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Subject   (reply to 23506)
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>> No. 23506 Anonymous
25th January 2021
Monday 1:41 pm
23506 Adam Curtis
Well, it seems we have a new Adam Curtis series that will be shown from mid-February.


>It covers a wide range – including the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, the history of China, opium and opiods, the history of Artificial Intelligence, melancholy over the loss of empire and, love and power. And explores whether modern culture, despite its radicalism, is really just part of the new system of power.

The greater part of me really does like Adam Curtis and sees a great deal of depth to the ideas he presents, but the lesser part of me feels he's been saying the same thing for decades. Looking forward to this anyway, it should be interesting looking at how he explains how we've been hoodwinked into believing symptoms to be root causes again.
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>> No. 23527 Anonymous
27th January 2021
Wednesday 3:06 pm
23527 spacer

bernie sanders AFP.png
>> No. 23528 Anonymous
27th January 2021
Wednesday 3:07 pm
23528 spacer
You said "people" not revenants.
>> No. 23529 Anonymous
28th January 2021
Thursday 9:06 am
23529 spacer

There are. You could actually argue their grassroots unionisation movements are stronger than ours, in some respects, considering unionisation is a novelty many Americans have never had before, whereas over here people are simply weary of them because them miners and that.

The difference is there is no political representation of the actually left-wing in America.
>> No. 23530 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 10:43 am
23530 spacer

There's a write up on the upcoming documetnary on FT (sorry, behind-the-paywall lad)
>> No. 23531 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 12:44 pm
23531 spacer

I'm fairly sure you can easily archive pages somewhere for people without subscriptions to read.
>> No. 23532 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 1:10 pm
23532 spacer

>> No. 23533 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 1:28 pm
23533 spacer
The FT isn't behind a pay wall, there's just an ignorance test. Click the link, Google the headline and boom, full article.
>> No. 23534 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 1:53 pm
23534 spacer

Fucking hell, why do they do that?
>> No. 23535 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 2:00 pm
23535 spacer
Why would anyone think to do that? That's not really ignorance, just a sensible assumption.
>> No. 23536 Anonymous
29th January 2021
Friday 2:07 pm
23536 spacer

Ignorance doesn't imply stupidity. I just means you don't know something.
>> No. 23538 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 6:42 am
23538 spacer
What on earth made you think posting a screencap from social media with no context would be a good post to make on .gs, you cretin?
>> No. 23539 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 7:58 am
23539 spacer

I enjoyed it, you narky blurt.
>> No. 23540 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 8:14 am
23540 spacer

Grumpylad likes to shit on what other people post without offering anything constructive or worthwhile himself. Don't let him put you off.
>> No. 23541 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 11:39 am
23541 spacer
This. Post pepes, who cares. You're all too uptight.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 23542 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 11:42 am
23542 spacer
I don't want to drag a cunt off from another thread into here but was interesting to read he thought the capitol riots were overblown by the media.

>Today, Curtis praises Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and mocks the reporting of the US Capitol riot as overblown by a “codependent” liberal media.

Interesting article/interview anyways. Hoping he does some promo stuff for the new series, always interesting to hear him speak.
>> No. 23543 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 4:00 pm
23543 spacer
Fuck off back to facebook. Not him.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 23544 Anonymous
30th January 2021
Saturday 7:15 pm
23544 spacer
>> No. 23545 Anonymous
1st February 2021
Monday 5:43 pm
23545 spacer

>> No. 23546 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 7:26 pm
23546 spacer


The video of that woman doing aerobics with the Myanmar coup d'etat happening in the background is a primo Adam Curtis vibe.
>> No. 23547 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 8:09 pm
23547 spacer

People have been tweeting exactly that non-stop since it surfaced.
>> No. 23548 Anonymous
2nd February 2021
Tuesday 8:22 pm
23548 spacer

Wouldn't know. Got banned after I stormed Capitol Hill t' other week.
>> No. 23549 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 10:37 am
23549 spacer
It really is a fucking amazing video. Just perfect.
>> No. 23550 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 12:08 pm
23550 spacer
It's not really evident what's going on. It's some black vehicles driving through a barricaded checkpoint. How am I to tell this is a coup happening? Possibly if I recognised it as a significant location, but I'm not really au fait with Myanmar's capital.
>> No. 23551 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 1:07 pm
23551 spacer

>For three thousand years architects designed buildings with columns shaped as female figures. At last Rodin pointed out that this was work too heavy for a girl. He didn’t say, ‘Look, you jerks, if you must do this, make it a brawny male figure.’ No, he showed it. This poor little caryatid has fallen under the load. She’s a good girl-look at her face. Serious, unhappy at her failure, not blaming anyone, not even the gods…and still trying to shoulder her load, after she’s crumpled under it.
>But she’s more than good art denouncing bad art; she’s a symbol for every woman who ever shouldered a load too heavy. But not alone women—this symbol means every man and woman who ever sweated out life in uncomplaining fortitude, until they crumpled under their loads. It’s courage…and victory.
>Victory in defeat; there is none higher. She didn't give up, Ben; she's still trying to lift that stone after it has crushed her. She's a father working while cancer eats away his insides, to bring home one more pay check. She's a twelve-year-old trying to mother her brothers and sisters because mama had to go to Heaven. She's a switchboard operator sticking to her post while smoke chokes her and fire cuts off her escape. She's all the unsung heroes who couldn't make it but never quit.

She could stop and gawp at what's going on but she has aerobics to teach. It might be a juxtaposition but she's just doing her best in circumstances beyond her control like people always have as a the world keeps turning.
>> No. 23552 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 1:15 pm
23552 spacer

That's all very well but if something isn't immediately intelligible to >>23550 personally, does it really have any greater meaning? Does it matter at all? Obviously not.
>> No. 23553 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 1:26 pm
23553 spacer

The major events of the world tend to unfold behind closed doors. The populace are too busy distracting them with spectacle. In this instance we have History unfolding before our eyes, but unless we knew what the significance of the trucks in the background were we'd ignore them. There's a kind of selective inattention here, that even as History unfolds in front of us we don't perceive it for what it is until somebody tells us what it means.
>> No. 23554 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 1:29 pm
23554 spacer
/r/sorceryofthespectacle had a good thread on it.

lyrics were translated by@jawadywn on twitter

The lyrics of the song in this viral video ("Ampun Bang Jago") mock entitled men:

"I can see them coming one by one

Scrambling for the throne

I don't want to say names, they know who I'm referring to"

("Ampun Bang Jago" is a sarcastic Indonesian slang phrase which is often used to mock arrogant police/military officers)

So there's even a layer of irony to the song being performed. Was this video produced intentionally, or is it just coincidence? What meaning (or lack thereof) is more important, the meaning that was intended by the person who produced the clip? Or the meaning projected on to it by the people who have subsequently viewed it?
>> No. 23555 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 1:33 pm
23555 spacer

I'm pointing out that it can still have beauty without the wider context just by showing human action. There's a military barricade in the background and she's dancing.

I'll add the proviso that I still think original-lad was likely chuckling at this being the absurd 'system' at work with his surface-level thinking. The kind of thinking that Adam Curtis is only good for as he can never have his audience pause to reflect on the human struggle or that today carries much the same problems as yesterday.
>> No. 23556 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 1:49 pm
23556 spacer

We don't understand meaning without context? Good god! Stop the presses!
>> No. 23557 Anonymous
3rd February 2021
Wednesday 6:47 pm
23557 spacer
That Twitter account doesn't appear to exist. But Google Translate gives the following:

>So, there are many people appearing one by one
>Baku seizes the throne so that must be what he is aiming for
>You need to say your name, people are sensitive to songs
>Everyone knows who is number one

No idea how similar Burmese and Indonesian are, but kind of checks out.
>> No. 23560 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 12:22 am
23560 spacer

The People of Myanmar are protesting Military occupation today with pots and pans in a manner similar to how people in the UK were memorialising a recently deceased veteran (COVID victim) who served in the Burma campaign during WWII. That's just a little bit poetic.

What I'm trying to figure out about the current situation there is which beligerent represents US interests and which represents PRC's. Judging from the statements made by Biden and CCP respectively, I guess that US backs the Civilian Govt and China has instigated the coup.

The recently deposed government was doing a genocide against eskimos which is a popular pastime of both CCP and the US Military-Industrial Complex, so it's weird that they are in such conflict given that they're largely motivated by the same reprehensible goals.


Future Curtis documentaries will pretty much write themselves
>> No. 23561 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 12:28 am
23561 spacer
>That's just a little bit poetic.
Banging pots and pans has been a form of protest since forever, far longer than it's been a way to honour frontline workers.
>> No. 23562 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 12:39 am
23562 spacer

Yes, but the fact that Brits are celebrating a deceased man who did Imperialism in Burma and is considered a hero for being old and dying from a virus within 24 hours of Burmese people protesting a Military Coup d'Etat in the same manner is quite a coincidence.

I really respect you because it must be hard to type snarky single sentence responses on imageboards having only four brain cells.

>> No. 23563 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 12:48 am
23563 spacer
>What I'm trying to figure out about the current situation there is which beligerent represents US interests and which represents PRC's. Judging from the statements made by Biden and CCP respectively, I guess that US backs the Civilian Govt and China has instigated the coup.

Myanmar is in the Chinese sphere of influence so it's easy to guess. The military never completely relinquished power and even if someone new came up they are still complete tied to the Chinese economy and loans.

The real question is can we now go back to calling it Burma because Myanmar is a shit name.

>The recently deposed government was doing a genocide against eskimos which is a popular pastime of both CCP and the US Military-Industrial Complex, so it's weird that they are in such conflict given that they're largely motivated by the same reprehensible goals.

The military was conducting the genocide, initially people assumed Aung San Suu Kyi could do nothing but then she went out and defended the militaries actions. It should really be no surprise given she's an aristocrat in a country where the Buddhist majority vehemently hate eskimos.

Also putting the US on par with what is going on in Myanmar and Xinjiang is childish. The entire reason Myanmar ended up as a Chinese client state is because nobody else wanted anything to do with the regime.
>> No. 23564 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 12:59 am
23564 spacer
>Also putting the US on par with what is going on in Myanmar and Xinjiang is childish.

I mean American Economic prosperity is built on the back of Industrial Slavery in plantation times, and subsequent prosperity is linked to profiteering during WWII (coca-cola and IBM very cozy with the Nazis).

America bombed the shit out of SEA in the post-war period, and conducted several Military Coups in South America and the Middle East when it suited them.

Also a ton of the Xinjiang terrorism that led to the CCP crackdown was CIA-funded proxy war stuff.

So I see what you're saying, but I don't think it's so childish to draw parallels between them.

Pretty much all of the contemporary military conflicts which occur are clandestine proxy wars conducted by nation states in the interest of corporations which back them.
>> No. 23565 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 1:48 am
23565 spacer
Lad, you're trying to defend ongoing genocides with historical whataboutism and corporate conspiracy theories here. I'm not even sure the kind of chronic masturbator playground CCP is currently running in Xinjiang has many historical precedents after the Dzungar genocide.

>Also a ton of the Xinjiang terrorism that led to the CCP crackdown was CIA-funded proxy war stuff.

Sounds like both bollocks and no excuse for the systematic destruction of a people.
>> No. 23566 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 9:12 am
23566 spacer

What part of what I wrote sounds like defense of a Genocide?

>historical whataboutism and corporate conspiracy theories
Lad, this is the Adam Curtis thread.
>> No. 23567 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 9:20 am
23567 spacer
>did Imperialism in Burma

The worst you can say about him is that he was a soldier of one empire fighting another empire, much like the millions who died in the First World War. I don't think you can say he unilaterally decided to colonise Burma, mate.
>> No. 23568 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 10:30 am
23568 spacer

He was taken into hospital ill on the 31st of January and the Coup happened a day later... I don't know lad, that just seems a bit convenient.
>> No. 23569 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 2:39 pm
23569 spacer

Fuck off, mediamouthpeicelad.
>> No. 23570 Anonymous
4th February 2021
Thursday 8:58 pm
23570 spacer
Well we all love a bit of Curtis, but some of us enjoy a good genocide too, so now we're talking about that.
>> No. 23573 Anonymous
11th February 2021
Thursday 6:08 pm
23573 spacer

It's all up on the link.
>> No. 23574 Anonymous
11th February 2021
Thursday 9:11 pm
23574 spacer
Pretty good so far this one. I've watched up to the end of the second episode, I think I'll save the rest for another time though.

I had to chuckle, with the bit about how it turned out the Black Panther terrorists in New York were set up by undercover police. Put me in mind of a lot of the bickering in the Capitol riots thread, where I'm pretty sure there were one or two lads pointing out the US security services have form for that kind of thing.
>> No. 23575 Anonymous
11th February 2021
Thursday 10:54 pm
23575 spacer

>> No. 23576 Anonymous
11th February 2021
Thursday 11:02 pm
23576 spacer


The last Chris Morris film was about the FBI doing this kind of stuff to promote the War on Terror

'The Newburgh Sting' is a good FBI docimentary on the subject.
>> No. 23577 Anonymous
12th February 2021
Friday 10:36 am
23577 spacer
Up to the final episode which I will save for later, like the otherlad, I've been finding quite a bit of the series really quite funny with regards to the unintended consequences of the last 200+ years of Western history, and even found it funny with the idea that the language and forms of power themselves are universal and blind - nobody is free from its grip, no matter how much fervour in system x or y they have. It reminded me of his series All Watched Over when it turned out that hippy communes just ended up being cults of personality and the enforcement of one will above everybody else's.

If I didn't laugh, I'd cry etc. etc.
>> No. 23578 Anonymous
12th February 2021
Friday 1:01 pm
23578 spacer
It's like Marx said innit. The more free you believe yourself to be of ideology, the deeper you are ultimately likely to be immersed in it.

Or something like that.
>> No. 23579 Anonymous
12th February 2021
Friday 3:17 pm
23579 spacer
Just finished it all. I don't know, it just felt a bit wondering? I think if it was half the length and a lot tighter-edited it could have a much greater impact.
>> No. 23580 Anonymous
12th February 2021
Friday 3:38 pm
23580 spacer

He did repeat a lot of what he's already covered in films like Century of the Self, and All Watched Over as otherlad mentions, but I suppose for someone new coming in, that background context is necessary to set up the rest.

I get the feeling people like us who are familiar with the concepts in his older material might not be the target audience this time, and maybe he was aiming more at was today's highly radicalised Rudgwick/Twitter/Etc politic kids, who often fail to realise they're retreading ground that has been thoroughly trod before. The point seemed largely to be that every time this radical rhetoric comes around, they usually aren't the first, and nor will they be the last, to think they've cracked it, and ultimately only end up assimilated and subverted by the existing structures of power.

But this was an illusion.
>> No. 23581 Anonymous
14th February 2021
Sunday 9:32 am
23581 spacer
I sort of get the idea that this series is considerably more meta than his previous ones - there are a hell of a lot of half-made allusions between the more visible and large-scale looting going on in Russia and China and what's going on in the UK and US where the looting of the economy by a few is more formally legalised and backed up with our states' views on what is acceptable and what is not. Even further, I would like to add, and I'm sure Adam would probably agree with this to some extent - the entire series is just a narrative thread that he has plucked out to help describe how and where things are going, so is he ultimately any better or worse off than a bog standard conspiracy theorist?

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