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Subject   (reply to 13505)
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egg man thinking.jpg
>> No. 13505 Anonymous
18th August 2020
Tuesday 5:59 pm
13505 spacer
can the jobcentre force me to take a job or can i refuse saying i'm scared of getting the corona?
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>> No. 13506 Anonymous
18th August 2020
Tuesday 6:43 pm
13506 spacer
Depends on your reasoning I suppose. If it helps, 'm signed on and used to do care work and now understandably there's a lot of care work available. Unfortunately I'm staying with my parents for the time being who fall in the at risk higher age range, which I explained to the person who called me and that any other time I'd be happy to take such a job, but I'm not risking my parents health when care homes are nightmares right now. She seemed to understand and they haven't pushed anything since, that was a few weeks ago now.
>> No. 13514 Anonymous
25th August 2020
Tuesday 10:35 pm
13514 spacer

Screenshot_2020-08-25 My commitments - Universal C.png
>> No. 13515 Anonymous
26th August 2020
Wednesday 3:12 pm
13515 spacer
I've done fuck all and so far they've said nothing. Presuming it's just because so many people are using it right now that you can't check what everybody's doing.
>> No. 13516 Anonymous
26th August 2020
Wednesday 6:03 pm
13516 spacer
Let's be honest, next year the news is going to be full of outraged headlines around how many people/companies lied about being on furlough, and how many restaurants magically sold 1000 meals a day on Rishi's scheme.

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