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Subject   (reply to 21586)
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>> No. 21586 Anonymous
15th July 2017
Saturday 6:16 pm
21586 spacer
I might be having a moment but can anyone tell me why the answer to the riddle is 3 bananas?


Also let's discuss the reboot. I like Ayoade but the hand thing is a bit weird but I get it, it's part of his schtick. Could they not get Ed Tudor-Pole back? He has not aged well
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>> No. 21608 Anonymous
17th July 2017
Monday 1:12 am
21608 spacer
Tudor Pole doesn't like to even talk about it now. He was interviewed a while back and said he didn't really have much to say about what amounted to a few weeks' filming he did twenty odd years ago. He also rather snottily said "God didn't put me on this earth to be a gameshow host". Fuck him, he was never as good as Richard O'Brien
>> No. 21633 Anonymous
17th July 2017
Monday 9:09 pm
21633 spacer
>I might be having a moment but can anyone tell me why the answer to the riddle is 3 bananas?
2 peppers
3 aubergines
1 plum
4 cauliflowers

ba-na-nas = 3 syllables
>> No. 21638 Anonymous
18th July 2017
Tuesday 2:22 am
21638 spacer

You fucking clever dick
>> No. 21649 Anonymous
18th July 2017
Tuesday 11:07 pm
21649 spacer
He's just outed himself as the sort of person that passes the GCHQ/MI5 recruitment tests.
>> No. 21650 Anonymous
18th July 2017
Tuesday 11:33 pm
21650 spacer

The test seems to mostly be about not being the sort of person who talks about even considering a job with them and what is on the test, which is why I failed before I even started.

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