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Subject   (reply to 27759)
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>> No. 27759 Anonymous
22nd January 2021
Friday 6:05 pm
27759 spacer
I have a work laptop and a personal laptop on my desk, with a nice big monitor, bluetooth keyboard, and bluetooth mouse in the middle.

I can switch between which secondary display I want to see on the monitor with the push of a button, but I have to pair the keyboard and mouse every single time.

Is it possible to pair the keyboard and mouse with both laptops and easily switch between them?

It seems like certain models of keyboard like the Logitech MK850 are designed with this in mind, but it would be nice not to have to buy any more new kit just for this.
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>> No. 27760 Anonymous
22nd January 2021
Friday 6:17 pm
27760 spacer
Synergy is what you need. It's a bit of software that allows you to do this - it's like a VNC or remote desktop application, but is specifically designed around using a single keyboard/mouse across multiple computers and monitors.

It used to be free, but I can see it's now $29 for a lifetime license. I've used it loads, works across Mac/Linux/Windows, and while a niche use case, does exactly what you're describing.

>> No. 27761 Anonymous
22nd January 2021
Friday 6:27 pm
27761 spacer

Good shout, but my work laptop requires admin privileges to install new software. I'll raise it with IT and see what they say, but I'm open to other workarounds.
>> No. 27762 Anonymous
22nd January 2021
Friday 7:52 pm
27762 spacer
>> No. 27763 Anonymous
23rd January 2021
Saturday 11:07 pm
27763 spacer
Getting a flashback to my Maplin days where we would sell people KVM switches that had probably been made in the mid 90s.

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