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ron paul snowden why won't you stop it.jpg
>> No. 2795 Anonymous
31st January 2014
Friday 1:26 am
2795 spacer

Hey kids, spy drones are your friends.
Expand all images.
>> No. 2797 Anonymous
5th February 2014
Wednesday 10:25 am
2797 spacer
A long-term friend of .gs's salient comments about this link from her blog:

"well ‘flying bugs’ have been around since the 80s…I’m used to them…so what are you saying here? the general public is now going to be made aware of them – a new generation is being groomed to ‘accept it without question’?

you have to admit – it’s a ‘fun’ video and ‘catchy’ for very small children

mind you if you look at the RED RADAR and the cartoon children’s faces of ‘horror’ – well you could read this video against the grain, couldn’t you? I wonder if children will do too?"

Regarding her claim to have seen the 'shutterbugs' back in the 1980s, I have an acquaintance who spent time in mental hospitals during the 90s and swears he saw what appeared to be a miniature flying eyeball in the grounds. Controversial new technology has a recognised history of being covertly tested on the incarcerated, dispossessed or marginalised.

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