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Subject   (reply to 94349)
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>> No. 94349 Anonymous
1st August 2021
Sunday 10:01 pm
94349 Binary Virus Option
A: open the borders, more virus deaths
B: closed borders, the economy does bad

What should happen is contain open borders to maximize virus deaths, so contain open borders so the economy doesn't do too badly.

Because doubles - the virus can't possibly stop growing and the economy can't possibly do better.

Damn it
Expand all images.
>> No. 94350 Anonymous
1st August 2021
Sunday 10:04 pm
94350 spacer
Literally this took me one minute I was possessed by the central bank
>> No. 94351 Anonymous
1st August 2021
Sunday 10:08 pm
94351 spacer
Can you smell burned toast?
>> No. 94352 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 1:56 am
94352 spacer
He looks like Ed Milliband has been dipped in coffee. It's really unnerving.

Honestly, I don't mean this in that racialist facial features way Nazilad did in the other thread, but he just looks like a white bloke wearing make up. It triggers the uncanny valley effect for me.
>> No. 94353 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 7:18 am
94353 spacer
Ed Miliband doesn't look like a white person.
>> No. 94354 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 7:29 am
94354 spacer
Up early or not been to bed, Nazilad?
>> No. 94355 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 8:54 am
94355 spacer

Miliband looks more like a pale Indian than Sunak looks like a white person dipped in coffee. That's not a controversial statement.
>> No. 94356 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:01 pm
94356 spacer
I think it's a very odd statement. It's the kind of statement that would rightly breed unease in most who hear it.
>> No. 94357 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:13 pm
94357 spacer
Why is 'Rishi Sunak looks like a white person dipped in coffee' fine but 'Ed Miliband looks like an Indian person dipped in milk' offensive?
>> No. 94358 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:22 pm
94358 spacer
I don't recall making a statement to that affect.
>> No. 94359 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:32 pm
94359 spacer
You said that Sunak doesn't look like an actual brown person and looks more like a white person wearing make-up, that he's Ed Miliband dipped in coffee.

I'd say the opposite is actually true, but you're more familiar with Miliband over Sunak because he's been in the public sphere a lot longer so he's your baseline. Rishi Sunak looks like an actual brown person whereas Ed Miliband looks like a brown person who is wearing make-up to appear whiter.

The likeness between the two has been noted here before.
>> No. 94360 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:35 pm
94360 spacer
No, I didn't say that, that was someone else.
>> No. 94361 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:40 pm
94361 spacer
So why do you feel uneasy with it being pointed out that Ed Miliband looks like a brown person but didnt feel uneasy when it was pointed out that Rishi Sunak looks like a white person?
>> No. 94362 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:41 pm
94362 spacer
It's okay to disparage ethnic conservatives because under socialism everyone's background should determine who they are. You can't say that Miliband though because he's on the right team and the family might murder a kitten if you upset them.
>> No. 94363 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 12:45 pm
94363 spacer
Because I was asleep when the other thing happened.

>> No. 94364 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 1:50 pm
94364 spacer

>It's the kind of statement that would rightly breed unease in most who hear it.

The only thing you'll breed is unease.
>> No. 94365 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 1:59 pm
94365 spacer

Miliband is Jewish. Jews aren't an ethnic minority, because that would make Corbyn a racist and Corbyn can't be a racist because Corbyn is an anti-racist.
>> No. 94366 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 2:07 pm
94366 spacer

Go to bed, Netanyahu.
>> No. 94367 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 2:29 pm
94367 spacer
If you can explain why I've upset you so then I'm all ears. However, it's not my fault you got confused and failed to realise there might be more than one other person in the thread, indeed, there are two or maybe even three people replying to me by now. It's quite reasonable to imply someone's a racist when they go around complaining Jews aren't white or Asians look too white and entirely correct to say this kind of talk would make most people uncomfortable. Not the kind of troglodytes you're pals with, maybe, but most people.
>> No. 94368 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 2:33 pm
94368 spacer
If Miliband is Jewish then why did he eat bacon?
>> No. 94369 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 2:35 pm
94369 spacer
>If you can explain why I've upset you so then I'm all ears.
Don't think you upset them mate, that's why they called you a virgin in an offhand comment.

>Jews aren't white or Asians look too white and entirely correct to say this kind of talk would make most people uncomfortable.
Yeah, same kind of people who were unable to point out that that lad in the sensitivity session was black when asked to describe him.
>> No. 94370 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 2:51 pm
94370 spacer

Were they unable to or is that just something that seems like an obvious trick question in the context?
>> No. 94371 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 3:02 pm
94371 spacer
Surely it could only be considered to be a trick question if you thought 'black' was a wrong answer.
>> No. 94372 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 3:17 pm
94372 spacer
Fucking hell. I agreed with both of you on the physical appearance quips, but you seem to be going pretty barmy when people make non-appearance quips.

I have noticed that I, personally, do spot far more lookalikes than most people. Maybe I just only have four or five faces in my head and everyone else has more, and so I am much more susceptible to people saying X person looks like Y.
>> No. 94373 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 3:28 pm
94373 spacer
>I agreed with both of you on the physical appearance quips
While I'm loathe to point this out, that wasn't me. And if it was, I'd never admit it. But it wasn't.

For some reason I've spotted at least one lookalike of my brother about once a month this year, but only since coming to London, never anywhere else. And he's the same colour as me so it can't be racist.
>> No. 94374 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 3:36 pm
94374 spacer
How do you know that it's not your brother keeping an eye on you, when is the last time you checked refrigerator for sausages/plant-anus?
>> No. 94375 Anonymous
2nd August 2021
Monday 3:41 pm
94375 spacer
Yes, exactly. Not wrong, but a wrong answer. In the context. Nobody wants to be the one to point out someone has a certain characteristic that the whole seminar, or whatever it is, is about. Obviously it looks like a set up.

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