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Subject   (reply to 10660)
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>> No. 10660 Anonymous
18th June 2014
Wednesday 3:42 pm
10660 spacer
Could nay of you cheflads help me out here?

I've just found a load of professionally BBQed lamb, pork, sausages and burgers, which in my drunken state three weeks ago I threw in the fridge, not the freezer.

It smells fine, and what I first thought was mould is congealed fat. Am I okay to still eat it? It has been at about 2-3 degrees Celcius during this period. I am tempted, and another day won't make a difference.
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>> No. 10661 Anonymous
18th June 2014
Wednesday 3:50 pm
10661 spacer

Specifically - just because it smells fine doesn't mean it's safe.
>> No. 10662 Anonymous
18th June 2014
Wednesday 3:55 pm
10662 spacer

OP here. Well done, m7, that was fucking well informative. FFS. Please Cheflads, get in touch after your brutal shifts. And after you've finished fucking your boss.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 10663 Anonymous
18th June 2014
Wednesday 4:13 pm
10663 spacer
You know the answer already, otherwise you wouldn't be asking. Can you eat it? I wouldn't. Will it kill you? Probably not. Is it worth the risk? It depends what kind of state your life's in. If you're skint and have nothing on for the next few days then go for it.
>> No. 10664 Anonymous
18th June 2014
Wednesday 5:36 pm
10664 spacer

Cheers lad. I remember half reheating a Chinese once from the night before.

I was on Tablet for 9 months....

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