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Subject   (reply to 14684)
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>> ID: 2082fa No. 14684 Anonymous
15th July 2018
Sunday 8:20 am

ID: 2082fa
14684 spacer
Can we have a moratorium on computer talk outside of /g/, please?

It inevitably leads to a cunt-off and they're shitting up almost every single thread with their repetitive derailments, stifling of other discussion, petty bickering and pissing contests.
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>> ID: e9d083 No. 14685 Anonymous
15th July 2018
Sunday 9:50 am

ID: e9d083
14685 spacer
It's all computers these days lads. Even this website is running on a computer. You can't get away from it.
>> ID: 2082fa No. 14686 Anonymous
15th July 2018
Sunday 9:55 am

ID: 2082fa
14686 spacer
I thought everything was in clouds these days?
>> ID: 026afb No. 14687 Anonymous
15th July 2018
Sunday 10:33 am

ID: 026afb
14687 spacer
The good thing about being stupid is I don't even notice it happening.
>> ID: 7289d4 No. 14688 Anonymous
15th July 2018
Sunday 10:54 am

ID: 7289d4
14688 spacer
I see where the OP is coming from, here. Going into the coding of Trello in that other thread wasn't really necessary. It sort of petered out with Cunt A admitting the complexity of a site's coding isn't an indicator of success or utility, and Cunt B conceding that it maybe wasn't a revolutionary bit of programming as much as it was a useful and widely relied-upon tool. Both are absolutely common sense observations, and neither were related to the topic of: how do you plan your life?

Sort it aht, lads.

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