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>> ID: f749a2 No. 15301 Anonymous
26th March 2020
Thursday 12:53 pm

ID: f749a2
15301 spacer
Is there a reason I can sometimes visit on mobile Internet without any trouble, but sometimes his the network's adult content filter and have to fire up a VPN?

It seems to have swung back and forth a couple of times in the last few months.
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>> ID: cad645 No. 15302 Anonymous
26th March 2020
Thursday 1:01 pm

ID: cad645
15302 spacer
I have the same thing, with Three? They seem to let it slide until I try to post something.

I'm not the admin but I'm willing to bet it's an ISP issue not a .gs one.
>> ID: 6c0fdd No. 15303 Anonymous
26th March 2020
Thursday 2:01 pm

ID: 6c0fdd
15303 spacer
Agreed, Three are always trying to tell me the content filter is on when it isn't.

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