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Subject   (reply to 444178)
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>> No. 444178 Anonymous
7th June 2021
Monday 10:21 am
444178 spacer
I was born in the UK, but my grandparents were dirty foreigners. I want to get some documents showing their respective countries of origin, and that they then married in the UK.

I'm abroad at the moment, so can't just ask at my local authority to dig through census records or marriage certificates in person. What would be my best option? Should I be looking at hiring a lawyer, or trying a website like Ancestry.com?
Expand all images.
>> No. 444179 Anonymous
7th June 2021
Monday 10:29 am
444179 spacer
Can't you just call, post, or e-mail to your local authority?
>> No. 444195 Anonymous
7th June 2021
Monday 3:22 pm
444195 spacer

download (8).jpg

You're absolutely right. I must have been having a brainfart, there. They have an online service where I can order the certificates I need.
>> No. 444197 Anonymous
7th June 2021
Monday 3:30 pm
444197 spacer
Images like this are why we need UBI.

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