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Subject   (reply to 14602)
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>> ID: 6d5c8d No. 14602 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 4:34 pm

ID: 6d5c8d
14602 spacer
What is. gs approximate monthly bandwidth?
Expand all images.
>> ID: 4260c9 No. 14604 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 4:37 pm

ID: 4260c9
14604 spacer
I don't know - why do you want to know? It is not something I care about - you rarely buy server hosting packages on bandwidth anymore.
>> ID: cc0f59 No. 14605 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 4:57 pm

ID: cc0f59
14605 spacer
I read somewhere that 4chan does upwards of 2.5 PB a month, so I imagine we're close to that. (cough)
>> ID: 4260c9 No. 14606 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 5:02 pm

ID: 4260c9
14606 spacer
Weird number. People who run websites for a living hardly ever talk about "monthly bandwidth".

You might say what is the peak/burst bandwidth available at any point, you might talk about the amount of data transferred over a period, but if you're being charged like that over a month, you're either a fucking idiot or you don't know what you're talking about - probably both.

Bandwidth is the maximum width of the pipe at a single point, not the amount of water that flows through it over a period of time. It was very common to hear these terms 10 - 15 years ago, but back then nobody knew what they were talking about and in the days of "the cloud", nobody cares.
>> ID: cc0f59 No. 14607 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 5:27 pm

ID: cc0f59
14607 spacer

Makes sense. I assume the 4chan thing was, as you say -

>the amount of data transferred over a period

And chosen to sound impressive.

I'm sure even my phone's monthly data usage is 'impressive' on some level.
>> ID: 4260c9 No. 14609 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 5:40 pm

ID: 4260c9
14609 spacer
>And chosen to sound impressive.

Exactly that. A bit like boasting about the top speed of your car. GREAT, but how often do you ever get to go that fast on UK roads at 5pm?
>> ID: d896de No. 14611 Anonymous
28th March 2018
Wednesday 6:23 pm

ID: d896de
14611 spacer
So how much 4G do you use then?

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