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Subject   (reply to 7910)
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>> No. 7910 Anonymous
13th September 2016
Tuesday 1:54 pm
7910 spacer
I need some strong sleeping tablets without receipt what i can buy?
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>> No. 7911 Anonymous
13th September 2016
Tuesday 3:11 pm
7911 spacer
The strongest thing you'll get legally without a prescription is chlorphenamine (Piriton). It's an anti-histamine, but it has strong sedative effects.
>> No. 7912 Anonymous
13th September 2016
Tuesday 3:26 pm
7912 spacer

Doxylamine makes chlorphenamine look like an aspirin when it comes to sedative effects, and has even been shown in some studies to be a more effective sedative than babiturates.

You should be able to find doxylamine succinate 25mg tablets easily and legally online without prescription.
>> No. 7923 Anonymous
5th February 2017
Sunday 12:52 am
7923 spacer
It's a shame you can't get melatonin on Amazon any more.
>> No. 7924 Anonymous
1st March 2017
Wednesday 1:08 pm
7924 spacer
>Doxylamine makes chlorphenamine look like an aspirin when it comes to sedative effects
Bloody hell, you weren't joking. I took one 25mg tablet at 9pm last night, hit bed like a rock at 10 and slept right through an alarm at 7, finally waking up at 11:30. ~13 hours of sleep.

I think I might take half next time.
>> No. 7933 Anonymous
7th May 2017
Sunday 3:46 pm
7933 spacer
I have a bit more experience of this stuff (doxylamine succinate) now.

Even if I've only been awake for, say eight hours, I take 25 or 50mg of this and I'm out like a light. I'll sleep for 12 hour if uninterrupted. Unfortunately that has an obvious physiological toll (anything above nine hours confuses the body's rhythm, you feel achy and disoriented) and there's a sort of hangover feeling even if you manage to drag yourself out of bed after nine hours. If you absolutely have to get to sleep at e.g. 7PM in order to get up for a 5AM red-eye this stuff is amazing, pop one at 6PM and then you'll be off to noddyland an hour later... remember to set at least two alarms, though. By the time you get to where you're going the next day you'll have had a coffee or three to cut through the fog and you'll be fresh and ready to perform your meaningless task as a soulless automata. Everyone's a winner.
>> No. 7960 Anonymous
25th August 2017
Friday 8:08 am
7960 spacer

On your recommendation, I ordered some off the American Amazon site. I've been taking half a tablet a night for several months and it has improved my quality of life no end. I've had problems falling asleep and staying asleep since about my 20's, tried all sorts of sleep aids and techniques for trying to get to sleep with limited success. Now I can fall asleep easily, get up for a piss I'm the middle of the night and them fall asleep again. Usually I'd be awake from about 4am every night. Whoever started this thread and contributed to it, thank you. It's made such a difference to my life.
>> No. 7961 Anonymous
29th August 2017
Tuesday 4:51 pm
7961 spacer

Nice one lads. To be honest I'm just glad that my internet PhD in psychopharmacology has been useful to someone other than myself.

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