take it if you're not feeling positive. You sure you aren't high right now?
>> No. 8235 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 6:27 pm
8235 spacer

I'm not high, but generally struggling to process a few things, I'm just taking it slowly.

I don't even smoke weed unless I'm in a good mood so I guess that answers it for me.
>> No. 8236 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 7:10 pm
8236 spacer
Trust your gut m8. There are plenty of good reasons to take drugs and plenty of good reasons not to take drugs.
>> No. 8237 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 7:16 pm
8237 spacer
It's certainly not advisable. There's a very good reason 'set and setting' is a phrase that has been used for more than fifty years now. Don't take the risk, I can't imagine being haunted by an eight hour waking nightmare involving your dead dog would be fun.
>> No. 8238 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 7:33 pm
8238 spacer
Acid is one of those drugs that doesn't make you happy or sad, it just amplifies how you're already feeling. Turning it up to 11, so to speak. If you're not feeling bloody great already I wouldn't drop acid at all.

Another lad mentioned set and setting, but don't forget a lot of people "candy flip" - dropping mdma and then dropping the lsd at the peak of the mdma high. That way your set and setting for the LSD are basically "holy shit I feel amazing and I totally love EVERYONE right now omg".
>> No. 8239 Anonymous
18th November 2018
Sunday 7:56 pm
8239 spacer

I figured as much, I've had a successful trip on it in which I was prepared and in a good place and good setting, I think my mind's just been racing over recent events and how that's tied in with me almost getting ahold of some again. Cheers.
>> No. 8240 Anonymous
19th November 2018
Monday 1:14 pm
8240 spacer
As someone who's taken prophetic amounts of acid at times, I can definitely say it's the kind of drug you should only take if you're 100% certain you want to, whether it simply be a mood thing or your environment or anything like that. But I'd say the same about any drug.

That said, I've always found the weight of those downer trips to be overstated. It can be stressful, certainly anxiety inducing, but you usually come out the other side unscathed, or even strengthened by the experience. I've always been a depressive though, so if you're not quite so used to handling sadness or uncomfortable self reflection, you might not be able to deal with it.

I definitely don't recommend the candy flip. If you try and trick yourself into an upper you're asking for some nasty karma and acid is the kind of drug that will deliver. It's always the things you don't expect that seem to take on significance, as you probably know.
>> No. 8241 Anonymous
19th November 2018
Monday 7:55 pm
8241 spacer

Yeah, true.

I'm really not big on uppers, MDMA was fun when I was much younger but it's such a 'superficial' experience that the payoff just isn't worth it. I'm generally not big on stimulants and I'll smoke weed perhaps once every three weeks (maybe even less now) and have so far spaced out my psychedelic usage.

I guess for now I'll just wait until the next opportunity to do acid, for the better.
>> No. 8242 Anonymous
19th November 2018
Monday 11:01 pm
8242 spacer

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