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Subject   (reply to 4814)
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chicken boy puzzled.jpg
>> No. 4814 Anonymous
21st April 2020
Tuesday 7:24 pm
4814 spacer
Scientifically speaking, what's the best form of poo?
Expand all images.
>> No. 4815 Anonymous
21st April 2020
Tuesday 7:26 pm
4815 spacer
Define "best"
>> No. 4816 Anonymous
21st April 2020
Tuesday 7:48 pm
4816 spacer
There is some kind of chart of the seven types?
>> No. 4817 Anonymous
21st April 2020
Tuesday 7:49 pm
4817 spacer
Bristol stool chart.
>> No. 4818 Anonymous
21st April 2020
Tuesday 8:20 pm
4818 spacer

poo chart.png

I just googled it and it looks like these "scientists" have got it completely backward. The sloppy poos should be in the top positions.
>> No. 4819 Anonymous
21st April 2020
Tuesday 8:23 pm
4819 spacer

As an IBS sufferer, I find this offensive and triggering. All poos matter.
>> No. 4917 Anonymous
22nd April 2021
Thursday 6:48 pm
4917 spacer

Would a transporter poo have the same post-poo sense of fulfilment as a regular poo or does the action of taking a poo induce a euphoric effect? I know the vagus nerve is stimulated when you have a big poo but is it the physical motion that it likes or just the emptiness.

I've also noticed that we have a surprising amount of poo threads to choose from. Or not nearly enough.
>> No. 4918 Anonymous
22nd April 2021
Thursday 9:14 pm
4918 spacer

Please, you have to fix the hide thread command. Just fix it, please. I can't handle this. I already did a week in the clink for not wanting to think about shite don't make me a lifer.
>> No. 4919 Anonymous
22nd April 2021
Thursday 9:47 pm
4919 spacer
Top notch shitposting, lads.
>> No. 4920 Anonymous
23rd April 2021
Friday 5:22 pm
4920 spacer
You can use uBlock origin to block the thread's element.
>> No. 5038 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 12:54 pm
5038 spacer
I hear it's a healthy habit to sit on the toilet and try to poo at a set time everyday. This being as your guts like to work off an internal clock and because sometime you have a poo and don't realise it.

What time do you usually take a poo? With WfH I tend to poo at lunchtime but I wonder if this is the most convenient for my weekend schedule.
>> No. 5039 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 2:25 pm
5039 spacer
I've often wondered if that's what the pleasure aspect of the prostate is meant for.
>> No. 5040 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 4:36 pm
5040 spacer

Why don't women have one then?
>> No. 5041 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 4:39 pm
5041 spacer
Fuck - I was using that a defense against being gay. Uh, maybe a mass held in the bowels presses against their vaginal walls, or something?
>> No. 5042 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 5:13 pm
5042 spacer

I once had a really introspective acid comedown where I was stuck on the idea that the rhythm of your sexual urges is tied to the rhythm of your bowel movements. Whether you realise it or not, the times when you're really randy are usually the times you also have a big shit on it's way through, creating indirect pressure on your prostate.

It was also an epiphany that clued me in to a sort of sexual life-hack: If you make sure you don't need a shit when you're gonna be getting your end away, you'll last longer. If you're holding onto one, you'll find it hard to control yourself and cum more quickly.

I've experimented with this and the funny thing is it has to be related to poo, because putting things up your arse, unless you really wedge it dangerously far up there, never quite achieves the same feeling. The sensation of pressure from above rather than below, with a closed sphincter, is key to it all.

Next week I'll be on Dragon's Den with the sex toy I've been researching based on all this. It's sort of like anal beads, but it closely mimics an authentic poo, and it's going to be the male sexual revolution. Forget the fleshlight.
>> No. 5043 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 5:22 pm
5043 spacer
>the times when you're really randy are usually the times you also have a big shit on it's way through
Link to the studies showing this isn't something you just convinced yourself of while tripping?
>> No. 5044 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 5:28 pm
5044 spacer

Well why do you think I need to go on Dragon's Den, nobody will fund my research into this vital and poorly understood aspect of the human experience.

All I run into is skepticism from fools like yourself, instinctively rejecting the notion because they're insecure about the implications we're all closet bumder scat fetishists.

I'm the Galileo of our time, honestly. History will vindicate me, even if the world isn't ready to know the truth.
>> No. 5045 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 5:31 pm
5045 spacer

Bad Dragon's Den, if you will.
>> No. 5046 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 6:17 pm
5046 spacer

Dragon Dildo Den?
>> No. 5047 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 6:17 pm
5047 spacer
I think he's right. Sometimes I find myself becoming randy when I need to take a piss or shit. It's like how you can wake up in the morning and masturbate but if you get up to pee first then you suddenly have others things on your mind.
>> No. 5048 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 6:19 pm
5048 spacer
I think you both have prostate problems.
>> No. 5049 Anonymous
15th November 2021
Monday 6:21 pm
5049 spacer

On the contrary, our prostates are working exactly as nature intended. Yours must have something wrong with it if you don't get randy when you need a shit.
>> No. 5058 Anonymous
14th January 2022
Friday 10:07 am
5058 spacer
If someone has a near-death experience will they wake up to find that they've shit themselves or will they also have had a near-poo experience?

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