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>> No. 71318 YubYub
24th September 2022
Saturday 10:52 pm
71318 spacer
search youtube for albania news presenters
Expand all images.
>> No. 71319 Are Moaty
24th September 2022
Saturday 11:26 pm
71319 spacer
What has your mum been up to now?
>> No. 71320 Moralfag
24th September 2022
Saturday 11:30 pm
71320 spacer
I love how they pronounce the letter R in Albanian. It sounds like English, while most other European languages pronounce R very differently, either rolling it like in Dutch or Spanish, or choking it like in German or French.

Anyway, I don't really like the idea that these women presumably announced the death of the Queen a couple of weeks ago:

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