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Subject   (reply to 444477)
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Annotation 2021-06-12 021312.jpg
>> No. 444477 Anonymous
12th June 2021
Saturday 2:13 am
444477 spacer
Why do they typically make prune juice instead of plum juice, but nobody makes raisin juice instead of grape juice?
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>> No. 444479 Anonymous
12th June 2021
Saturday 8:43 am
444479 spacer
Nice juicy pair of plums you've got there lad.
>> No. 444481 Anonymous
12th June 2021
Saturday 11:04 am
444481 spacer
Love a plum me. Gods own fruit.
>> No. 444482 Anonymous
12th June 2021
Saturday 3:01 pm
444482 spacer

They've been a bit shit this year, at least supermarket ones. Either bitter even when soft and overripe, or never ripening and flavourless.
>> No. 444509 Anonymous
13th June 2021
Sunday 8:54 am
444509 spacer
>>444482 did you see a country of origin? Supply chains are all over the place, you might be getting super early forced britplums, sewage encrusted ones from Morocco, or something that's been in a ripener's cold store for two years and really needed shifting. Not long to this year's glorious crop of Brit. plums though. Assuming we actually have orchards and pickers.

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