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Subject   (reply to 21559)
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>> No. 21559 Anonymous
6th July 2017
Thursday 10:26 pm
21559 Hidden Soundtracks
How am I supposed to find the track lists for documentaries when they aren't on IMDB? I've heard a few pieces of music on BBC4 programmes but they aren't on the beeb's site or IMDB and it's making me ever so slightly frustrated.
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>> No. 21560 Anonymous
6th July 2017
Thursday 11:02 pm
21560 spacer
This seems to come up every couple of months or so.

The tl;dr version is that half the time it's generic production music because it's dirt cheap and suits programmes with no budget.
>> No. 21561 Anonymous
6th July 2017
Thursday 11:10 pm
21561 spacer
Email them.
>> No. 21562 Anonymous
7th July 2017
Friday 4:33 am
21562 spacer
If it's a commercial release, then Shazam is remarkably accurate. As >>21560 says, a lot of incidental music in TV is licensed from music libraries rather than commercial releases, because the licensing is much cheaper and easier. It's also fairly common for a soundtrack to be specifically recorded - a composer on a modern digital workstation can knock out half an hour of original music in two days. If a composer was involved, they should be mentioned in the end credits.

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