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Subject   (reply to 2831)
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>> No. 2831 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 2:23 pm
2831 spacer
Someone is offering a free compost bin but it doesn't have the front flap.

I can't find the flap for sale anywhere. Is it worth collecting the bin and fashioning a makeshift front flap? Or will the bin fail to function then?
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>> No. 2832 Anonymous
5th June 2020
Friday 2:57 pm
2832 spacer
Sure - a bit of wood cut to fit and tied around will be completely fine. Should last a decade or so.
I might be tempted by a few more 2" diameter holes in the sides, if you live somewhere moist, or I think you'll get slime rather than compost.
>> No. 2904 Anonymous
5th March 2021
Friday 7:47 pm
2904 spacer

This is what the 'compost' looks like. Where did it all go wrong?

Also I haven't put anything in for 3 months.
>> No. 2905 Anonymous
5th March 2021
Friday 7:49 pm
2905 spacer


>> No. 2906 Anonymous
5th March 2021
Friday 7:52 pm
2906 spacer

Too dry, maybe? I occasionally pour a bucket of water or piss into mine.
>> No. 2907 Anonymous
5th March 2021
Friday 8:03 pm
2907 spacer
Yep, definitely needs more piss, and probably to be tamped down somewhat. It would probably tolerate some grass cuttings mixed in if you've started that yet.

I'd been building a lovely muck heap out in the field behind me (with permission). Had about 20 tonnes of sweet-smelling horse shit, piss and hay. Steaming nicely in the cold air, rotting hard.
Then some cunt dumped about 50 tonnes of stinky wood shavings and horse crap on it, ruining its pleasing shape and giving it a pungency I dislike intensely and it's no longer steaming.
I can't complain, really, but it saddens me. I was proud of that heap.
>> No. 2908 Anonymous
5th March 2021
Friday 8:18 pm
2908 spacer
Have you not been putting kitchen (vegetable) waste in there? If you don't want to piss in a bucket it's a good way to keep the moisture levels up.
>> No. 2909 Anonymous
5th March 2021
Friday 8:27 pm
2909 spacer
Needs more piss.
>> No. 2910 Anonymous
6th March 2021
Saturday 1:17 am
2910 spacer
Open the flaps, stick your shovel in there and jiggle it around for a bit.

Then as is .gs traditional, open the rear flap and piss in there.

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