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Subject   (reply to 449877)
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>> No. 449877 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 8:13 pm
449877 Hedge porn

"the largest amount of data gathered on hedge porn to date"

Tell your stories, lads. I never found any in an actual hedge, but I did find a soggy Razzle in an abandoned building once.
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>> No. 449879 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 9:10 pm
449879 spacer
I found a dump of maybe 20 mags (regular Fiesta type stuff) and catalogues (crossdressing / sissy / AB) stuff, in a layby on a scout camp, in the early 80s. I have to assume this set me up for my life of specialist interests.
>> No. 449880 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 9:42 pm
449880 spacer
Cor blimey you're old.
>> No. 449881 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 10:00 pm
449881 spacer
ok, probably mid 80s not early. But yeah, I'm not a younglad any more. I don't think I'm the oldest here.
>> No. 449882 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 10:18 pm
449882 spacer
There's >>/spo/9830 unless that you also, you auld codger.
>> No. 449883 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 10:36 pm
449883 spacer

I found various bits of hedge porn over the years, nothing too weird. One page that sticks in my mind was of a slim European brunette fucking herself with a Fruit Pastilles ice lolly.
>> No. 449884 Anonymous
5th March 2022
Saturday 11:45 pm
449884 spacer
This made my desire for a Fruit Pastille ice lolly go through the roof, but didn't increase my desire to have sex with a woman a jot. I have a great deal to think about.
>> No. 449885 Anonymous
6th March 2022
Sunday 12:24 am
449885 spacer
I found it at the local fields but the pages had gotten wet and 10 year old me and my mate didn't really know what to do with it. I imagine it was a similar experience to what kids have these days when they go on Pornhub but only get disappointed with the content.

You lads will never believe me but once I found a big box of Mars bars in a bush. The kind used to supply corner shops. They must've been nicked or something but were all still in good condition and packaged, I took them back home and after convincing my mum that I didn't just rob the local the whole family got chocolate.

I bet todays packed-lunch-Nazis would have an aneurism if they saw that my mum had put a mars bar in my lunch the next day.
>> No. 449887 Anonymous
6th March 2022
Sunday 1:17 am
449887 spacer
The other year I found a pair of limited edition trainers in the street the morning after New Year's Eve. There was a team of cleaners rooting through the apartment they were outside of, so I assumed they were thrown out as rubbish and kept them for myself. They were a perfectly serviceable pair of Adidas Pharrell Williams Hu.
>> No. 450444 Anonymous
5th April 2022
Tuesday 7:54 pm
450444 spacer
During the 2011 riots in London I ventured out round the corner to the main road to see if anything interesting was going on. Someone had left a bottle of Sainsbury's Pimms-knockoff standing on the pavement so I picked it up to see what it was. About this time I noticed there was a police van not far away attending to something, so I ran back to my house and realised I was still holding the booze. I then got drunk with it, having successfully outsourced my looting.
>> No. 450445 Anonymous
5th April 2022
Tuesday 10:02 pm
450445 spacer
Quis furodiet ipsos furodes?
>> No. 450446 Anonymous
5th April 2022
Tuesday 10:10 pm
450446 spacer

When I was 10, we went on a Sunday afternoon outing somewhere rural and there was a road building site and an unlocked building site container. And while our parents weren't looking, my brother and I went into the container and found some porn magazines in there, which we tucked under our shirts and then to the horror of our parents started reading in the back of our car on the way home. We were chided not just for the fact that we were reading porn magazines, barely comprehending anything that was written in them, but also for obviously stealing them from somewhere that we weren't supposed to be.

My dad then stopped at the next service station to bin the magazines, but I was able to hide one of them under the floormat, and was going to retrieve it a few days later, but I guess my dad somehow found it and it was gone.
>> No. 450450 Anonymous
6th April 2022
Wednesday 7:51 am
450450 spacer
It's hard to find decent porn these days. It seems when the likes of PornHub had to wipe most of their material they got rid of most of the good stuff. It takes far longer to find something I'm happy to bash one out to.
>> No. 450451 Anonymous
6th April 2022
Wednesday 8:12 am
450451 spacer
You "ventured round the corner to see if anything was going on"? That's pretty foolhardy isn't it? Anything could have happened to you. And given the way you pissed your pants at the sight of a police van I'm assuming you're not built like Arnie.
>> No. 450452 Anonymous
6th April 2022
Wednesday 10:42 am
450452 spacer
Not sure who's more of a coward; the person who decided not to be around the police while holding stolen goods or the one who's too afraid to go outside during light rioting.
>> No. 450453 Anonymous
6th April 2022
Wednesday 2:29 pm
450453 spacer
This. Professional stuff lost it's splendour years ago.
>> No. 450455 Anonymous
6th April 2022
Wednesday 5:44 pm
450455 spacer
You'll notice I didn't call him a coward.
>> No. 450479 Anonymous
7th April 2022
Thursday 12:22 pm
450479 spacer
I'm not built like a brick shithouse but I've been in enough fights to know how to handle myself. That wasn't really my concern though, riots aren't that dangerous for a bystander - those involved are too busy smashing and looting things to be provoking fights with random strangers. I was more worried about landing a criminal record just because some overzealous copper noticed a lone, unmasked individual holding a bottle of stolen booze and saw an opportunity to make an arrest.
>> No. 450481 Anonymous
7th April 2022
Thursday 12:58 pm
450481 spacer
That's true, you didn't use the word "coward".
>you pissed your pants

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