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>> No. 5227 Anonymous
30th March 2014
Sunday 1:59 pm
5227 spacer
Unsure if this is /101/ territory but it seems mostly /uni/.

Group assignments. I want a little moan about them.

Got a mark for one of them the other day and a summary of it was my work was great but other people's work wasn't and lowered the grade. I'm quite unhappy that I get a lower score because other people don't give a shit. Probably two thirds of my second year are group assignments and I've attempted to give the best I can but I end up with half arsed work given to me and I have to re do their work for them. People who miss deadlines and I have to wait for them to finish it is another thing that happens during it.

I can see the merit in group work but usually I end up with people who just don't want to do any work. When my final grade depends on them, it's just not right.

What are your thoughts on this, lads? Picture was the only education related image in my image folder.
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>> No. 5228 Anonymous
30th March 2014
Sunday 2:11 pm
5228 spacer
Appeal. Ask your students union, your personal tutor and your faculty/course rep for advice first so you can refer to yourself as having sought advice should formal complaints procedures occur. The odds are good ofyou getting a moderated mark if you play your cards. It's like dealing with the fuzz, consult your counsel (legal aid) and generally be as much of a pain in the arse as possible to motivate the tutprs to deal with your case as quickly as possible. They'd rather amend your mark than have a stain on their record.
>> No. 5229 Anonymous
30th March 2014
Sunday 2:38 pm
5229 spacer
I've never got group assignments. It seems like a lazy cop-out justified by "well in the future you will have to work with other people".
>> No. 5230 Anonymous
30th March 2014
Sunday 3:07 pm
5230 spacer
>When my final grade depends on them, it's just not right.
It's very right, and it's very fair. The point of the exercise is to get you to realise that this is how life is. You will have to work with other people who may or may not be up to the job, and the success or otherwise of the project will depend as much on them as it will on you. If you turn up at an interview or assessment centre and put the failure of the task down to everyone else, then get ready to enjoy life on the dole.
>> No. 5231 Anonymous
30th March 2014
Sunday 3:19 pm
5231 spacer
There's still a difference though.

One is a real problem and you could end up losing your job and the other is completely made up and apparently has no consequence. There was one group assignment where there was a real problem that had to be solved and there was a significant improvement in the same person's performance.
>> No. 5232 Anonymous
30th March 2014
Sunday 4:00 pm
5232 spacer
>One is a real problem and you could end up losing your job and the other is completely made up and apparently has no consequence.
Well look who's never had a real job.
>> No. 5233 Anonymous
31st March 2014
Monday 7:34 am
5233 spacer

I only went tot he pub, agreed to do everything then didn't bother doing it. Oh, the days.

Nowadays I actually have to do shit I agree to do...

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