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>> No. 4369 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 2:26 pm
4369 spacer
>Background and Documents on Attempts to Frame Assange as a Pedophile and Russias spy

>Earlier today the website DailyKos reported on a smear campaign plot to falsely accuse Julian Assange of pedophilia.

>Here is the description of the plot from Mr Assange’s legal team, the investigative report into the front company and associated correspondence. An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl.

>The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange’s 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas).


Christ. I always found that a bit unsettling how the authorities in 'Utopia' used child molestation to capture people and discredit them but as it turns out its real. Is this now definite proof the rape allegation was faked? Was Rolf Harris destroyed after MI5 found him leaking classified documents to wikileaks?

Oh and Reddit seems to have tracked down the guy who was behind the attacks and has some connection to Hillary:
Expand all images.
>> No. 4370 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 2:55 pm
4370 spacer

I'm no fan of Trump, certainly can't stand this alt-right shit either but the clever merging of the image of Assange and the alt-right has been well done.

It's quite clear how fucking corrupt Hillary is and how he's a huge thorn in the side to the authorities, I'm just bewildered at how little people care.

I also don't understand why people seem to think he's doing something bad, he's helped bring a huge problem with government to light (along with Snowden) yet somehow people think the traitors are the people exposing the lying and spying and corruption, and not the people in government doing it.

I wish him luck, I feel like dicking around with Hillary's emails as she begins her ascendancy to the throne presidency was really a bad idea.
>> No. 4371 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 3:03 pm
4371 spacer
Have you considered that Assange might actually have received support from the Russians but that this story is a plant in order to sow doubt over it when it comes out? A bit like how Trump has been spending the last couple of months planting the idea that the election might be rigged so he has a cover for his eventual loss, or how Krebs was able to hide his drug shipment in plain sight by claiming criminals were setting him up.
>> No. 4372 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 5:15 pm
4372 spacer
We have proof that this happened and the Fancybears leaks were not discredited just because they obviously came from Russia. He has no reason to make this up.

Unless of course Assange is planning a noncing.
>> No. 4373 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 6:07 pm
4373 spacer

>the clever merging of the image of Assange and the alt-right has been well done
Yes, it was very clever and difficult.
>> No. 4374 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 6:24 pm
4374 spacer
>We have proof that this happened
Do we?
>He has no reason to make this up.
Apart from the obvious.

Nullus in verba, m7.
>> No. 4375 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 6:43 pm
4375 spacer

What is that tweet supposed to prove?

Go to wikileaks front page now - they're offering 20k for an email leak to show that Labour MPs are undermining the leader.

Come off it.
>> No. 4376 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 6:57 pm
4376 spacer
Have you considered that the Brits, Swedes and Americans want you to think that this story is a plant in order to sow doubt over other genuine /boo/ related ITZ?

How deep do you want to go?
>> No. 4377 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 7:13 pm
4377 spacer
Have you considered that I might have actually planted this story to make you question him questioning you but really it's just me?
>> No. 4378 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 7:56 pm
4378 spacer
We have senior Hillary campaign staff on video record admitting how they organise mass voter fraud.
>> No. 4379 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 7:58 pm
4379 spacer
No, because that would require there to be at least four of us.
>> No. 4380 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 8:02 pm
4380 spacer
Source? Unless you're referring to the vote-swapping thing, which the courts have upheld as entirely legal.
>> No. 4381 Anonymous
19th October 2016
Wednesday 8:49 pm
4381 spacer
He's talking about some James O'Keefe tape. O'Keefe is notorious for taking things wildly out of context (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACORN_2009_undercover_videos_controversy for an example), so take it with a pinch of salt.

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