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>> No. 25756 Anonymous
19th September 2022
Monday 4:05 pm
25756 spacer
Just bought a new PC. My last one wasn't good enough to run GTA 4. I've missed the last 14 years of games. Where do I start, lads?

I'm thinking GTA 4 and 5, Far Cry 4, 5 and 6, Crysis 2 and 3, then Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. Where are we to with Total War?
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>> No. 25785 Anonymous
22nd September 2022
Thursday 10:14 pm
25785 spacer
Seems strange that "discriminating" would be top of someone's spying concerns.
>> No. 25791 Anonymous
26th September 2022
Monday 12:19 am
25791 spacer
Speaking of pointless fads, I've only just got a graphics card capable of this raytracing stuff, and having tested it out in a few games, that's exactly what I'm going to call it.

I mean, it obviously has potential; but the way NVidia are leaning so heavily on it is little more than marketing guff. I'm old enough to remember several similar overhyped gimmicks that remind me strongly of this, and I feel confident it's going to follow the exact same trajectory.

Remember tessellation? Yeah, you probably do now that I've mentioned it, but other than that I bet you had completely forgotten it existed. Cast your mind back, about ten years now, and tessellation was the absolute must have feature. It was the reason to upgrade, it was the future of graphics, it was supposed to utterly change the face of graphics as we know it. There was that demo with the dragon on those floating islands, and we were all amazed, remember? But when was the last time you even heard it mentioned? I'm sure games still use it, but it didn't lead us to the promised land of blowjobs and free doughnuts did it.

Remember PhysX? That was a complete joke. Hairworks? Actually, come to think of it, it's always Nvidia pushing this bullshit too.

Raytracing will do the same thing I reckon. It won't be the be all end all, we won't have this revolution where it's raytraced everything all the time and we laugh at how primitive things were before it. It'll just become another pretty mundane part of the feature set developers can use. And the reason I say that is because it only looks good about as often as it looks like shit, frankly, and that's in the cases you can even see a difference at all. It does some things well, like reflections, but honestly I think the more conventional lighting in most games looks better (I would imagine because it requires more direct, deliberate artistic input from a developer.) Raytracing will stick around, sure, but it will end up as just another menu toggle that makes a barely perceptible difference to quality, for a modest frame rate cost.

I'm sure some of you are just nodding and going "yeah, duh" but they really have been pushing it to the point I was expecting a lot more out of it. Not that I'm disappointed, it's just rare that even my natural level of skepticism is exceeded.
>> No. 25792 Anonymous
26th September 2022
Monday 1:37 pm
25792 spacer
>Everyone is having to re-invent game development from scratch, which is the biggest problem in VR but also why it's so interesting.

Crowbcat's Kinect video has the developor of Ryse: Son of Rome saying that they dropped Kinect support because "you reach a point where you're teaching people how to swing a sword and not play a game, you know what I mean, and at the end of the day we had to make the decision is this the game we want to make?"

I wonder if there is a similar deterrent effect in VR development?
>> No. 25793 Anonymous
26th September 2022
Monday 4:36 pm
25793 spacer

>I wonder if there is a similar deterrent effect in VR development?

The problems are very different. Motion tracking in VR has to be absolutely rock solid, otherwise you get horrendous motion sickness. Motion control on things like Kinect or Wii was a barely-adequate bodge, but on VR it's pretty much totally sorted. From a user's perspective the interactions are totally natural and from a developer's perspective it's very easy to implement. If you give a VR player a sword or a bow and arrow or a golf club, they instantly know what to do with it as long as you've got the physics right.

The big difficulties with VR development are that so many things that we take for granted on flat screens just don't work. Game developers are habituated to doing things that don't actually make sense in the real world, but are convenient tropes for making things work in games. It's a design language that gamers take for granted. In VR, things that don't make sense in the real world tend to make you feel sick, because they create conflicts with the sense of immersion in a real space.

A straightforward example is the HUD. We take it for granted that in games, you can have information overlaid on the screen at all times. In VR, that's disorienting and makes your eyes go funny, because your visual system is trying to place those floating numbers and icons into a real space. If something exists in a VR game, it has to exist as a tangible object in the game world. If you want something to be constantly in the eyeline of the player, you need to project it onto the visor of a helmet or put a screen on the back of their gun or something.

Focus and vergence-accommodation conflict are significant problems with the current generation of hardware, but will be fixed within a few years. Essentially, current-generation VR headsets have a fixed focus which is set somewhere in the middle distance. This is good enough that anything from about a metre away to infinity looks sharp enough, but anything really close to your face will be out of focus and make you go slightly cross-eyed. We know how to build VR headsets with more complex optics that better match your visual system, but it isn't quite ready for mass-market hardware. It's something that has to be worked around for the minute, because any game that requires lots of close-up objects with fine detail will be uncomfortable on a fixed-focus headset.

Interaction expectations make development of realistic environments more difficult. Gamers are used to the idea that games are full of stuff that's just set dressing, but in VR we have the instinctive sense that everything should be grabbable. If there's a bottle on the table, people will want to pick it up and they'll feel disappointed if they can't. If a player sees a ladder, they'll expect to be able to climb it by grabbing the rungs with their hands; if they climb a ladder, they'll expect to be able to climb anything that they can grab.

Locomotion is a harder problem. VR gives a sufficiently convincing sense of being in a physical space that any camera movement that isn't controlled by head movement will start to induce motion sickness in most players. That isn't insurmountable, but it has to be accounted for. Normal thumb stick motion that you'd use on any console game is a complete no-go; VR developers are still experimenting with a variety of movement schemes with varying risks of motion sickness.
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>> No. 25818 Anonymous
20th October 2022
Thursday 1:05 pm
25818 spacer
So mostly >>25759 was right but I feel better knowing I'm not missing out on anything. That's a ten year itch gone. The Far Cry 6 soundtrack was the highlight.

>> No. 22298 Anonymous
24th March 2018
Saturday 9:07 pm
22298 spacer
I know I'm a bit late to the party but I'm considering getting either a PS4 or an Xbox One. I'm assuming these days there's little difference between the two other than having the odd exclusive title. I've seen a few Xbox One bundles in the region of £150 - £200 so I'll probably go for one of them as they're cheaper than what I've seen for the PS4.

Have I left it too late, as in are the next generation of consoles expected any day now? Also, which games do you lads recommend? I'm a bit out of the loop with gaming.
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>> No. 25795 Anonymous
27th September 2022
Tuesday 5:07 pm
25795 spacer
Not really.
>> No. 25797 Anonymous
27th September 2022
Tuesday 9:50 pm
25797 spacer
Didn't Sony announce last month they were raising the price of the PS5 due to inflation?
>> No. 25813 Anonymous
17th October 2022
Monday 7:06 pm
25813 spacer
Picked up an Xbox One. I know I'm a generation behind but what games do I start with?

I've had a look on The Game Collection and they have Fallout 4, Dishonoured 2, Titanfall 2, Shadow of War, Mothergunship and Red Faction Guerrilla, amongst others, for £2.95 each so that seems like a good place to start?
>> No. 25814 Anonymous
17th October 2022
Monday 8:17 pm
25814 spacer
I'm sure you could find a very cheap 1 month trial to Gamepass Ultimate which should provide access to a lot of newer games. There are tricks you can do to get 3 years worth of it for <£100

Some good picks on your list. Maybe also Halo: Master Chief Collection, Dark Souls, Forza Horizon, Hollow Knight, Ori and some of the older CoD titles maybe.
>> No. 25815 Anonymous
17th October 2022
Monday 8:25 pm
25815 spacer

Those are all solid games, save perhaps Red Faction, which is just a bit bland, and much, much older than the others. It's the sort of game that would be in that 99p bin if Game still existed. Hang on, do Game still exist?

>> No. 24177 Anonymous
25th August 2020
Tuesday 9:58 am
24177 new graphics card
I'm in the market for a new graphics card - I believe that the RTX 2060 family is the one to go for, but would appreciate any advice/experience - there seem to be millions of versions, all with pretty small variations. Pictured is the ASUS one I am thinking of.

Don't want to spend much more than 500 quid.

What would you buy in this price range?
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>> No. 25484 Anonymous
24th February 2022
Thursday 3:26 pm
25484 spacer

Yeah you probably won't see too much benefit from SLI with today's games, but older ones when it was still "a thing" do. That said a 970 is about on par with a 1060, which is still the most popular graphics card by a long margin, so there's basically nothing on the current market it won't run.
>> No. 25485 Anonymous
24th February 2022
Thursday 4:02 pm
25485 spacer
Cheers. Gaming laptop here I come! I've got an
ASUS ROG XG Station 2 also off eBay for under a hundred quid for this.
>> No. 25495 Anonymous
28th February 2022
Monday 7:37 pm
25495 spacer
On that note card model numbers are so misleading. I want to play a game with a minimum requirement of a 1050, and I think oof my 970 is just under, so maybe it won't run very well. When of course a 970 is in reality miles better than a 1050.
>> No. 25496 Anonymous
28th February 2022
Monday 7:57 pm
25496 spacer

As a rule of thumb, everything moves up a tier in each generation - a 970, 1060 and 1650 are roughly equivalent in performance.
>> No. 25497 Anonymous
28th February 2022
Monday 8:02 pm
25497 spacer
I don't think I've even heard of the 16 series before!

>> No. 25420 Anonymous
29th January 2022
Saturday 3:05 pm
25420 Star Trek computer games
I know we have a few Trekkies on .gs, and I'm wondering whether any of the Star Trek affiliated games are worth a play? It seems there's been quite a few: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Trek_games#Computer

A bit of escapism pretending to be a crew member or commander on the Enterprise D sounds nice, about now.
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>> No. 25422 Anonymous
29th January 2022
Saturday 3:57 pm
25422 spacer
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary is the best of the bunch if you like the original series or at least don't mind point and click, it does an excellent job of being a game set over a series of Star Trek episodes with all the crew chemistry at work. It's sequel Judgement Rights is equally good if not better. I'm not sure if it's worth buying a legitimate copy but remember to have the manual as it's unique DRM involves star charts.

Armada I and II are good if you like RTS and would prefer a combat game. There's still an active modding community using total conversion mods (Fleet Operations if you like being curbed stomped) - Star Trek Armada III which is a total conversion of Sins of a Solar Empire is also well worth playing.

Elite Force I and II are okay if you want a FPS but pew-pew isn't really Trek.

To be honest only 25th Anniversary is worth classifying as a good Star Trek game. I'm not sure if there's anything that really captures the comfort of being a crewman on the Enterprise D.
>> No. 25423 Anonymous
29th January 2022
Saturday 4:18 pm
25423 spacer
I had a lot of fun playing Bridge Commander back in the day, but then again, I was eleven, so I don't know how well it actually played, if you could even run it today.

As already said, the Armadas are actually really nice RTS games.

I think the giant long list of Trek games says all it needs to say though - just a load of shite pumped out to make money.
>> No. 25426 Anonymous
30th January 2022
Sunday 12:49 am
25426 spacer
My dream game is basically being a Federation captain and helping people around the galaxy, managing my crew. Mass Effect but everything's a bit nicer, basically.
>> No. 25439 Anonymous
1st February 2022
Tuesday 5:39 pm
25439 spacer

>I'm not sure if there's anything that really captures the comfort of being a crewman on the Enterprise D.

What a missed trick. I think this is the core appeal of the show, at least of TNG and onward. As >>25426 says, Mass Effect came somewhat close to capturing a nice crew dynamic and a bit of adventure/exploration, but was far from utopian and enlightened. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live in the Mass Effect universe.

>> No. 22746 Anonymous
13th March 2019
Wednesday 12:39 pm
22746 ALL of the Halos are coming to PC

I'm genuinely chuffed about this. Playing Reach WITHOUT the awful frame drops and ugly motion blur is going to be heaven.

Unless they pack the release with micro transactions and I have to go on the kind of spree they don't give people medals for.
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>> No. 25319 Anonymous
21st November 2021
Sunday 6:18 pm
25319 spacer
Halo 4 is a weird beast. They got to work on the least important parts of making a good game by embellishing extra detail on models while also making it run at 60 fps. This wasn't just because Bungie were stuck on 360 while 343 got to play with the One. Halo 4 was a technical showpiece on the 360 and having it run up-ressed on a One was a sight to behold.

Where they faltered however was in level design, new enemies and weapons that didn't improve anything and a story which assumed that you'd read all the extended universe books. Halo 5 did improve things but it has been baby steps.

All that aside the concensus is that they knocked it out of the park for Infinite so I'll be checking that out when the story mode is released.
>> No. 25320 Anonymous
24th November 2021
Wednesday 6:10 pm
25320 spacer
>a story which assumed that you'd read all the extended universe books
Just finished 4, and this point resonated with me. Felt very sloppy narratively, though the action was good. Some of the new weapons like the light rifle and suppressor were satisfying to use, but the boltshot was perhaps the worst weapon in all of Halo. New enemies looked neat, at this stage I'm sick of fighting Covenant so it was a very welcome addition. Not as good as ODST or Reach, but better than the rest (but is that unfair, to judge to the same standard games from many years before Halo 4?). I can finally uninstall MCC off my Xbox and free up 140 GB.
>> No. 25321 Anonymous
25th November 2021
Thursday 1:10 pm
25321 spacer

I have to say, I'm loving Halo Infinite. I can't play it for too long because these days I get a bit frustrated at how poor I am at FPS, but it has this stripped back simplicity that is really appealing in an age of bloated, cluttered game environments. My only gripe is performance is not exactly where I'd expect given my PC, but it's not awful.
>> No. 25324 Anonymous
28th November 2021
Sunday 9:58 am
25324 spacer
5 was a mixed bag. Great gameplay, not so great story. Actually that's unfair, the story was interesting, but the ending felt rushed and unsatisfying. Like there should have been an extra 30% length to see it through to a good conclusion. We'll see if Infinite finishes this fight.
>> No. 25354 Anonymous
10th December 2021
Friday 10:35 pm
25354 spacer
Played a couple of hours of Infinite's campaign. Actual fighting is good, the hookshot thing lets you zip around and it's very fun. The open world I'm unsure about. Very much the Ubisoft radio towers sort of thing, clear out an outpost to reveal side missions and collectibles in that area. It's not terrible, but it's not interesting to explore. I'd rather have an extra 5 or so, tightly designed, linear levels; rather than hunting down audiologs in a generic grassy landscape with the odd enemy ambush.

download (19).jpg
>> No. 25060 Anonymous
7th August 2021
Saturday 2:35 pm
25060 spacer
I'm thinking of playing a bit of Morrowind but own only a fairly low-end laptop (Lenovo Ideapad 320). There seems to be an endless combinations of mods and launchers available. How would I get the absolute bare bones of the game installed and running as fast as possible on limited hardware?

I don't care if it ends up looking like shite, I just want to design characters and a bit of open world escapism.
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>> No. 25075 Anonymous
8th August 2021
Sunday 3:05 pm
25075 spacer
I recently started playing with an HP Stream 11 which is probably about the closest thing on the market to an eeePC. It has the worst screen of any computer I've ever used but the performance is better than I'd expected. It's not blazing fast or anything, but it's perfectly adequate for writing things up, browsing with a small number of tabs open, that sort of thing. More interestingly I've had no trouble emulating everything up to the PS1, and even PPSSPP has been playable (Albeit with frameskipping on and at the PSP's native 480 × 272 resolution.) Having expected it to choke just running Windows 10 alone, I have to say I'm impressed. (Perhaps it's because they've finally started putting 4GB of RAM in low end machines. It's wild that until recently they had the cheek to sell them with 2.)

Funnily enough I've also been playing Morrowind on it. It heats up a bit even with a lowish draw distance and the nice water effects turned off, but it seems to be perfectly playable.
>> No. 25076 Anonymous
8th August 2021
Sunday 5:46 pm
25076 spacer
I'm happy my pointless thread was diverted into a more productive conversation. Just chiming in to say that >>25061 was right and Morrowind runs absolutely fine. Also it's still a brilliant game.
>> No. 25077 Anonymous
8th August 2021
Sunday 10:52 pm
25077 spacer

Well, I just accidentally won a GPD pocket 2 on eBay. They seemed to be going for about £400-500 on there, so I put a cheeky £280 bid on one with a couple of hours left to go, (with 44 bids!) and turns out that was enough somehow. So either I've bought a fucked one without reading the description properly, or I'm a keen bargain hunter. I'll let you know if it turns out to be anything more than a novelty.
>> No. 25078 Anonymous
8th August 2021
Sunday 11:25 pm
25078 spacer
Please do share - whatever the outcome - thats about the kind of money I would pay for one, cute though they are.
>> No. 25079 Anonymous
8th August 2021
Sunday 11:37 pm
25079 spacer

We use a couple of ancient (or at least they feel ancient) web apps at work that really don't play well with tablets and phones, it might, in fairly specific situations, make my life slightly easier.

I will have to have some awkward conversations with IT but I might even be able to use it as a go-anywhere terminal for our Proper Systems.

>> No. 24832 Anonymous
15th March 2021
Monday 4:09 pm
24832 Games set in the UK
I've been playing Forza Horizon 4, set in the Lake District and Scotland; and Assassin's Creed Valhalla, set in medieval England. I think it's the only time I've played a game where I can go to Leicester (albeit 9th century Leicester), and I liked the novelty of it. Any other games set in the UK? Obviously there's been a fair few in London (Watchdogs Legion, The Getaway, GTA London, Assassin's Creed Syndicate), but any that rep the rest of the British isles?
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>> No. 24959 Anonymous
17th June 2021
Thursday 5:29 pm
24959 spacer
I was enjoying the first few seconds of this until APPLES AN' PEARS opened his fucking mouth. You can pinpoint the exact moment you can tell the design wasn't lead by British people. I know the games in the series do play up regional stereotypes somewhat, but come on.

>> No. 24960 Anonymous
17th June 2021
Thursday 5:47 pm
24960 spacer

Just look at the comments excited that they might get to hear some old stereotypes repeated again. Fucking septics.
>> No. 24961 Anonymous
17th June 2021
Thursday 5:51 pm
24961 spacer
Christ, that is literally the voice I do to take the piss out how every English bloke talks in video games. It's like we're all from a small village called Jason-upon-Statham to these people. I'll give them this, I'm as interested in their mod as I was in Fallout 4. Can't be any worse than the last DLC sized Fallout mod I heard about, well, I hope not anyway.
>> No. 24962 Anonymous
17th June 2021
Thursday 5:59 pm
24962 spacer

It's not even that it's a stereotype, just that they're still repeating jokes from ten year old greentexts.
>> No. 24963 Anonymous
17th June 2021
Thursday 6:50 pm
24963 spacer
I was almost entertained by the concept of the underground as a central point to gameplay. Remove fast travel and have the creaking transportation infrastructure be what the local gangs fight over. Shame.

>> No. 24777 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 7:22 pm
24777 Overdosing on nostalgia
I recently found out that archive.com, besides being generally amazing, has exhaustive collections of content. This includes files for pretty much every videogame ever released, up to Wii/PS3 era and some beyond.

https://archive.org/details/no-intro_romsets - This contains complete romsets for every cartridge or floppy based console out there, from Atari 2600 to N64.

https://archive.org/details/@atrac17 - Here's everything CD based from Sega, and some Sony.

Obviously these things are being updated, but the missing content is limited to stuff like 'Flemish Beta release'. If that sounds appealing to you, then we share an illness. There are also curated collections out there (eg Champions collection) if you don't want to sift through all that toss.

I found out that emulation has evolved a bit since my day, and now you have the option of consolidating emulators within a frontend, like Retroarch - https://www.retroarch.com/index.php

There are a bevy of handheld or plugin consoles that can emulate some fairly modern systems. There's also Retropie and stuff like that, so you can basically create your own emulation platforms. It's mental what's gone on since I last looked in.

On the obsessive side, there are numerous groups (ReDump, No Intro, 1G1R, TOSEC) who create their own 'dat' files, which contain all expected files and can be used to verify a checksum to validate the rom file. There's rom management software, like the picture attached - I've recently found that it's easy to create your own dat files using clrmamepro (rom management focused on MAME, the arcade emulator), so I'm now sorting my collections into a few groups so I can host the core ones on an ftp for when my HDD inevitably dies.

Finally, if you duckduckgo (no wonder they aren't taking off, how the fuck do you shorthand that?) 'games over girls' you'll find a slightly disturbing set of photos of women dressed up as game characters and feigning unconsciousness in awkward poses.
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>> No. 24779 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 10:19 pm
24779 spacer


I feel like I have to.
>> No. 24780 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 10:33 pm
24780 spacer
I've got a folder that I have transferred off an old USB stick onto any fresh computer build/installation I've made over the last fifteen years or so. It contains portable copies of Doom and Quake with a shitload of wads, and emulators with a full set of roms for every 8 and 16 bit console. Can't have a computer without the basics.
>> No. 24782 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 12:24 am
24782 spacer
WinAmp was a Matryoshka doll of constrained creativity. You highlighted skins, but there were several visualisation plugins which had their own plugin or configuration language (I didn't learn about cartesian v.s. polar coordinates this way, but I first understood how the latter work way back).

I wonder some times if its rose tinted memories (the demo scene is obviously alive and well), but even the ways you get started with modern technology feel like a hand-holding exercise. The step towards "learn to code" is so much easier, but the step towards "actually learn to code" is harder.
>> No. 24864 Anonymous
1st April 2021
Thursday 10:18 pm
24864 spacer
The second link doesn't work.
>> No. 24865 Anonymous
2nd April 2021
Friday 12:10 am
24865 spacer
Think they must have changed their account name. Weird that it works like that.

>> No. 24812 Anonymous
20th February 2021
Saturday 5:58 pm
24812 Headphones
Just a little question - are there any reasonably priced adapters that can add bluetooth/wireless functionality to headphones? I.e. a setup that would be something like a USB dongle in my PC and a rechargeable receiver you plug the headphone jack from the headphones into. Had a look on ebay, and most of the items are rather vaguely described or don't do as I want.

I could just get a set of wireless headphones or an m-f extender cable, but I quite like the headphones I have, so don't see a need for pointless waste, and would generally benefit from being able to use my headphones while hoovering etc.

Do any of you have experience with the sort of adapter I'm after? If so, any recommendations?
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>> No. 24813 Anonymous
20th February 2021
Saturday 6:05 pm
24813 spacer
I have a AUKEY Bluetooth 5 Receiver


for the car. That allows me to stream bluetooth content from my phone to my car stereo. It has a battery although I just leave it powered from a USB slot in the car.

I don't think it's particularly heavy but slighty bulky. If your headphones have a headband, then you could perhaps attach it somehow although it would be a bit janky and look mental. Else that could go in the pocket and cable up to the headphones.
>> No. 24814 Anonymous
20th February 2021
Saturday 6:23 pm
24814 spacer
Yeah you could probably just get a cheap car stereo bluetooth dongle off eBay, then use a female/female coupler to hook your headphones up to it.
>> No. 24815 Anonymous
20th February 2021
Saturday 6:25 pm
24815 spacer
Cheers fella. Reviews seem to be fairly good, and the unit looks to be of better quality than most of the shite I saw on ebay. Will definitely be factoring this into purchases in the near future.

Listings for the unit you linked on ebay are all just above the £15 mark, which seems to imply that some cheeky bastards are effectively letting you piggyback off their Prime accounts to get delivery. Last two things I ordered off ebay came in Amazon packaging with a gift note and no invoice. Cheeky cunts.
>> No. 24816 Anonymous
20th February 2021
Saturday 10:13 pm
24816 spacer

>Last two things I ordered off ebay came in Amazon packaging with a gift note and no invoice. Cheeky cunts.

I had that happen recently, I really felt like I'd been had, even though I was only paying about £1 more than if I'd bothered to check amazon first and order it there myself. I'm obviously turning into a grumpy old man though, because I reported them to eBay, as it's against their rules. I can't imagine anything will come of it but it still felt like mild revenge.
>> No. 24817 Anonymous
21st February 2021
Sunday 12:03 am
24817 spacer
Disgusting. You, I mean.

>> No. 24783 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 4:41 pm
24783 https://eblaztr.com/ - 26 days until new release, ooaah!
It looks cool as fuck and very handy, but after basic research on component costs it looks like the eBlaztr mobile gaming case costs in excess of £1,000.

£770~ on CPU, Graphics and Monitor;
£300~ guess on motherboard and misc components;

Total product cost at £1,775.

Be it known that i have next to zero experience building computers, much less of the markets.

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>> No. 24789 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 5:20 pm
24789 spacer
I don't entirely understand it. It's not especially small and while an all-in-one PC-monitor set up is quite nice, it's not that amazing. It's an ITX motherboard so it doesn't seem much different to the ITX PC I'm using to send this message right now. Indeed I have the same GPU, SSD (same brand and capacity no less) and RAM, but it cost me quite a bit less than £1,775. However, it is worth noting I bought a lot of this before the prices got shot to the Moon by COVID. Also I don't know how easy to come by ITX pre-builds are either.

If you're interested in small PCs this YouTube channel has a lot of videos, although he's a bit of an elitist and don't get tricked into thinking you need a PC the size of a postage stamp with a watercooled CPU and GPU: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRYOj4DmyxhBVrdvbsUwmAA
>> No. 24790 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 5:34 pm
24790 spacer

>he's a bit of an elitist

TBH I'm just jealous that he's better than me at Apex Legends and has big sexy muscles.
>> No. 24791 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 6:06 pm
24791 spacer

It just looks like a version of the shite HP Compaq Pro 6300 All In One I use for work, only after Xzibit got his hands on it. And judging by my current gaming laptop, it probably weighs four times as much as that.
>> No. 24792 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 6:10 pm
24792 spacer

Looks like a compost bin.

Not a criticism.
>> No. 24793 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 6:32 pm
24793 spacer
Looks to me like a tombola drum.

>> No. 24710 Anonymous
3rd January 2021
Sunday 10:54 am
24710 VR
Just got an Oculus Rift S and they're on sale, so I'm looking for good VR games. I don't have a huge play area, so at the moment I'm limited to games where you can play them seated. So far I've got Boneworks, Half Life Alyx, Beat Saber, and Until You Fall. Any recommendations?
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>> No. 24746 Anonymous
10th January 2021
Sunday 4:12 pm
24746 spacer

"I have PSVR, so I cant play Alyx and I am very jealous" should have been the end of that sentence.
>> No. 24747 Anonymous
10th January 2021
Sunday 5:56 pm
24747 spacer
I'm >>24712 and from what little I have played of SkVR I found archery to be near impossible. You can't draw the bow properly without smashing the controller into your face. Annoyingly as well the lefty swap option in Bethesda VR games renders it completely unplayable by swapping movement and menu controls so I have to play righty mode which isn't ideal. Either way I'm a pretty good shot with my right hand, now.

Borderlands 2 VR's lefty swap just changes the aiming hand but leaves movement controls where they should be (left analogue stick to move/strafe and right to turn).
>> No. 24748 Anonymous
10th January 2021
Sunday 6:45 pm
24748 spacer
Playing on the Playstation as a lefty I found it to be ok. I couldn't really do the archery well until I got the eagle eye perk, and the move controller tracking is a bit gubbed, so you end up with your characters hands down by its knees during key moments of combat.

Blood & Truth was pretty fun too, being that it's like a Guy Ritchie movie with a Paul Verhoeven bodycount.

I really enjoyed the flying and combat of Iron Man VR despite the heinous loading times.

If you told me 5 years ago that there would be consumer VR systems and they'd not be utterly shite, I wouldn't have believed you. I think that the platform has a lot of potential and as more people buy it, more AAA titles may eventually be released.
>> No. 24750 Anonymous
11th January 2021
Monday 12:27 am
24750 spacer
I do wish Fallout 4 VR had come to PSVR.
>> No. 24751 Anonymous
11th January 2021
Monday 10:45 am
24751 spacer

It barely runs on a decent PC (I rarely get 80FPS); it'd probably be a PowerPoint slideshow on PS4.

Oddly enough, Skyrim VR runs perfectly fine, and it's practically the same game, so I have no idea how they fucked Fallout 4 VR. Also, not including the DLC for... reasons? Thankfully they can be fairly easily added in, but many of them run like (even more like) shit even with unofficial patches.

>> No. 23625 Anonymous
4th May 2020
Monday 9:43 pm
23625 iRacing
At times, difficult to believe this is a game.

46 posts and 1 image omitted. Expand all images.
>> No. 24578 Anonymous
25th November 2020
Wednesday 1:10 am
24578 spacer
I'm going to bed.
>> No. 24579 Anonymous
25th November 2020
Wednesday 1:18 am
24579 spacer
>I guess that's what you get at this price point

Exactly - and it this price point, any wheel is better than using none. I think you have to start getting into the £500++ level before you start to get things that actually feel like a proper car, these are just miles and miles better than using a joystick. I haven't seen a single gearstick anywhere on any simulator that looks or feels like those in a car, so flappy paddles it is.
>> No. 24580 Anonymous
25th November 2020
Wednesday 1:37 am
24580 spacer
I didn't go to bed I ordered a "Used - Very Good" T150 from Amazon for £86. It was listed as £120, but at checkout, which I was only looking at to see when the delivery would be, it had a £34 "warehouse discount", which I never knew was a thing because I only use it to watch films really. There was another one left if anyone's interested/their inhibitions are lowered because it's late.
>> No. 24581 Anonymous
25th November 2020
Wednesday 8:11 am
24581 spacer

Also, if you do have a Costco membership, you can get a tenner off any online order over £100 with the code DEALS10.
>> No. 24582 Anonymous
26th November 2020
Thursday 9:20 pm
24582 spacer
My T150 arrived! The previous owner had managed to half demolish the USB connector in such a way that it was too squished together to fit in a socket, but after some prying it just about squeezes its way in. I really don't know how they did that, I don't think I've ever seen someone do that before. All in all though while it's clear I can't drive and my desk is being shaken apart by the minute, I am enjoying it. I think I'll hold off jumping into a public ACC lobby until I can reliably take T1 at... well anywhere. Also the USB is running through the connector on my Logitech keyboard, because it's the most solid one around and it didn't feel at all good jamming it in and yanking it out of my mobo ports, anyway I just like that chimeric combo of brands and hardware so I thought I'd mention it. The force feedback is also highlighting what a thin-wristed little wimp I am.

>> No. 24555 Anonymous
3rd November 2020
Tuesday 4:41 pm
24555 Dwarf fortress deserves a new thread


Toady has been hard at work producing a masterwork.
Look at these screen shots, look at this interface. It's beautiful, i almost cried.
Expand all images.
>> No. 24556 Anonymous
3rd November 2020
Tuesday 4:42 pm
24556 spacer


>> No. 24557 Anonymous
3rd November 2020
Tuesday 4:43 pm
24557 spacer


>> No. 24558 Anonymous
3rd November 2020
Tuesday 4:44 pm
24558 spacer

>> No. 24559 Anonymous
3rd November 2020
Tuesday 4:46 pm
24559 spacer
Planned release date 'is subjective' with regular announcements on steam.


>> No. 24121 Anonymous
11th August 2020
Tuesday 11:58 pm
24121 spacer
Fuck this game is good.

Makes Sekiro seem like a leisurely stroll. Most fun I've had in my living room since the missus and I christened the new sofas.
18 posts and 2 images omitted. Expand all images.
>> No. 24160 Anonymous
20th August 2020
Thursday 1:36 am
24160 spacer

It's a beautiful British game by brilliant British boffins.

>> No. 24161 Anonymous
20th August 2020
Thursday 8:50 pm
24161 spacer
I think The Pub Landlord was years ahead of its time.
>> No. 24423 Anonymous
26th September 2020
Saturday 12:08 pm
24423 spacer
Flavour of the month. Nobody is talking about it anymore, Among Us is the new hotness now.
>> No. 24424 Anonymous
26th September 2020
Saturday 12:16 pm
24424 spacer
Why does it matter if it's a flavour of the month game? Their twitter is still full of replies and from what I see on Twitch still quite popular, new levels are being released in a couple of weeks too. I'm sure it'll survive.

If anything, it'll be easier to get in a game.
>> No. 24425 Anonymous
26th September 2020
Saturday 12:36 pm
24425 spacer
Steam says otherwise: 46,255 players at time of posting, 59,488 peak. And that's only for Steam, of course, I know it's on PS4 and I am assuming you can buy it elsewhere for PC.

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