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Mystery Painting.png
>> No. 4472 Anonymous
28th April 2013
Sunday 8:01 pm
4472 Mystery
She looks enchanting, does anyone know who she is?
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>> No. 4473 Anonymous
28th April 2013
Sunday 8:37 pm
4473 spacer
It's not framed or all that good, so it's probably done by and of someone the person in whatever you got it from knows.
>> No. 4474 Anonymous
28th April 2013
Sunday 10:18 pm
4474 spacer
It's a screenshot from Russel Howard's Goodnews, bit at the end where they show something positive.

It was nothing to do with the artwork. but I was taken back by it, in hindsight it is a bit blotchy but I still like it, her pose is perfect.
>> No. 4475 Anonymous
29th April 2013
Monday 9:02 pm
4475 spacer

Her face looks annoyingly familiar, like she used to be on Brookside as a token middle-class person or something.

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