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Subject   (reply to 2566)
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>> No. 2566 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 9:18 am
2566 Bamboo
If you haven't planted bamboo you should.

My neighbour recently built a yurt using bamboo for the lattice work and such.

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>> No. 2568 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 9:28 am
2568 spacer
If you want your garden to be tidy, then don't, because it fucking spreads everywhere.

(You can keep it in pots, but it doesn't grow anywhere near as well as it would otherwise, and so you lose the benefits.)
>> No. 2569 Anonymous
6th December 2015
Sunday 9:34 am
2569 spacer

Oh you tease!
>> No. 2570 Anonymous
15th December 2015
Tuesday 3:22 pm
2570 spacer
Yurtlad, or can I call you Ghengis?

Can you please post some pics of your neighbours yurt, unless it will cause problems. Ask him for any blueprints or similar he may have.

I want to try building one, but small enough for my garden as a replacement for my shed.

I have been looking at designs online, but would be more trusting of something posted here. So far I have been getting distracted by things like yurt furniture and stoves.

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