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Subject   (reply to 439024)
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>> No. 439024 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 10:30 am
439024 spacer
What actually is the point of a washing up bowl?
Expand all images.
>> No. 439025 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 10:44 am
439025 spacer
There is a point, I remember quite distinctly me asking this question in the past and receiving a decent answer that made me feel foolish, but it eludes me now.
>> No. 439026 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 10:54 am
439026 spacer
Try getting rid of it and do the washing up without, you'll soon realise.
>> No. 439027 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 10:56 am
439027 spacer
Whatever it is I haven't realised it yet.
>> No. 439028 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 11:47 am
439028 spacer
I've never used one but I think the idea is you can rinse stuff off down the side of the bowl without getting the dirty water into the bowl.
>> No. 439029 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 12:10 pm
439029 spacer
Reduces noise and if your plug doesn't have a tight seal it holds water. Ultimately though I think its just so you can use the sink without having to do the washing up.

I mentioned that I had one earlier in the year and was roundly mocked for being poor. If you find this explanation then do let us know.
>> No. 439030 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 12:39 pm
439030 spacer
If you have one of those sinks with a separate little rinsing compartment next to the main sink, it's not as necessary. But it makes life a lot easier to be able to tip the dirty water out and refill it without having to dig right down and pull the plug, and being able to rinse things without the water overflowing- When I do the washing up I like to keep the tap running so I can rinse the soap suds off whatever I've just washed.
>> No. 439031 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 12:55 pm
439031 spacer
If I saw someone with a plastic bowl in their sink I'd think they were a poor person, at the very least mental poverty.
>> No. 439032 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 1:29 pm
439032 spacer

Povvo here, what do rich people have? Porcelain? Ivory?
>> No. 439033 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 1:29 pm
439033 spacer
A butler.
>> No. 439034 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 1:30 pm
439034 spacer

A sink large enough that you can rinse without needing to have a moving container.
>> No. 439035 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 1:51 pm
439035 spacer

You need a double sink, otherwise you're just rinsing into the washing up water.

Also non-povvos have a dishwasher.
>> No. 439036 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 1:55 pm
439036 spacer
>otherwise you're just rinsing into the washing up water.
What's wrong with that?
>> No. 439037 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 2:16 pm
439037 spacer

Either you're rinsing in hot water and wasting a load of energy, or you're rinsing in cold water and cooling down your washing up water.
>> No. 439038 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 2:31 pm
439038 spacer

That's fine, I can wash up just as well with water that's very slightly less warm.
>> No. 439039 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 2:47 pm
439039 spacer

Or, you know, spend a quid on a washing-up bowl.
>> No. 439040 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 2:55 pm
439040 spacer

Or, you know, not bother.
>> No. 439041 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 3:00 pm
439041 spacer
It's for collecting fetid, greasy water and food debris to soak your dishes in, of course.
>> No. 439042 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 5:07 pm
439042 spacer
So you can remove it and the dirty dishes to get access to the sink, or at least when I had one that's how I used it. You ever tried to fill a pint glass with water from a sink full of soaking pots? It doesn't work.
>> No. 439043 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 5:27 pm
439043 spacer
It's very clear that this thread is divided into two stark categories of lad: Spoilt posho manchildren who went straight from mum and dad's house to having their girlfriend-cum-nanny do the dishes for them, and hard road-worn working class men who have known the toil of rolling their sleeves up and doing their own.
>> No. 439044 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 5:40 pm
439044 spacer
Jokes on you, I've never had a girlfriend.
>> No. 439045 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 5:51 pm
439045 spacer
If you just did the washing up when it was dirty there wouldn't be anything in the way of you getting water whenever you want it.
>> No. 439046 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 6:37 pm
439046 spacer
Having a dishwasher or a middle sink means you're a posho now?
>> No. 439049 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 7:48 pm
439049 spacer
Just wait until they find out about your 40-inch TV. That'll send 'em apoplectic.
>> No. 439051 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 8:01 pm
439051 spacer
Most people don't have sink-plugs in their kitchen. Also, some people have really big plug holes. And, kitchen sinks are quite big, and so I imagine there is a lot more water used if you fill the entire sink up whereas I guess with a bowl you need at least a third less, but I would like to see some measurements. I think the (hot) water will cool down faster if its in the metal part of the sink, too. So enough reasons.

Do people still wash-up in the bowl though? I haven't done it for years, though having recently got a smart meter and seen how much power the dishwasher uses when it's on, I might start doing it.
>> No. 439052 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 8:13 pm
439052 spacer
You can get a rubber plug with a handle for about a quid, if that.
>> No. 439053 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 8:16 pm
439053 spacer
>>439051 Running a mostly full dishwasher is substantially cheaper than repeatedly running a sink of hot water to do the same washing. The dishwasher only has to get one, maybe two bowlsworth of water hot, then sWhooshes them round for ages (with evil detergents that your hands couldn't survive). It then runs a heater for a while to dry stuff, but, energy-wise, they're pretty good.
Haven't been without one since shared house days. Just bung stuff in, run it when stuff runs out or it gets stinky or it's a sunny day and the solar panels will cover it.
One day, I'll just get a second one and alternate, no more unloading. Some stuff will get washed unnecessarily, but that's zero cost. Stuff will go in & out of rotation. Life will (continue to) be good.
>> No. 439054 Anonymous
15th September 2020
Tuesday 10:49 pm
439054 spacer
Only working class plebs have giants tvs, everyone knows that mines is 49 inches
>> No. 439055 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 12:06 am
439055 spacer
Do people really dry their dishes? You can leave it out and it dries.
>> No. 439056 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 7:08 am
439056 spacer
Probably easier to do it all at once.
>> No. 439058 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 10:53 am
439058 spacer
Feels a bit minging to have your plates and cutlery sitting on a damp plastic shelf that's never cleaned. OPs pic is especially horrifying as the end of his spoon is proper touching that bit where a puddle of stagnant water can collect (assuming it doesn't already pool in the teaspoon - bloody animal!)

I'll leave awkward things like glasses to air dry but there's an odd satisfaction in drying a plate. I'm usually watching something on my laptop as I go so I don't mind at all.
>> No. 439059 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 10:57 am
439059 spacer

Dishmatic range.jpg
I always find those light blue cloths a bit weird. You want a dishmatic.
>> No. 439060 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 12:12 pm
439060 spacer
Full agreement - those things are just excellent.
>> No. 439062 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 5:04 pm
439062 spacer
I can buy and bleach a pack of dishcloths for a at least 3 months. How long do those things last?
>> No. 439063 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 5:13 pm
439063 spacer
Long enough.
>> No. 439064 Anonymous
16th September 2020
Wednesday 6:26 pm
439064 spacer
You're missing the fact the handle is hollow and holds cleaning fluid - your manky dishcloths simply can't do that.
>> No. 439071 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 12:37 am
439071 spacer
I bought one for my final year uni flat in the first week, and the half French lass who lived with me had a thing for duck confit once a fortnight, and removed the washing up bowl to "wash up", placing an already congealed roasting pan of duck fat into the sink. I called her out on it the first time, having cleaned it in front of her, but the ring of fat was disgusting, and took cream cleaner to fully remove. I left her to deal with it after I did so the first time. Despite being disgusted, I think the point came across after two months.
Mucky bitch. She's one of those chakra environmentalist types too.
>> No. 439072 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 12:39 am
439072 spacer
A paper kitchen towel or two to wipe off the fat (and bin it) solves that problem. The only thing soap should remove is the final film of fat.
>> No. 439073 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 12:41 am
439073 spacer
Point is the lass was thick as fuck. And half French. Filthy bastards.
>> No. 439074 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 7:03 am
439074 spacer
A lot of students have no idea about housework. My friend lived in an all female house share and there was constantly skiddies in the toilet, shaved hair in the bath tub, dirty pots in the sink, dirty clothes all over the bedroom floors and just about every carpet was sticky to walk on.
>> No. 439075 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 10:50 am
439075 spacer
What's the problem?
>> No. 439076 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 1:26 pm
439076 spacer
Not all us hoard women's toenail clippings.
>> No. 439077 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 1:36 pm
439077 spacer
You should take it up as a hobby.
>> No. 439078 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 1:50 pm
439078 spacer
My preferred hobby is going onto obscure imageboards, making a single reply and then watching on as it leads to other posters pointlessly bickering over it for hours.
>> No. 439079 Anonymous
17th September 2020
Thursday 2:11 pm
439079 spacer

Problem clearly is they are first to blink in a game of chicken and they were rightfully treated like the prison bitch after the first time.
>> No. 440318 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 1:53 am
440318 spacer
I'm surprised that nobody's said that the purpose of a washing up boil is to be sick into. It's perfectly portable, fits snugly beside your bed, plus you can hold it between your legs whilst you're sitting on the toilet when it's coming out both ends.
>> No. 440319 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 7:46 am
440319 spacer

Everyone had a Sick Bowl growing up. Ours was the mop bucket, which doesn't bear thinking about - I was too young then to recall now if this bucket was in regular mop service, or retired just for vomit collection - I suspect the former.
>> No. 440321 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 10:21 am
440321 spacer
They stop you getting a scummy tidemark, so the trade off is a smaller area in which to do the washing up, including an area to rinse off, but no quick and simple wipe up after you wash.

I prefer to use one if the sink isn't a double, simply for the space you can make to rinse suds off. Had a flatmate at uni who would routinely use way more washing up liquid than necessary, then simply stack the sudsy plates on the side, not even in the rack. Stupid cow.
>> No. 440324 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 11:38 am
440324 spacer

I don't think I've vommed once since I stopped drinking. Is it normal to go more than a decade without puking?
>> No. 440325 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 11:41 am
440325 spacer
Yeah doesn't sound unreasonable. I can't think of a time since I was a child that I puked without drink or drugs being involved.
>> No. 440326 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 11:43 am
440326 spacer
You need to experiment with food well past when it should have been eaten.
>> No. 440327 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 11:44 am
440327 spacer
>> No. 440328 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 11:47 am
440328 spacer
>> No. 440329 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 12:00 pm
440329 spacer
You've got to build up your resilience levels.
>> No. 440330 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 12:49 pm
440330 spacer

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 440331 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 2:27 pm
440331 spacer

I've never understood people who will opt to vomit into a sink, over the toilet, that is the real mental povvo in our society.
>> No. 440332 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 2:33 pm
440332 spacer
Sometimes the toilet's too far away, as I found out when I had norovirus. After the first bout, I don't think I left the area of the bathroom for the next 3 days.

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