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Subject   (reply to 20978)
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>> No. 20978 Anonymous
5th September 2015
Saturday 6:24 pm
20978 spacer
What idiot thought that putting everything on the screen like this and forcing people to scroll down to watch a cunting video was a good idea? I thought youtube was bad, but these cunts are even worse.
Expand all images.
>> No. 20983 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 2:12 pm
20983 spacer
Forcing? Are you actually this oblivious? You can either double click the video to enter fullscreen mode or you can hide forever the clutter at the top by clicking both the x and the "hide videos" ribbon/button.

If your display really is 541 pixels tall then I blame the web developer for enabling your stupidity. Their interface is modern, responsive and reasonably well designed. I'd like to hear you justify a contrary opinion.
>> No. 20984 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 2:52 pm
20984 spacer

Alright lad, don't get your knickers in a twist. It's called /101/ for a reason. He's just having a rant.
>> No. 20986 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 5:59 pm
20986 spacer
So what, he's allowed an incoherent rant but I'm not? Think before you speak, nannylad. Or maybe just take off the suit of armour.
>> No. 20987 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 6:16 pm
20987 spacer

Why would somebody's Nan be wearing a suit of armour?

Think it through, man!
>> No. 20988 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 6:20 pm
20988 spacer
I click the x mark and hide the extra videos every damn time I visit that shit hole of a website. It isn't well designed. Every video hosting website that makes it harder to simply view a fucking video is a crap website. Take your shit somewhere else.
>> No. 20990 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 6:52 pm
20990 spacer
>I click the x mark and hide the extra videos every damn time I visit that shit hole of a website.
I don't. Sounds like user error.
>> No. 20991 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 6:59 pm
20991 spacer
I'm sorry we don't all use your computer and have your experiences in life. Fucking soppy twat. The fact that it took you two or three clicks at some point (even though you don't have to any more, thanks to the cookies saved on your computer) doesn't excuse their shitty design. Why make it harder for people to watch a video on a video sharing website? Fucking hell.

Go slit your wrists you fucking cunt.
>> No. 20993 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 7:01 pm
20993 spacer
>> No. 20994 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 7:15 pm
20994 spacer
This was distressing.
>> No. 20995 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 7:18 pm
20995 spacer
I don't understand how some people can get pushed to the edge like this.
>> No. 20997 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 7:26 pm
20997 spacer
She does indeed seem to lack the strong constitution required to be a cheap whore an adult cam operative. Maybe she was just having a bad day and that's what a bad day looks like her in business. I'm not one to judge. Or maybe she hadn't yet recruited a band of sycophantic sadacts to act as her internet shield.
>> No. 20998 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 7:35 pm
20998 spacer
It is probably something deeper and mental. She said some pretty weird stuff like "God forgot about me," "God didn't give me big boobs, I bought them," "I have been waiting 15 years for a man to [inaudible]," and "The love of my life broke my arm."
>> No. 21004 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 8:42 pm
21004 spacer
I don't understand why people would keep pushing someone who clearly has issues. If you see someone standing on a ledge, do you keep shoving them?
>> No. 21005 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 8:45 pm
21005 spacer
Welcome to Earth. Can I hitch a ride back with you to whatever planet you came from?
>> No. 21007 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 8:56 pm
21007 spacer
Your rhetorical question is on back-to-front.
>> No. 21008 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 9:21 pm
21008 spacer
Why wouldn't you do it? Just out of curiosity and entertainment alone, I would do it. The only reason not to is "oh the humanity," and "oh you little egdelord, where is your empathy?"
>> No. 21011 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 9:34 pm
21011 spacer

Pfft, yeah, empathy, what a fucking load, right?
>> No. 21013 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 9:52 pm
21013 spacer
Without empathy I'd not be able to characterise your behaviour as tiresome emotional posturing.
>> No. 21014 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 9:53 pm
21014 spacer

You're getting a lot from that one post, friendo.
>> No. 21015 Anonymous
6th September 2015
Sunday 10:02 pm
21015 spacer
>and "oh you little egdelord, where is your empathy?"
>> No. 21027 Anonymous
8th September 2015
Tuesday 9:24 pm
21027 spacer
Curiosity to see how you feel after you've been bad? Any history of bedwetting, arson and cruelty to animals?

I can see the slide from trolling a stranger to tears to serial killing, I can see how the same impulse darkens. I wouldn't be cruel to some daft camgirl cracking up however anonymous it felt, because it might put my soul in peril.
>> No. 21028 Anonymous
8th September 2015
Tuesday 9:59 pm
21028 spacer
Good for you lad. Luckily the world isn't made up entirely of people like you.
>> No. 21029 Anonymous
8th September 2015
Tuesday 11:49 pm
21029 spacer
Can you really only think of two reasons and describe them as one?

Really? Lad.
>> No. 21030 Anonymous
9th September 2015
Wednesday 2:03 am
21030 spacer
Go on then, let's have it.
>> No. 21031 Anonymous
9th September 2015
Wednesday 3:16 am
21031 spacer
But unluckily for you and your whole shit cunt family (ref: Nil By Mouth), I'm OP at /b/394410 .

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 21032 Anonymous
9th September 2015
Wednesday 3:21 am
21032 spacer
>> No. 21035 Anonymous
9th September 2015
Wednesday 10:12 am
21035 spacer

>(ref: Nil By Mouth)

It's not even lunch time and I come on here and I'm patronised by fucking edgelords. What a start to a Wednesday.
>> No. 21036 Anonymous
9th September 2015
Wednesday 10:18 am
21036 spacer
Well that's just sad.

Interestingly there has been a rise in this stuff though, now that the internet is much more widely used. It's called Online Disinhibition Effect. What I think we're seeing more of now though, is it bleeding from the online world into the real one, as pretty much everyone is using the internet now. It's too easy for people to dissociate themselves and just view things as a game. But this can in fact breed a low EQ in people if they're online for a vast majority of their time everyday and not interacting often with others. More so with kids now growing up with the internet being a major factor in their lives. People will fall into two groups generally. The ones that are just disconnected/have a low EQ and people who genuinely have some kind of disorder. You can see this in a lot of things now, though. It's pretty interesting but also somewhat worrying.

Personally I'm not a cunt and don't require people to be suffering for my entertainment, but hey-ho.

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