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Subject   (reply to 88718)
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>> No. 88718 Anonymous
20th December 2019
Friday 12:22 pm
88718 spacer
In all seriousness, how do I get reach the revolving door where you move from one plum job to another even if you've been an abject failure in your previous roles?

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>> No. 88719 Anonymous
20th December 2019
Friday 12:34 pm
88719 spacer
He was chief cashier at the Bank for ages (his signature is still on a lot of bank notes), and then Deputy. I think that more than qualifies him to be governor.

The FCA didn't do a fantastic job over RBS, but then their hands are slightly tied by the fact its a zombie bank. I disagree with the Woodford criticism.

There aren't many better people out there - Mark Carney has been a genuinely great governor and is well respected in the City - Bailey will probably keep a lower profile, but again, no bad thing in a central banker.

A much better, more interesting question might be - how do I get a job at the Bank of England when they don't pay anything near the market rate.
>> No. 88720 Anonymous
20th December 2019
Friday 12:47 pm
88720 spacer
>The FCA didn't do a fantastic job over RBS, but then their hands are slightly tied by the fact its a zombie bank.

Nicky Morgan had to threaten him with contempt over his refusal to publish their report on RBS unredacted.

The FCA were also asleep at the wheel over final salary transfers, which led to the mess over British Steel, and ignored warnings about mini bonds which included specific ones over the now collapsed London Capital & Finance.

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