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Subject   (reply to 21205)
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>> No. 21205 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 6:01 pm
21205 undertale
okay, my question is:
Should I play Undertale only for plot?
How good is Undertale plot?
I really hate RPG's, level-ups, (pokemon\finalfantasy\JRPG like gaemz). So I didn't even started 1st level.

But I like games with awesome twisted mind blowing plot & humour.
I like dreamfall, fez, silent hill, cat lady. I like motivational stories.
I'm am 30yo adult gay male. who like to date all types of creaters. who like monthy python. who saw almost all published anime and top100 movies, so I'm bored with "new" stealed from the past plot titles.

Is Undertale good kind of game that I should play?

(A good day to you Sir!)
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>> No. 21207 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 6:51 pm
21207 spacer

This post is a mess and you should feel bad for making it.

Lurk more.
>> No. 21208 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 7:01 pm
21208 spacer
It has to be said, so as not to tar it by association with this shit thread, that Undertale is pretty good and for £7 is well worth the money.
>> No. 21209 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 7:21 pm
21209 spacer
How come we are getting a lot of newlads? Did KC die?
>> No. 21210 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 7:41 pm
21210 spacer

A lot of KC's oldfags know that when they come here to use /zoo/, but there will be a whole new generation of shitposters who've never even been here before. It's probably a coincidence.

Allegedly, KC is shutting down though.
>> No. 21214 Anonymous
7th December 2015
Monday 6:56 am
21214 spacer
I found a lot of it pretty tedious, I didn't get on with Earthbound either though and I think that's probably a prerequisite for really getting the most out of Undertale. I'm sure there's lots of jokes and references I missed as a consequence.

Still, for £7 or so no regrets, the last part of the game is remarkable and definitely made it worth getting there.
>> No. 21215 Anonymous
7th December 2015
Monday 1:28 pm
21215 spacer

> Allegedly, KC is shutting down though.

Where did you hear that?
>> No. 21216 Anonymous
7th December 2015
Monday 2:08 pm
21216 spacer
Someone posted it here but didn't give any real evidence.
>> No. 21217 Anonymous
7th December 2015
Monday 2:20 pm
21217 spacer
It's our new top-used meme.

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