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Subject   (reply to 4962)
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>> No. 4962 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 3:35 pm
4962 spacer
Does it make any difference, purely healthwise, whether your belly protrudes more above the belly button or below it?
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>> No. 4963 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 3:40 pm
4963 spacer
Not really, but the firmness of your belly makes a big difference. If you've got a taut belly that makes you look a bit pregnant, then the fat is mostly visceral fat around your internal organs. This is much worse for your health than jiggly subcutaneous fat just under the skin.

>> No. 4964 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 4:08 pm
4964 spacer
I get that visceral fat is bad, but presumably that is just a stage along the way to having bellies like those blokes in the OP? Are you saying it's possible to have loads of the jiggly stuff and nothing visceral?
>> No. 4965 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 4:27 pm
4965 spacer
What dictates where it goes?
>> No. 4966 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 6:44 pm
4966 spacer

Your genes.
>> No. 4967 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 6:53 pm
4967 spacer

Only for fat below the belt.
>> No. 4968 Anonymous
5th January 2020
Sunday 10:00 pm
4968 spacer


People accumulate fat differently depending on their genes. Some people mostly have subcutaneous fat, so they have a relatively low risk of obesity-related disease even if they're quite overweight. Conversely, some people with just "a bit of a gut" are at relatively high risk, because it's all visceral.

A waist size of over 37" means that you're at high risk of diabetes and coronary disease, even if you're not particularly fat elsewhere. The classic beer belly is a serious warning sign, even if you're relatively slim everywhere else.

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