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>> No. 2438 Anonymous
10th March 2018
Saturday 5:26 pm
2438 A damn good rodding
Feeling pleased with myself - bought rods, cleared blockage, didn't fuck up, didn't get covered in shit. Heart-stopping moment as the vile bolus of horror hurtled through my open pit and headed downstream in one foul dollop, but it didn't seem to hang up on anything.
Now for a really satisfying dump. Life is tolerable.
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>> No. 2439 Anonymous
10th March 2018
Saturday 5:36 pm
2439 spacer
I once got someone around to clean my blocked drains - I saw the largest mountain of poo I have ever seen. The dude just dealt with it. I wanted to hug him.
>> No. 2442 Anonymous
10th March 2018
Saturday 8:37 pm
2442 spacer

What, after you'd made him shower and change his clothes first?
>> No. 2444 Anonymous
10th March 2018
Saturday 9:54 pm
2444 spacer
>I saw the largest mountain of poo I have ever seen. The dude just dealt with it.

When you clean drains day-in-day-out, chances are that he has dealt with much bigger poo mountains before.
>> No. 2448 Anonymous
11th March 2018
Sunday 4:07 am
2448 spacer
No doubt about that at all - but I had never seen a metre cubed plus pile of poo before and I never want to again. What surprised me was it didn't look anything like what you see at the sewage or water works - it was just a huge fucking pile of poo under a manhole cover in my garden.

Have the utmost respect for the people who do these kind of jobs - there is a funny little man at work who spends the entire day going to each floor and cleaning out the gents shitters; I try to make sure I say hello every time I see him.

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