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>> No. 1785 Anonymous
3rd October 2011
Monday 3:31 am
1785 godlikeproductions.com
Does anyone here visit this loonytunes site, and does anyone have any opinions on it? Must have been well over five years ago when I found it but I can't seem to permanently stay away from this cesspit. My own memorable experiences:

1) The stuff about Blair's government being stuffed to the gills with paedophiles and blackmailed by Murdoch and the FBI, and the subsequent mysterious deletion of those lengthy threads.

2) Finding out Prince Harry was in Afghanistan months before the press announced it via an anonymous GLP post.

3) Being permanently mystified by esoteric conspiracy theory (or are they ARGs?) with stuff about 'the woman of scars' in seemingly coded language.

4) Being mildly freaked out by the conspiracy theories about GLP - that user avatars are full of spyware, that Stanford Research Institute uses the site as a data mining experiment, that you can't talk about the Tavistock Institute on there etc.
Expand all images.
>> No. 1786 Anonymous
6th October 2011
Thursday 6:57 am
1786 spacer

Yup - it's a a pretty crazy place. I've always been struck by the sheer diversity of wierdness. That, and how many are also Christians and use every opportunity to bing up the big G...

I found GLP via this thread, which has gained something of a reputation:

>> No. 1795 Anonymous
9th October 2011
Sunday 11:53 pm
1795 spacer

I've never been on this site before. How do ISPs manage dynamic IPs? Am I the victim of some random wanker who I'll never meet?
>> No. 1796 Anonymous
10th October 2011
Monday 2:37 am
1796 spacer

I fear so. Never mind - google "revelations of an insider". It's pretty cool, regardless of its authenticity, and probably the most interesting thing that will ever happen on GLP.
>> No. 1797 Anonymous
10th October 2011
Monday 3:08 am
1797 spacer

They know you are COINTELPRO. Move on, underling. Tell your NWO masters that you have failed.
>> No. 1799 Anonymous
10th October 2011
Monday 5:17 am
1799 spacer
The best GLP threads work almost like Philip K Dick novels as a mix of mischievous trolls, wild-eyed psychotic visionaries, writers trying to develop new creative ideas and disinfo agents conspire to stretch the reader's reality tunnel. As well as 'revelations of an insider', 'me tel you now so you belive me 15 may' and 'jessica simpsons house had hidden cameras' come to mind.

Site owner Trinity/Jason Lucas who regularly posts drunken-sounding redneck all-American rants has a double life working for intelligence agencies according to loons like these guys - http://www.ethericwarriors.com/ip/viewtopic.php?p=7747

It's absolutely true that mentions of the Tavistock Institute will get you a ban there which I always thought was some kind of in-joke but who knows.
>> No. 1800 Anonymous
10th October 2011
Monday 5:36 am
1800 spacer

Wouldn't surprise me if the staff or hosts were intelligence agency employees or contractors. There's been too many other cases of sites being caught out as honey pots. Stormfront is one of the bigger examples that bizarrely continues to function even after the reality of it leaked out. Frequently the biggest and best sites seem to have had the spook hands in it somewhere.
>> No. 1801 Anonymous
10th October 2011
Monday 5:44 am
1801 spacer

What was the stormfront leak?
>> No. 1802 Anonymous
10th October 2011
Monday 9:55 pm
1802 spacer

This is going back a big, so my memory of it isn't 100%, sorry. These are just some of the things I recall that show that you'd have to be a troll or a mole/stooge to post there (or just plain dumb like many of their members):

Someone traced some of the related IPs to the operation of the site and some prominent members of the time and found IPs tracing to Jewish defence groups, anti-defamation groups, Israeli/Jewish political lobbying groups and even physical locations within Israel. Some of the emails were traced too, leading to Israelies and Jewish interests (using emails like KILL_THE_KIKES@whatever.com). There's lots of posting going on there by people who certainly aren't the type of people who you might expect to be there or making those posts. At the very least it means that you will be tainted (if you were associating yourself with it) because of the agent provocateurs and retarded or dangerous messages they can put out with a degree of anonymity and at the worst (assuming again you were taking it seriously) you could be used a tool and fed all manner of information or set up nicely. Perhaps even worse than that if someone was looking for a fall guy or had other plans in mind for a gullible internet poster.

One of the senior staff there has a suspect history too, which I can try and dig up if you like. I believe he worked for a certain cult in the past and his own statements about it and manipulating people make his own actions and motivations very suspect. It seems he's been repeating the same roles now as he did in the past for his old cult. Possibly King's/Queen's evidence or similar going on there.

There was also a court case where when evidence was being presented to validate the origins of the information the sources and pedigrees were provided and it was shown that the site was very much in the control of and watched by police, FBI or intelligence agency staff (or a combination of them). I wish I could provide the sources, but it was so long ago that I'm going by memories that go back more than a handful of years, might be ten by now as I've lost track, so no chance of me remembering it or having links handy.

It's a big old classic honeypot and not the first out there, of course. A way to draw people in, tag and track and then put out false information or get them to waste their energies to suit. Stormfront is the best opposition that money can buy. It's likely subsidised quite nicely by the US government on some level. It's like someone was gifted an internet based version of the BNP farce. Much like the BNP, they gain huge amounts of attention and members because of the media talking about them and spreading the word. Without all that support they'd have been another unknown backwater.

Even if someone was another hardcore Certified Webmaster, there would bound to be better places to go than that pit.
>> No. 1876 Anonymous
12th December 2011
Monday 12:42 am
1876 spacer
Here's what the Tavistock Institute (which you can't mention at GLP) have been up to lately:

>> No. 1883 Anonymous
22nd December 2011
Thursday 11:32 pm
1883 spacer
i wish i wasnt shown this
>> No. 1976 Anonymous
4th February 2012
Saturday 3:30 am
1976 spacer
I got banned from this place for mentioning Tavistock and tried to get back on using Tor. Switching every few seconds, but every fresh Tor node was banned. How the fuck did they manage this?

Their database going back to the early 2000s is huge and must take up so much server space, as if 4chan had decided to keep every single shitpost online forever. And every post IP/ID logged.

The vast majority of the site content is absolute bollocks but something VERY fishy is going on with godlikeproductions.
>> No. 1977 Anonymous
5th February 2012
Sunday 12:24 am
1977 spacer
>How the fuck did they manage this?

TOR maintains a list of public exit nodes, webmasters can (and many do) use it to block all TOR traffic to their sites. You'd have to use a bridge instead.
>> No. 1980 Anonymous
6th February 2012
Monday 9:31 pm
1980 spacer

Or try using a *decent* proxy service.
>> No. 1981 Anonymous
6th February 2012
Monday 10:44 pm
1981 spacer
Do they give a reason for not talking about Tavistock?
>> No. 1983 Anonymous
10th February 2012
Friday 1:10 pm
1983 spacer

Just finished reading all that... I'm going to say intelligent miscreant, just because the alternatives are too spacey for me to comprehend.
>> No. 1986 Anonymous
12th February 2012
Sunday 3:06 am
1986 spacer
No, but it seems obviously like an attention-grabbing publicity stunt. Pick an obscure conspiracy theory that no-one has got to the bottom of, and insinuate that you are part of that conspiracy.

One of my favourite stories about GLP is that the forum software, which simply appears to be an old-fashioned yet glitch-free kind of bulletin board, in fact contains sophisticated mind-altering trance-engendering military experimental frequencies.

976 pages of discussion about GLP are at http://lunaticoutpost.com/Topic-The-Official-Graveyard-Thread-Of-The-Other-Site-also-to-say-hi?page=1
>> No. 1987 Anonymous
15th February 2012
Wednesday 11:32 am
1987 spacer
Publicity stunt? Stop being a pretentious pissflap and do some research.
>> No. 1988 Anonymous
15th February 2012
Wednesday 9:13 pm
1988 spacer
OK, you've asked for it. Here's some of my fifteen years' research into Tavistock which enables me to say that GLP's ban of the word is a publicity stunt. I first came across the Tavistock Institute in the Lyndon LaRouche chapter in Jonathan Vankin's Illuminet publication (can't remember its title) where LaRouche made the startling statement that the Grateful Dead were a project of Tavistock. I was even more surprised when this initially demented-sounding proposition was backed up by peculiar circumstantial evidence. Their publisher Alan Trist's father was Eric Trist, a very important Tavistock figure. Lyricist Robert Hunter was drug-tested by the CIA at Palo Alto as part of MK Ultra.

Not long after this, the almost certainly fictional character and LaRouche sockpuppet 'Dr John Coleman' appeared online with blackops texts talking a fair bit of nonsense about the Tavistock Institute - still being repeated around all the conspiraloon sites. LaRouche's rabid dislike of the British Establishment is well-known, what isn't well-known is the extent to which his front organisations have infiltrated so much of the world arena. The LaRouche organisation is clearly behind much of the content promulgated by that Iranian news company which was in trouble recently. I'm always surprised when people who talk about scientology's malign tentacles are ignorant of LaRouche's in many ways more effective and mysterious methods.

So much of the Tavistock Institute (and Clinic)'s work has been focussed on where the social sciences meet the occult. Thomas Pynchon's portrayal of Tavistock as 'The White Visitation' in Gravitys Rainbow is as honest a portrait as I can find. Seeking rational and linear explanations for everything they've had their finger in will lead you to insanity and cognitive overload. There are major synchronicity fields around Tavistock which will direct you to Chapel Perilous. The 7/7 bomb on the bus. The last bastion of Valerie Sinason and Satanic Ritual Abuse believers. R.D Laing's 'Knots'.

As for GLP, Trinity made lots of money from dodgy malware toolbars (as have plenty of other people) and decided to buy a conspiracy site. He bought it for a substantial sum from Elaine Belisha circa 2004/5 and he uses the Tavistock ban, as well as random mass IP bans and other stunts such as sudden shutdowns as an effective publicity tool. Fact is, you can actually discuss Tavistock there (search for a thread on Mannie Scher), just not say that word. Yes, Mr Lucas has advised the US government and military on website security, as have plenty of other successful webmasters. Zero Point Ltd is registered in the offshore tax haven of Jersey and makes a substantial amount of money, although having to deal with such a volume of nuts posting and threatening presidents etc can't be an easy job. One thing I will say is that I do think that government/military have tested intelligent bots frequently as anonymous posters on the site - look into the Genesys experiment run out of Hungary. GLP is a bit of fun and not a credible news site under any stretch of the imagination. Of course intelligence agencies will have taken an interest at times, but the Tavistock thing is a huge red herring.
>> No. 1989 Anonymous
15th February 2012
Wednesday 9:22 pm
1989 spacer
>my fifteen years' research into Tavistock
Why did you do that
>> No. 1990 Anonymous
15th February 2012
Wednesday 9:55 pm
1990 spacer
[Citation needed]

>that Iranian news company which was in trouble recently.
Press TV. Their being shut down bothered my parents, which surprised me, because such blatant sock puppetry isn't something they'd be taken in by, but their point (which I had to concede) was that multiple different sock puppets are more interesting than just the typical Merdoch show.

>major synchronicity fields
This phrase makes you sound like a nutter.
>> No. 1991 Anonymous
15th February 2012
Wednesday 10:20 pm
1991 spacer

> This phrase makes you sound like a nutter.
I think he was using it as a metaphor.

Still, synchronicity as a concept is still a bit 'out there', even decades after it's introduction. I'm guessing, because it blows the traditional mind:matter separation out of the water and opens a very big can of worms that few people are ready to stomach.
>> No. 1992 Anonymous
16th February 2012
Thursday 12:51 am
1992 spacer
>major synchronicity fields
>This phrase makes you sound like a nutter

I dare, I fucking double-dare anyone to try and speak rationally about the Tavistock Institute and their hidden role in history over the last sixty years without sounding like a nutter and very probably actually becoming a nutter. >>1991 Thank you and yes, it's a can of worms. Reality is not what it's cracked up to be: mules rush in where angles seem to bend. >>1989 Because it was interesting.
>> No. 1993 Anonymous
16th February 2012
Thursday 2:40 am
1993 spacer
>it blows the traditional mind:matter separation out of the water and opens a very big can of worms that few people are ready to stomach.
>> No. 1994 Anonymous
16th February 2012
Thursday 4:26 am
1994 spacer
See Robert Anton Wilson 'The Cosmic Trigger'.
>> No. 1995 Anonymous
16th February 2012
Thursday 10:07 am
1995 spacer

It's just a fancy way of saying 'meaningful coincidence'. Even Uncle Bob averred that, being the engine of meaning, it is up to you to decide on the degree of significance.

His discussion of emic and etic realities in Quantum Psychology makes for interesting reading, if you are into the whole 'in your head' vs. 'out there' brouhaha.
>> No. 2030 Anonymous
16th April 2012
Monday 12:45 am
2030 spacer
Bizarrely, you get banned at GLP now for mentioning bitcoins.

An all-time classic trippy thread for anyone who can access the site is http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1762964/pg1
>> No. 2031 Anonymous
16th April 2012
Monday 1:04 am
2031 spacer

2 pages in...
This shit reads like it's ripped from the The Invisibles
>> No. 2037 Anonymous
16th April 2012
Monday 8:21 pm
2037 spacer
I like how people trying to appear sinister and mysterious, randomly capitalise odd letters like a 13 year old goth.
>> No. 2050 Anonymous
26th April 2012
Thursday 12:06 am
2050 spacer
Say what now? Is this a joke thread or not.

I can never tell with conspiracy mobs.
>> No. 2051 Anonymous
27th April 2012
Friday 3:46 am
2051 spacer
It's a mix of people writing creative fiction, paranoiacs and the genuinely disturbed, pranksters and possibly players of obscure ARGs in my opinion. Yes, I think some of it at least is supposed to be funny. Some of it is also very dark.

The best article about the US military connection to GLP is at http://matrixofconspiracy.blogspot.co.uk/2009/05/who-really-runs-glp-godlikeproductionsc.html
>> No. 2074 Anonymous
16th May 2012
Wednesday 8:52 pm
2074 spacer
Here's another crazy persons blog
"Is Artificial Intelligence Being Developed to Sanitize History? " Apparently he works for Amnesty Int.
>> No. 2075 Anonymous
17th May 2012
Thursday 5:42 pm
2075 spacer
No one's posted about Rense.com yet?

That's the best there is.
>> No. 2077 Anonymous
27th May 2012
Sunday 11:48 pm
2077 spacer
Man this thread is like staring down the rabbit hole.


>> No. 2083 Anonymous
7th June 2012
Thursday 8:46 am
2083 spacer

Further down?


>> No. 2091 Anonymous
11th June 2012
Monday 1:12 pm
2091 spacer

surprised yellow man.jpg

Oh dear. That's a lot of text. I'm not sure if I should have opened those links. I'll get back to you in a week. That's if I'm not knocked off by MI5 first.
>> No. 2092 Anonymous
14th June 2012
Thursday 10:50 pm
2092 spacer

Well, the frst link's fucking intro is full of lies, misquotes and stuff that never actually existed (refering to the Grauniad article).

As something of an expert on te DuTroux affair I would like to say I'm going to enjoy wading through this mire of shite. Unfortunately I doubt I will.

Enjoy the ravings of a madman, lad.
>> No. 2093 Anonymous
18th June 2012
Monday 4:08 pm
2093 spacer

Yeah certain journalists get a kind of Satanic panic inspired hysteria over that whole area. Kincora is a lot more troubling than Bryn Alyn though. Can we really say all these stories are just hysteria? What about Sarah Bland, at first sight that really did look like an archetypal stinking heap of Hollie Grieg cobblers, the more I found out about that the more convinced I was that something very bad happened.

The Sabine book pretty much made it clear that Dutroux's defence case was bullshit - I guess the true believers at this point will claim it's black propaganda and they end up like the Holocaust deniers who will see anything which contradicts their belief system as an evil plot by the enemy.

It's a kind of quicksand of the mind to consider the possibilities and a hugely psychologically unsettling field to enter, which is why so many writers whose critical thinking skills are underdeveloped or have serious mental health issues end up repeating nonsensical Icke/O'Brien/Springmeier crap and you end up with dear old Emily of this parish and her recent disciple Red Ox http://www.henrymakow.com/mi-6_mk_ultra_a_uk_survivors_s.html

In comparison to such people Joel van der Reiden is a much more measured voice and has some great information on things like Le Cercle which is backed up by other researchers - Lobster magazine etc.
>> No. 2096 Anonymous
22nd June 2012
Friday 10:10 pm
2096 spacer
Without opening that link, I can tell from the URL that it is not only unrelated but also illegal. The injunction in ZAM v CFW & TFW is still very much in force.
>> No. 2097 Anonymous
22nd June 2012
Friday 11:00 pm
2097 spacer
All I know is that it's not CP or terrorism.
>> No. 2098 Anonymous
22nd June 2012
Friday 11:45 pm
2098 spacer
The difficulty in this case is that one can't really explain what the problem is without breaching the injunction. You know how discovering there was a second series of Lost kind of gave away that they weren't getting off the island? Same sort of thing.
>> No. 2099 Anonymous
23rd June 2012
Saturday 8:43 am
2099 spacer
The link deleted which we are not permitted to discuss possibly does have a connection to the Dutroux case and its associated implications, or it simply may be a case of a family fall-out over money which has reached horrific levels of bitterness.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/8076586/Priest-at-top-Catholic-girls-school-under-investigation.html - link to story not covered by ZAM v CFW & TFW, posted without prejudice and without necessarily having anything to do with any of the above.
>> No. 2100 Anonymous
23rd June 2012
Saturday 7:18 pm
2100 spacer
Yeah, by implying a connection you've just breached the injunction and put Mr. Purple in contempt. Good going, lad.
>> No. 2101 Anonymous
24th June 2012
Sunday 10:43 am
2101 spacer

Which illustrates why the case has been referred to as like something from Alice in Wonderland. Have some tea, there isn't any!
>> No. 2102 Anonymous
1st July 2012
Sunday 4:41 pm
2102 spacer
A website dealing with numerous unusual topics which gets the mind working along apophenic lines is the excellent http://www.perceptions.couk.com/ - it has pages directly related to issues in this thread.
I especially like this paragraph I found on the site:

>Personal recall seems to eventually serve up a `bubble', encapsulating many details around a requested memory-event; although its dimensions - and delivery time - can vary. It's as if you'd accepted the offer of a friendly ether-visitor from Zeta Reticuli or the Pleiades, who would organize your memory's rooms, cupboards and cabinets in return for browsing privileges. Of course, being `ethereal' your e.t. friend's communications come through most strongly after midnight, or later.
>> No. 2114 Anonymous
11th July 2012
Wednesday 12:49 am
2114 spacer
I love this stuff.

The Timecube flavour is funny but not so interesting. I enjoy the more grounded stuff. Better than novels.
>> No. 2117 Anonymous
11th July 2012
Wednesday 6:07 pm
2117 spacer
"Dr John Coleman" or someone using that name did exist according to http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=170819614143019768

http://p-cca.org/2012/ is something The Tavistock Institute has been recently working with, as well as collaboration with Dartington Social Research Unit and others on a £25m project to 'prevent youth offending' through 'replication of proven interventions'.

The Population Council is another body who use the 'replication of proven interventions' jargon. No doubt if we squint at Tavistock through the looking glass at twilight the mass euthanasia plans are there to see.
>> No. 2139 Anonymous
16th July 2012
Monday 8:40 am
2139 spacer

1325594307207 (1).jpg
Over the last few weeks I have been insta-banned from about 6 different IPs for doing nothing more than trying to open threads.

I'm not sure if they're randomly banning people or if the NWO have decided my brain is full of enough shit already. I know that without cookies, and from different IPs, they really shouldn't be able to trace me across sessions. Yet they did.

This worries me
>> No. 2140 Anonymous
16th July 2012
Monday 11:29 am
2140 spacer
Maybe it's some kind of RFID or nanotechnology thing with being able to track and trace individual computers? The infamous 'one time port scan' used by GLP is certainly intrusive enough. There is a great deal of circumstantial evidence that the website is a creation of USAF Special Forces: if so, they are going to have unusual methods and a lot of money to spend.
>> No. 2151 Anonymous
27th July 2012
Friday 1:31 am
2151 spacer

Or maybe they're being bandwidth leeched and ban all suspicious behaviour... such as accountless IPs opening many threads.
>> No. 2154 Anonymous
31st July 2012
Tuesday 5:54 pm
2154 spacer
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2012/07/498401.html for a garbled and semi-literate rant by someone who got banned.

"Really? Than why can't I mention a certain institute based in a private university neighboring UC, Berkeley? Why can't I mention a certain human relations intitute that begins with a 'T'?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17926316

Do tell.... "rubs hands together in an inquisitive manner " lol?
Quoting: kcdub0184

don't even go there

it won't end well for you

lol" - site owner Trinity addresses the Tavistock rumour at message1935185.
>> No. 2173 Anonymous
2nd September 2012
Sunday 7:46 pm
2173 spacer
Oh god, a headfucking classic is at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1968424/pg1

I'm banned again on my home IP apparently for posting a link to a website suggesting Lindsay Lohan was replaced by a double.
>> No. 2174 Anonymous
27th September 2012
Thursday 10:07 pm
2174 spacer
>a website suggesting Lindsay Lohan was replaced by a double.
You'd better post it here then, they win if you don't
>> No. 2177 Anonymous
3rd October 2012
Wednesday 10:18 am
2177 spacer
Fill your boots with weird shit - http://www.whale.to/b/lindsay_lohan.html

Page likely to induce temporary mental illness.
>> No. 2178 Anonymous
9th October 2012
Tuesday 6:08 pm
2178 spacer
>> No. 2198 Anonymous
25th October 2012
Thursday 4:16 am
2198 spacer
"The Emerald Coast Chapter is pleased to announce that the 2nd quarter winner of “Tester of the Quarter” was Mr. Jason Lucas of the 46 Range Group, 46th Test Systems Squadron (46 TSSQ). As Program Director for the Joint Test & Training Ops Control Capability (JTTOCC) team, Mr. Lucas and his team developed numerous new capabilities to support the Eglin Test and Training Complex (ETTC). The total number of ETTC range missions is expected to increase annually over the next 5 years due to new F-35 training flights, 7th Special Forces Group (SFG) mission requirements, and other additional units recently assigned to Eglin AFB. One of the team’s goals was to integrate the operations of the Eglin Radar Control Facility (ERCF) with the Range Operations Control Center (ROCC) to enhance communication and cooperation between these crucial mission areas. The team designed and managed the development of the architectural plans to modify an existing building to house both ERCF and ROCC functions, and established a timeline for executing the move with an aggressive schedule. The team also developed a Common Operating Picture (COP), fusing the schedule from Center Scheduling Enterprise (CSE) with data from air/ground tracks into a single tailor-able display, providing unprecedented situational awareness of the range complex and storing data for analysis of range usage and facilitating real-time decision-making by range operators."

J.L. is Trinity, webmaster of GLP being discussed above. I am 100% convinced right now that the site is a military experiment. Never mind the tinfoil hat, I need a Faraday Tent.
>> No. 2199 Anonymous
25th October 2012
Thursday 6:25 am
2199 spacer
I remember seeing http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1702191/pg1 a few months ago and getting kind of creeped out. Why would they have telephone number stations?
>> No. 2200 Anonymous
25th October 2012
Thursday 2:58 pm
2200 spacer
Because for someone in foreign territory, a mobile phone is nowadays less conspicuous than a short wave radio? And I imagine they work on the same old one-time-pad lines.
>> No. 2201 Anonymous
25th October 2012
Thursday 3:40 pm
2201 spacer
Ugh, a fucking ARG is involved from what I can make out.
>> No. 2259 Anonymous
13th November 2012
Tuesday 2:28 pm
2259 spacer
It's not military, its Tavistock Institution.
>> No. 2260 Anonymous
13th November 2012
Tuesday 2:43 pm
2260 spacer

I'm supposed to be seeing someone from the Tavistock Clinic next month.

What should I do?
>> No. 2262 Anonymous
13th November 2012
Tuesday 2:49 pm
2262 spacer
You will get on a London bus with explosives strapped to you and detonate them in Tavistock Square on 7/7, did you say?
>> No. 2263 Anonymous
13th November 2012
Tuesday 3:14 pm
2263 spacer

In all seriousness: don't let craziness like this thread prejudice you against meeting a mental health professional whom you might get on with. I know a very nice doctor who was Tavistock-trained.

The Tavistock Institute and the Tavistock Clinics share a name and little else, apparently.
>> No. 2281 Anonymous
20th November 2012
Tuesday 6:54 am
2281 spacer

I came very close to applying for an unpaid role as Trustee at the Tavistock Institute a few months ago - http://www.tavinstitute.org/news/detail.php?nid=172

I know that my CV would get me instant acceptance and I could, for a start, address the language some of the fucking idiots they have working for them use.

Decided against it when I reflected that like quite a few of fellow Russell group graduates in the UK, I am feeling very literally treasonous currently.
>> No. 2289 Anonymous
3rd December 2012
Monday 5:36 pm
2289 spacer

Jesus that is harsh, I feel sorry for the guy.

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