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>> No. 5079 Anonymous
29th April 2013
Monday 10:25 am
5079 spacer
Have you ever read a dodgy scanned ebook and a continuing OCR error really added something to it? I read "Five Go To Smuggler's Top" out of nostalgia and their friend's name Sooty got changed to Booty all the way through. I had a mental image of the character as a sassy black lady.
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>> No. 5080 Anonymous
29th April 2013
Monday 10:52 am
5080 spacer
I have a copy of "The Light Princess and other stories" where some of the names of the stories seem to be written in leetspeak (Something like 'The G0bL1n 814c<5m1th') and at intervals the text itself degenerates into unreadable gibberish.
It doesn't add much, I'll admit.
>> No. 5121 Anonymous
1st May 2013
Wednesday 4:44 pm
5121 spacer
Not badly scanned OCR, but a bad conversion from EPUB to MOBI caused every third sentence in Skagboys to lose its end and instead be repeated again from its middle. It ended up reading like an amazingly avant-garde piece of beat-poetry.

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