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>> No. 20026 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 12:04 am
20026 Star Wars: The Force Awakens




Almost there, lads. 18th of December. Original cast reprising there roles, lots of practical effects where possible and a story which looks to be Naussica: The Live Action Movie from the new trailer.

Share your thoughts, fears, hopes and expectations.
Expand all images.
>> No. 20027 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 12:11 am
20027 spacer
I don't get the hype, never have.
>> No. 20028 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 12:34 am
20028 spacer
I was thinking about this and I could not understand all the hype around it. For a moment I started considering that it was all manufactured, and any person who spoke about it was paid by the studio.
>> No. 20029 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 12:38 am
20029 spacer
A lot of it is manufactured but there's still a lot of fan hype. Some people just really like Star Wars for whatever reason.
>> No. 20030 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 12:43 am
20030 spacer

Star Wars is one of the most fleshed out fantasy universes we've ever had, it puts the LOTR to shame with the depth of it's lore, but we've not had a new story or new characters in a long time because of how much people complain when you deviate from already established canon.

This is something new, but it feels like something old. Something familiar, a coming home, but also a new beginning. It's fine if you don't get the hype, lad. No one is asking you to like it, simply to appreciate what this means for some people. George Lucas has been holding this franchise hostage, essentially, and butchered the OT when he remastered them.
>> No. 20031 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 12:47 am
20031 spacer

It's a bit unusual not to be able to empathise with the joy someone feels when they're excited about something.

Last film I was properly excited about seeing was Interstellar and then Love conquered all and I was a bit miffed, but still it doesn't stop me from wanting to relive a bit of that teenage wonderment.

Who is this new bad guy supposed to be anyway? Wasn't the Empire destroyed?
>> No. 20032 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:02 am
20032 spacer

Google says Kylo Ren.

Running theory is he's Not-Jacen, and therefore Han and Leia's kid, which could possibly make the girl his twin if they keep the whole twin thing from the EU.
>> No. 20033 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:11 am
20033 spacer
How is it unusual? For the record I find people who go over the top for media a bit weird. People who cried when Michael Jackson died, or who cry at concerts, or who wear T-Shirts with a quote from the Star Wars or whatever, and all those other people who have gone mental for the new Star Wars film. I expect that from six year olds when they hear that they will be going to Disney World for the first time.

Weirder things were happening today though. Something about Back to the Future. I do not understand at all. I thought they made another remake of it, but I don't know.
>> No. 20034 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:17 am
20034 spacer

>How is it unusual?

It implies you've never been excited for anything before or experienced the joy of anticipation, and instead of reconciling your apathy towards this particular topic you want to have a moan about people being exited about things.

Yesterday was the day Marty and Doc Brown travelled to in Back to the Future. It's a least mildly interesting if you enjoyed the movie and you want to compare their ideas for what the future might be like to reality.
>> No. 20035 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:21 am
20035 spacer
But we aren't 12. Control yourselves lads.
>> No. 20036 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:26 am
20036 spacer

Oh, teenlad.
>> No. 20037 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:29 am
20037 spacer

I remember when I was too cool to care about anything. I grew out of it though.
>> No. 20038 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:31 am
20038 spacer
Meh. Even if you care so much about something as silly as a film, I would feel silly, childlike and stupid if I started getting very emotional about it.
>> No. 20039 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:37 am
20039 spacer


Stop projecting, lad. You're toeing a fine line, you're blatantly derailing a thread with a view of starting a cunt off and you don't even have the common decency to be subtle about it. If you're bored, find something else to do.

>> No. 20040 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 4:46 am
20040 spacer
Might as well get my whinge in now.

I don't like the new Sith lightsabres. There. Done.
>> No. 20041 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 6:52 am
20041 spacer
Don't we already have a thread about the new Star Wars film? With the OP image from South Park of Lucas raping a stormtrooper.
>> No. 20042 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 7:50 am
20042 spacer

>it puts the LOTR to shame with the depth of it's lore

LOTR was the culmination of years, upon years, of studying Anglo-Saxon England, a war in the Somme and an earnest desire to enrich the lives of his children.* Star Wars is a patchwork of guff, stitched together by financially motivated idiots. It is a literal embodiment of the infinite monkey theorem, sadly with a unforeseen and much shitter consequences.

*Also there's some Catholicism and possibly racist stuff in there, but SHUT UP.
>> No. 20043 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 8:17 am
20043 spacer
>Star Wars is a patchwork of guff, stitched together by financially motivated idiots
I think you're being a bit unfair there. There's definitely emotional investment in Lucas's earlier works and by some (admittedly not all) writers of the extended universe stuff.

But yes, Tolkien was a world class philologist, and that talent is evident in the richness of the Lord of the Rings universe. The idea that Star Wars "puts the LOTR to shame with the depth of it's lore" is laughable. It puts the breadth to shame, perhaps, by virtue of the sheer amount of fiction set in its universe (mostly dreck), but is as deep as a half-evaporated puddle compared to Tolkien's mariana trench.
>> No. 20044 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 11:13 am
20044 spacer

You and the rest of rational world, m8.

I mean, how does it even work in lore? How does he not chop his fucking hands off when he uses it?

If you want to nitpick, lets nitpick. Don't let the lad having a teary about people liking things get in the way of a good nitpick.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 20045 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 11:24 am
20045 spacer
This physic space wizard's fantastical energy sword is just too impractical for me to suspend my disbelief.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 20046 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 11:27 am
20046 spacer
>lets nitpick
You dropped an apostrophe.
>> No. 20047 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 11:30 am
20047 spacer

I think I was just a bit discomposed by that new trailer and I exaggerated a bit, I'm a life long Tolkien fan and I've spent so many hours reading his works and studying the languages that I learned how to write in Dwarvish when I was 18. I stopped using it and forgot how to do it, but if you own a copy of the hobbit you can decipher it in a couple of hours and after that it's just practise. I used to write my dairy in Dwarvish and now I can't read it anymore without the codex I wrote at hand.

Anyway, back to Star Wars, I think some of the best stories written in the SWEU was the ones about Revan and the Exile for the first two Old Republic games and accompanying novels which were largely thanks to Obsidian games. They're are people out there with a genuine love for the material and they write some good stuff.

I don't how optimistic to be about JJ Abrahms attachment to this franchise, because his scripts tend to be quite bland and while that isn't a death blow it would make the movie pretty forgettable. Even though I enjoyed them, I can't think of any memorable quotes from Star Trek or ST:ID other than when Spock gets uppity with Admiral Pike in ID, because it was quite funny.
>> No. 20054 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 1:23 pm
20054 spacer

Apparently it's an amateur built lightsabre, and the two little beams are actually exhaust ports.
>> No. 20055 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 3:08 pm
20055 spacer
Never really cared for it myself.
As i'm aware there's not really any middle ground demographic for the series, it's either kids who buy the toys, or middle aged chaps who weep for the ruination of their childhood by Jar Jar Binks.
>> No. 20056 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 3:28 pm
20056 spacer
It's been 18 months, Tim!
>> No. 20057 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 4:16 pm
20057 spacer

I can't lie, a part of me would like to witness the oceans of browbeaten fanboys in the event Episode VII is an absolute honker.
>> No. 20058 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 4:50 pm
20058 spacer
I'm not a fanboy, I just quite like the whole world with lightsabers and jedi and empires and rebellions and am quite excited by a trailer with sexy space fighters in. You don't all have to make a scene about how much you really really don't care.
>> No. 20059 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 5:02 pm
20059 spacer
>You don't all have to make a scene about how much you really really don't care.
Nobody's making a scene, pal, calm down.
>> No. 20060 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 7:40 pm
20060 spacer

It's possible, JJ Abrahms is hardly Hitchcock.
>> No. 20061 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 7:43 pm
20061 spacer

Except the teenlad who did make a scene, of course.
>> No. 20063 Anonymous
22nd October 2015
Thursday 9:38 pm
20063 spacer
I think the original trilogy is like an older generation's Harry Potter. It's never going to win a Nobel Prize in Literature, but it's a compelling story with an engrossing setting which had the good fortune to turn into a pop culture phenomenon.
>> No. 20065 Anonymous
23rd October 2015
Friday 8:40 pm
20065 spacer

This is one of the problems that I have with the entire franchise, the entire question of whose lore is to be taken. As far as I can tell, from conversations and baiting the most nerdy of fanboy types that I know, there is a large contingent of fans who think that George Lucas is responsible for absolutely every aspect of the universe the series inhabits. The problem is, pointing out to them that the rest of the stuff in the extended universe has absolutely nothing at all to do with George Lucas at all invokes a strongly negative reaction, considering hasn't done anything other than see the money roll in from the royalties earned from someone expanding on the skeletal lore he actually did make.

I think that's the nub of it, it allowed fans to really go mad and create these extensive backstories for characters, races, wars, flora and fauna, technology, and that's part of its enduring appeal to some. Lucas hasn't actually said "you know what, you're full of shit about what happened in that part of the history...." - he just let the money roll in.

The fanboys ruin what is essentially, for the original trilogy at least, a corny space opera that romps through cliche after cliche but is still a massive amount of fun to watch.
>> No. 20066 Anonymous
24th October 2015
Saturday 4:30 pm
20066 spacer
New trailer looks good. Though from watching it I get the feeling, that they won't try anything too outlandish given what happened with the prequels and the end product won't be too original.
>> No. 20067 Anonymous
24th October 2015
Saturday 4:50 pm
20067 spacer

The running theory is that Kylo Ren kills Han at the end, in an act of Patricide.

I'm just excited for some more Sci-fantasy. Guardians of the Galaxy was surprisingly good for a super hero movie and I ended up buying the blu-ray as well, it reminded of Star Wars a lot and I'm quietly confident this wont disappoint.

You might be right in that it could be bland though, because JJ Abrahm's films are forgettable as fuck.
>> No. 20068 Anonymous
29th October 2015
Thursday 1:57 pm
20068 spacer


>> No. 20069 Anonymous
29th October 2015
Thursday 3:54 pm
20069 spacer

The Denial is strong with this one.
>> No. 20070 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 12:13 am
20070 spacer
Are any of you lads boycotting it? Fucking racists.
>> No. 20071 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 12:48 am
20071 spacer
If by boycott you mean "not watch because you don't care" then yes.
>> No. 20072 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 12:53 am
20072 spacer

I bet you're a hoot at parties.
>> No. 20073 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 3:52 am
20073 spacer

What sort of shit parties are you going to where people give a crap about the Star Wars prequel sequel spin-off money fountain?
>> No. 20074 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 7:26 am
20074 spacer

Careful with the edges there teenlad!
>> No. 20075 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 7:33 am
20075 spacer
>> No. 20076 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 7:39 am
20076 spacer
Oh I see, racists are boycotting it, not that Star Wars is racist. This is 'Nordic gods aren't black' again I suppose.
>> No. 20077 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 7:55 am
20077 spacer
Would saying you don't want a black James Bond make you a racist?
>> No. 20078 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 8:10 am
20078 spacer
Yes. In the same way that saying you don't want a female James Bond would make you sexist.
>> No. 20079 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 8:46 am
20079 spacer

Not liking Star Wars is not an edgy opinion. It's not even attempted edginess. In fact it's practically spherical in its lack of edginess, like the Death Star, only less genocidal, therefore less edgy.
>> No. 20080 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 10:32 am
20080 spacer
James doesn't really suit a girl.
>> No. 20081 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 11:15 am
20081 spacer

You are right, but I would prefer a girl Bond to an ethnic or fag Bond. Not a racist homophobe, just my opinion.
>> No. 20082 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 12:14 pm
20082 spacer
Nice twist on the old pattern there, putting the blatantly racist statement before the "not racist" bit.
>> No. 20083 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 12:42 pm
20083 spacer
personal preference != blatant racism

I have a personal preference against dating black girls, but that doesn't mean I think they should be chained up/deported/lynched. Try and learn to think.
>> No. 20085 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 1:22 pm
20085 spacer
I always thought Idris would've made a badass James Bond.
>> No. 20086 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 1:47 pm
20086 spacer
>> No. 20087 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 1:58 pm
20087 spacer

Calling gay people fags is, however, a homophobic slur which sort of rains on your "definitely not a homophobe" routine.
>> No. 20088 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 2:07 pm
20088 spacer
Who gives a fuck.

I'm so bored of this shite, it's the top three threads currently. Ugh, I hoped I could avoid this nonsense here.
>> No. 20089 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 2:15 pm
20089 spacer

>I hoped I could avoid this nonsense

By starting a discussion about a black/female/gay James Bond in a Star Wars thread? You're a credit to your schooling.
>> No. 20090 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 2:36 pm
20090 spacer

>I hoped I could avoid this nonsense here.

Did someone tell you we were a hug box for whatever it is you thought you could try and peddle here?

Even the pro-tranny guys are pragmatists, caring only about the medical evidence. We haven't had mouth-foaming reactionaries en masse here for a while, so trying to stir up shit probably wont work and it doesn't seem like you've got the savvy to hold up your end of the cunt off if it did.

Anyway, someone told me the other day Chewbacca is like 200 years old. He doesn't look a day over 30.
>> No. 20091 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 4:40 pm
20091 spacer



(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 20092 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 9:01 pm
20092 spacer
Next James Bond is already lined up.

>> No. 20093 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 9:15 pm
20093 spacer
I kind of want him to be, because it would be hilarious.
>> No. 20094 Anonymous
30th October 2015
Friday 9:18 pm
20094 spacer


Propah liscence to kill.
>> No. 20130 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 5:24 pm
20130 spacer
I liked it.

I don't have anything cynical or funny to say about it, which might be my failing. It was just a solid piece of entertainment, and I hope the next one keeps it up.
>> No. 20131 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 7:25 pm
20131 spacer
And the one after that? And the one after that? And the one after that?

My main issue is that Disney are quite open about the fact that they want to milk the franchise ad infinitum and that people seem somehow okay with it all.

I suppose it's hardly a change from watching George Lucas bleat about how he always intended for there to be 6 or 9 or 15 Star Wars movies and that it wasn never just a standalone pulpy fantasy movie that got ridiculously lucky.
>> No. 20132 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 7:41 pm
20132 spacer
Maybe once they beat it to death people will shut the fuck up about it and stop pretending like any of them are any good.
>> No. 20133 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 7:46 pm
20133 spacer
The original movie is a very good example of a chose one underdog good guy defeating a bad guy who is bad because he is bad whilst being surrounded by flashy doohickies and funny-looking aliens. If you're looking for an exceptionally trashy 70s adventure movie, you can't go too far wrong with Star Wars.
>> No. 20134 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 8:12 pm
20134 spacer
>My main issue is that Disney are quite open about the fact that they want to milk the franchise ad infinitum and that people seem somehow okay with it all.
What is so bad about that? If it is enjoyable, there should be more of it.

Maybe you just like being an edgy contrarian.
>> No. 20135 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 8:15 pm
20135 spacer
That must be it.
>> No. 20136 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 8:35 pm
20136 spacer

>> No. 20137 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 10:04 pm
20137 spacer
>My main issue is that Disney are quite open about the fact that they want to milk the franchise ad infinitum and that people seem somehow okay with it all.
God forbid they make more movies that are dumb and enjoyable. What a travesty that would be.

(Could you explain why this is a bad thing?)
>> No. 20139 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 10:48 pm
20139 spacer
Already in the list. Go one lads.
>> No. 20140 Anonymous
17th December 2015
Thursday 11:07 pm
20140 spacer
Hating on Star Wars at this point is no more edgy than hating on Christmas music.
Nice try though.

>> No. 20141 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 12:31 am
20141 spacer

I don't think you understand the point, being contradictory just for the sake of makes you an attention seeking little teenlad prick. You definitely like star wars, everyone does, and if you don't I don't see what you are trying to achieve by dissing it, other then getting attention.
>> No. 20143 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:41 am
20143 spacer

No mate, fuck off with your post-neo-trans-hipsterism. Maybe there are a few edgy teenlads pretending to dislike it more than they really do just because it's popular. But you don't come full circle and transcend cool by actively defending overyhyped lowest common demoninator garbage.

I, personally, think Star Wars is perfectly mediocre. I wouldn't refuse to watch it if it was the only thing on Sky Movies on a Sunday afternoon, but I've never once in my life thought "I proper fancy watching some Star Wars" either. Where does that fit into your world view, you bearded fascist prick.
>> No. 20144 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:53 am
20144 spacer

I like how you've painted me to be some sort of mad zealot on the basis of; fuck all. Because you really have no where else to go with your argument, you just like behaving like an unlikable cunt.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 20145 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 2:02 am
20145 spacer
Lad you're on fucking .gs. You're an unlikeable saddo cunt by default. Don't try and play the old 'LOL I BET YOUR A LAUGH AT PARTIES' shit because you're just as much a fucking saddo loser as the rest of us. That's why you're posting on an imageboard at 2am. on a Friday.

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 20146 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 2:21 am
20146 spacer
>You definitely like star wars, everyone does
I don't like star wars. I don't hate it or feel particularly strongly about it, but I just don't feel like the films are very good. If someone suggested watching a star wars film I'd probably say I don't really want to watch it and suggest an alternative, but if they seemed like they were really into the idea I'd relent, but I'd probably just be looking at my phone for most of the film.
>> No. 20147 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 10:48 am
20147 spacer

> You're an unlikeable saddo cunt by default.

Rude. Speak for yourself, mentalistlad.
>> No. 20148 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 11:26 am
20148 spacer
I don't think you understand the analogy drawn there between Christmas music and Star Wars. Is this the only website that you visit or are you blind to the ubiquity of Star Wars hype and merchandising shite that's been going on for the last couple of months? Nelson's Column is a lightsabre now for fuck's sake.
I'd rather watch Flash Gordon.
>> No. 20149 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 11:50 am
20149 spacer
One would imagine that if you were indifferent towards Star Wars you could continue on with your browsing of .gs without commenting on how indifferent you are towards it and the people who are interested or want to discuss it for its merits/shortcomings could do so unmolested by tedious fucking cunt offs.

Stop trying so hard. This is the Farscape thread all over again.
>> No. 20150 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 12:01 pm
20150 spacer
Just wanted to let you know I am not for or against any of the points made in this post.
>> No. 20151 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 12:46 pm
20151 spacer

>the people who are interested or want to discuss it for its merits/shortcomings could do so unmolested by tedious fucking cunt offs.
What if we want to discuss how we dislike or find it tedious without being molested by you fanboys with your tedious fucking cunt offs?

>This is the Farscape thread all over again.
That was a great thread though.
>> No. 20152 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:49 pm
20152 spacer

We have an entire board dedicated exclusively to discussing shit we don't like or find tedious.

You know exactly what you're doing when you come into a thread and declare the topic of discussion shit, so stop being a tryhard teenlad about it and use /*/ responsibly.
>> No. 20153 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:52 pm
20153 spacer
So, by that token, all boards except for /101/ are exclusively for talking about how great something is rather than offering it any criticism?
>> No. 20154 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:54 pm
20154 spacer
I'll see the film next week, and I've not been reading or watching anything about it, but I just decided to watch the trailer in the OP. Now, I'm somewhat familiar with the Expanded Universe, and I was aware they were going to disregard it anyway, but from the looks of things this just pisses all over what had been established. If I recall, the New Republic is formed, Luke Skywalker re-establishes the Jedi Order, trains a million of the bastards, and peace returns to the galaxy (except when they want another story). But the trailer makes it look like the events of the civil war and the Jedi themselves have passed into legend, and that the Empire is still around no less. That's like George Orwell rising from the grave to clarify that we should ignore the appendix of Nineteen Eighty-Four and to find out if the boot stamping on a face carries on we should read the newly-published sequel.
>> No. 20155 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:56 pm
20155 spacer

"Star Wars is shit" is not criticism.
>> No. 20156 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:57 pm
20156 spacer
Savvy marketing from Disney. The majority of the audience doesn't give a toss about the nerdy details of the expanded universe, they just want more stories about plucky underdogs taking on the evil empire in the same Naziesque uniforms.
>> No. 20157 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 1:58 pm
20157 spacer
So the trailer ain't what it looks like?
>> No. 20158 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 2:01 pm
20158 spacer

Neither is "Star Wars is shit and so is everyone who likes it. Debate me." which seems to be the structure of the derailment of the thread.
>> No. 20159 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 2:07 pm
20159 spacer
I should be seeing it next week with my Dad when I come home for Christmas. The man introduced me to them in the 90's after the 20 year anniversary was released, so it should be special.

Disney milking the franchise for all it's worth? Could be good if they:

- Don't treat the audience as retards
- Look at all the millions of storylines of the countless characters and build on those (there are tons of novels for inspiration)
- Make them dark and target them at older audiences. Any kiddy shit will just become patronising and boring

So basically, I'd follow the style of the newest Mad Max film. Little snapshots of stories here, with little explanation - it will really make this SW universe so much more rich and interesting.
>> No. 20160 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 2:11 pm
20160 spacer

My mates want to go see it on the 27th, which is the only time we are all free and there are empty seats. I don't remember this kind of fevered hype around a film in my life.

For anyone who is interested, I watched the despecialised versions of the OT recently and the lad who has done it has done great work. They really are better than the special editions.
>> No. 20161 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 4:28 pm
20161 spacer

It really is a damn shame the Extended Universe has been tossed.
>> No. 20162 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 4:34 pm
20162 spacer

>disney milking it for all it's worth would be great if it wasn't disney milking it for all it's worth

Apologies for the reetext, but that's about the gist of what you said. Star Wars is, and always has been, a family film. Right now it has more mass market appeal than Mother Theresa giving out free puppies.

Making it darker and more adult is akin to them simply deciding "You know what, we just don't want as much money. Yeah, let's make less profit on this film. Sounds great."
>> No. 20163 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 4:53 pm
20163 spacer
The latest Mad Max film was awful there wasn't any story line to it.
>> No. 20164 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 5:04 pm
20164 spacer
Shut your mouff m9
>> No. 20165 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 6:40 pm
20165 spacer
As opposed to those other Mad Max movies.
>> No. 20166 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 6:44 pm
20166 spacer
So is it quite good then? I'm pretty ambivilent about Star Wars, but I really like Red Letter Media, so I was hoping they'd have plenty to rag on in their inevitable review.
>> No. 20167 Anonymous
18th December 2015
Friday 7:36 pm
20167 spacer
What the fuck is that? A Hutt Jedi?
>> No. 20168 Anonymous
19th December 2015
Saturday 12:28 am
20168 spacer

It's alright. I mostly like the visuals and music and characters, they're all cool, overall storyline not so much.
Episode IV is practically a big spoiler for it.

Thank god they went back to the visual styling of the original trilogy because it looks fantastic and there's plenty of proper prosthetic creatures throughout, although one important alien lady was noticeably CGI and I wasn't really a fan of her design either.
>> No. 20169 Anonymous
19th December 2015
Saturday 1:21 am
20169 spacer
Also, her name is the song from the Sugar Puffs advert from the 1998 World Cup.

>> No. 20170 Anonymous
19th December 2015
Saturday 7:10 pm
20170 spacer

Exactly. A Jedi Hutt named Beldorion who was seduced by the dark side. Leia killed him in a lightsaber duel. I guess it's hard to fight with a lightsaber if you're a slug.

There was also Durga.
>Durga the Hutt is worth remembering because he’s one of the rare Hutts to wield a lightsaber. It just so happens his lightsaber was several kilometers long and could destroy a planet. Like all Hutts, he dreamed big. He also died a spectacular death…when his lightsaber blew up on him.
(Taken from http://roqoodepot.com/2012/04/18/notable-hutts-in-star-wars/­­)

The Extended Universe, ladies and gentlemen.
>> No. 20171 Anonymous
19th December 2015
Saturday 7:58 pm
20171 spacer
The appeal of Star Wars slipped me by. I remember watching them on VHS at my Granddad's when I was youngish, and while they were really entertaining they just didn't 'click' with me in the way they do for some people. Even back then, I could understand the pull of the tropes and characters and aesthetic, but I never had that feeling of a fantasy world opening up to me in the way others experienced.

I also get why some people resent the hype, as Star Wars is so entrenched in pop culture it is surrounded by heightened expectations as a result. Moreso than any other franchise, maybe, Star Wars has suffered as a result of its legacy. I think I came to it too late.

Overall, I do feel sad that I can't share some of that excitement, but I have felt it with other things. Computer games and books especially had that effect for me, the bigger the better. I get nostalgic about certain RPGs, and occasionally an immersive game comes along and pulls me back into that mindset.

Not relevant to this thread, but I have a mixed feeling about that mindset. It furnished my head with many interesting images and ideas as a kid, but as I grow older, I'm actually glad for instances in which I've grown up without popular media. That kind of escapism now strikes me as dangerous, and led to a childhood in which I lived in my own head far more than I really should have.
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