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>> No. 19578 Anonymous
15th October 2014
Wednesday 4:55 pm
19578 spacer
Anyone else playing this one?

The sound design alone is shitting me right up. I haven't played enough to call it a good or bad game, it feels a bit clunky and it drops you in without offering much help but I suspect that's kind of the point. As crossover games go it feels surprisingly faithful to the original, to their credit.
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>> No. 19579 Anonymous
15th October 2014
Wednesday 6:48 pm
19579 spacer
I started watching someone else play it one YouTube earlier today.
>> No. 19580 Anonymous
15th October 2014
Wednesday 6:56 pm
19580 spacer

The reviews for it said it was too hard, which I find hilarious. It's a survival horror game it is supposed to be hard.

I really want to get it, it looks ace. It's also supposed to be the best optimised PC game we've had in years.
>> No. 19581 Anonymous
15th October 2014
Wednesday 7:31 pm
19581 spacer
>The reviews for it said it was too hard, which I find hilarious. It's a survival horror game it is supposed to be hard.
I heard the same, so I've been playing it on easy and so far it has been a bit too easy. Just a second ago I got killed by the alien for the first time and that was because I walked right up to it wanting to see what happened. There are player hidey holes all over the place so I guess it's a bit more predacious on harder difficulties.

>It's also supposed to be the best optimised PC game we've had in years.
It looks nice and runs well. It doesn't take much to run it at ultra - I've not seen the framerate dip and I'm running a 7 series Radeon and an old quad core.
>> No. 19582 Anonymous
15th October 2014
Wednesday 8:06 pm
19582 spacer

It actively hunts you on hard, honestly you should restart and play it on hard matr.

See when you hear noises, it isn't ambient. It's hunting you. There was a bit where I was back tracking and decided to sprint a bit because I ussumed I had to move forward to trigger alien interactions and it jumped down out a vent and killed me.

Never run.
>> No. 19583 Anonymous
16th October 2014
Thursday 1:38 pm
19583 spacer
It's not hard due to difficulty. It's hard because the A.I is erratic at best and certain areas literally have 2 rooms you have to go in and Alien is literally camping both entrances on a randomly placed circuit.

You can get items to help you along of course. Flashbangs and such are great but the game is the wrong way around in my opinion. You are in the deep end from the start and the game gets progressively easier once you get past med bay. You get all your toys, the anti-alien stuff and generally the alien becomes no threat once you get the flamethrower until you get to the Reactor.
>> No. 19584 Anonymous
16th October 2014
Thursday 9:33 pm
19584 spacer
I refuse to watch even a minute of gameplay until I can play it myself. As someone who loves the Alien films, I want this to be one of those 'experiences' that seem so rare these days.

One question: does the main character run around in some skimpy knickers with half her arse hanging out?
>> No. 19585 Anonymous
16th October 2014
Thursday 9:39 pm
19585 spacer
>does the main character run around in some skimpy knickers with half her arse hanging out?

You wag.
>> No. 19590 Anonymous
23rd October 2014
Thursday 5:18 pm
19590 spacer

>>19585>>19585I guess this is the "scary game" thread.

I've been playing The Evil Within. So far it's been a bit predictable, pic attached, within the first fifteen minutes you're being chased by a big guy with a chainsaw and a mask, and hiding from him in a cupboard... been there before. The run and hide kind of horror didn't last, it turned pretty quickly into "Resident Evil 4 + stealth". Which is ok I guess. Somehow it feels less than the sum of its parts.
>> No. 19591 Anonymous
23rd October 2014
Thursday 5:27 pm
19591 spacer
I was a bit disappointed from what I saw of the gameplay. I was expecting it to be more horror than what it is, if that makes sense. It seems like they're going with gore mostly, which isn't scary, it's just gore. I'm only basing that on the opening level though, so perhaps it gets better.
>> No. 19712 Anonymous
5th January 2015
Monday 2:54 am
19712 spacer

I've only played it on Hard and it has literally been the only game that has ever actually scared me and made me panic. I've only been having a go between 1am and 6am with all the lights off and wearing headphones. Fucking amazing.

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