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>> No. 2061 Anonymous
6th May 2012
Sunday 9:54 pm
2061 spacer

This random and out of place sentence caught my attention:
>Scientists have dismissed the idea the perigee could cause strange behaviour - like lycanthropy...

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>> No. 2062 Anonymous
7th May 2012
Monday 12:11 am
2062 spacer
It's not our moon anymore anyway, it's the new improved Nibiru supermoon introduced by the Annunaki.

On a more serious note, anyone who has worked in A&E departments or in law enforcement may well have different views than these scientists about the dangers of full moons, based on empirical data.
>> No. 2063 Anonymous
7th May 2012
Monday 3:01 am
2063 spacer
someone once tried to tell me that the gravitational pull gets stronger during full moons and makes your blood rise to your head thus lowering inhibition. I couldn't dismiss his theory because I had no alternative, also I'm not a relevant scientist but neither was he. Anyway it just sounded really stupid to me. sage for blethering.
>> No. 2064 Anonymous
7th May 2012
Monday 3:14 am
2064 spacer
No scientist myself but if the moon can cause tidal waves it seems plausible that it can cause cunt-offs and tearies, 70% of a human body is water.
>> No. 2065 Anonymous
7th May 2012
Monday 3:15 am
2065 spacer
If you want to know why it's bollocks, it's because gravitation is proportional to mass, and the mass of blood (or water) in your body is negligible, so there's no noticeable effect.
>> No. 2066 Anonymous
7th May 2012
Monday 8:41 am
2066 spacer
What makes cancer tenacious? The moon rules the fluids
Including the inner juices of human beings
That which assimilates and feeds the body
So the crab feeds his astral plane
Assimilating and distributing all he receives
Slowly, until it becomes apart of you
>> No. 2087 Anonymous
8th June 2012
Friday 10:50 pm
2087 spacer
>>2066 I never did understand what that bit was about... still don't.
>> No. 2088 Anonymous
8th June 2012
Friday 11:02 pm
2088 spacer

It's about the idea that the moon manipulates the liquids in our bodies in the same way it controls tides. The word 'lunacy', for example, came about by the belief that people temporarily lost their sanity at night because of lunar activity. When she says 'cancer', she's referring to the star sign and the astrological influences over our lives.
>> No. 2089 Anonymous
8th June 2012
Friday 11:43 pm
2089 spacer

That video was a bit naff. I mean, a good amateur effort, but naff nonetheless.

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