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>> No. 4518 Anonymous
1st November 2018
Thursday 2:02 pm
4518 spacer
This doesn't strike me as particularly accurate, I can't imagine where in the production cycle of a burger all that water comes in, and the site on the image has absolutely no information backing it up, other than vague graphs. Is this just how much water a cow drinks?

How are they arriving at these figures? My assumption is that they're fudging something somewhere.
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>> No. 4527 Anonymous
1st November 2018
Thursday 6:44 pm
4527 spacer

>There's a limited natural supply of fresh water

No there isn't. It falls from the fucking sky. There might be a limit in the rate it falls, but effectively the supply is infinite. Also there is the quite obvious detail that the water that is drunk drink is breathed, sweated and pissed out again so it isn't like it is being removed from the system.
>> No. 4528 Anonymous
1st November 2018
Thursday 6:46 pm
4528 spacer
But you don't expect shitty pisswater to come out of your taps, do you? It takes energy to process it all, something whose price will continue to increase until we crack nuclear fusion.
>> No. 4529 Anonymous
1st November 2018
Thursday 7:02 pm
4529 spacer
>But you don't expect shitty pisswater to come out of your taps, do you?
Not been to a chain pub lately, I take it?
>> No. 4530 Anonymous
1st November 2018
Thursday 7:02 pm
4530 spacer

>There might be a limit in the rate it falls

Which is exactly the limiting factor. If you use water faster than it falls from the sky, you've got a drought. We can speed up the water cycle with desalination, but it's a lot more expensive than water conservation.


>The UK doesn't have a major water problem

Not yet, but there are some very real concerns about localised drought due to climate change. We've made big gains over recent years in reducing leakage, but we're approaching the point of diminishing returns. Thames Water already operate a desalination plant at Beckton; it's only used intermittently and processes brackish water, but it does indicate the relative insecurity of water supplies in the south east.
>> No. 4531 Anonymous
1st November 2018
Thursday 7:04 pm
4531 spacer

I don't expect piss water to come out my taps but I expect the natural piss filtering process that has continued unabated
for billions of years to not stop in my lifetime.

>> No. 4515 Anonymous
30th October 2018
Tuesday 6:18 am
4515 What is consciousness?
Where does it come from? What is it's purpose? How is it different from the brain and the chemicals the brain is made out of?
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>> No. 4516 Anonymous
30th October 2018
Tuesday 7:28 am
4516 spacer
The scientific consensus is "dunno m8".
>> No. 4517 Anonymous
30th October 2018
Tuesday 1:05 pm
4517 spacer
>>4515 >>4516
I thought it was the pursuit of teenaged lassies.

iceball earth.jpg
>> No. 4477 Anonymous
16th October 2018
Tuesday 5:24 am
4477 spacer

(A good day to you Sir!)
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>> No. 4510 Anonymous
17th October 2018
Wednesday 6:29 pm
4510 spacer

Well lets look at what you've actually claimed and go from there...

>The laughably incompetent assassins of the world's most nefarious security state (completely subverting our rather bloated GCHQ) - run simultaneously by a decentralised "Wild East" oligarchy and the iron will of that modern day Napoleon, Putin -

>The laughably incompetent assassins of the world's most nefarious security state (completely subverting our rather bloated GCHQ)

GCHQ is not omnipotent and this isn't a group of eskimo teenagers plotting a jihad on Facebook. The Russian agents understand how to use secure methods of communication. It would be like claiming that 9/11 couldn’t happen because the US air force exists.

>run simultaneously by a decentralised "Wild East" oligarchy and the iron will of that modern day Napoleon, Putin -

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to claim here, it is almost like you are trying to say the attack couldn't have happened because it is impossible for the Russian state to exist and operate even though it plainly does as we see it every day. Those 2 ideas are not as contradictory as you think that is basically how the Roman Empire operated for hundreds of years.

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>> No. 4511 Anonymous
19th October 2018
Friday 5:15 pm
4511 spacer
Is that name of the .gs intelligence agency? The PKB?
>> No. 4512 Anonymous
19th October 2018
Friday 6:06 pm
4512 spacer
Quite Knowledgeable Lads.
>> No. 4513 Anonymous
19th October 2018
Friday 8:20 pm
4513 spacer
Not MI3? Mansfield Intelligence, 3 members
>> No. 4514 Anonymous
19th October 2018
Friday 8:41 pm
4514 spacer


dating site graph.jpg
>> No. 4465 Anonymous
17th September 2018
Monday 4:38 pm
4465 spacer
A recent study found that women’s desirability on dating sites peaks at exactly 18.

(A good day to you Sir!)
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>> No. 4472 Anonymous
17th September 2018
Monday 4:59 pm
4472 spacer

dating site graph extr.png
>> No. 4473 Anonymous
17th September 2018
Monday 5:19 pm
4473 spacer

I think it's more like this, with an immediate drop-off at the age of consent and an "iPhone bump" for infants.
>> No. 4474 Anonymous
17th September 2018
Monday 5:52 pm
4474 spacer
They are, incredibly so. It's really lovely to appriciate things for their charming nature and sweet character on a Platonic level.
>> No. 4475 Anonymous
17th September 2018
Monday 6:09 pm
4475 spacer
Why ask somebody else to answer a question when the answer is at your fingertips?


(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 4476 Anonymous
17th September 2018
Monday 6:12 pm
4476 spacer
Eminem used to rap about the top middle graph.

>> No. 4464 Anonymous
14th September 2018
Friday 6:08 pm
4464 spacer


>> No. 4463 Anonymous
12th September 2018
Wednesday 8:31 pm
4463 spacer


>> No. 4447 Anonymous
4th September 2018
Tuesday 12:48 pm
4447 spacer
Is this right?
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>> No. 4459 Anonymous
5th September 2018
Wednesday 7:20 pm
4459 spacer

zenn digram.png

>> No. 4460 Anonymous
5th September 2018
Wednesday 8:55 pm
4460 spacer
P(A) + P(B) = P(A|B) - P(A∩B)

I fucking hope I've still got that right.
>> No. 4461 Anonymous
11th September 2018
Tuesday 9:23 pm
4461 spacer
Suppose you have a cube of width x. Increase one dimension by dx and the volume will increase by (x^2)dx. Doing this on on all three dimensions will increase the volume by 3(x^2)dx. Integrate and we get x^3 as the formula for volume. Is this right?

More examples.

The surface area of a sphere is 4pi(r^2). An increase in radius by dr will increase the volume by 4pi(r^2)dr. Integrate and we get (4/3)pi(r^3) as the formula for volume.

The circumference of a circle is (2pi)r. Integrate and we get area = pi(r^2).

Am I doing it right?

t. 37yo learning maths
>> No. 4462 Anonymous
12th September 2018
Wednesday 2:23 pm
4462 spacer

The volume of the cross-section of an n-dimensional cone is kw^(n-1), where w is the width and k some constant. Integrate this over the length of the cone to give V = kAl/n where A is the volume of the base and l the length.

The case k=1, A=h, n=2 gives hl/2 as the area of a triangle.

>> No. 4628 Anonymous
4th January 2020
Saturday 10:32 pm
4628 spacer


>> No. 4440 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 9:32 pm
4440 spacer
Energy conservation only applies over small regions of constant spacetime.

So if we had the technology to manipulate spacetime we could create energy from nothing.

There are probably beings out there somewhere already doing this.
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>> No. 4442 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 9:56 pm
4442 spacer
>Energy conservation applies across any region of spacetime

Conversation of momentum is space symmetry. Conservation of energy is time symmetry.

Because the universe is expanding space and time are not symmetrical and these things aren't conserved at the large scales. They are only approximately conserved over small regions of space and time like a small region of the Earth is approximately flat.

Bend a region of spacetime up enough in the right way and you can create or destroy any amount of energy or momentum you want.

Noether's theorem.
>> No. 4443 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 11:45 pm
4443 spacer
This seems like a futile argument unless you throw some equations in here.
>> No. 4444 Anonymous
28th August 2018
Tuesday 10:01 am
4444 spacer
>So if we had the technology to manipulate spacetime we could create energy from nothing.

Great, you fixed everything then. And there was me using some other kind of ficional invention to solve problems, what a dickhead I am.
>> No. 4445 Anonymous
28th August 2018
Tuesday 10:46 am
4445 spacer
You would still have to transfer this magic spacetime energy into usable power somehow, though. It's not like you can just plug your telly directly into the nearest wormhole.
>> No. 4446 Anonymous
2nd September 2018
Sunday 7:28 pm
4446 spacer


>> No. 4427 Anonymous
21st August 2018
Tuesday 2:26 am
4427 spacer
Does anyone know the science of how images like this are made. Or even what theyre called? Thanks.
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>> No. 4435 Anonymous
21st August 2018
Tuesday 5:36 am
4435 spacer

>> No. 4436 Anonymous
21st August 2018
Tuesday 8:36 am
4436 spacer


I was afraid that was going to be a comic about 3' high balls before I maximised it.
>> No. 4437 Anonymous
21st August 2018
Tuesday 8:43 am
4437 spacer
When I was a kid, I used to be perplexed by cereal adverts where whatever cartoon animal would end up in the exact pose they were in on the cereal box by the end of the animation. I guess it didn't occur to me they'd take that as a starting point and work backwards.
>> No. 4438 Anonymous
21st August 2018
Tuesday 8:45 am
4438 spacer

This is a tangent, but just on the subject of 80s adverts.

>> No. 4439 Anonymous
21st August 2018
Tuesday 6:08 pm
4439 spacer

'Afraid', or 'hoping'?

>> No. 4424 Anonymous
20th August 2018
Monday 5:04 am
4424 spacer
>wondered how einstein developed his gravity equations
>decide to watch some physics lectures to learn
>turns out he basically just guessed them
>and got them slightly wrong
>later on some people derived his equations in a better way
>lose all respect for him
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>> No. 4425 Anonymous
20th August 2018
Monday 5:43 am
4425 spacer

Why are you cross-posting?
>> No. 4426 Anonymous
20th August 2018
Monday 10:33 am
4426 spacer
>remember he fucked his cousin
>gain all respect for him back again
>get banned for greentexting

(A good day to you Sir!)

>> No. 4418 Anonymous
13th June 2018
Wednesday 6:24 pm
4418 What are the waste products to this synthetic liquid fuel created from carb
Journal article here: https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(18)30225-3

From what I understand, air is extracted from the atmosphere, the CO2 is separated and liquefied and turned into a fuel, to be used with hydrogen. This is supposedly, carbon neutral or "carbon-free energy". What are the waste products of using this as an energy source? Is it carbon neutral because no new carbon is being released into the atmosphere i.e. the only CO2 used is released back (net increase zero)?
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>> No. 4419 Anonymous
13th June 2018
Wednesday 9:09 pm
4419 spacer
The process is you take CO2 and crack it to form carbon monoxide, then you take hydrogen which is made from natural gas or from electrolysising water. The next part is called the Fischer–Tropsch process and we've been doing it industrially since the 1930s, you react the two together to make methanol which is the liquid fuel.

The downside is that you still need to put energy into it to get the fuel. So it's only carbon-neutral if you have a carbon-neutral energy source to put in. Recent developments have mainly focused on cheaper and more efficient ways to make the carbon monoxide.
>> No. 4420 Anonymous
19th June 2018
Tuesday 8:04 pm
4420 spacer

Thanks. It appears combustion of methanol produces CO2 and water. Maybe they capture the produced CO2 afterwards?
>> No. 4421 Anonymous
19th June 2018
Tuesday 8:37 pm
4421 spacer
Well, the CO2 that was released as a result of combusting the methane is the same CO2 that was captured from the air; when you burn wood the CO2 that is released was captured by the tree initially.

egg man thinking.jpg
>> No. 4408 Anonymous
28th May 2018
Monday 6:08 pm
4408 spacer
>set theory shows there are infinitely more problems than computer programs
>pick a problem at random, the chances there's a program to solve it is 0

So why are computers so useful in the real world? The problems in the real world can't be random.

Is the universe is made of computational elements?

Or is it just that our computers are good at solving physical problems because they're made of the parts of the physical universe themselves?

Maybe computers in a different universe with different physics would be useful for solving problems in that universe.
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>> No. 4413 Anonymous
28th May 2018
Monday 7:41 pm
4413 spacer

Logically, what is a 'problem'? We can conceive of solving a problem as deciding whether a string belongs to a specified set of strings.

Solving the problem 'is 6 is even?' means deciding whether '6' belongs to the set {'0', '2', '4', '6', '8', ...}.

A computer program can be expressed as a string of text but not all strings are computer programs. So the set of all possible computer programs is smaller than the set of all possible strings.

By the power set rule, the set of all possible sets of strings is greater than the set of all possible strings.

Therefore, there are more problems than programs to solve them.

programs = strings

problems = sets of strings
>> No. 4414 Anonymous
28th May 2018
Monday 7:44 pm
4414 spacer

They don't even solve very many problems. They only solve a handful of problems that turn out to be really fucking important.

If you want to be reductionist you could say they only solve one single problem, and that's the fact humans find maths hard.
>> No. 4415 Anonymous
28th May 2018
Monday 7:45 pm
4415 spacer

Sure, but why should that matter? Is anyone expecting a computer to solve random, unspecified problems?
>> No. 4416 Anonymous
28th May 2018
Monday 8:06 pm
4416 spacer

>So why are computers so useful in the real world? The problems in the real world can't be random.

That is like asking so why is a hammer so good at knocking nails in even if that type of nail was invented afterwards. The tool was designed for that purpose.

Up until recently we have used computers to solve a very specific set of problems that they have been designed specifically to solve (abstract maths and logic) things had to be broken down by someone who would explain things to the computer in the most basic of ways for really quite narrow use it is only that the work of hundreds of thousands of people has been colabrative that it seems like they are more than an input output box.

It has only really started getting a bit freaky since we developed evolutionary programing, but even a school boy understanding of dawinism should make it immediately apparent why that works not that that makes it's potential power less frightening.
>> No. 4417 Anonymous
28th May 2018
Monday 8:23 pm
4417 spacer


>> No. 4291 Anonymous
28th November 2017
Tuesday 12:40 pm
4291 spacer
How did people 25,000 years ago know what fat women look like?

It seems people were pretty well-fed back then.
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>> No. 4332 Anonymous
30th November 2017
Thursday 11:03 pm
4332 spacer

I understand it perfectly, but most obese people don't.
>> No. 4333 Anonymous
1st December 2017
Friday 1:04 am
4333 spacer
Back a bit early from the SU aren't you m7?
>> No. 4334 Anonymous
1st December 2017
Friday 1:06 am
4334 spacer

Why blame a made up sky fairy on genetic diversity

>It's perfectly possible for God to curse a woman

>> No. 4335 Anonymous
1st December 2017
Friday 1:10 am
4335 spacer

Nah blud been growin a beard an listenin Stormzy
>> No. 4407 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 11:06 pm
4407 spacer
I'm getting a little sweaty under the old helmet here lads ooohhh ddddearrrr she's larger than average in my mind.

>> No. 4337 Anonymous
2nd December 2017
Saturday 1:43 am
4337 spacer
Anybody listen to this podcast about periods? It's quite interesting.

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>> No. 4338 Anonymous
2nd December 2017
Saturday 2:39 am
4338 spacer
I don't like blood. I don't like biology. I definitely don't like human beings.
>> No. 4339 Anonymous
2nd December 2017
Saturday 7:11 am
4339 spacer

The Emergent Hive AI makes itself known.
>> No. 4406 Anonymous
21st May 2018
Monday 11:04 pm
4406 spacer
Not my scene, as a closet sexist.

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