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Subject   (reply to 451479)
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>> No. 451479 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 2:50 am
451479 My ship has come in
I wish to consciencelessly exploit picrel new twist in the law for maximum personal gain, but I'm sure exactly how to go about doing it. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions that they would be willing to offer?
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>> No. 451485 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 12:39 pm
451485 spacer
Have you tried just growing more hair?
>> No. 451486 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 12:41 pm
451486 spacer
Bald men are notoriously fascist.

>> No. 451488 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 12:49 pm
451488 spacer

eisenhower zhukov.png
Watch your damn mouth.
>> No. 451489 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 12:52 pm
451489 spacer
Can't have nowt nowadays can you.

I have already been forced to give up fag, nigger, retard and jew, what the fuck am I supposed to call people when they kill me in Battlefield now?

I suppose at least I'll always have carpet-bagger. Good old reliable carpet-bagger. carpet-bagger will never forsake me.
>> No. 451490 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 2:17 pm
451490 spacer


No bald wronguns in socialism, eh.
>> No. 451491 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 2:34 pm
451491 spacer
>> No. 451492 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 2:41 pm
451492 spacer
It’s a historical FACT that the finest leaders the USSR has were bald. Gorbachev couldn’t have known everyone in the country was a dickhead.
>> No. 451494 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 2:58 pm
451494 spacer

As with anything, there was probably a chronic shortage of full hair in socialism, and obtaining the right to keep it beyond young adulthood was an immensely arduous process of going through many different levels of government to get it approved.

It's like that old saying. What will happen if socialism gets introduced in the Sahara polar? - For a few years, nothing, and then there'll be a sand shortage.
>> No. 451496 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 3:46 pm
451496 spacer
I think being pure bald is pretty cool for a fella. I hate my male pattern baldness. I shave it all off, but it comes back, and if I let it grow I look mentally ill. If it all just fell off and I had a slaphead I'd be much happier.
>> No. 451497 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 4:32 pm
451497 spacer

This sounds a bit nutty, but has anyone tried waxing their scalp? I imagine if you shave your head down to a shortish stubble and wax it the hair would be gone for a few months.

Maybe scalp skin would react badly to it?
>> No. 451498 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 4:38 pm
451498 spacer


You can get stubble tattooed on so your head looks better with a few days of growth. Seriously considering it when my totally-not-a-combover quiff becomes a combover.
>> No. 451499 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 5:25 pm
451499 spacer
But how will it look when you're an old man? No, really.
>> No. 451500 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 6:56 pm
451500 spacer
Yeah, if you're going to get your head tattooed, it may as well he something cool.

These cosmetic tattoos usually use really faint pigments, the thing will only last a year or two, probably. I've got a few mates that do the lip and eyebrow liner tattoos, and freckles, and they use very watered-down pigments meant to mimic real skin tones, so they generally do top-ups two or three times a year. It's a bit of a racket.
>> No. 451505 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 10:06 pm
451505 spacer
Don't say that, We don't be able to exploit baldness for financial gain if you're honest about it. "Woe is me, baldness is worse than the holocaust, the government owes me money because of this, I demand compensation" is what I want to hear out of you.
>> No. 451506 Anonymous
15th May 2022
Sunday 10:45 pm
451506 spacer

>> No. 451510 Anonymous
16th May 2022
Monday 1:18 am
451510 spacer

That just looks silly.

You might as well just get a wig.
>> No. 451511 Anonymous
16th May 2022
Monday 4:04 am
451511 spacer

Can you just get your head lasered? I shave my head, but where I still have hair it's rather thick, meaning I'd either have to razor shave almost daily, which is terrible, or get the >>451498 tattoos, which I feel like is going to be really noticable in real life close up. If I could just zap away the rest and maintain a deliberate looking shiny bonce, I think I would.

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