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>> No. 13759 Anonymous
6th March 2021
Saturday 7:44 pm
13759 spacer
Alright lads, here's the deal.

Back when life was worth living and you could do more than walk around the same square mile near your house I got a job offer to work abroad.

Like a twat I packed up my things and then corona got serious and they shut the borders. With my tail between my legs I went crawling back to my employer who just cancelled my HR forms and carried on working. Great stuff.

The place abroad had a fantastic HR lady who had been involved in my recruitment and she said 'anon, really sorry this happened to you, shit luck, let's extend your contract for a few months and see what happens.'

Obviously things did not really pick up and still haven't, so a few months ago I got a second email from her.

'Hi anon, hope you're well, I'm leaving the company but if you'd still like to come, reply to this email to the two people cc'd confirming and we'll extend your contract until the end of 2022.'

I tried being all nice and sent them an email etc to say 'of course, please extend my contract' and as they don't know me they were quite curt and said 'no problem, we'll contact you when things change.'

Obviously these people will have forgotten I exist and have no investment in the relationship, as months have gone by. Should I email them again a friendly reminder? What would I say? 'Hi, I'm still interested, hope this is ok?'

They seemed kind of indifferent to me in our brief exchange but with the fact the vaccines make it look like things might be a bit more mobile soon I want to get my ducks in a row.

Any advice lads?

TL:DR - Went to move abroad, borders shut, lovely HR lady extended my contract for a rough date in future and then left the business, passing me over to two completely indifferent HR bods who said they'll be in touch when the time's right. They've probably forgotten I exist and I want to send a gentle reminder email saying I'm still interested in moving for the job. How do I approach it?
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>> No. 13760 Anonymous
6th March 2021
Saturday 7:47 pm
13760 spacer
>What would I say? 'Hi, I'm still interested, hope this is ok?'
>> No. 13761 Anonymous
6th March 2021
Saturday 7:52 pm
13761 spacer
I'm going to sound slightly weird here but any advice on phrasing the email nicely to two people that give me the impression I'm a bit annoying to them and don't really care whether I arrive or not?

'Dear XX,

I hope you're well, just following on from our conversation back in [month I'll work out] last year, I wanted to get in touch to say I'm still interested in moving for the position.

Obviously the situation is still very slow moving but I wanted to let you know ahead of time in case anything changes.

Best wishes

>> No. 13762 Anonymous
7th March 2021
Sunday 3:57 pm
13762 spacer

That sounds fine to me. Just pleasantly persistent.

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