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>> No. 430053 Anonymous
31st August 2019
Saturday 8:53 am
430053 Literal "what are you feeling right now" thread
Shamelessly stealing the very excellent idea from >>/101/28964

Here is a place to post utterly inane observations about your current state of being.


I like birds but starlings are a massive noisy pain in the arse.
1530 posts omitted. Last 50 posts shown. Expand all images.
>> No. 460083 Anonymous
8th September 2023
Friday 8:54 am
460083 spacer

That's why VCRs will probably remain a niche hobby. It's not that hard to recap a circuit board or change some belts. You can even find new rollers on eBay. But even the best serviced VCR will have pretty low picture quality compared to what we're used to today and it's ultimately a bulky and inconvenient technology.

I used my hi-fi stereo VCR for some time still to make long audio recordings, what you could call a VCR mix tape. Because the sound quality is actually really good if you use VHS tapes that way. I even recorded radio programmes with it, which are a fascinating time capsule now. But there's no real point in that either now, when Audacity lets you record almost limitless audio input at even better quality.
>> No. 460575 Anonymous
5th October 2023
Thursday 1:23 pm
460575 spacer
What do you lads reckon Lady Sov is up to these days?
>> No. 460597 Anonymous
6th October 2023
Friday 6:18 pm
460597 spacer
"Lady Sovereign has not released any music since 2009. She previously spoke about medical issues halting her career. In 2023, Lady Sovereign confirmed that she had been diagnosed with the rare disorder cyclic vomiting syndrome."
>> No. 460598 Anonymous
6th October 2023
Friday 6:45 pm
460598 spacer
Everything's so terrible.
>> No. 460599 Anonymous
6th October 2023
Friday 7:09 pm
460599 spacer
>cyclic vomiting syndrome
It really is. "Sick-lic Syndrome" was right there.
>> No. 460605 Anonymous
6th October 2023
Friday 11:07 pm
460605 spacer
>cyclic vomiting syndrome

What's her OnlyFans?
>> No. 460715 Anonymous
14th October 2023
Saturday 9:57 am
460715 spacer
You don't really hear people talking about quangos these days.
>> No. 460719 Anonymous
14th October 2023
Saturday 2:07 pm
460719 spacer
Didn't they bonfire them al a few years back?
>> No. 460743 Anonymous
15th October 2023
Sunday 11:25 am
460743 spacer

Bored of the taste, and they don't make good smoothies.
>> No. 460753 Anonymous
15th October 2023
Sunday 10:41 pm
460753 spacer

I really clicked with a woman who was incredibly smart and educated, we got on well. This was talking to her online so eventually with everything going well I looked her up online and discovered that her profile pictures were a little dishonest in what she really looked like. To the level I felt sorry for her for what was clearly something that wasn't her fault. So I unmatched her. Feel kind of shit about that, it feels shallow even though I know that obviously I need to be attracted to a partner.

The week before I dumped a Eritrean girl because she just wasn't that attractive for what she was offering and I got the impression she was involved in things. She was taken aback by this as I'd been quite romantic with her so I guess it was quite a u-turn. She got a bit angry with me and pressed me when I said I didn't feel the chemistry we needed. I don't feel shit about that, any hanging around would've been wrong.

I have a date with a woman tomorrow evening, I like her from what I've seen but who knows. I'm 34 now so it's odd, it feels like I've got maybe one serious relationship left in me if I want to have a family but I've dated a lot of women and I do get a lot of options but in some ways I still feel like a teenager when it comes to settling down. It's also a horrid distraction of energies that I should be directing towards my career. I don't think there's much of an answer aside from trying to learn from every experiance on what I want and how it all works.
>> No. 460768 Anonymous
16th October 2023
Monday 5:50 pm
460768 spacer

At 33 and single I do worry I'm getting near the point I will miss the boat, my last couple of relationships felt frustrating and wasteful when they ended because approaching my 30s I was hoping I'd have found the one worth settling down with by now. You get the sense it's just time wasted that you could have avoided if they just showed their mental bint side sooner.

The only way around this is to be a bit more mercenary with them, though. There's "red flags" which you will immediately know to break it off, but then there's just smaller things you are prepared to overlook. If you are at all a kind and empathetic person it's hard to just ditch someone over something minor like that, but in the end they turn out to be crucial. You always like other things about a person and feel prepared to give it a pass, and you second guess yourself if it's too petty to break something off over it.

I feel like women are much more picky like this and they are prepared to ghost you based on the smallest of perceived imperfections, even when it's just them reading too much into a text and getting a false positive. Here's a thought though- Which do we reckon there are more of? Lonely single blokes in their late 40s-50s, or bitter single women in their 40s-50s?
>> No. 460778 Anonymous
17th October 2023
Tuesday 6:51 pm
460778 spacer
The frustrating thing for me isn't the unhappy relationships, at least they have good times and you get to feel like you have something. It's the short ones where you get excited for someone only to be disappointed that do it for me.

Last night I went out with a woman, we'd messaged for awhile first and I liked her, she thanked me for showing her a good time and we exchanged a lot of affection generally. She actually had nothing going on today so we talked about meeting after I finished work again. But obviously nothing today, message left unread and I don't really have a feeling that I can stop to process that this week because I've got so much going on at work now. It's ultimately fine but there's so much wasted effort at times that I could have spent on my career or just staying in or going to the gym.

I don't know anymore, maybe I'll just give up. Not being ghastly with a wife out of a catalogue or whomever will have me but just accepting that I'll never have someone to share my life with.
>> No. 460895 Anonymous
25th October 2023
Wednesday 12:44 am
460895 spacer

boob hand.jpg
I am embarrassed by this as she was obviously busy and we caught up later in the week and had a great time.

I'm really quite smitten with this one and was a mess of anxiety all week, and on our second date at the weekend I asked her out for some reason after we defined things as exclusive - she did kind of say yes but it's a bit too early and then we were disgusting in the park and on the way to the station. And on the train and then on the train platform when I rode all the way home with her. And then we goofily waved at each other when I had to get the train home and some teenager with her mum rolled her eyes at us. It was the wrong train and going in the wrong direction which I didn't notice until I got to the end of the line.

I know it's just the infatuation stage but really hoping I don't self-sabotage this one.
>> No. 461015 Anonymous
30th October 2023
Monday 11:28 am
461015 spacer
I keep a scented candle around to impress women and cover any unfortunate smells that I might not pick up on. You' know how everyone's home has a unique odour.

I'm going to be honest with you and with myself that I actually quite enjoy having one going. Nothing too heavy but something like cotton blossom is dead nice and it lets me play with fire or otherwise stare into it when I'm at my home working desk. So if you read in the news about a suspected middle-aged homosexual having burnt to death in a house fire then that'll be me.
>> No. 461021 Anonymous
30th October 2023
Monday 6:07 pm
461021 spacer
I go the whole hog with frankincense. Makes the place smell fucking great.
>> No. 461454 Anonymous
22nd November 2023
Wednesday 5:06 pm
461454 spacer

The future is fucking dead. In actual fact we're getting fucked back into feudalism by it, except this time around we don't even have access to proper fresh produce. Warehouse work and mass survailence is apparently the pinnacle of what humanity can accomplish, because despite the fact that twenty-five years ago we went into technological overdrive for a short period, all we did with the results was run head first into a door marked "pull to open". On the bright side we're making good work when it comes to treating many types of cancer, but that's probably offset by our DNA being 30% microplastics. We connected the entire planet, but instead of becoming best mates with a lad from Cameroon and marrying an Iranian woman you fell in love with while following her food blog, loneliness became an epidemic and the most commonly enjoyed pastime is telling people to kill themselves beneath newspaper articles. And no one knows what to do about any of this shit, but even if someone does, no one's listening to them because they're being drowned out by mutually parasitic rage mongering, or Arma 3 footage masquerading as a faked warcrime or worse still, inane, barely literate rambling like this. What a mess.

For some perspective this crisis of faith in modernity was finally forced to the fore when I saw Kodak were releasing a new Super 8 film camera that charges from a Micro USB.
>> No. 461455 Anonymous
22nd November 2023
Wednesday 5:48 pm
461455 spacer
If you really want to impress women, have a bin next to your toilet.
>> No. 461456 Anonymous
22nd November 2023
Wednesday 6:07 pm
461456 spacer

If you really, really want to impress women, have a selection of sanitary products in a little basket on the cistern. Also charging cables for both iPhone and Android on the other side of your bed. Oh, and a hair dryer.
>> No. 461463 Anonymous
23rd November 2023
Thursday 9:31 am
461463 spacer


An excellent diagnosis, but what about a solution?

It sounds goofy as fuck, but I unironically think Star Trek might be one of the most important works of fiction of the modern era. Few other parts of popular culture have been so far-reaching and unashamedly utopian. I struggle to think of any other mass media that sincerely tries to depict a humanity that has solved its basic problems and resists falling back on interpersonal conflict for its drama. Its occupants are at peace with their lives and themselves; their adventure is an outward exploration rather than an inward-looking struggle for survival.

I created the >>461202 thread, which is a bit related. I suspect that things like this don't get produced anymore because of an anti-democratic and anti-humanist backlash from those with power. Hearing how people talk about education or art as pure economic instruments is horrific. Science is slightly more insulated, since that has obvious utilitarian value, so we at least have a little bit of rationality left -- but even that is subject to heavy politicisation (what research gets funded etc.).

At the risk of overgeneralising: cynicism is fundamentally disempowering, and because many middle class twonks are now feeling the squeeze of neoliberalism and produce most of the popular culture, our vision of the future has been reduced to lazy bleakness and histrionics. I long for some truly intellectual class-conscious voices to be invited back into the fold, people who point out that many social issues derive from material issues, and actually material issues can be solved, and that economic systems are not immutable. We may have a very different outlook on the future if someone like Ursula Le Guin had become a household name in their lifetime:

>> No. 461466 Anonymous
23rd November 2023
Thursday 11:42 am
461466 spacer
I have all of these things aside from the sanitary products. Only, I need to get to the shops at some point today - what time will the ladies come knocking on my door?

>We connected the entire planet, but instead of becoming best mates with a lad from Cameroon and marrying an Iranian woman you fell in love with while following her food blog, loneliness became an epidemic and the most commonly enjoyed pastime is telling people to kill themselves beneath newspaper articles.

There's a paradox of loneliness that a lot of people feel lonely but will also jealously guard their privacy and free-time. Like a lot of what you list there aren't easy answers to it and some of the societal solutions entail something outright dystopian where the individual reality is that, really, ordinary people might just have to sacrifice if they really want something. If you want to make friends you have to talk to be people, commit, be vulnerable and all that shit that nobody wants to do.

Recently I read an argument in defence of dating apps where the gist of it is that the apps work fine but the users are fucking stupid and expect magic when they've never promised to be anything but a new way to meet women. It's a convincing argument because realistically an interesting guy with hobbies, a career and can talk to women will meet women which is the part lonely guys miss when they spend hours on these things wondering why they don't work for them. Now we've got dating apps seriously discussing bringing in AI assisted chat features because everyone is too lazy to see that poor chat is just a symptom of a wider problem afflicting men and women.
>> No. 461469 Anonymous
23rd November 2023
Thursday 5:26 pm
461469 spacer
I appreciate the effort, but it also sounds like you're trying a bit too hard and have different women over every other day of the week.
>> No. 461472 Anonymous
23rd November 2023
Thursday 10:11 pm
461472 spacer
I know this is going to sound daft but I was invited to my mates wedding 18 months ago and I mentally thought to myself that I'd make sure that I have a date for it. The months rolled on and women came and went and now I'm alone at Christmas and about to confirm my invitation.

It's okay I guess but now I need to confirm a space for a coach which involves emailing the bride to let her know my +1 is unnecessary and I'll get the coach as a spare. They've probably thought the girlfriend I spent Christmas with would be coming along but I left her afterwards and didn't get any proper serious relationships like that one since. I'm pretty sure it going to be a long day as I won't know anyone and I'm at the age where everyone is married and that now.

Either of you want to dress up like Mrs Doubtfire? Perhaps both of you so that I'll look really cool.
>> No. 461473 Anonymous
23rd November 2023
Thursday 10:59 pm
461473 spacer
I love a wedding. Happy to be your +1. But I think you're missing the fact this is a golden date opportunity - do you know anyone who you might actually like to come with you?
>> No. 461474 Anonymous
23rd November 2023
Thursday 11:35 pm
461474 spacer
Sorry to butt in, but can I go? My mate told me he was getting married recently and I've never been to one before so I need the practice.
>> No. 461475 Anonymous
24th November 2023
Friday 12:50 am
461475 spacer

You're just jealous of my reinforced bed.


>Either of you want to dress up like Mrs Doubtfire?

Best I can do for you is John Cooper Clarke in a party frock.
>> No. 461481 Anonymous
24th November 2023
Friday 2:54 pm
461481 spacer

>We connected the entire planet, but instead of becoming best mates with a lad from Cameroon and marrying an Iranian woman you fell in love with while following her food blog, loneliness became an epidemic

Don't tell anyone but I've had a long term long distance affair going on with a Yank lass for over a decade, it's been on and off a few times over the years but we have been in contact since I was about 21, overlapping with at least 3 real life relationships for me. She's the only person I've ever met who 100% matches and understands all of my deviant fetishes, and vice versa, so we seem to find it hard to keep away. We have had several visits to each other over the years, but there's just no realistic way we could bridge the gap and get it together, sadly.

The realities of an interconnected online world are not reflected in the real world, at least not for the working and lower-middle classes. Travel is expensive (not to mention the environmental impact) and besides when we were in the EU, migration is harder than people think. There's a class of people who can go where they like and do as they please, and growing up I naively assumed that applies to all of us. And especially with the immigration hysteria that characterised my teenage years, I just assumed the 21st century world was one you can just pack up and move somewhere if you want- But when you actually look at the processes and requirements for moving between countries, you quickly realise there's basically two categories. You can be a povvo and migrate to the first world because you're useful cheap labour, or you can be a wealthy/qualified professional and move freely because you are in demand. But by and large, the average ordinary person has very few options.

The utopia we envisioned in the 90s was simply never realistic. At least, we weren't ready for it yet. Our present state of cynicism is one brought about by regret at our own naivety, like when you break up with a woman you had fallen head over heels for and the only way you can reconcile it is to transform your mental association of her into an evil witch with no redeeming qualities.
>> No. 461497 Anonymous
25th November 2023
Saturday 4:12 am
461497 spacer
>do you know anyone who you might actually like to come with you?

You started me a train of thought that made me consider an old mate we both knew in university without me remembering that weddings are a date affair. She was involved with a housemate so was always over in our druggie house like a part of the family and us two would get a fry-up together in the morning after nights out or generally hang out. I thought of her because it was her, me and the now people getting married who went out one weekend when they'd first met and the bride thought something was going on because we acted like a couple to wingman my mate.

We've not spoken in nearly 10 years, I okayed it with the groom to make sure I've not missed anything and then messaged her if she fancied coming along. This might sound all well and good but I genuinely invited her just because it would be nice to hang out and it would give me someone to talk to. I have no interest in this woman in anything but platonic but on reflection I now realise I've confirmed rumours from back then that something was going on and out the blue may have asked someone on a pretty intense date and I did it at 5 in the afternoon so it's not just like "ah he's probably pissed up and lonely, bless".

What have I done. Either I'm going to get awkwardly ignored on a misunderstanding and I'll never be able to speak to her again or it'll be a big thing where she might get the wrong end of the stick. I need to book a hotel room soon as well because apparently they get booked up well in advance and I don't want some sitcom bollocks to happen where we have to share a room but then on the day:

>"Oh, it looks like they gave us one double bed to share. And oh dear it's one of those honeymoon beds and the hotel heating is stuck on high - looks like neither of us will be getting much sleep tonight. What's that you say, FREE champagne and oysters?!"

Nothing can be done at this stage but there's probably a lesson in there.
>> No. 461499 Anonymous
25th November 2023
Saturday 9:04 am
461499 spacer
You haven't spoken to her in a decade, there's no friendship there to ruin so what are you afraid of? That your mutual friends will stand around you on a circle chanting the "sitting in a tree" rhyme? Maybe you'll have fun platonically or with a wet knob, maybe not, seems unnecessary to panic at this point.
>> No. 461590 Anonymous
1st December 2023
Friday 11:38 am
461590 spacer
I quit smoking 3 years ago but I still miss it sometimes. The thing is that nicotine's physical addition is one thing but just the habit and general act of doing is quite nice. I don't know why but I could stand on my balcony at the moment having a nice fag even though it's cold.

It's the same when you're in the office or out drinking for example, you're at a pub having a few drinks but then you and a mate pop out into the garden for a smoke on a bench under a heater but I think a lot of what you're after is actually just finding a quiet place to chat. Yeah you can do that without a ciggie but it's not the same. Imagine someone in any other situation asking you to go out in the cold because they want to stand around shivering and chatting bollocks. Madness.
>> No. 461614 Anonymous
2nd December 2023
Saturday 1:41 pm
461614 spacer
Aye, for the most part what I've enjoyed about smoking is the routine and regular activity. Every so often I actually enjoy a fag but most of the time it's a grimace. I'm definitely cutting down - got myself to the point of throwing fags out half smoked without much of a care (going through a pack in 2 days though), but days like today I wake up thinking 'well what am I gonna do now, then?' having decided last night was my last pack for a while.

I'm the dude who spoke about it in the health thread and yeah, you were right, it didn't take long at all before I was smoking the national average (or more) per day.
>> No. 462363 Anonymous
7th January 2024
Sunday 10:25 pm
462363 spacer

Being a bloke is weird. I was horny earlier and added a girl I went to university with on Instagram who I'd had a short fling with. This was 10 years ago. I don't know why I did it, I'm seeing two rich and highly educated women at the moment, but one of them was being an arsehole earlier and implied I was a creep (she later apologised for it but I have a feeling she'll make a habit of it). The other is nice and actually very interesting to talk with but at the same time I'm not sure I'm attracted to her physically.

Anyway the other lass has accepted and she's dropping me messages asking how I'm doing and that. She's quite the opposite of the lasses I'm seeing, stunningly attractive but, well I have a common English name and she's spelt it wrong. She's one of those girlfriends where it's more of a dependant relationship. I don't know what I'm doing, it's not like we'd ever have a deeper connection to form a relationship but at the same time she feels safe and I bumbled along and ended up in her inbox. Maybe I was just chasing an ego-boost and monstrously know she would be up for trying again.
>> No. 462364 Anonymous
7th January 2024
Sunday 10:30 pm
462364 spacer

For fucks sake I'm just describing the old triangle.
>> No. 462371 Anonymous
8th January 2024
Monday 11:30 am
462371 spacer

Really does ring true doesn't it. I think I'm doomed to either stay single, or have either really thick or mental girlfriends, because while I started out with low standards, as soon as I'd had my first properly fit girlfriend, I couldn't go back. Appearance matters, and when you realise slim birds don't snore like suffocating pigs and smell like fucking crisps all the time, the chubbies lose a lot of their appeal.

I had a disastrous weekend with a lass over the new year. She wasn't terrible looking, but she didn't have much going for her either, and I realised I'd made a mistake inviting her over after about the first hour. But then I was stuck with her because she'd pre-booked her train. I did the deed but I felt absolutely no gratification from it, and I couldn't wait to kick her out. On that triangle she would just be a dot smack bang in the centre.
>> No. 462375 Anonymous
8th January 2024
Monday 5:41 pm
462375 spacer
I don't know lad. I'm sure if we had to choose one we'd all pick good looking but at the same time it feels like most people settle for someone they tolerate and who meets some nebulous minimum standards for social attractiveness. Maybe we're supposed to tell our biology to eat shit forever and just try to find a partner that's not annoying.

>I did the deed but I felt absolutely no gratification from it, and I couldn't wait to kick her out

I've been there many times before, where you don't want to do it but you have to take one for the team out of societal standards. In one example at the end of a relationship with a hefty lass I had to come pick up when she was drunk and have her smothering me when I just wanted to go to sleep and her loving it when I gave in and did what she wanted. Yes, I understand that's pretty much the sex-life of straight women, but still.
>> No. 462386 Anonymous
9th January 2024
Tuesday 2:10 am
462386 spacer
The last time this happened Hadrian sent his best general all the way from Britannia along with 12 legions. He also repopulated the area with Greeks I think, but desperate times and all that.
>> No. 462467 Anonymous
13th January 2024
Saturday 4:47 pm
462467 spacer
I wonder when someone will be found dead in their goon cave for the first time. Possibly it's already happened.
>> No. 462468 Anonymous
13th January 2024
Saturday 5:23 pm
462468 spacer
I don't fully know what a goon cave is, but I would argue that Michael Hutchence and whichever Carradine it was were found in similar ways to what you're proposing.
>> No. 463148 Anonymous
15th March 2024
Friday 1:39 pm
463148 spacer

Would it be worth having a thread about the various long-reads we'd recommend?

I recently read about how close we might be to cracking communication with humpback whales and how much we already know about their society and its tribes. Then it gets really sad when people stop to think about what we should actually say to whales.

>Before we put these questions to a sperm whale unit, we’d have to think hard about whether we’d act on the answers. Kristin Andrews told me a heartbreaking story about a chimpanzee named Bruno who was taught sign language at the University of Oklahoma. Bruno was encouraged to build his whole life around the practice of asking humans for things. But after a few years, the scientists’ grant ran out and he was transferred to a different facility. When one of the lab’s scientists visited him there, he was distressed to see that Bruno seemed upset. He kept signing Key and Out. The scientist had taught the chimpanzee to communicate, but even in the face of a clear request, the scientist couldn’t help him. “If these whales start saying Go away; make the ships leave, what will we do?” Andrews said. And how will it reflect on us as a society if we ignore them?

I suppose we'd end up treating whales as we do any other society that lives on the periphery. Maybe we'd be even worse once the mystery is lost and they become just another community standing in the way of commerce who should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
>> No. 463149 Anonymous
15th March 2024
Friday 2:59 pm
463149 spacer

The second episode of the TV show Extrapolations revolves around that. It's a good show but a difficult watch.
>> No. 463170 Anonymous
16th March 2024
Saturday 12:00 pm
463170 spacer

Is there actually anything novel about the concept of "gooning" or is it just a new redundant word the zoomers have come up with for the pre-existing kinks of edging and orgasm denial? Either way I don't like it and they can fuck off.

I can't believe how utterly shit the generation that came after us is, like I am viscerally disappointed in their culture and humour. We gave them so much to work with and they just came out retarded instead.


It's sad that we'd really need that communication to be able to empathise with them. Is that a barrier for most people? It'll be funny when we crack communicating with dolphins and it turns our they're sexually aggressive racists and suddenly pink hairs are okay with polluting their habitats to extinction.
>> No. 463176 Anonymous
16th March 2024
Saturday 3:16 pm
463176 spacer
Looking at humpbacks it's actually blokes who almost certainly won't like being outcasts to a matriarchal society. We won't even simulate a whale-lad to talk to them because they'll just tell you to fuck off. Purps will have to do a location ban on the ocean to stop them making threads here about their frustrations and sharing pictures of suspiciously young looking whales.

In a way it will be like The Sparrow where we project onto them our views of the world and then get utterly horrified that the universe doesn't give a monkeys about human morality. Or how you can right now set up a microphone to translate birdsong but then you have an endless chorus of basic data and threats so we all just pretend that we can't do that.
>> No. 463191 Anonymous
16th March 2024
Saturday 10:53 pm
463191 spacer

It makes a lot more sense we'd be the militant speciesists of the galaxy rather than the pinnacle or space borne civility.
>> No. 463259 Anonymous
19th March 2024
Tuesday 6:26 pm
463259 spacer
I just watched a video where a young Yank lad flies his little prop plane across the country. Obviously you've got to be from a certain kind of background for learning to fly and buying a plane in your early 20s to be a possibility at all, no matter how cheaply you try to do it, but it wasn't jealousy or bitterness about the blind accident of birth and privilege that this video stirred in me (for a change).

More than anything it reminded me of being a young lad and passing my driving test, and how ace it felt to get in my car and know I could just fuck off, anywhere I liked, and actually be in control of where I was going for myself. I think some anti-car people just don't get that at all, when you grew up in the sort of place I did, how profoundly liberating that is. How important it is. God knows how I'd have ended up if I never learned to drive, if I'd have been stuck in that bleak little mining village with the bus to town once an hour. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have had any serious relationships, I wouldn't have achieved any of the things I am proud of in my younger years, I would have basically been the typical NEET instead.

But most of all, I remember how everything used to seem like an adventure back then. I remember early on after I passed my test I drove my little VW all the way to Sheffield to meet up with a lad I knew off the internet. But it seemed like half the country away, towns like that were these far off exotic places I only went to on the train every so often, when in reality it was only about 20 miles or so. I'd go on long trips with mates to see gigs and all that. It always seemed like we were heading out somewhere unknown and exciting.

Nowadays, I never feel that. Even when I am getting on a plane to fly to some European city I've never set foot in, it never feels as exciting. It almost feels routine. And the same feeling of familiarity and mundanity has crept into a great many aspects of my life. I need a change, but that's part of the problem- Nothing feels like a change. I have experienced a lot of different things in my life, and while I by no means think I have seen everything life has to offer, not even close, I am starting to feel this general, abstract "been there, done that" kind of sensation about life.

Is this why blokes have breakdowns and buy motorbikes?
>> No. 463260 Anonymous
19th March 2024
Tuesday 6:48 pm
463260 spacer

>Is this why blokes have breakdowns and buy motorbikes?

Also why a lot of middle-aged blokes get into cycling. Bikers and cyclists will just go out for a ride - a run out with your mates, or just a solo ride on a Saturday morning where you head out in no particular direction and see where the road takes you.
>> No. 463267 Anonymous
19th March 2024
Tuesday 10:13 pm
463267 spacer

I really will have to save up a few hundred quid for that mountain bike and visit a few parks this summer then.
>> No. 463270 Anonymous
19th March 2024
Tuesday 11:32 pm
463270 spacer
> few hundred quid for that mountain bike
Add a zero
>> No. 463271 Anonymous
19th March 2024
Tuesday 11:32 pm
463271 spacer
> few hundred quid for that mountain bike
Add a zero
>> No. 463272 Anonymous
20th March 2024
Wednesday 12:09 am
463272 spacer
Fucking hell, who has Russia invaded now?
>> No. 463274 Anonymous
20th March 2024
Wednesday 1:14 am
463274 spacer
Nah, you can get a perfectly serviceable bike for under a grand even if you buy new, particularly if you can do without shocks. Buy something with a decent frame and the rest can be fixed later as and when needed.
>> No. 463281 Anonymous
20th March 2024
Wednesday 11:00 am
463281 spacer

If I was shopping in the range of 4-500, what would you suggest? The last bike I owned was only about 150 quid and it was nice enough but I only rode it to work so it didn't need to be amazing.

From what I understand a rear shock is a luxury at that price range and it's hard to get actually decent dual suspension cheaply but a front shock is still ideal if you're actually going to be on rough ground.

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