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Subject   (reply to 16153)
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>> No. 16153 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 7:24 pm
16153 spacer
People who use "what/wot" in place of "that" or other connecting words.

"I was watching that episode of Top Gear wot had Tom Cruise on it."
"This is the form wot you need to fill in."
"That thing wot goes on the shelf."

Fuck off.

Not in the Vimpto thread because it's not a mispronounciation.
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>> No. 16154 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 7:28 pm
16154 spacer

I use this (particularly the 'wot' form) in sort of auto parodying fashion, like wot Viz does.
>> No. 16155 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 7:32 pm
16155 spacer
I hate people wot do that.
>> No. 16156 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 7:52 pm
16156 spacer

Mr Chad[1].jpg
Wot, no wot?
>> No. 16157 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 8:59 pm
16157 spacer
>> No. 16158 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 9:10 pm
16158 spacer

>> No. 16159 Anonymous
9th August 2014
Saturday 9:12 pm
16159 spacer
That of we done?
>> No. 16209 Anonymous
13th August 2014
Wednesday 10:14 pm
16209 spacer
People who use perfect RP English in their every day speech, without any hint of accent or dialect. No personality. Fucking tiresome to listen to.

More especially, when these cunts "correct" you for speaking in a different manner, due to your own accent or dialect; for example, one anal cunt of a teacher at my secondary school who would reprimand students based on the way they pronounced their Hs and Ts. Bear in mind that this was in south Leeds.

Fuck off. I'm not talking wrong, I just don't gie a fuck ow yer ment ter.
>> No. 16210 Anonymous
13th August 2014
Wednesday 10:18 pm
16210 spacer
Audible mirth.
>> No. 16212 Anonymous
13th August 2014
Wednesday 10:21 pm
16212 spacer
mispronunciation you spacka
>> No. 16219 Anonymous
14th August 2014
Thursday 7:44 am
16219 spacer

I've gone out of my way to remove all traces of a regional twang from my voice.

I feel so dirty, like a Suebi warrior turned Roman Equite. But I fucking love olives, damn it!
>> No. 16224 Anonymous
14th August 2014
Thursday 10:25 am
16224 spacer

Yeah, they shouldn't be dongs about it, but I think it's important that teachers give people at least the knowledge (and therefore option) of how to speak without a thick accent.

I'm from West Yorks too (Bradford, fuck off Leeds), and I've worked abroad where people - who are fluent in English - literally can't understand what I'm saying if I speak the same way that I do with me mates. After a couple of years abroad, surrounded by only neutral and foreign accents, I came in contact with a guy with the heaviest Manc accent. My first thought was 'fuck me, he sounds thick'.
>> No. 16227 Anonymous
14th August 2014
Thursday 10:36 am
16227 spacer
The teacher was doing the right thing. He was saving you from a life of unemployment. Try getting a good job when you have a regional accent.
>> No. 16242 Anonymous
14th August 2014
Thursday 8:23 pm
16242 spacer
>Try getting a good job when you have a regional accent
TV or radio is a good bet, for some reason it's all you hear these days.
>> No. 16248 Anonymous
14th August 2014
Thursday 11:18 pm
16248 spacer

I'm very aware of this, and it's part of what fuels my anger. In other words, prejudice against people's manner of speaking is a very real thing; however the solution is to stamp out people's accents. It's like if the solution to racial segregation had been to bleach all the non-whites.
>> No. 16250 Anonymous
14th August 2014
Thursday 11:41 pm
16250 spacer
I'm sure non-whites would turn themselves white just to fit in. Besides, it's silly to compare something you can change, like your accent, to something you can't, i.e. race.

Only if you are from Yorkshire.
>> No. 16252 Anonymous
15th August 2014
Friday 12:17 am
16252 spacer

No, but that's the point I was making in >>16224 . It doesn't have to change your core personality.

It isn't the teachers job or right to forcibly change students. But giving them the option of speaking neutral English (I'm not talking posh elocution lessons here) is an important thing. At home I'm sure I speak just as Yorkshire as you do, but it's also pretty useful to be able to speak clearly in other environments (I did a gig teaching English abroad, or a job interview).

It's the same as knowing good manners - nobody eats like posh fucks at home, but if you find yourself at a fancy business do or in certain social circles it's nice to have the basic knowledge and not look a chump.
>> No. 16293 Anonymous
18th August 2014
Monday 3:48 am
16293 spacer

Maybe it's just part of my principles to act as I am, rather than to put on an act for people, but such things do tend to leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I'm perfectly capable of emulating a neutral accent, in fact I can impersonate a lot of accents with ease, but it seems to me that would simply be dishonest.

As is much in life I suppose but... Ehh you know what bollocks to it, I just don't like this planet or the people that live on it.
>> No. 16294 Anonymous
18th August 2014
Monday 3:51 am
16294 spacer

>Ehh you know what bollocks to it, I just don't like this planet or the people that live on it.
None of us awake at 4 in the morning do. I hope you include yourself in that number though.

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