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>> No. 756 Anonymous
3rd September 2009
Thursday 9:14 pm
756 isle of oil

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>> No. 763 Anonymous
5th September 2009
Saturday 11:41 pm
763 spacer
I learnt the other day that it is one of the few places to still have Red Squirrels. Good for them!
>> No. 764 Anonymous
6th September 2009
Sunday 11:39 am
764 spacer
That's encouraging. Was no-one stupid enough to bring the greys across the channel or something?
>> No. 765 Anonymous
6th September 2009
Sunday 11:47 am
765 spacer
"It is illegal to bring a grey squirrel into red squirrel territory. The penalty is 2 years imprisonment or £5,000 fine. It is also illegal to release a grey anywhere, once it is caught."

If a grey is found the council trap it and take it away.
>> No. 766 Anonymous
6th September 2009
Sunday 3:20 pm
766 spacer
This Isle is racist, we need to import some Grey's to enrich the enviroment.
>> No. 2076 Anonymous
16th February 2012
Thursday 10:59 pm
2076 spacer
I grew up on the Isle of Wight, but I've been away at university for the past 3 years. Not indenting to return there, if at all possible. It's kind of a shithole unless you're either very young or very old.

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